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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

11-04-2016 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Read that out loud, Tens of millions for SPEECHES. It is pretty obvious she was doing something in return for them to get paid that much for them on top of the fact that she wont ever release her speeches made to Goldman Sachs.
11-04-2016 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Read that out loud, Tens of millions for SPEECHES. It is pretty obvious she was doing something in return for them to get paid that much for them on top of the fact that she wont ever release her speeches made to Goldman Sachs.

Pretty obvious, guys. Also the transcripts came out and guess what - no conservative wishcast promises came true! It's almost like everything they say is innuendo and wink wink without any actual evidence of wrongdoing...
11-04-2016 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by JPantz
Like Trump right? Donald Trump does not give one single **** about anyone but himself. His whole entire M.O. is personal gain.
The standard argument from you guys. When you know Clinton is as corrupt as it gets, the topic turns to "But trump does xxxx" Never fails.
11-04-2016 , 05:19 PM
Anti-Hillary people just know things, guys (ps none of those things are like science or how facts work). And [assumed] political corruption is just the worst type, the Trump style business and paying off AG corruption is standard.

Tried doing some phone banking but it's kinda stressful alone, would be way easier st an event. Also no one picking up likely on account of my out of state area code.
11-04-2016 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Read that out loud, Tens of millions for SPEECHES.
It's expensive to book a future president of the USA as a speaker.
11-04-2016 , 05:25 PM
Regarding speaking fees, I've heard speakers (including Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, and Jay Leno) command $100 grand for speaking at our big national conference for like an hour and a half of unoriginal material. Seems pretty easy to rack up millions at that rate - poor use of resources imo since people would come anyway but that's the game.
11-04-2016 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
It's a bit ridiculous to not have Election Day as a national holiday when Columbus Day is.

Either that or they could do what Spain does and have elections on Sundays.
Can't do that because then too many African-Americans would be able to vote obviously

11-04-2016 , 05:27 PM
So her speeches are worth 200k each right? Keep living in denial guys. No one is worth that much just to give a speech

"What's more, the investigation revealed that many of the groups had federal contracts or lobbied the Clinton State Department. Some even had direct contact with Clinton or her top aides while she was secretary of state."

"While Clinton has said the fees won't influence her decisions as president, her critics feel differently. Democratic rival Bernie Sanders has made it a key point of his campaign against her."
11-04-2016 , 05:29 PM
Not only that, she has openly said she has a public and private opinion on certain topics which translates to, I will tell you one thing and then do whatever I can behind your back to benefit myself and who I want to benefit
11-04-2016 , 05:29 PM
I mean a simple google search would have shown you the going rate for speeches from famous political figures. Here's just one example:
11-04-2016 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
So her speeches are worth 200k each right? Keep living in denial guys. No one is worth that much just to give a speech

"What's more, the investigation revealed that many of the groups had federal contracts or lobbied the Clinton State Department. Some even had direct contact with Clinton or her top aides while she was secretary of state."

"While Clinton has said the fees won't influence her decisions as president, her critics feel differently. Democratic rival Bernie Sanders has made it a key point of his campaign against her."
Nevermind the bs, we have republicans complaining about Goldman Sachs having the ear of a president. Republicans!?! What is the world coming to?
11-04-2016 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
He's one of those people that doesn't have any idea just how much a major book deal is worth

Our being honorary chair of a for profit school. That **** pays like 5m/yr.
11-04-2016 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Read that out loud, Tens of millions for SPEECHES. It is pretty obvious she was doing something in return for them to get paid that much for them on top of the fact that she wont ever release her speeches made to Goldman Sachs.
From this 2013 article:
6. Rudy Giuliani: The former New York mayor is no stranger to the speaker circuit and is eagerly fattening his bank accounts since we last saw him in office. According to the Washington Post, Giuliani submitted a financial disclosure report when he was still on the presidential campaign trail in 2007, which revealed a whopping total $9.2 million earned for speaking fees 13 months. MSN reported that his highest-paid event was at a private equity firm, Sage Capital Group, in 2005, which earned Giuliani $270,000. During the Occupy movement, Giulianisneered at the idea of regular people protesting Wall Street predation, and boasted that he would have “booted” the protesters on day one. Perhaps such public braying enhances his speaker fees from a certain appreciative sector.

