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05-25-2023 , 11:32 PM
Used to read blackjack card counting books, before I was even old enough to play. One had a section of general advice about going to casinos. One thing it said was something like - You aren't irresistible. If a total stranger throws herself at you, it's a scam.
Online dating thread Quote
05-26-2023 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by TimM
Used to read blackjack card counting books, before I was even old enough to play. One had a section of general advice about going to casinos. One thing it said was something like - You aren't irresistible. If a total stranger throws herself at you, it's a scam.

Excellent advice.
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05-27-2023 , 02:22 PM
After years of my Beeline not working on Bumble apart from when I travelled to another city/country, it is now magically working in my home city. Shame it didn’t do this when I was younger, but I’ll take it.

Anyone experienced erratic Beeline behaviour?
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05-27-2023 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
After years of my Beeline not working on Bumble apart from when I travelled to another city/country, it is now magically working in my home city. Shame it didn’t do this when I was younger, but I’ll take it.

Anyone experienced erratic Beeline behaviour?
I don’t get matches. I paid for bumble for a month while I’m vegas. I get no insta likes prolly bc I’m not new here- makes me think my profile is at bottom of like list. Bumble is def F’ed up. I’m a decent guy so when I go to new cities, I get a ton of likes and can swipe through them. The algo is so goofy though bc I can tell I’m at bottom of pile bc I get a lot of likes when I get on- here I have to swipe to show up for girls which is just comical. I’m not a model but would say I’m prolly better looking than 70-80% of guys on bumble imo.
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05-28-2023 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
I don’t get matches. I paid for bumble for a month while I’m vegas. I get no insta likes prolly bc I’m not new here- makes me think my profile is at bottom of like list. Bumble is def F’ed up. I’m a decent guy so when I go to new cities, I get a ton of likes and can swipe through them. The algo is so goofy though bc I can tell I’m at bottom of pile bc I get a lot of likes when I get on- here I have to swipe to show up for girls which is just comical. I’m not a model but would say I’m prolly better looking than 70-80% of guys on bumble imo.
I heard Vegas is particularly rough for online dating in general, there was a good post about it a few pages back I think.

But yeah there is definitely something weird/inconsistent with the algo that seems to be largely based on location factors.

One of the things that can get infuriating about online dating is the number of variables that determine success and how difficult it is to account for all of them. A consistent and understandable algo would make things somewhat easier
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05-30-2023 , 01:48 AM
Drumroll for the lolz- I’m dating the Columbian girl. Maybe a mistake but idk see where it goes. Feel we have same interests (hiking, gym, dance music) and we vibe really well on dates. Is she hunting for a green card? Maybe- she told me she wants a change and to leave Columbia. I don’t think she’s necessarily out of my league so think she’s into me for the right reasons.

I’m trying to get her to come to NYC this summer so we can hang and then I’ll go to medillin later this fall to visit her- she has a professional job and basically told me she normally waits for guys before sex multiple dates (I didn’t inquire about this- and she just offered it up). Maybe I’m a fool being duped but maybe not. Time will tell. As always I would post a pic here if I could but can’t.

Went to ebc with her Sunday to see David Guetta- was a blast.
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05-30-2023 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
Is she hunting for a green card? Maybe- she told me she wants a change and to leave Columbia.
The vast majority of women are looking for some form of "green card" from potential mates. At least you're switched on to the dynamics of your relationship from the off.
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05-30-2023 , 06:53 AM
"green card" as in money, nice posting.

I also agree, now you know what to look out for.
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05-30-2023 , 07:57 AM
Green Card can be a proxy for traits women find desirable, but yes money (or more accurately good financial prospects) is a universal trait that women look for in potential mates.
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05-31-2023 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Green Card can be a proxy for traits women find desirable, but yes money (or more accurately good financial prospects) is a universal trait that women look for in potential mates.
Any advice you can throw here to see if she is legit. Right now- im thinking she can come to nyc this summer for a weekend (I live upstate), and I go visit her in Columbia later this year for a week. I feel she deeply loves me per how she acts but fact she said she wants to move to us etc and prolly thinks im rich (at least compared to normal guys she prolly meets in Columbia) is worrisome.

