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06-15-2019 , 04:14 AM
I was just skimming recent messages. So the pleasure successfully transitioned? Do I have that right?
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06-15-2019 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
It's almost like an addiction. I keep swiping b/c it's fun to see who you can match with, and usually the convos are boring but occasionally you'll run into a really interesting one. Then most of the time I'll get their contact info knowing that I probably won't have time to see them anyway and then I just delete them 2 weeks later to de-clutter my WhatsApp.

I almost think some girls do this kinda as a way to mark their territory. When I first started seeing my ex, I swear she'd purposely leave hair clips all over the place.

I don't think I'll ever be able to seriously date a blonde girl. There are so many long, black hairs in my current place, I could do a thorough cleaning 5x and they'd still show up everywhere.
Not like an addiction. IS an addition 😆 and I do exactly the same thing. Somewhat tedious convo with a cute girl, eh, she’s cute, get her number , have a deadend WhatsApp convo, rinse and repeat until someone shows enough personality to make it onto the roster 👍

Ever swiped like 200 times on bumble and sort of make it a game to find one girl who shares some niche interest you have. Then you find her and get this weird sort of fulfilment.

I’ve been slumped in bed all morning determined to get 100 girls in my bumble queue. I’m somewhat cheating though by swiping right on almost everyone.

The hair clip thing is definitely something that’s been talked about culturally. I think in reality they’re just awkward to handle and get dropped easily, although it’s sort of cute to imagine girls consciously marking their territory with them. Cute, or kind of scary I mean 🤣
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06-15-2019 , 07:24 AM
Swipe culture is trash. You guys are explaining why. And how. And where we are. Bad bad not good.
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06-15-2019 , 10:56 AM
Yeah, how can you tell someone with an eating disorder not to go back for more food at an all you can eat buffet.

Okay, I'll cool it on the metaphors lmao
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06-15-2019 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
Not like an addiction. IS an addition 😆 and I do exactly the same thing. Somewhat tedious convo with a cute girl, eh, she’s cute, get her number , have a deadend WhatsApp convo, rinse and repeat until someone shows enough personality to make it onto the roster 👍

Ever swiped like 200 times on bumble and sort of make it a game to find one girl who shares some niche interest you have. Then you find her and get this weird sort of fulfilment.

I’ve been slumped in bed all morning determined to get 100 girls in my bumble queue. I’m somewhat cheating though by swiping right on almost everyone.

The hair clip thing is definitely something that’s been talked about culturally. I think in reality they’re just awkward to handle and get dropped easily, although it’s sort of cute to imagine girls consciously marking their territory with them. Cute, or kind of scary I mean 🤣
I don't think it's gotten to this level yet for me. I'm more just kinda burned out on the process, so having the same Tinder convo followed by the same WhatsApp convo doesn't do a whole lot for me anymore. It's gotten so bad that I've actually been grinding a **** ton of poker. Already played close to 60 hours this week, which I haven't done in ages, so that's nice.

Going forward I'll probably just enjoy the girls currently on the roster and maybe set up a 1st date every week or 2 if I meet a girl in a yoga class or if someone really stands out on the app. There's no mega rush to get into an LTR, so there's no sense making the apps into a grind that isn't as enjoyable, I need to learn to pace myself.

Next week I'm taking MP on a 5-day vacation to San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato. Both look amazing in pics and I'm super excited. We've only met 3 times, but each time we met up at 7PM, had tons of great sex, she stayed over then left at noon the next day. Pretty quick to be doing an overnight trip, but we get along well and have amazing sexual chemistry and I've been wanting to go on this trip for awhile. Probably wouldn't have been very fair using Tinder b/c both towns are on the smaller side, so better to take someone along.
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06-15-2019 , 12:59 PM
Cliffs from last night:

God this girl is a ****ing smokeshow. But of course a Trainwreck, and goddamn can she drink..... Like a ton. I can handle large quantities of liquor and still be somewhat ok, but this girl drank me under the table. Resulting in a couple of pretty expensive bar tabs.

The sex was just amazing, but drunk sex usually is. And while this would be a decent FWB situation, I'm not 25 anymore and this type of energy takes a toll on me now. Being drunk AF last night really brought out some toxic traits in spurts. "Hot blooded Italian" maybe? I dunno. We're both hungover pretty bad right now and she's still sleeping in the bed as I type this from the bathroom. I thought about sending her home this morning, so I could nurse this hangover alone but she hit me with a mean angle shoot this morning and I fell for it Online dating thread. She woke up before me, took a shower, put on one of my t shirts and snuggled up in bed halfway on top of me. For a moment there I really missed having that "feeling". But the memories of an ex that was toxic AF when she was drunk is stopping me from catching any real feelings.

