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Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up

03-22-2013 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by culs20041
Now this is how to insult people. Well done, sir.

Attempting to provide explanations for why people do bad things should not be interpreted as defending the bad behavior.

I never said she deserved to be raped. End of story.
You did, implicitly, state that she deserved to be raped more than a girl who was completely sober that night.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 07:52 PM
PR - One legitimate reason why someone posting in this thread might bring up the rape victim's history would be to demystify how this awful crime occurred. I think a part of us wants to believe that this is a lot less commonplace than it really is. However, you're right that it's tricky to frame this in a way where it doesn't look like you're blaming the victim.

I think culs is too ham-handed to do that.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 07:54 PM
Is that supposed to be me?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 07:54 PM
Giz, winning an argument shouldn't make you look silly.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by culs20041
Maybe I read a wrong report about her drinking. The trial testimony transcript isn't available yet and her testimony wasn't videoed or Audio recorded for obvious reasons
Hey, culs, maybe everyone in the town got wrong reports about her drinking and promiscuity. In fact, how would adults *not* get wrong reports about a teenager's sex life in the aftermath of a rape trial that makes the town's teens look like depraved sickos?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 07:55 PM
culs, she's calling you a troll and a liar by posting a picture of BonafiedGreat, the greatest modern-day OOT troll.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
PR - One legitimate reason why someone posting in this thread might bring up the rape victim's history would be to demystify how this awful crime occurred. I think a part of us wants to believe that this is a lot less commonplace than it really is. However, you're right that it's tricky to frame this in a way where it doesn't look like you're blaming the victim.

I think culs is too ham-handed to do that.
As terribly executed as I did it, that post really does sum up all I had hoped to bring up.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Moreconfusednow
sexual assault is a purely female experience...

give me a freaking break.
Originally Posted by culs20041
Isn't it all an explanation of what women go through?
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I mean we're just beating a dead horse at this point.

culs doesn't get it and has demonstrated absolutely no desire to get yet. Ironically he thinks that means WE'RE the intellectually dishonest ones.

It's scary that there are people like this out there that are supposed to actually be someone in the system that helps get justice for the victims. You can almost hear the patronizing contempt dripping from his posts. "Oh that poor girl, but if only she was wholesome and pure like I'm going to teach MY daughter to be this probably wouldn't have happened."

Sadly this type of attitude is prevalent. And he's shown no desire to change it because that would involve confronting some of his deepest held beliefs about women and sex, and God forbid he do anything like that.
It is a gigantic and disgusting problem amongst men who don't have the balls to really analyze their views of sex and how those views affect their sons or the men around them and the effect those views have on the women in their lives or in their society.

The response to this case makes it blatantly clear that men in general are oblivious when it comes to analyzing their views of women and sexuality in general.

This case is 99.99% due to the views of the young men in this case who thought it was funny and boast worthy to sexually violate and humiliate a young woman, yet people throughout the thread have tried to deflect the discussion in order to discuss the young woman, as if that is pertinent in any way. Just read through this thread and look at all the posts that discuss the victim in a negative light. What she did is irrelevant. What is the worst a guy her age could expect? Lots of puking and a terrible hangover. Her expectation shouldn't be any different. If you think the victim did something wrong in this case, you are part of the problem. Anything she did "wrong" in this case is so minor as to be irrelevant. If you are a guy and it enters your mind that she did something wrong that night, you need to analyze your views of women because they are horribly flawed.

It really is disgusting to me. Rape is a male issue. Look in the mirror, guys. Look at your buddies. Look at your family members. This is something we are responsible for. How often do you joke with your friends about "bitches"? How often do you look at a women purely with lust (and I know, if you don't consciously put a check on it, the percentage is extremely high). Rape is also something only we have the power to squash.

All the precautions in the world by women will make a tiny impact on the amount of rapes in this country. The changes that need to be made are almost entirely in how men view women.

Last edited by Aytumious; 03-22-2013 at 08:16 PM.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 08:09 PM
A lot of this has to do with the sexual double standard as well. A woman who has sex with multiple partners is a whore and a cum dumpster and therefore subhuman, so violating/degrading her is no big deal.