I took her to a nice dinner at the Wynn and ebc and paid for everything. We had sex a ton and she stayed with me at my hotel for 2 nights. I goofily paid for her flight after I offered it bc I wanted her to stay an extra day. Im not rich but I assume she thinks I am per how I dress (rock a LV bag and breitling watch + dress fairly well compared to 95% of people in vegas). I’ll see if she goes to nyc and won’t pay her flight + see how her friends act around me and her family when/ if I go to Columbia.

Like I’ve said- I think she would have to be a world class actress or close to fake how she’s acted. I just get vibes she truly is into me + we basically have all the common interests I never get with girls (she works out a lot, likes to hike, travel, and likes dance music). Tough for me bc I never meet girls that are so similar to me (I know she’s not lieing bc her bumble profile showed all of these prior to me meeting her). Also I don’t think she’s out of my league- she’s 28 and I’m going to be 34 but I look like I’m in my 20s (I get id’ed everywhere in vegas). I’m also not your standard online forum poster- while I’m socially awkward at times- I feel I look like a normal cool guy that gets girls easily even though I don’t bc I have trouble socially; I feel I pickup that foreign chicks don’t understand awkward American guys awkwardness per se as they have trouble with language Vs American chicks).

Final note: she told me she doesn’t sleep with guys right away and waits 4-5 dates. She slept with me on our 2nd meetup so I’m just getting vibe she likes me a lot + per how she messages me / what she says to me. I tend to believe her about not sleeping with guys right away as she offered that info to me voluntarily and it wasn’t like I asked her how quick she sleeps with guys. Normally I feel people are more likely to lie when asked a question Vs offering info when not asked about it. Regardless- I’ll be careful and not offer her too much prior to being in a super serious relationship.

I’ve been bummed bc I met a Mexican chick last summer in vegas that I really liked. We have talked a lot and I visited her in Mexico. She told me she doesn’t want to date and she’s not looking for a serious relationship. Being the goon i am, I took serious offense to that bc I took her to many nice dinners in vegas and brought it in the bedroom with her+ she acted like my past gfs when I was with her (Aka you can tell when a girl likes you). I think she got cooled down with me bc I told her I was on bumble in Mexico and had other girls hitting me up- I think she thinks I’m a player bc I told her of that + how I’ve hooked up with a girl or two at home (don’t think this is a big deal if we aren’t dating + she tells me she doesn’t want to date seriously). This vegas trip- I was bummed she didn’t want to be with me etc but I feel I found a better looking girl that I have more in common with (maybe I lucked out she didn’t want to date in all honesty).
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05-31-2023 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
Any advice you can throw here to see if she is legit.
I think you have to go with your gut, but definitely introduce her to your friends while she is visiting - they will probably be able to give you a more objective assessment of her character.

I'd be a bit wary of visiting her in Columbia until she has been to see you 3-4 times. It's definitely a red flag if she makes a big deal about this.
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05-31-2023 , 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
I feel she deeply loves me per how she acts ...
Dude, you've known this check for what, a few days? Think about what you're saying here. Someone is deeply in love (or whatever you call it), but it's not her.

Like I’ve said- I think she would have to be a world class actress or close to fake how she’s acted.
I've heard A LOT of dudes say this about strippers interacted with for one night.

Final note: she told me she doesn’t sleep with guys right away and waits 4-5 dates.
But are just different than any other dude.
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05-31-2023 , 12:25 PM
JK you don't come across as having the world experience or confidence to be navigating this situation with an objective mind. Just keep your guard up
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05-31-2023 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
JK you don't come across as having the world experience or confidence to be navigating this situation with an objective mind. Just keep your guard up
That is true. I’ll keep my guard up.
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05-31-2023 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by ncboiler
Dude, you've known this check for what, a few days? Think about what you're saying here. Someone is deeply in love (or whatever you call it), but it's not her.

I've heard A LOT of dudes say this about strippers interacted with for one night.

But are just different than any other dude.

