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02-23-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by citanul
Why did you owe IG $20?

What studio is she at? Always looking for a good yoga studio.
I broke her vase and she's collecting donations to pay off a huge vet bill from her dog that just died. Are you in the Northern Burbs of ****cago too?

Originally Posted by wutangpoker
I'm desperately hoping that he didn't owe her $20 and he just put it on her step to try and make up with her. The "almost" 20 bucks part makes it sound like it was a fistful of ones, which would set things over the edge hilarity wise
It was all ones. I took my wad of singles that was laying around and stuffed them in an envelope
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02-23-2014 , 09:51 PM
Met my current GF on match, couldn't be happier TBH. Weeded out the psychopaths and idiots.

We text for about a week before meeting IRL -- I feel people are more "themselves" texting than in emails -- so I was able to gauge the psycho and idiot meter pretty well.

Probably was the best 1st date I have ever been on and things just took off from there.

If you're just looking for bangs, just meet ASAP, but for a serious GF I like the 1 week of texting to feel each other out.
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02-23-2014 , 10:31 PM
Trying out online dating for the first time in a while (took a break of about two months, I think).

I just uploaded a new photo and now my profile pic is one of me and Mike Shanahan. Is this a good or bad idea or does it not matter? The thumbnail shows both of us.
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02-23-2014 , 10:49 PM
seems terrible as a main pic. could be ok as like a last pic.
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02-23-2014 , 10:51 PM
Nobody in this city likes Mike Shanahan
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02-23-2014 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by Daniel10
Met my current GF on match, couldn't be happier TBH. Weeded out the psychopaths and idiots.

We text for about a week before meeting IRL -- I feel people are more "themselves" texting than in emails -- so I was able to gauge the psycho and idiot meter pretty well.

Probably was the best 1st date I have ever been on and things just took off from there.

If you're just looking for bangs, just meet ASAP, but for a serious GF I like the 1 week of texting to feel each other out.
How is texting for a week a better option than meeting? Meet in person and see if you click there (regardless of what you're looking for)
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02-24-2014 , 12:51 AM
at least standing next to Mike Shanahan will make you seem good looking since he is a craisin
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02-24-2014 , 12:59 AM
Did you choose the picture because you look good in it or because you think people will be impressed? If the latter, dump it.
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02-24-2014 , 01:59 AM
Had me some sex. Only one round, and got kicked out cuz she has to work in the morning (usually I go minimum four rounds first time with a girl). Doesn't matter, had sex!
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02-24-2014 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by Kenny Bania
Friday - woman who messaged me with a really nice message mentioning a few things about my profile (including that we are a 99 percent match) and asked me out in that first message, which I accepted in the next one. Nice that it doesn't have to be such hard work if people's profiles have enough info. She mentioned she's poly (and has a bf) in the profile. Has a phd, pretty sporty. Meeting during the day for coffee down the street from me.
So this date got pushed back to yesterday because of some work things. We planned to meet at a cafe in a park and see what was up. Turns out the weather was really nice so the cafe and that part of the park were overrun with people so we made a quick decision to get out of the way and got a coffee to go then sat in a quieter part of the park. Chatted for a bit but then she suggested we find somewhere inside since she was starting to get a little cold. We walked with our bikes for a pretty long while since a couple of her ideas ended up being closed. Eventually we found a good felafel place and had some food. Then we had to end it since she was having some people over to her place for dinner.

During the date everything went almost perfect. We align pretty well on most of our beliefs/ideas (politically left, valuing other things over her career - she only works half-time by choice, physically active, bad puns,...). She liked the fact that I asked if I could check my phone (I got 4 texts in a ten minute span and was worried something was up). She also was talking about future dates "cool, then we should cook together some time" or "ok, then when we're lying in bed we can each have headphones on so we don't have to hear the other person's music" (I like country/hip-hop and she apparently likes death metal). At the end as we were walking out I said that we should cook together sometime, but she said "that's more of a third date activity... I have rules." So we were trying to see if we could meet up again and she asked about Tuesday but I already have date #2 with another woman, then she's heading out of town Wednesday and I'm heading out of town Thursday so we'll have to wait a bit to see each other again
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02-24-2014 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
Had me some sex. Only one round, and got kicked out cuz she has to work in the morning (usually I go minimum four rounds first time with a girl). Doesn't matter, had sex!

Half the time I'm satisfied with one round and maybe two with my gf.