Men who have sex with multiple partners are high school football players who violate others then brag and laugh about it then cry like little bitches when they are convicted and sent to juvie.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
culs, she's calling you a troll and a liar by posting a picture of BonafiedGreat, the greatest modern-day OOT troll.
Oh. I have intentionally pushed buttons a little here. It's a difficult topic to discuss because of all the sensitive issues involved. I don't mind looking like an ass here as I incompetently stumbled through this subject. But it has helped me discuss this in real life without looking like an ass and that was a goal of mine.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
culs, she's calling you a troll and a liar by posting a picture of BonafiedGreat, the greatest modern-day OOT troll.
I thought she was saying this was bonafied. I wouldn't be surprised if it was.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by culs20041
Oh. I have intentionally pushed buttons a little here. It's a difficult topic to discuss because of all the sensitive issues involved. I don't mind looking like an ass here as I incompetently stumbled through this subject. But it has helped me discuss this in real life without looking like an ass and that was a goal of mine.
Given the things you believe, I'm pretty sure you still sound like an ass.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by culs20041
Oh. I have intentionally pushed buttons a little here. It's a difficult topic to discuss because of all the sensitive issues involved. I don't mind looking like an ass here as I incompetently stumbled through this subject. But it has helped me discuss this in real life without looking like an ass and that was a goal of mine.
I'm sure you are an incredibly talented Svengali who intended for this thread to unfold exactly the way it has.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 08:49 PM
20/20 is interviewing Ma'lik Richmond tonight at 10 EST. My DVR doesn't mention anything else so the entire hour may be dedicated to the Steubenville story.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by culs20041
As terribly executed as I did it, that post really does sum up all I had hoped to bring up.
Dude you claim to be an effing prosecutor but over and over have to defer to others for explaining what you meant and cover for your inability to communicate without sounding dumb.

How does your horrible ability to articulate your alleged thoughts serve you in the court room.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Dude you claim to be an effing prosecutor but over and over have to defer to others for explaining what you meant and cover for your inability to communicate without sounding dumb.

How does your horrible ability to articulate your alleged thoughts serve you in the court room.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by heater
20/20 is interviewing Ma'lik Richmond tonight at 10 EST. My DVR doesn't mention anything else so the entire hour may be dedicated to the Steubenville story.
The promos and intro only showed this story and they jumped right into it.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 10:45 PM
FWIW culs20041 doesn't match to Bonafied and does match to some other accounts with usernames referencing "ohio" and "law".
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
FWIW culs20041 doesn't match to Bonafied and does match to some other accounts with usernames referencing "ohio" and "law".
He didn't do a very good job of hiding his identity. Is it ok to link to his past posts under other accounts, or is that something only a mod can discuss? They do confirm that he is a prosecutor in Ohio.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-22-2013 , 11:46 PM
Do they confirm he's a prosecutor, or just that he's repeatedly made that claim?
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-23-2013 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
Do they confirm he's a prosecutor, or just that he's repeatedly made that claim?
They show that he was making claims in 2004 about taking the bar, and as far back as 2010 was talking about being a prosecutor.

I guess he could have been faking it the whole time, but that is a long time to run a fake account - especially since 90% of his posts are about playing Call of Duty.

Not sure how he could confirm he was a prosecutor.

Edit: I guess you can decide for yourself - his real account is ohiou.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-23-2013 , 12:22 AM

hypothetical. victim is your daughter. are all your posts here the same? or is it just straight to the baseball bat?

my answer to the drug dealer hypo is shocker. murder is murder.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-23-2013 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
his real account is ohiou.

Originally Posted by ohiou
If you haven't read her written statement and try to find the crime. I hate that I have to pseudo defend Ben, who I've never liked, but it is crazy that a sorority sister can drag her friend to a cop, and cause all of this trouble.

We still do not know the supposed victim's name, but Ben has been ridiculed relentlessly for what appears to have been drunken consentual sex or non-sex at a bar.

Originally Posted by ohiou
Believe me... I hate ben r and alwas have, but I also hate that a sorority sister can make an unfounded accusation and now ben is a big bad rapist who should be thrown out of the league

Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-23-2013 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
They show that he was making claims in 2004 about taking the bar, and as far back as 2010 was talking about being a prosecutor.

I guess he could have been faking it the whole time, but that is a long time to run a fake account - especially since 90% of his posts are about playing Call of Duty.

Not sure how he could confirm he was a prosecutor.

Edit: I guess you can decide for yourself - his real account is ohiou.
I sense confirmation bias in your take, which probably means it is also present in mine, which remains plausible given this info; perhaps he is a mailman or the like with little-professor syndrome with lawyerdom as his primary interest. He knows a lot about lawyers and enjoys pretending to be one for a variety of reasons. It's like a fantasy roll play online, where he gets some prestige and self-satisfaction. Under this theory, it wouldn't have been a fake account so much as a delusional one. 90% posts on COD would fit that mold as well. Was the "taking the bar" talk actually like "I'm getting ready to take the bar", or just , as itt, saying he was a good lawyer because he got 90th percentile on the bar?

Anyway, it's just a theory. I'm not totally comfortable with it yet, but given his oddly contradictory behavior it's not just something I'm wheeling out as a joke, either.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
03-23-2013 , 08:16 AM
Just curious, was it ever determined if she was slipped a date rape pill? Or was it entirely alcohol? Disgusting story, I think the punishment fits the crime. Hopefully the others involved get prosecuted with some lesser crimes because they are obviously guilty of something.
Steubenville Ohio, High School Rape and Town Cover Up Quote