You should see what I look like. I’m not your standard 2+2 nerd that sits on their computer and plays online poker lmao. I’m a fairly good looking guy with a solid career that travels whenever he wants. I don’t want to be negative here but I’m a good looking guy- I prolly could be a model if I lifted consistently and watched my diet. Like I’ve said, I can post a pic. I’m not your standard internet poster so for folks here to say omg you are being duped is comical.

But all of the stuff posted here- def true and I’ll be very careful. I might be super naïveté- I also know what women act like when dating and they are seriously into someone. Btw why are folks saying don’t go to medillin? Would it be bad if she comes to nyc this summer for a weekend and we get along- I go to medillin later this fall. Idk why it would be bad, it costs like $1k for flight and nice hotel there. I’ll be smart and dress fairly cheap and conservative (no luxury watches). I went to Mexico last fall to visit a girl and had a great time. Just wondering why folks are saying don’t go to medillin.
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05-31-2023 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
You should see what I look like. I’m not your standard 2+2 nerd that sits on their computer and plays online poker lmao. I’m a fairly good looking guy with a solid career that travels whenever he wants. I don’t want to be negative here but I’m a good looking guy- I prolly could be a model if I lifted consistently and watched my diet. Like I’ve said, I can post a pic. I’m not your standard internet poster so for folks here to say omg you are being duped is comical.

But all of the stuff posted here- def true and I’ll be very careful. I might be super naïveté- I also know what women act like when dating and they are seriously into someone. Btw why are folks saying don’t go to medillin? Would it be bad if she comes to nyc this summer for a weekend and we get along- I go to medillin later this fall. Idk why it would be bad, it costs like $1k for flight and nice hotel there. I’ll be smart and dress fairly cheap and conservative (no luxury watches). I went to Mexico last fall to visit a girl and had a great time. Just wondering why folks are saying don’t go to medillin.
I spent two week in Medellin and it was incredible. I'm guessing most people are worried shes going to rob you or similar. Not something to be particularly worried about imo, but its always possible.

As for the advice being comical: You can't tell if a girl making out with you outside the club is into you or a hooker trying to bait and switch but you are so model good looking that there is no way this gold digger could possibly NOT be into you for all the right reasons. This wild shift is mostly what I was talking about with the world experience comment. It almost comes across as manic to me. That aside, enjoy it for all you can. Maintain your boundaries and everything will be gucci
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05-31-2023 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by TimM
Used to read blackjack card counting books, before I was even old enough to play. One had a section of general advice about going to casinos. One thing it said was something like - You aren't irresistible. If a total stranger throws herself at you, it's a scam.


I underlined the part you need to internalize.
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05-31-2023 , 07:10 PM
Very interested in a JK picture and a watch + Shoe picture.
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05-31-2023 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin

I underlined the part you need to internalize.
I think JK should consider this, but aren't there dozens (which is most likely an understatement) of posts of Fossil doing pretty much all of this? I guess the difference is on Fossil's outlook.

If you're having fun and traveling, then it's all fine. If you're thinking long-term, then let it happen organically.

For a woman to say that they wait for certain number of dates before having sex and for them to go back on that statement isn't groundbreaking news.

I'd be concerned about you paying for everything. Obviously if you're having fun, then whatever, but that likely won't end well unless that's something you're comfortable with.
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05-31-2023 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Randall Stevens
I think JK should consider this, but aren't there dozens (which is most likely an understatement) of posts of Fossil doing pretty much all of this? I guess the difference is on Fossil's outlook.

If you're having fun and traveling, then it's all fine. If you're thinking long-term, then let it happen organically.

For a woman to say that they wait for certain number of dates before having sex and for them to go back on that statement isn't groundbreaking news.

I'd be concerned about you paying for everything. Obviously if you're having fun, then whatever, but that likely won't end well unless that's something you're comfortable with.
Trust me I’m going to pay for everything. I paid for dinner for her a few times at really nice spots. I just consider it a sunk cost- I’m going to go out to nice dinners regardless. I find it more fun with a girl vs going alone.

If anyone wants to see me and lol- I can send my ig link. I want honest feedback. I’m going to be 34 and look like I’m say 26-28 (get ided everywhere in vegas).