Light me a blunt and Im out
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02-24-2014 , 11:41 AM
Minimum four rounds? Yeah right. Number of times is irrelevant from a girls perspective anyways. It's the total amount of time that counts.
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02-24-2014 , 11:49 AM
Lol@ minimum four rounds.
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02-24-2014 , 12:18 PM
I like to cuddle for a while after round one, get horny again, do it again, fall asleep, then have morning sex. Unless I'm drunk, multiple rounds is great
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02-24-2014 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Check my nuts
Lol@ minimum four rounds.
To be young again. Wu. Enjoy it man.
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02-24-2014 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
ETA: I smoothed things over with IG as well. I left like 20 bucks and some toffee and granola brownies at her door step. She called me last night to say she doesn't hate me. Happy cuz I was really getting into Yoga and the studio she teaches at is really dope, as is the studio owner... whose husband gives Vision Quests in Peru with DMT. That'll be my first trip with SG I think
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
I broke her vase and she's collecting donations to pay off a huge vet bill from her dog that just died. Are you in the Northern Burbs of ****cago too?

It was all ones. I took my wad of singles that was laying around and stuffed them in an envelope
1. I'm in Andersonville.

2. I don't understand how your actions would smooth things over, but I'm pretty square, I guess. How does your set of apologetic actions not include buying her a replacement vase? Or at least an amount of money that could in theory pay for a vase?
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02-24-2014 , 01:50 PM
Wutang may have a full-blown sex addiction. I can go at it with girls I find mega-hot three or four rounds, but not just a casual hookup. Basically, if she's hot enough that I would lick her out, I would also bang her multiple times.

With my ex I used to **** her thrice in the puss. Except, once every fortnight I'd **** her in the ass! I liked to call them "back-door bonuses" and sometimes I'd even cheat by claiming two weeks have passed when they hadn't!
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02-24-2014 , 01:58 PM
Remember at minimum four rounds. Shooting dust doesn't stop this kid.
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02-24-2014 , 02:09 PM
I wonder what you guys will think when I tell you I jerked off well into the double digits in a day not very long ago...
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02-24-2014 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
I wonder what you guys will think when I tell you I jerked off well into the double digits in a day not very long ago...
Well into the double digits? Lol are you balding and do you have a lot of body hair?

All 3 (sex drive + above 2) are closely tied to DHT levels

Last edited by TheKingofDiamonds; 02-24-2014 at 02:22 PM.
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02-24-2014 , 02:17 PM
It's not wverytime, it's usually just the first time I'm with a particular girl sober. It's just a journey of exploration. Plus one time isn't enough for me usually in the first encounter to figure out what a girl likes. Second time in the same nights better, third even better, so on
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02-24-2014 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Chris DolMeth
Wutang may have a full-blown sex addiction. I can go at it with girls I find mega-hot three or four rounds, but not just a casual hookup. Basically, if she's hot enough that I would lick her out, I would also bang her multiple times.

With my ex I used to **** her thrice in the puss. Except, once every fortnight I'd **** her in the ass! I liked to call them "back-door bonuses" and sometimes I'd even cheat by claiming two weeks have passed when they hadn't!
I've never had anal. To me, anal completely ruins porn and it doesn't appeal to me that much. Review of the third hole?
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02-24-2014 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
I wonder what you guys will think when I tell you I jerked off well into the double digits in a day not very long ago...
damn man,, my libido has never been that good... in my teens , early twenties,, 3-4 times a day was possible.. in my late twenties,, i can do 2 a night and maybe a third in the morn ,, early thirties,, two during a an 18 hour period.. mid thirties,, man,, like my basketball playing,, i need a day off in between .. i know i need to get in better shape,, that is a big part of it.. i see you ride bike.. what would you recommend for someone who lives in a congested city, and not that many hills ...
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02-24-2014 , 02:36 PM
Tbh it was pretty terrible. I wasn't genuinely horny for like half of them, I just rubbed the head till I got some semblance of blood flow down there and feverishly attacked my half limp penis.

But I lived in downtown Indy for a year and a half. Probably not what you'd consider a big city, but there was a ton more traffic than where I live and barely any hills. I just had to deal with it and ride on busy roads till I got out of the city. It sucked. But if you live in a big city, there's also a pretty good chance that you can find a velodrome and get involved in track cycling. It's fun! Mountain bike trails ought to be within driving distance too
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02-24-2014 , 02:38 PM
If you get involved with a local bicycle club, they can help you find routes with minimal traffic.

I do assloads of planks and ab wheels for aesthetics and stability, but I hear they're also good for sex
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