7. George W. Bush: According to Yahoo News, former president Bush has taken in around $110,000 per speech since leaving office. He doesn’t quite match Bill Clinton in the Cashing In Olympics, but he’s still piled up at least $15 million since vacating the White House in 2009. According to Peter Stone at the Daily Beast, Bush could not make time in his schedule to speak at Ground Zero in New York after Osama bin Laden was killed, but he was certainly free the very next week to collect big bucks for “three separate speeches to hedge-fund executives, a Swiss bank sanctioned for keeping secret bank accounts, and a pro golf event underwritten by the accounting firm involved in the Tyco International financial scandal.” Among his more illustrious venues, Bush was keynote speaker at a regional conference at Morongo Casino Resort & Spa in June. Here’s betting he made a tidy sum on that one.

8. Sarah Palin: Former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has always had a keen sense of where the money is, and in her heyday, she commanded over $100,000 just for opening her mouth at a college you have probably never heard of. As Politico has revealed, Tea Party groups have handed over large sums to Palin, which is understandable considering her unwavering endorsements of their agenda. However, lately Palin has experienced a drop in popularity and her speaking fees have plummeted. In fact, she recently was obliged to pay her own travel expenses to speak for free to — egads! — a high school.
I wonder what these corrupt fellas were doing in return for those speaking fees!
11-04-2016 , 05:31 PM
Lol Trump getting 1.5mil per speech
11-04-2016 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
The standard argument from you guys. When you know Clinton is as corrupt as it gets, the topic turns to "But trump does xxxx" Never fails.
The irony of using the "she will do anything for personal gain" argument against Hillary when the alternative is Trump is rich.
11-04-2016 , 05:31 PM
i dont like the speeches thing tbh. the money involved is absurd and obscene and allowing soon-to-be-active politicians to go after money like that is just asking for trouble imo. i dont have a solution tho i note it doesnt seem to happen over here, PMs go make all their speaking fees money after serving rather than before. dunno what the rules are here or whether they are much different to over there

that said, anyone using it as a reason to vote for a literal game show host that doesnt know anything about anything is a confirmed buffoon
11-04-2016 , 05:32 PM
11-04-2016 , 05:33 PM
Clay Aiken gets 100-150k per speaking fee, what kind of favors does that get you?
11-04-2016 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
The irony of using the "she will do anything for personal gain" argument against Hillary when the alternative is Trump is rich.
Trump is rich from running business. Clinton is rich from politics. The difference is pretty clear here. This isn't irony at all.

Once again though this is not about Trump, not really sure why you guys resort to that when the discussion is Hillary. Oh wait, yes I do lol
11-04-2016 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Clay Aiken gets 100-150k per speaking fee, what kind of favors does that get you?

If his partner gets to be SOS his fees will double like magic! Let's try to be a little clear eyes here. She is better than Trump but that is an awful low bar.
11-04-2016 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Not only that, she has openly said she has a public and private opinion on certain topics which translates to, I will tell you one thing and then do whatever I can behind your back to benefit myself and who I want to benefit
Seems like bad strategy to say this openly

11-04-2016 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Trump is rich from running business. Clinton is rich from politics. The difference is pretty clear here. This isn't irony at all.

Once again though this is not about Trump, not really sure why you guys resort to that when the discussion is Hillary. Oh wait, yes I do lol

Dude you just got dunked on repeatedly with your dumb assertions, go join Inso0 in the quiet shame corner.
11-04-2016 , 05:36 PM

This isn't even Trump!

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 11-04-2016 at 05:42 PM.
11-04-2016 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Dude you just got dunked on repeatedly with your dumb assertions, go join Inso0 in the quiet shame corner.
I did not but ok
11-04-2016 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
So her speeches are worth 200k each right? Keep living in denial guys. No one is worth that much just to give a speech
Donald J. TRUMP is. In fact he apparently charges 5x what either Clinton does.

Note that this was written in 2012

Edit to add the rest of the list does include slick willie. As well as noted not using their office for personal gain luminaries Rudy Giuliani and Sarah palin
