Originally Posted by rakeme
Just curious, was it ever determined if she was slipped a date rape pill? Or was it entirely alcohol? Disgusting story, I think the punishment fits the crime. Hopefully the others involved get prosecuted with some lesser crimes because they are obviously guilty of something.
Not determined and indeterminable.
I caught 10 minutes of the 20/20 thing last night, and missed the part about how much she drank, but apparently vomited multiple times at three houses and on a street and in a car. Multiple adults saw this and drunk teenagers in their houses, with no reaction to speak of, evidently, including when someone was offering $3 to anyone who would urinate on her when she was lying on the street after she threw up on herself.
The convict being interviewed, hilariously, claimed that he had no indication that she was drunk. None whatsoever. Sure, he saw her hurl all those times, but that sort of thing happens to everybody all the time. Like, pretty much constantly everywhere. So really, nobody would have thought anything of it. Good stuff, and you can tell he's taking this all quite seriously now.
I'm not really following why the adults who were around are not being prosecuted for something like negligence or endangerment or at least vilified more. I mean, someone's house had football players carrying a passed out girl down into their basement in the middle of the night. And this was the 3rd house they'd been at.
Culs, let's set aside talk of how the passed out girl could have made a better decision for a second; you've said the actions of a few teens should not indict a town, but what about these adults we now see were involved? Also, I thought you'd said there were no parties at a coach's house, but when I tuned in the players and victim were leaving a party at the *assistant* coach's house and she was already intoxicated, along with several others, although the coach said he "didn't" observe any teens who'd been drinking, even after she'd thrown up at his place. Am I missing anything?