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What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked?

03-29-2011 , 10:16 AM
I thought Juno was extremely overrated, I just didn't get what was so special about it. Also, No Country for Old Men was less than spectacular for me.

I thought the Wrestler was good, but not great.

Can't think of any right now that got bad reviews that I really enjoyed.

Last edited by DMC0627; 03-29-2011 at 10:25 AM. Reason: Just thought of one I loved that got bad reviews. Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 10:21 AM
I didn't care for the godfather.
It insists upon itself.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 10:23 AM
Took me three sittings to finish watching True Grit.

One of my all-time faves is Alive while RT gives it a 71% rating.

+1 to The American but I don't think the reviews on it were all that great.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by shriners
I think Hangover is the most overrated comedy of all time. Funny imo, but sooooooo overrated.
I can agree with this. The hype was so much bigger then the movie deserved. It was no Dumb & Dumber thats for sure.

I do wanna see the second one also.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by nuisance
I didn't like The Social Network
I enjoyed The Social Network and would gladly see it again when it comes on HBO or whatever pay channel it will be on, but I don't get the hype surrounding it. I really don't understand how it was up for/won so many awards. It was very good, but best movie of the year material? Come on. At no point during or after the movie did I think to myself, "Wow, this could win an Oscar."
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by iNeedScissors61
I thought "Dinner for Schmucks" was hysterical, but it has an average score of about 5/10.

Hated No Country for Old Men.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 12:30 PM
Agree with others re: District 9, not a huge fan.

And I'm pretty sure The Fountain got panned, and I got a big kick out of it. Thought it was kind of a mess, but definitely an interesting movie which approached an old theme in a new way. And I thought Jackman was as good as ever in his tortured hero role.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Kevin B
I liked "3000 miles to Graceland"
yep, because its a good movie!

Originally Posted by ProBoyMagic
Really liked Speed Racer but I have yet to find anyone else that feels the same way, lol.
one of the coolest looking movies. definitely liked it.
Originally Posted by LKJ
I think Meet Joe Black is fantastic, and it's pretty unpopular.
fantastic? no. good, yes. great idea, poor execution. way too long. it dragssssss.
Originally Posted by ShipDaSherb
I liked Waterworld
one of my favorites. i really like the postman as well. post apocalyptic costner movies ftw.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 12:55 PM
Wall-E such.
Lost in translation.
Pineapple Express.
Stop watching all before middle i think.
Dont think like any movie alot who has <5 on IMDB.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 12:59 PM
Napoleon Dynamite & Sideways made me feel like a cultural leper.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by ShipDaSherb
I liked Waterworld
Ha, I liked The Postman also
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 01:47 PM
I really like Vanilla Sky.

I really dislike Forrest Gump.

I really like Joe Dirt.

I am convinced that Freddied Got Fingered is a work of genius and will be revered as a great film at some point in the future. However at this point in time, it's still very hard to sit through. I will continue watch it every couple of years though. Because at some point, it will become really, really funny.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 01:51 PM
really looking forward to some poker script that is supposedly circulating hollywood atm
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 01:54 PM
A lot of Oscar Bait is hard to stomach lately, Crash comes to mind.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 02:03 PM
of the movies on this list, the highest one that i dislike (aside from LOTR franchise) is once upon a time in the west
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 02:04 PM
Deltafarce, 3.1 imdb rating but i think it is really brilliant
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 02:21 PM
Based on Timmah's link- here's movies listed I think are pretty bad/way overrated

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King**
Saving Private Ryan

*- I love most of this movie, but the multiple endings and false stops piss me off a lot and are just a crime against editing. It's a shame that they took such care in making a workable adaptation, and then said "**** it" and the end and failed to contain Tolkien's sprawl, which they'd done a great job at prior.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by LKJ
The greatness of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest escapes me almost entirely.

I think Meet Joe Black is fantastic, and it's pretty unpopular.

Originally Posted by SirGaribaldi
The American

it was HORRIBLE!!!

Originally Posted by The Bear Jew
I didn't care for the godfather.
It insists upon itself.

What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 03:25 PM
Superbad was god awful, I was annoyed throughout basically the whole movie.

I think Jaws 3 is one of the funniest B movies I have ever seen, Dennis Quaid absolutely steals the show. Legion was also awesome. Guess I'm a Dennis Quaid fanboy, dude is hilarious
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 03:33 PM
Hurt Locker was so mediocre and hyped. Gone Baby Gone did the same thing to me.

Death To Smoochy is one of my favorite comedies of all time and was panned pretty bad.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 03:44 PM
I found nothing redeeming about Punch Drunk Love. I had been told how amazing it was. I watched it with my dad one night, and we both kept waiting for something to make it great. It never got to decent. It's still the biggest letdown I've ever faced from a movie.

Well, maybe The Matrix. I had the same thing with the Matrix. Everyone talked it up so much that by the time I saw it, I didn't like it at first. I do now.

I thought Cloverfeld was one of the best movie experiences ever. That isn't to say it's a "great film," but I did find it wholly entertaining. I don't think most people liked it as much as I did.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 03:53 PM
I dont care for any of hte Godfather movies.
I thought No Country for Old Men was boring.

I love Armageddon. I love Transformers. I really liked both Matrix sequels. I have weird taste. For the most part just give me an action movie, cop movie etc and I am content.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 03:57 PM
Surprised by a few things...

Loved The Usual Suspects, Slumdog Millionaire, Forest Gump
Thought The Dark Knight was solid.
The Social Network and The Godfather were alright.

Didn't really like Avatar.

Also strongly disliked the Michael Bay movies. I'm probably in the minority that hates movies which appeal to action/cliche.

Last edited by ASPoker8; 03-29-2011 at 04:04 PM.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:00 PM
Never liked Avatar, acting was horrible and the plot has been done.

Undercover Brother is probably my favorite comedy of all time.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by dibbs
Death To Smoochy is one of my favorite comedies of all time and was panned pretty bad.
my favorite comedy of all time.

What movie got good reviews that you didn't like &amp; which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
