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What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked?

05-14-2011 , 11:56 PM
didnt liked "shutter island". didnt managed to watch "the wrestler" till the end. same for "crying game". "scream 4" is also pretty lame imo.

but was pretty entertained by "sucker punch" and
absolutely loved "love and a 45" which got only 5.8 at imdb
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 01:12 AM
i thought that pan's labyrinth was average at best. i was really excited for it and it basically had the plot of a children's book and shockingly boring special effects (i remember being quite confused as to what the hype was about).

i thought pi (arenofskys first) was BRUTAL. im convinced that anyone who says its brilliant or underrated or anything other than horrendous, is just trying to sound smart. not only is it incredibly boring and simple, but its repulsive to the senses.

ironman is the one movie i cite as an argument against rotten tomatoes scoring system (percentage of yays vs nays). it got 95% or something and is at best a 3/10. am i the only person who thinks robert downey jr. is one of the most overpaid actors of all time?

i love really bad movies, but usually there has to be a genuine effort put into them. i think that 10,000BC is one of the worst big-budget movies of all time, and i absolutely love watching it. the movie is so incredibly bad and illogical every step of the way that it leaves you wondering if it it's all intentional. the amazing reality is that its not... they were really trying to make a good movie and not a hilarious one, and thats hilarious to me.

i accidentally domed your son is one of the worst rated movies on imdb, and i am proud to say that i own it. it is very low-budget and absurdly terrible in its own fantastic way. it gets bonus points because kurupt financed the whole thing and has an oscar-worthy role in the movie.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 01:34 AM
Iron Man was one of the greatest superhero movies... one of the greatest Action movies in my opinion. I loved the spirit of design, the passion for Mechanical Engineering that the movie exhibited.

Iron Man 2 got favorable reviews, however, and I thought it was the biggest turd I had ever seen. The movies was so horrible and I realized that it was going to suck so quickly that I had never been more disappointed going to the cinema ever. Later on I found out that a lot of the source material for Iron Man I came from a comic book series called Extremis (available on Netflix) and I realized that the storyline for this would have provided a much better alternative storyline for Iron Man II.

Not sure why they didn't go with something like that rather than the Don Cheadle/Scarlett Johansen piece of crap they rushed out.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 01:39 AM
how fitting of a thread. was just thinking of three recent ones that were well received:

The American - Love movies with little plot, little dialogue, methodical scenes, slow pace, etc.... But there was nothing in this one. Didn't need 90 minutes of film dedicated to showing Clooney's empty life. And the faint hints of plot/story were completely useless. Completely uninteresting. Watch Le Samourai instead which was prolly the inspiration for The American.

Hot Tub Time Machine - This one wasn't too funny. Maybe b/c recent movie have set the bar so high; Superbad, Knocked Up, Wedding Crashers, etc... I felt this movie should have beed more crude, and relied less on the whole 80's gimmic.

Unstoppable - Camera movement made me dizzy. Denzel is one of the all time worst actors. No real suspense in the movie until the end. The positive reception of this one shocked me the most. I can understand Hot Tub, and the American. But not this one.

In terms of "older" movies:

Shawshank, Dances w/ Wolves, LOTR series, Close Encounters of Third Kind, and Jaws are all movies I don't get. Like people think these movies are the best movies ever (maybe not dances w/ wolves). I don't hate any of these movies. But I don't zomg love them.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 01:46 AM
Pans Labrinth was supposed to have the plot of a childrens book and you went to see it for the awesome special effects? Wat? Its a magical fairy tale, awesome movie.

Pi was also awesome. Obviously just trying to sound smart
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 01:51 AM
Grandma's Boy. Get high, tune it in, tune out the rest of the world...then go make things right over at RT.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by john voight
how fitting of a thread. was just thinking of three recent ones that were well received:

The American - Love movies with little plot, little dialogue, methodical scenes, slow pace, etc.... But there was nothing in this one. Didn't need 90 minutes of film dedicated to showing Clooney's empty life. And the faint hints of plot/story were completely useless. Completely uninteresting. Watch Le Samourai instead which was prolly the inspiration for The American.

Hot Tub Time Machine - This one wasn't too funny. Maybe b/c recent movie have set the bar so high; Superbad, Knocked Up, Wedding Crashers, etc... I felt this movie should have beed more crude, and relied less on the whole 80's gimmic.

Unstoppable - Camera movement made me dizzy. Denzel is one of the all time worst actors. No real suspense in the movie until the end. The positive reception of this one shocked me the most. I can understand Hot Tub, and the American. But not this one.

In terms of "older" movies:

Shawshank, Dances w/ Wolves, LOTR series, Close Encounters of Third Kind, and Jaws are all movies I don't get. Like people think these movies are the best movies ever (maybe not dances w/ wolves). I don't hate any of these movies. But I don't zomg love them.
Close Encounters and Jaws are awesome.

Denzel - "all time worst"????? Like Keanu or Affleck kind of bad? No way.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 02:07 AM
How can anyone think Denzel is an all time worst actor in all seriousness?
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 02:26 AM
Boondock Saints was horrible.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 05:25 AM
I thought Battlefield Earth was amazing, Travolta delivers a tour de force

Terl: It is a pleasure to see you, your excellency, and I would be honored to expedite your clearance through security.
Zete: Please, call me Zete. Does all of Earth look like this?
Terl: Oh, I'm afraid so, sir.
Zete: Pathetic. All the green and the blue sky. They told me this planet was ugly, but this has got to be one of the ugliest crap holes in the entire universe.
Terl: I couldn't agree with you more.
Zete: I hate these puny undersized planets. The gravity is so... different.
Terl: Well, one does get used to it.
Zete: And the human animals, grossly undersized
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 07:54 AM
Good reviewed movies I don't like

LOTR - way too long and boring
Million Dollar Baby - the characters suck
History of Violence - agree with the other people here
Winters Bone - hard to imagine a more boring movie

Moves I like that most don't

Step Brothers - funniest movie ever
Fast and the Furious - love it
The Chronicles of Riddick - I like Vin Diesel movies....
Scary Movie - Loved the original when it came out. I was also like 13 though.
Hitman - Don't love this one but it has 14% on Rt and I think it was pretty good. Timothy Olyphant is awesome in everything and that Russian chick is A++.