Btw if I go to medillin, I won’t wear any luxury watches (prolly my movados which I could care less about if stolen bc I have nicer watches I actually care about). I dress fairly plain when traveling to countries considered more dangerous (Mexico - I just wear a plan white t shirt most of the time to not draw attention like I’m a well off tourist- not them I’m well off lmao).
Online dating thread Quote
05-31-2023 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
Trust me I’m going to pay for everything.
Then you are going to attract some partners that you might not want to attract.

And I'm saying that as a person that doesn't mind paying.... uh, for dinners/travel.
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05-31-2023 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Randall Stevens
Then you are going to attract some partners that you might not want to attract.

And I'm saying that as a person that doesn't mind paying.... uh, for dinners/travel.
I like fine dining so a girl from South America isn’t going to be able to afford that. I understand what you are saying. I don’t mind paying when I take a girl out though most of the time- obviously if in a relationship would like it to be closer to 50/50 but yea not really in serious relationship yet.
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05-31-2023 , 10:58 PM
Making a guy wait for sex is to filter out the ones who are looking for an easy lay with no investment. If she doesn't do that, then she either doesn't care about that because she just wants sex too, or she does want more and trusts you do too already, or is using easy sex and the promise of relationship to get something else that she wants. She tells you she usually makes guys wait, because she doesn't want you to think she's in that first category. You can filter out the third category by making her invest too - i.e. as some suggested, getting her to come to NY on her own dime a few times, etc. Make HER wait.
Online dating thread Quote
06-01-2023 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
That is true. I’ll keep my guard up.
yeah man, the think she loves you is a huge red flag to me

also, women all know exactly what men are looking for so if they were to try to make themselves more appealing they can fake it quite easily

known several women who in the early stages of the relationship pretended to like certain things like sports or outdoor activities only to wait until we were more established to stop with the pretext - like i've been in relationships with women who tried to forbid me from playing poker etc even though i gamble for a living who in the early days were like "omg that's so amazing you must be so smart" - but honestly can't rule out i also said/did so much stupid stuff afterwards that they figured i'd just been sunrunning and needed to get out before the music stopped

honestly, the more you talk about how perfect it is, the more concerned i get this is a big play, especially as she 100% considers you to be a high-net-worth individual - not just usa > colombia but > average usa as well

also, basically no girls will admit they **** on the first date - ever, doesn't matter if a train was ran on her in the bathroom of a club the night before, they'll always say they wait until several dates and they've gotten to know the guy but made an exception for you - part of it is manipulative to make you feel special, but it's mostly that a lot of women are very concerned about being called a whore and gossipped about

also, it's a lol sample size because i've literally only been in a strip club 3x times in my life, but twice i let a stripper convince me that she genuinely liked me etc etc - when she was complimenting i'd start off with the "don't believe it she's trolling for tips" and as they progressed i'd slowly turn my perspective to a similiar one as you with the "well I am a tall and reasonably good looking guy, perhaps she does truly like me for reasons other than i put a $20 in her thong for a lapdance - it's tough man, we're designed to be confident and yes, the stripper probably indeed thought i was better looking than an average fat and overweight client - but she's still grinding on those fat and overweight guys and instead telling them other things like they think they are funny or well dressed etc and more importantly, if i don't pay her $20 for a lap dance, she'll go give anyone else one who has $20

Last edited by rickroll; 06-01-2023 at 04:03 AM.
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06-01-2023 , 07:04 PM
Had a date last week where:

- she showed up 40 min late and I had to no-show a reservation at a decent Italian place
- she showed up in a black ball gown with flip-flops...for a Wed night improv show we were going to. Uber driver dropping her off said "have fun at the prom!" and laughed, I laughed with him. She did not laugh.
- she mostly checked out midway through the date to try to flirt with one of the improv actors at the show we were seeing (while it was still happening). That particular actor follows me on Twitter, and is also quite openly gay.
- she immediately messaged me saying she wasn't feeling a connection but wanted to be friends. I passed - as she wanted a buddy to go watch stand-up open mics...for fun.
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