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Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington) Alabama Special Election (Roy Moore diddles, GOP thumbs up, Mr. Jones goes to Washington)

11-27-2017 , 06:58 PM
Project veritas mayyyybe should have a work-from-home policy.
11-27-2017 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Wait wait wait. Hold up. Let me get this straight.

Donald Trump actually donated real money to someone?
Or... did he "hire" them?
11-27-2017 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Wait wait wait. Hold up. Let me get this straight.

Donald Trump actually donated real money to someone?
Farenthold says his charity donated to them. If he is talking about the Trump Foundation, that means Trump donated other people's real money to Project Veritas. Iirc, Trump did not put one dime of his own money into the foundation after 2007ish.
11-27-2017 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
Farenthold says his charity donated to them. If he is talking about the Trump Foundation, that means Trump donated other people's real money to Project Veritas. Iirc, Trump did not put one dime of his own money into the foundation after 2007ish.
Oh thank goodness. This all makes sense. My world was about to be shaken there for a moment.
11-27-2017 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Man, these people never think past step 2.
With something like this, it's honestly more like they lack a comprehensive theory of mind.
11-27-2017 , 07:08 PM
I think something that it's absolutely impossible for rich kids who go to the best schools and think the West Wing to understand is that regular people think all powerful people are dip****s.

That's why "Donald Trump is an *******! He is sexually inappropriate with women! He screws over his vendors" didn't connect. Man, that's every rich ******* to a voter. To a lot of people his flaws can get papered over as almost a positive, "hey, at least he's upfront about it, not like obviously phony Hillary and her circle of obviously phony lackeys."
11-27-2017 , 07:10 PM
With something like this, it's honestly more like they lack a comprehensive theory of mind.
More like they're lazy and part of the huge right wing grift machine where money falls from angry billionaires onto the laps of lazy idiots who couldn't give a **** if they get caught doing trolling shenanigans. What's going to happen, the morally upstanding wing of the right is going to fault Project Veritas for their brazen lack of journalistic ethics?
11-27-2017 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I think something that it's absolutely impossible for rich kids who go to the best schools and think the West Wing to understand is that regular people think all powerful people are dip****s.

That's why "Donald Trump is an *******! He is sexually inappropriate with women! He screws over his vendors" didn't connect. Man, that's every rich ******* to a voter. To a lot of people his flaws can get papered over as almost a positive, "hey, at least he's upfront about it, not like obviously phony Hillary and her circle of obviously phony lackeys."
I think the other thing that we've probably moved beyond now but you still see SOME of is the idea that right-wing mega rich or the GOP, etc. are going to be deeply shamed having reconsidered their past associations with O'Keefe and Project Veritas or championing their work or whatever.

They don't give a ****. Being bumbling trolling idiots is THE POINT. That's what rich morons think journalism is, a big gotcha from uptight nerds out to cause them trouble.

It's critical to remember right wing gonzo journalism like Milo, like Breitbart, like O'Keefe is functionally a semi bluff. Either the WaPo or Democrats or whoever their targets are get a black eye, or journalism writ large is debased. They're satisfied with either outcome: it's all liberal leftist muckracking fake news, or it's all bull**** fake news. Either way the people who cut checks to Project Vertias type projects (e.g., Donald ****ing Trump) can live with either outcome.

This gets back to "how to treat reactionary right wingers" and not normalize Trump, but remember, the circus atmosphere helps them either way. Obviously it's funny watching O'Keefe get clowned on but it's just a symbol of how highly degraded the atmosphere is, and they've already gamed a lot of Barely Sentient America to only partly understand any of this and it's all just a circus atmosphere they thrive in, even when they're the clowns.
11-27-2017 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
More like they're lazy and part of the huge right wing grift machine where money falls from angry billionaires onto the laps of lazy idiots who couldn't give a **** if they get caught doing trolling shenanigans. What's going to happen, the morally upstanding wing of the right is going to fault Project Veritas for their brazen lack of journalistic ethics?
11-27-2017 , 07:21 PM
Peter Thiel is obviously smart, but if I had one guess it would be that he started hating humanity when he discovered he was gay as a teenager.
11-27-2017 , 07:28 PM
Remember that the dullards in P7 routinely cited O'Keefe.
He's failed in every story he's ever attempted and is currently suing his insurer because they won't back him for the many lawsuits he is facing.
The only times he's "succeeded" was because the media ran with it before fact checking and the pitchforks got out.

Last edited by aoFrantic; 11-27-2017 at 07:36 PM.
11-27-2017 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Peter Thiel is obviously smart
What are you basing this on?
11-27-2017 , 08:03 PM
Anyone who is voting for Moore is going to see that headline and think "see, all of those allegations are fake nooz"
11-27-2017 , 08:10 PM
Yeah. "Did you hear? They even had that fake lady pretending to get have an abortion to Roy Moore!" is definitely a good thing for him.

The muddier the water, the better it is.
11-27-2017 , 08:13 PM
At least when we're in the gulag we can all laugh about how "dumb" these Nazis are, right?
11-27-2017 , 08:17 PM
that's my plan so far
11-27-2017 , 08:31 PM
The WaPo cut through Richard Nixon's layers of deception, how does O'Keefe think his clowny ass is going to outfox them?

But on Monday morning, Post reporters saw her walking into the New York offices of Project Veritas, an organization that targets the mainstream news media and left-leaning groups.
Just happened to see her walking into the office? lol, they totally put a tail on her.
11-27-2017 , 08:40 PM
Sounds like they hired Casey Anthony.
11-27-2017 , 08:40 PM
the craziest part is that she repeatedly tried to press the wapo reporters to tell her (on "tape") that her story would make roy moore lose the race. like, she doesn't even know what a newspaper is. she thinks the washington post is some government agency that rigs the voting system in alabama for liberals. it's so moronic and delusional. she's the female version of the pizzagate machine gun guy
11-27-2017 , 08:57 PM

mission accomplished
11-27-2017 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
the craziest part is that she repeatedly tried to press the wapo reporters to tell her (on "tape") that her story would make roy moore lose the race. like, she doesn't even know what a newspaper is. she thinks the washington post is some government agency that rigs the voting system in alabama for liberals. it's so moronic and delusional. she's the female version of the pizzagate machine gun guy
She was doing that for a specific reason. She was trying to get video of a Washington Post reporter admitting to wanting Moore to lose and/or to trying to impact the race. That was probably a huge goal in her mission.
11-27-2017 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian

mission accomplished
What the ****
11-27-2017 , 09:36 PM
Can anyone sue Veritas?
11-27-2017 , 09:38 PM
I guess this is their rebuttal?

11-27-2017 , 09:39 PM
Lots of people are suing Project Veritas, but the only person I can think of who has a case against them for this is Moore.
