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LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats? LOL CHRIS CHRISTIE: But Guys, Don't You Remember All Those Scandals Involving Democrats?

01-10-2014 , 08:37 PM
grunching,, but this crap is overblown. if christie is really behind closing three freaking lanes on a local access road to the gwb ,, honestly, he is wasting his time and a person that hands on should not be into politics, besides , these politards do this **** all the time.
01-10-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Jesus christ ikes. You don't need to take the contrarian position in every thread just for the sake of it. You're going to end up looking like a jackass.
End up? End up???

Well actually I could see how you could make that mistake. We are pretty far from ended up, so far that we can't see it anymore. But it's not down the road. It's wayyyyyy back down the other way. We're talking thousands and thousands of posts ago.
01-10-2014 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
I'll take action on CC resigning as well.

like I said, I'm wanting to see action on "anything". Name something you actually do think will happen and we'll hammer out the terms.
I am not claiming that I know what will happen with CC. Not enough facts are out yet.

The original argument was whether the alleged conduct falls inside NJ's statute for official misconduct. On that point, you and Ike are completely off the rails. You likewise are off the rails when you it comes to equating prosecution with factual guilt. Kelly and the others could be factually guilty of the alleged conduct and not prosecuted for a multitude of reasons.

The fact that I am a lawyer does not mean that I am right and that you and Ike are wrong, but it certainly gives me confidence in my own opinion. I assume that if Ike and I were debating how to diagnose appendicitis, he would feel the same degree of confidence based on the fact that he has medical training and I do not.
01-10-2014 , 09:10 PM
Thread has officially arrived in aidstown.
01-10-2014 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Thread has officially arrived in aidstown.
Nothing delays travel on the thread aids expressway.
01-10-2014 , 09:17 PM
Steering back to topicville:

"Reversing over 25 years of PA (Port Authority) GWB (George Washington Bridge) operations, the three lanes in Fort Lee eastbound to the GWB were reduced to one lane on Monday of this week without notifying Fort Lee, the communication public we serve," wrote Patrick Foye, the executive director, on September 13. "I am appalled by the lack of process, failure to inform our customers and Fort Lee and most of all by the dangers created to the public interest."

In his e-mail, which was sent to a number of high ranking officials on the Port Authority, Foye said, "I pray that no life has been lost or trip of a hospital- or hospice-bound patient delayed."

You start getting some criminal charges against the aides and they may start singing about Christie. How did the investigators come up with personal emails anyway?
01-10-2014 , 09:18 PM
If you like your HOV lane you can keep your HOV lane.
01-10-2014 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Um, yeah, no. That article doesn't back up what you said at all. I'd accuse you of lying, but I think you just suck at reading comprehension and somewhere in your imagination it actually happened.
Sorry at work. I didn't read that was just first one I came across on google. The ACLU has done a detailed report on it though. However, it's not even close he is the worst for civil liberties and his administration is the most aggressive towards whistleblowers etc etc
01-10-2014 , 09:33 PM
Looks like old age got her and not CC.
01-10-2014 , 09:38 PM
Some of the GOP are clinging onto Christie like drowning men hanging onto straws.

We need a black horse.

Christie was never the answer.
01-10-2014 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I am not claiming that I know what will happen with CC. Not enough facts are out yet.
I don't claim to know what will happen either, but I'm willing to put up some cash if the price is right.

The original argument was whether the alleged conduct falls inside NJ's statute for official misconduct. On that point, you and Ike are completely off the rails. You likewise are off the rails when you it comes to equating prosecution with factual guilt. Kelly and the others could be factually guilty of the alleged conduct and not prosecuted for a multitude of reasons.
lol wut

where did I say anything about whether the alleged conduct was or was not in violation of any statute???

The fact that I am a lawyer does not mean that I am right and that you and Ike are wrong, but it certainly gives me confidence in my own opinion. I assume that if Ike and I were debating how to diagnose appendicitis, he would feel the same degree of confidence based on the fact that he has medical training and I do not.
cool story bro
01-10-2014 , 10:01 PM
pvn if you don't claim to know what will happen, how will you know if the price is right?