Also I don't think Point Break counts because I think everyone realizes that its great, but its great.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
Boondock Saints was horrible.
What? This is one of the most kick ass movies of all time.

With that said I hated The Social Network.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 01:34 PM
Raging Bull - I know this is supposed to be THE epic boxing movie and a defining moment in DeNiro's and Scorcese's careers but I have always found it boring and drawn out. The way the boxing is filmed also doesn't work for me and since a good part of the movie is action sequences... yeah. It isn't horrible, but I feel that if the same movie was made by any other director, it wouldn't get nearly as much **** sucking.

The Firm - Nominated for two oscars, but it's basically a piece of crap adaptation from a boring John Grisham book full of plotholes and wooden acting. I watched it again recently and it is painfully bad: Cruise's character kills the oatmeal guy (while there's another corpse laying next to him) and nothing ever comes out of it even if the FBI has 30 agents working on the case and he was the head of security at the Firm.

Avatar - Balls. Pure balls. The 3d was "fun" in theaters, but I don't fell the need to ever see this movie again.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 02:12 PM
Oh wow I forgot all about Unstoppable. What a piece of **** that movie was. When I first saw the previews I thought it was gonna be bad, but Rotten Tomatoes and all the good reviews finally got me to see it. Very disappointing.

Iron Man is another good one for this thread. Maybe if I was still 12 years old I would have liked it.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 02:58 PM
I actually liked Step Brothers too. Its so unabashedly immature and kinda pathetic that I found it hilarious. It tapped into my childishness or something. Its really bad though most people will hate it.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
I actually liked Step Brothers too. Its so unabashedly immature and kinda pathetic that I found it hilarious. It tapped into my childishness or something. Its really bad though most people will hate it.
yeah stepbrothers was decent. pan's labarynth i hated.

Keanu Reeves is 10x better actor than Denzel. All Denzel does is try to act all hard and ghetto playing white collar roles. Obv not bad for Training Day, but annoying for everything else. Maybe Keanu is a one trick poney as well w/ his, bland, depressed, awkwardly forced delivery of lines.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 06:22 PM
Keanu Reeves is not 10x better than a plank of wood at acting nm Denzel.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 06:59 PM
The only performances I've thought were good for Keanu were Parenthood (1989) and Bill and Ted.

Denzel does a good job as a cop or w/e, especially Training Day, but is also fine as a regular guy going all the way back to St. Elsewhere.

If you want to see both of them together, they were in Kenneth Branagh's Much Ado About Nothing.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 07:35 PM
3:10 to Yuma (the 2008 remake, never saw the original).

What on earth is going on with the praise this one is getting. The whole premise was just laugh out loud stupid. It just lacked any credibility whatsoever, the plot seemed like it was written by a kindergartener trying to be all deep and postmodern and stuff. If I didn't know the IMDB rating I would have expected it to be like 6,3 not ****ing 8,3. Tombstone was better than this for crying out loud. Dances With Wolves was better than this. Open Range was better than this.

As for one that was panned that I loved... Hot Shots 2. Yeah... I feel like a total drooler saying this, but I loved that movie. I actually think it might be the single best of all Zucker-Abraham-Zucker silliness. Well, even in the crappy spoof movies there is still usually a scene where I totally lose it (in this one it was the scene about trying to get the prison keys with the broomstick, when he tuned the radio to the lullaby I pretty much had a seizure), but typically it's hidden among a pile of goat dung. But in this movie, there was very little that I disliked.

Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Movies that got Panned which I like:

Rambo 4
What are you talking about, how were any of these movies panned? If anything, I would bring Equilibrium as an example of praised movie that I didn't like nearly as much as I would have expected.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Vantek
What are you talking about, how were any of these movies panned? If anything, I would bring Equilibrium as an example of praised movie that I didn't like nearly as much as I would have expected.
Wat? They all reviewed very poorly.

Equilibrium got 30% at Rotten Tomatoes and metacritic. To give it as an example of a praised movie you didn't like would be wtf?
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 08:24 PM
I don't think Denzel is the worst actor of all time but I do think he's HIGHLY over rated.

He has 0 range and basically plays the same character in every movie.

Training Day is the only movie I can think of where he showed some kind of acting ability.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 08:24 PM
Oh. Didn't know there can be such a huge chasm between IMDB ratings, and Rotten/Metacritic.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
I don't think Denzel is the worst actor of all time but I do think he's HIGHLY over rated.

He has 0 range and basically plays the same character in every movie.

Training Day is the only movie I can think of where he showed some kind of acting ability.
Malcolm x? I do agree he's not a terrific actor he's kind of like harrison ford solid but pretty much the same guy every film
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
Boondock Saints was horrible.
Finally someone agrees with me. What a pile of garbage.

I also just watched 2001: A Space Odyssey. I found it amazing that Kubrick was able to cram 15 minutes worth of story into 2.5 hours of film.

Maybe it just didn't age well. Or maybe it was made prior to the invention of editors.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-15-2011 , 10:39 PM
It aged incredibly well for a film of its genre and was superbly edited. Its not a film for everyone though.
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