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Israel Palestine Israel Palestine

04-07-2019 , 05:39 PM
Y'all have gone full "prison is bad when it traumatizes jailers."

Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
Demands "context", ignores basis for military checkpoints.
Area C, at a minimum, has been permanently annexed and the settlements continue to expand. That's the context of today and the future. And I as I guessed, only the pain of occupation soldiers even registers with you.

Last edited by Bill Haywood; 04-07-2019 at 05:46 PM.
04-07-2019 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
ignores basis for military checkpoints.
This sort of thinking is so common; it quickly becomes dueling atrocities receding back in time until who committed the original sin is established. I say Sabra-Shatilla, you say Munich Olympics.

I'll condense things by going right back to the 1920s and 1930s when the Yishuv was buying up tracts of land. Then the Arab tenant farmers were evicted by the new owners, producing displacement of peasants numbering 300k or 800k (books are at the office). By constructing a labor system based on ethno-nationalism, the Yishuv guaranteed conflict and fed right into the Arab Rebellion. "Transfer" was always the aim of the ideologues, but now it was facts on the ground driving it.

Now you say "Dreyfus."

Conclusion: nationalism is a miserable trap that many people here are still ensnared in.

Edit: Changed my mind, Ima declare the 1924 Origins Act, passed by my people, the wasps, as the original sin responsible for contemporary Israel/Palestine conflict. Without US restrictions on refugee immigration from European pograms and the Holocaust, there'd be no Israel. And we'd have national health.

Last edited by Bill Haywood; 04-07-2019 at 07:23 PM.
04-07-2019 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
That is the reality, is it not? The two state ship has sailed; the settlements saw to that.

What remains to be seen is how long it will take for all the people in the single state to get citizenship.
There are no Israeli settlements in gaza or area A or Area B are there?
04-08-2019 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Imo that's BS. Maybe 25 years ago that was true, but since the assassination of Rabin and collapse of Oslo, the ****ing right wing Trump-like *******s have mostly been in control of Israel and they days when you could argue that anything like a majority of Israelis or the Israeli government are hoping for peace and acting defensively instead of offensively are long gone.
Why would they want a 2SS? The status quo is great. West Bank mostly quiescent, Hamas tamed, BDS a total nonentity, Arab governments wanting to make peace. As long as you can handwave your government's treatment of Palestinians why risk that cushty situation?

The logical conclusion of ^^^ is boycott/sanctions are needed for Israel to come to the table. Either that or some sort of mass disobedience movement like the first intifada (which might be fine) or a military threat (not great).
04-08-2019 , 05:30 PM
Let's see what the Kushner plan actually is
04-08-2019 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Let's see what the Kushner plan actually is
Not that these morons can come up with good strategy, but a good one would be for them to have some kind of compromise plan that involves something like big concessions from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan etc that don't threaten Trump's 100% support Israel position yet look like an attempt to be fair to Palestinians - regardless of whether or not there's any chance or even intent to follow through.
04-09-2019 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Why would they want a 2SS? The status quo is great. West Bank mostly quiescent, Hamas tamed, BDS a total nonentity, Arab governments wanting to make peace. As long as you can handwave your government's treatment of Palestinians why risk that cushty situation?

The logical conclusion of ^^^ is boycott/sanctions are needed for Israel to come to the table. Either that or some sort of mass disobedience movement like the first intifada (which might be fine) or a military threat (not great).
Israel is creating what Marx used to call 'internal contradictions', and Marx was a tosspot, obviously, but not always wrong. The two-state solution doesn't exist and never did, it's a bit of window-dressing the Israelis use to kid the Americans. Israel will never tolerate a Palestinian state and the only plan is the status quo forever, but with knobs on: as Netanyahu said some years ago, 'One state, two peoples, and they must agree to be ruled by us,' which is fairly basic original Herzl doctrine anyway.

They were always going to seize East Jerusalem and the West Bank -- it would have made no difference if the Arabs had agreed to the UN Partition Plan of '47, a pretext for attack would have been found (Dayan himself said that Israel had to create enemies in order to gain territory) -- and they are now overtly moving to annexation. At present, on the face of it, they are just going to annexe the 'settlements', but the rest will follow and, in light of the new nationality law, there will be a full apartheid system. (That is, after all, the whole point of the new nationality law.) As Lieberman has already proposed, a loyalty oath will be brought in which most Arab-Israelis won't be able to sign because it will embody Jewish ethnic supremacy, so Arabs will be disqualified from citizenship, so Israel can move to full annexation without losing the Jewish voter majority. The Israeli right think this will solve all their problems. But it will only be the beginning of their problems.