This isn't going to stop me from getting back in bed and snuggling up with her. I still feel like garbage from about 8 shots (fireball) + other drinks. God I'm a dumbass.
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06-15-2019 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by foatie
Cliffs from last night:

God this girl is a ****ing smokeshow. But of course a Trainwreck, and goddamn can she drink..... Like a ton. I can handle large quantities of liquor and still be somewhat ok, but this girl drank me under the table. Resulting in a couple of pretty expensive bar tabs.

The sex was just amazing, but drunk sex usually is. And while this would be a decent FWB situation, I'm not 25 anymore and this type of energy takes a toll on me now. Being drunk AF last night really brought out some toxic traits in spurts. "Hot blooded Italian" maybe? I dunno. We're both hungover pretty bad right now and she's still sleeping in the bed as I type this from the bathroom. I thought about sending her home this morning, so I could nurse this hangover alone but she hit me with a mean angle shoot this morning and I fell for it Online dating thread. She woke up before me, took a shower, put on one of my t shirts and snuggled up in bed halfway on top of me. For a moment there I really missed having that "feeling". But the memories of an ex that was toxic AF when she was drunk is stopping me from catching any real feelings.

This isn't going to stop me from getting back in bed and snuggling up with her. I still feel like garbage from about 8 shots (fireball) + other drinks. God I'm a dumbass.
Yeah, while you know better, your ego won't let you stop when you know you should. Make this one a mulligan and pace yourself next time since you know your getting drunk sex from her.

Plus as long as you know she's a dumpster fire, you can control how much you're into her.

Literally and figuratively.

If she's normal and you catch feelings, it messes up the dynamic.

At least with DF, you know what your getting, its just a question of the heat.
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06-15-2019 , 01:43 PM
Lots of respect to foatie for managing 8 shots in a night in his 30s, that's some superhero ****
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06-15-2019 , 02:02 PM
I'm more impressed he could get it up

Also drunk sex is A++ would push rope again
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06-15-2019 , 02:11 PM
I thought drunk sex was supposed to generally be bad. I've actually never been drunk, but I have had sex with drunk women, and it was always worse than sex with the same women when they weren't drunk.
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06-15-2019 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I thought drunk sex was supposed to generally be bad. I've actually never been drunk, but I have had sex with drunk women, and it was always worse than sex with the same women when they weren't drunk.
Drunk sex when you're both drunk 10/10

Sex when you're sober and they're drunk 0/10
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06-15-2019 , 02:45 PM
This guy gets it
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06-15-2019 , 03:30 PM
I’m not a big fan of drunk sex, it’s usually really tough or impossible for me to get off. However hungover sex the next morning is fantastic.
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06-15-2019 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci
Swipe culture is trash. You guys are explaining why. And how. And where we are. Bad bad not good.
You're probably right, but I'm still having a whole load of fun with it. And despite how much time I spend on it I'm still getting enough life balance, which is the important bit.
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06-15-2019 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by wj294
How do you transition form superhero to, well, you? If you'd set the line on number of successful dates that come from using a superhero account at 1 I'd have snap took the under so I'm curious to know more lol
I get quite a bit of matches on tinder but out of last two months only 3 actual live meetups, my latest one most successful one after our meetup was msging me quite a bit and feel I could easily get a 2nd meetup if I ant its just that i wasn't feeling as much physical attraction as I thought.

my first one is well documented ITT and she still out of blue asks if im in town and tries to striek up convo i think and whatnot but i keep contact to a limited

the 2nd one after our meetup, we talked about cuddling and movie and she invited me over that weekend out of blue but we couldn't connect and i kinda stop texting her even when she would snap me here and there.

as for transition to meetup, after my 6th or 7th msg i kinda stop the charade as I ask stuf about them, we msg back and forth and after awhile I ask to meetup(the first 2 asked me iirc) or whatnot all this after I send a face pic and through some more msgs we end up meeting up.

idk i haven't been successful at all pending on main goal and think maybe id have less matches as my irl acct but prolly more outings if that makes sense as 70% of my matches don't respond on this superhero acct, i do have 2 that im talking to that coudl maybe be meetups but idk, feel like im using this acct as a crutch

Last edited by the pleasure; 06-15-2019 at 06:20 PM.
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06-15-2019 , 06:15 PM
Turned out to be a pretty productive day for me as well. I was planning on taking it easy, watching some US Open, a bit of poker, but at 11AM I got a text from the hot 40 year (#3 below). She said she was headed towards my area and wanted to know if I could meet up. Super random b/c she didn't have anything going on here and she lives on the other side of the city, so driving 60 minutes to grab lunch doesn't make that much sense. So I figured it'd be worth my while to see her.

