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What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked?

03-29-2011 , 04:07 PM
The only one that really springs to mind is Jerry Maguire, only movie I've ever walked out of...
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:15 PM
Absolutely hated Avatar. I Am Sam could have been just as visually striking with a $240 million dollar budget. Pretty sure the exact same film came out about 20 years ago...Kevin Costner shuns his own people, falls in love with a girl raised by the Natives and ends up killing whitey.

Which brings me to an idea I've been wanting to pass around with you guys. I have an idea for a movie. It's year 2154. The largest luxury passenger spacecraft EVER has been constructed an is going to Mars for its maiden flight. I don't really want much focused on the actual spacecraft, but more rather on the cheesy love story between some poor dude that draws prostitutes and a rich girl that is sexually frustrated and emotionally distraught between money, her mother and her heart. Okay this is where it gets good. Mid voyage, the spacecraft is struck my a METEOR!!! All along the side of the entire spaceship. So, all the oxygen begins to leak out. The automatic doors that are supposed to seal off different compartments begin to fail. It's only a matter of time before all the oxygen is gone. There aren't enough life pods aboard for everyone. It becomes quickly obvious a lot of people are going to die. Will our young, dumb, and completely unrealistic new couple make it out alive?

Don't think I've ever seen a film like that. Think I've got something really good here.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Whitegoose

Three of my top 5 favorite all time movies are Transformers, The Island and Armageddon
So what are your other two favorites?
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:30 PM
Turistas - is a movie about backpackers in Brazil who are lured to a house in the middle of nowhere where they are to be killed for their organs.
Most reviews are negative and it is rated only 5/10 on IMDB. I enjoyed this movie a lot but many people say it is a ****ty version of hostel, even though the films for the most part are different.

Movies that are overrated imo was "The Dark Knight" & "Hurt Locker". I don't hate these films but they are nothing special, and neither film is one I would consider watching a second time.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:38 PM
i tried to sit through anchorman again recently. took about 30 mins to shut it off. what a stupidly overrated movie.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:42 PM
Probably gonna get flamed good for this one but i cannot stand Pulp Fiction. I truly hate that movie.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:43 PM
Hulk - bad reviews, loved it
Capote - good reviews...OMFG couldnt wait for it to end
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:44 PM
The American is so bad and slow, it's slower than molasses.

Transformers 2 is one of those movies where I watched for the action and not the story, and were there plenty.

I enjoy war epics, but Windtalkers/Flags of our fathers were not good. Saving Private Ryan/Letters of Iwo Jima/The Last Samurai are the type of war epics that I enjoy.

Indifferent to Troy.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by oddjob
i tried to sit through anchorman again recently. took about 30 mins to shut it off. what a stupidly overrated movie.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:48 PM
I hate threads like this- because we're asking people to post contrary opinions and it's kinda unfair to yell at people for them, but man do I want to yell at a some folks. Can't we have a thread where people post opinions and then I tell them why it makes them an ******* who would be more at home in a community of ferrets?
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:49 PM
I thought the new Alice in Wonderland was a completely piece of trash, as well as Toy Story 3. Apparently those won some oscars. oops.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:51 PM
one more sorry for the 3 post.

passion of the christ. over rated...cough cough cant believe i watched in threaters...and i cant ****ing believe at the end half the audience was clapping.

jay and silent bob strike back. - one of my all time favs.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by knght311
I thought the new Alice in Wonderland was a completely piece of trash, as well as Toy Story 3. Apparently those won some oscars. oops.
I didn't like Alice in Wonderland either. It won an Oscar for costumes but didn't have any real competition. Even if you hated the movie it would be difficult to argue the award should have gone to a different film that was nominated in that category.

Last edited by Maso777; 03-29-2011 at 05:10 PM.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Maso777
I didn't like Alice in Wonderland either. It won an Oscar for customs but didn't have any real competition. Even if you hated the movie it would be difficult to argue the award should have gone to a different film that was nominated.
yah, i went to the movie based solely on the visual promtional posters of the characters. i fell asleep 3 times in the movies, including the climatic end scene. i don't even know how it ended, nor do i care.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:01 PM
Hurt Locker didn't do anything for me

I love Hudson Hawk
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:07 PM
i liked district 9

ever seen innerspace with dennis quaid and martin short? good flick from the 80s most likely can watch on instant que netflix

300 was a little dissapointing, guess i expected more plot instead of just one long battle.

transformers movies are all overrated. if i was 9 years old they might do it for me
the new indiana jones was absolutely horrific.
not fan of hulk 2 but loved the first hulk - yeah i already mentioned, sue me

cloverfield was awesome

still not sure how cabin boy ever made theaters years ago - i was only like 4th or 5th grade but i remember thinking that this is the dumbest movie ever made
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:10 PM
I absolutely love the SAW series, and aside from the first one and to some extent part 6, those movies were panned ruthlessly by critics.

Keeping the horror note going, the original Evil Dead is the most overrated horror flick of all time. Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness are superior in every facet
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:13 PM
Shawshank Redemption. Everyone loves this movie. I don't get it.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by mikekelley13
Which brings me to an idea I've been wanting to pass around with you guys. I have an idea for a movie. It's year 2154. The largest luxury passenger spacecraft EVER has been constructed an is going to Mars for its maiden flight. I don't really want much focused on the actual spacecraft, but more rather on the cheesy love story between some poor dude that draws prostitutes and a rich girl that is sexually frustrated and emotionally distraught between money, her mother and her heart. Okay this is where it gets good. Mid voyage, the spacecraft is struck my a METEOR!!! All along the side of the entire spaceship. So, all the oxygen begins to leak out. The automatic doors that are supposed to seal off different compartments begin to fail. It's only a matter of time before all the oxygen is gone. There aren't enough life pods aboard for everyone. It becomes quickly obvious a lot of people are going to die. Will our young, dumb, and completely unrealistic new couple make it out alive?

Don't think I've ever seen a film like that. Think I've got something really good here.
I'd watch it. It sounds epic as hell if done correctly.

Originally Posted by Keyser.
So what are your other two favorites?
Definitely WALL*E in top 5, and then it could be rounded out by any of Shawshank Redemption, American Beauty, Pulp Fiction, Lion King, Cast Away, depending on my mood that day.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:35 PM
I really loved The Fountain but I hated Slumdog Millionaire.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by cheddarIZbetter
i liked district 9

ever seen innerspace with dennis quaid and martin short? good flick from the 80s most likely can watch on instant que netflix

300 was a little dissapointing, guess i expected more plot instead of just one long battle.

transformers movies are all overrated. if i was 9 years old they might do it for me
the new indiana jones was absolutely horrific.
not fan of hulk 2 but loved the first hulk - yeah i already mentioned, sue me

cloverfield was awesome

still not sure how cabin boy ever made theaters years ago - i was only like 4th or 5th grade but i remember thinking that this is the dumbest movie ever made
Let me explain the concept of this thread to you. Name bad movies you like, and good movies you hate, not the other way around.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:47 PM
Also, Anchorman is one of the greatest comedies ever made, you turdburglars.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:48 PM
Deep Impact is a surprisingly good 45 minutes if you skip all of Tea Leoni's scenes.

Edit/disclosure: Or at least I thought so ten years ago.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:48 PM
thats what i did?
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
03-29-2011 , 05:49 PM
Crash is one of the worst movies ever made, I agree with that.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