'Boycotts and sanctions' are just play-acting. But Israel may well implode some day due to the internal contradictions that the Israeli right are busily creating.
04-09-2019 , 02:09 PM
Israel can live with a 2 state solution but would never ever ever give up East Jerusalem or the surrounding areas hence why they increase settlements in area c. But ther would give up military control of gaza and area a ablnd b
04-09-2019 , 04:59 PM
Have you ever been to 'east jerusalem'? It's already divided. Just empty words shouted by the right (and whatever the **** the 'center' is) because whenever you say jerusalem people turn extra nationalists.
04-09-2019 , 05:03 PM
So Bibi Trumpy yahoo wins easily right?
04-09-2019 , 05:06 PM
04-09-2019 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
as Netanyahu said some years ago, 'One state, two peoples, and they must agree to be ruled by us,' which is fairly basic original Herzl doctrine anyway

Haj Amin al-Husseini said in March 1948 to an interviewer in a Jaffa daily Al Sarih that the Arabs did not intend merely to prevent partition but "would continue fighting until the Zionists were Annihilated".

Azzam Pasha, the General Secretary of the Arab League, ... told Alec Kirkbride: "We will sweep them [the Jews] into the sea"
04-09-2019 , 05:10 PM
afaict both sides are claiming victory?

(in this election)
04-09-2019 , 05:13 PM
3m ago

•Exit polls show Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz neck and neck in Israel’s parliamentary election. A series of the polls – which can be unreliable – showed the pair tied, or Gantz with a narrow lead.

•Both Netanyahu and Gantz swiftly declared victory. But in reality neither Netanyahu’s Likud party nor Gantz’s Blue and White will know the results for several hours.

•In any case, the winner of the popular vote is less important than who can form a government. Neither candidate is likely to win a clear majority, so it will be the job of Israel’s president, Reuven Rivlin, to see which party has the best chance of forming a coalition government.

04-09-2019 , 05:16 PM
this article suggests Rivlin breaks with Netanyahu's stance on Israeli Arabs
04-09-2019 , 05:17 PM
Does the largest party not get first dibs?
04-09-2019 , 07:06 PM
Doesn't look like we're going to know the winner for a few days
04-09-2019 , 07:08 PM
lol, i will tell you the winner right now.

No, the biggest party doesn't get 'first dib'. Netanyahu will be the next PM 100%. It's not close either.

Gantz have no possible way to form a coalition. The only way it even looks close is with the Arab parties (one of them might not make it because the threshold is 4 seats) and that's kinda bull**** as they won't sit with Gantz and vice versa.

It's over.
04-09-2019 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by iamnotawerewolf
this article suggests Rivlin breaks with Netanyahu's stance on Israeli Arabs

I'm not sure i fully understand this either
04-09-2019 , 09:17 PM
I explained it here before but you seem confused about the way Israeli elections work. Rivlin's job is symbolic. He is not in a position to challenge the results when they are as clear cut as these. Gantz have no possible way to form a coalition.

The biggest trick Bibi pulled is to make the 'left' (Gantz isn't actually left but whatever) so illegitimate, that parties like the ultra-orthodox that used to go with whoever offers them the most have already pledged to recommend Netanyahu.

There are some funny/bright spot as Bennet's party might be out of the Knesset all together. Feiglin, who is an insane mixture of AC Libertarian, Messianic deranged and apartheid aficionado is also out even though his campaign was extremely public and he was getting 6-7 seats in the polls.
04-09-2019 , 09:28 PM
Bibi got this in the bag. Between Likud, Orthodox parties, and right wing parties, Bibi is probably going to get just short of 60% of the seats.
04-09-2019 , 09:31 PM
There was also a very low turnout in the Arab population based on the results.
04-09-2019 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Yuv
There was also a very low turnout in the Arab population based on the results.
Because they liked neither party?
04-09-2019 , 10:02 PM
There are traditionally three Arab parties that all float around 4 MK's. When Liberman passed a law that changes the minimum amount of seats a party can get from 2 to 4 (meaning if a Party receives less than 4-seats worth of votes, all their votes are treated as void) they combined into one list. The Joint List received 13 seats, which made it the 3rd largest party in the Knesset.

This time they split up again. Two parties formed a new list while a third one (Balad, the more nationalist one) ran on its on. Currently it appears that the joint list will receive 5-6 seats while Balad will receive none as it below the 4-seats threshold.

In essence, they might from 13 seats to 6. If Balad end up crossing the threshold the drop will be less drastic but still significant.

Why? I guess overall depression? Who knows. I mean it's possible they just voted to Zionists parties in higher percentage. We'll wait for the full results.
04-10-2019 , 07:58 AM
Honest question:

Can Arabs rent AirBNB rooms in the WB settlements?