I'll give you 1:1 million that someone is charged with a crime at some point before the sun explodes. Come on, put your money where your mouth isn't.
01-10-2014 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
pvn if you don't claim to know what will happen, how will you know if the price is right?

you must be great at poker
01-10-2014 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
C'mon. If somebody is charged under this statute, do you think his defense will be "But we technically had the authority to shut down the lanes, therefore the statute does not apply"? Seems pretty clear that "in an unauthorized manner" could be applied to what is currently known.
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Defendants get the benefit of the doubt in our legal system.
They aren't defendants until they are charged.

Edit: nevermind, missed the if charges are filed prerequisite in the first post

Last edited by dessin d'enfant; 01-10-2014 at 10:24 PM.
01-10-2014 , 10:14 PM
Lol at the pvn haterz this ain't the Iron Bowl, son. golfnutt threw down the gauntlet and got called out here the rest of you can land the lawnmowers.
01-10-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
ok dude

WSJ clearly scooped all the other news guys by three months.
If that's what you took from what I was talking about......
01-10-2014 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by pvn

you must be great at poker
Like, dude, you're the one who brought up betting in the first place. It's really weird for you to step up to some guy with "Do you want to put yer money where your mouth is?" and then expect the other guy to set the line.
01-10-2014 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Like, dude, you're the one who brought up betting in the first place. It's really weird for you to step up to some guy with "Do you want to put yer money where your mouth is?" and then expect the other guy to set the line.
That's a standard DVault thing, someone says "I really think something something is likely/unlikely" then DVault says "OK what line are you offering".
01-10-2014 , 10:28 PM
@Deuces - I forgot Ike ran against a bald guy, Adlai Stevenson, twice. LOL I guess you are right.
01-10-2014 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
where did I say anything about whether the alleged conduct was or was not in violation of any statute???
The Duker said:

"Seems pretty clear that "in an unauthorized manner" could be applied to what is currently known."

You replied:


that's not clear at all

I mean basically the whole legal profession is built on the opposite assumption"

I guess that i took your reply as an opinion on the scope of the statute. Was I wrong?
01-10-2014 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I wonder if all the liberals who bought into lolIkes lawyering in the Trayvon thread are now having second thoughts.
Don't think you want to bring that up buddy. You were thoroughly massacred itt
01-10-2014 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
pvn if you don't claim to know what will happen, how will you know if the price is right?

I'll give you 1:1 million that someone is charged with a crime at some point before the sun explodes. Come on, put your money where your mouth isn't.
oh good god you are ****ing terrible at poker arent you?
01-11-2014 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Christie will be twice the president that Bush or Obama was.
Do you really think he's that fat?
01-11-2014 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by pvn

you must be great at poker
Originally Posted by ikestoys
oh good god you are ****ing terrible at poker arent you?
lol what a tag team here. pvn makes a complete non sequitor, ikes has no idea what's going on but repeats it, because OMG SOMEBODY WANTS TO BE IKESY'S FRIEND.

PVN won't know if the "price is right" unless he has an idea what the true line is. Unless this is just pure degeneracy and pvn just needs the action?

It kind seems like pvn is having a little bit of a "8 years of Hillary" prebreakdown here. Now, in past, he's seen DVaut and others use prop betting to bring people down a peg and he tries to mimic that, but he clearly never really understood how that worked.

You aren't supposed to say "anything", pvn. You're supposed to want to bet them about the thing that they are wrong about.

Last edited by FlyWf; 01-11-2014 at 12:57 AM.
01-11-2014 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
That's a standard DVault thing, someone says "I really think something something is likely/unlikely" then DVault says "OK what line are you offering".
Sometimes people do that, but the way that you get the same point across while skipping several steps is you set a line yourself and ask them for action.

E.g. "If you're so sure charges will be filed*, will you give me 3:1 on nobody being charged? 2:1? What odds will it take?"

And then they admit they want the odds and you declare victory.

*Note, in this thread pvn literally invented that people were sure charges would be filed, he's mostly been arguing with a guy saying that the statute has been violated, which is obviously an entirely distinct question. So there's no way to prop bet that, which makes this entire thing pointless. Which, amazingly, pvn appears to have realized so he's posting nonsense like
like I said, I'm wanting to see action on "anything". Name something you actually do think will happen and we'll hammer out the terms.
Which indicates he thinks his opponents are wrong about everything? pvn believes he has some systematic edge in predicting the future over any comer. Bold stance.

Last edited by FlyWf; 01-11-2014 at 01:05 AM.
