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What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked?

03-29-2011 , 11:08 PM
Grandma's Boy - 18% on Rotten Tomatoes. I loved that but I'm biased to anything Linda Cardellini does

What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 11:09 PM
disliked tranformers 2

hadnt seen the first one maybe it was better. but man this was just bad.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 11:11 PM
A lot of the satire in Strangelove is too ephemeral to be funny or cutting in a post-cold war world, however all the performances are outstanding and the major themes are pretty brilliant albeit incredibly cynical even for Kubrick.

Edit: I just imdbed it and there is a minor role played by an actor named Glenn Beck lol
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by pocketas227
disliked tranformers 2

hadnt seen the first one maybe it was better. but man this was just bad.
Good Movie Reviews

FFS this is not "list a movie you hated"
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 11:30 PM
Inception is overwhelmingly average. Not even close to "the best movie of the 21st century so far" like it's touted to be. It's also nowhere near as intelligent or difficult to understand as many seem to believe.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 11:33 PM
People pretending "difficult to understand" is a good thing tilts me.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by pocketas227
disliked tranformers 2

hadnt seen the first one maybe it was better. but man this was just bad.
this thread, you do not understand it.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by Whitegoose
I absolutely hate The Dark Knight. I find it no "better" than a completely average superhero movie but a lot more boring, a lot less fun and without much of a plot. I hate The Hangover which is one of the most acclaimed comedies of all time; certainly of this generation. I laughed 3 times the whole movie and it basically could have been written by a 3rd grader. I also hate The Usual Suspects as to me it's a complete waste of time.

Three of my top 5 favorite all time movies are Transformers, The Island and Armageddon, all Michael Bay, all with mixed reviews, so there goes my movie credibility. Imo Bay embodies everything that movie cliches say a movie should be and takes it to perfection. Avatar also got blasted for its plot but it's freaking awesome.

haters gonna hate

Throw in Sucker Punch to the films I liked
wow you're ******ed. And I can safely say this I think.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 11:49 PM
I think critics are the only people who don't love Grandma's Boy
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 11:50 PM
If you don't go to SE much you haven't been exposed to WhiteGoose. Elaborate or lazy gimmick? Your choice!
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 03:45 AM
I found The King's Speech a tad slow but it was good overall.

I like the Rush Hour series and Adam Sandler shows like Mr Deeds. Don't think they were rated highly.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 03:47 AM
Apocalypse now, beautiful mind, 12 monkeys suck

Joe dirt, bring it on are awesome.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 03:51 AM
This thread tilts me pretty hard.

I don't think there is a movie that I've loved that everyone has hated and vice versa.

Also, people that hate "wall-e", Are you dead inside?

Edit: except for crash, **** that piece of **** overhyped movie. that movie can suck a bag of dicks. ****ing homophobic hollywood. half the writers/actors are ****ing gay yet they refuse to give BP to a gay movie. get ****ed hollywood.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by mikekelley13
Which brings me to an idea I've been wanting to pass around with you guys. I have an idea for a movie. It's year 2154. The largest luxury passenger spacecraft EVER has been constructed an is going to Mars for its maiden flight. I don't really want much focused on the actual spacecraft, but more rather on the cheesy love story between some poor dude that draws prostitutes and a rich girl that is sexually frustrated and emotionally distraught between money, her mother and her heart. Okay this is where it gets good. Mid voyage, the spacecraft is struck my a METEOR!!! All along the side of the entire spaceship. So, all the oxygen begins to leak out. The automatic doors that are supposed to seal off different compartments begin to fail. It's only a matter of time before all the oxygen is gone. There aren't enough life pods aboard for everyone. It becomes quickly obvious a lot of people are going to die. Will our young, dumb, and completely unrealistic new couple make it out alive?

Don't think I've ever seen a film like that. Think I've got something really good here.
Originally Posted by Whitegoose
I'd watch it. It sounds epic as hell if done correctly.

Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
wow you're ******ed. And I can safely say this I think.
yeah I think that's pretty safe to say
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by Xkf
really looking forward to some poker script that is supposedly circulating hollywood atm
You mean this one??
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:18 AM
Im confused with how rotten Tomatoes works, they have some pretty good movies(imo) rated at like 23% or something....meanwhile the same movie is a 7.7 on imdb
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:20 AM
I thought Memento was dumb as ****
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:22 AM
Critically panned movies I loved: Mystery Men

Critically acclaimed movies I disliked: Donnie Darko, Avatar
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by miajag
I've mentioned this before, but I've never liked Dr. Strangelove (and I'm a big fan of almost everything else Kubrick did).
I agree 100%.

I see/hear people all the time talking about how great and funny it is so I'll end up watching it every couple years hoping something's changed but it's still 1 of the most boring "great" movies I've ever seen.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:28 AM
I wonder what people on 2+2 think of Casablanca. Anyone who hates that movie should be ignored.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:31 AM
I walked out of "Crazy Heart", the film in which Jeff Bridges won an Academy Award for best actor. Maybe the good parts came after I left.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:50 AM
'good movies"

The Dark Knight -well done for a superhero movie, but Bale's voice makes me crack up. I just picture him in the sound booth contorting his throat to get the most guttural voice he can muster.

Inception - Like the Matrix before it, lots of 18-24 year olds think this is more profound than it really is.

"Bad Movies"

Point Break - The "intense" exchange between Keanu and Busey when they search the dumped car is hilariously bad, but I still love this show. Any movie where your loyalty is torn between the protagonist and antagonist is going to get extra points from me, as I have a tendency to root for the bad guy anyhow.

Captain Ron/Summer Rental/One Crazy Summer - Being grounded when I was a kid, shows like these were such a fun escape for me. I'm still a sucker for movies set in tropical locations.

The Bounty- Mel Gibson/Anthony Hopkins remake of The Mutiny on the Bounty. Got panned pretty hard, but I enjoy it. Tons of great supporting actors, Daniel Day Lewis and Lawrence Olivier have smallish roles.

And the worst one....

Knowing (Nicholas Cage apocalypse movie) Some terrible acting, writing and directing throughout, but damn this movie DELIVERS. Watching this is like watching an autistic person for a day, you are generally frustrated but occasionally in awe. 3 truly intense, well-directed action sequences, some of the most nightmarish scenes I've ever seen (forest fire), and a big FU ending to all the Armageddons and Deep Impacts that couldn't quite go through with it.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by Quinn Warren
Point Break

"We'll get him when he comes back in"

"He's not cuhming back"

Last edited by yeotaJMU; 03-30-2011 at 05:13 AM. Reason: keanu phonetic spelling obv
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 05:15 AM
on that note, i like The Replacements

and I thought Public Enemies sucked and was wtf confusing
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-30-2011 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by Mcne6398
Probably gonna get flamed good for this one but i cannot stand Pulp Fiction. I truly hate that movie.
what is it you actually dislike about Pulp Fiction?
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