We finally met up at 12:15. She's really cute and her tits look even more massive in person. 40 years old, but looks younger than most 35 year olds I've seen. She was also really bubbly and gave me a really warm hug and that was walking really close to me from the get go. One of those girls where I tell myself "yah, we'll be making out in about an hour".

We were both hungry so we went to a Yucatecan restaurant near my place. Convo was going really well and eventually the subject turned to tantra and she was fascinated. After we finished eating she let me grab her hand and stroke her arm. I wanted to grab the check and get out of there.

We ended up spending a ton of time in the restaurant and it was like 2:30 and she claimed she needed to get back home so I told her I'd walk her back to her car. A block or two after leaving the restaurant I grabbed her by the arm, pulled her into me, and kissed her. She was super into it and after 5 minutes told me to grab her tits. Sadly they're fake, which is a huge negative in my book, but oh well. She then asked me if my apartment is close, so I said yah and suggested we had there for a bit, and she obliged.

We only had about 50 minutes in my apartment and it was ok. She looks good naked, but I'm just not into fake breasts. It wasn't one of my better performances as I was pretty tired from the marathon session with the other girl yesterday, but she seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. She was shocked that I wasn't finished after 5 minutes.

Anyway, I already explained to her that I was only looking for FWBs so hopefully she's down for that. She lives super far away, and I'd like to visit her area once b/c it has some stuff I'd like to see, but couldn't see myself making that trip more than once or twice. But if she's willing to come to my area every now and then, I'd happily see her. She's fascinated by tantra and wants to learn with me.

Funnily enough, she was one of those girls I had written off. We last chatted on June 6th saying "yah, we should meet up", but then I never found the motivation. She just hit me up out of the blue 9 days later.

Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
Online dating thread Quote
06-15-2019 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by foatie
Cliffs from last night:

God this girl is a ****ing smokeshow. But of course a Trainwreck, and goddamn can she drink..... Like a ton. I can handle large quantities of liquor and still be somewhat ok, but this girl drank me under the table. Resulting in a couple of pretty expensive bar tabs.

The sex was just amazing, but drunk sex usually is. And while this would be a decent FWB situation, I'm not 25 anymore and this type of energy takes a toll on me now. Being drunk AF last night really brought out some toxic traits in spurts. "Hot blooded Italian" maybe? I dunno. We're both hungover pretty bad right now and she's still sleeping in the bed as I type this from the bathroom. I thought about sending her home this morning, so I could nurse this hangover alone but she hit me with a mean angle shoot this morning and I fell for it Online dating thread. She woke up before me, took a shower, put on one of my t shirts and snuggled up in bed halfway on top of me. For a moment there I really missed having that "feeling". But the memories of an ex that was toxic AF when she was drunk is stopping me from catching any real feelings.

This isn't going to stop me from getting back in bed and snuggling up with her. I still feel like garbage from about 8 shots (fireball) + other drinks. God I'm a dumbass.

what was convo like the first 10mins or so when you all met, i assume you ended up meeting at a bar instead of your place? or did you drink at your place
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06-15-2019 , 06:39 PM
She might've wanted to stop in just to check out the place knowing that she'd likely be headed back later. Then they went to a bar.
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06-15-2019 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Fossilkid93
She might've wanted to stop in just to check out the place knowing that she'd likely be headed back later. Then they went to a bar.
makes sense, prolly what happened.

when you kissed that girl where you guys mid conversation walking back? or just walking and you did it.

feel like for guys its super easy to get that first kiss in first meet you just gotta pull the trigger
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06-15-2019 , 07:04 PM
Could you immediately tell they were fake, or did she let you know?
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06-15-2019 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
when you kissed that girl where you guys mid conversation walking back? or just walking and you did it.
For dramatic effect, I usually do it mid-sentence as long as she's not saying something important.

I only use that move though when I'm pretty certain she wants a kiss.

Originally Posted by chillrob
Could you immediately tell they were fake, or did she let you know?
For some silly reason I hadn't even considered the fact that they could be fake, but mostly b/c fake tits are really rare here, and in person they looked like they could conceivably be real. If I had been in Colombia then my fake tit radar would've been active and probably picked up on it. When I found out, I was actually talking about Colombia when she said something like "yah a lot of girls are operated on there, like me".
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06-15-2019 , 07:42 PM
If you can touch them, they’re real.
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06-15-2019 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci
If you can touch them, they’re real.
I'm not worried about finding out she has fake tits, I'm worried about finding out she's got a real dick these days.
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06-15-2019 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Eeyorefora
I'm not worried about finding out she has fake tits, I'm worried about finding out she's got a real dick these days.

This is a real concern for you?
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06-15-2019 , 09:39 PM
Well a fake one will break off in your ass
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