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Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board.

03-19-2014 , 06:02 AM
Can a plane successfully land (ditch) in the Indian Ocean? Like Capt. Sully did in the Hudson river?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
Can a plane successfully land (ditch) in the Indian Ocean? Like Capt. Sully did in the Hudson river?
The Hudson pane was a narrow body jet. A wide body jet like the 777 has never been successfully landed on water.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 06:15 AM
CNN updates from press conference:

-- Reports that the plane was sighted by people in the Maldives are "not true."

-- Some information has been deleted from the flight simulator found at the home of the pilot, Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said. Forensics is trying to recover it, he said.

-- U.S. government official: The plane is more likely in the southern search area

I continue to think the Captain was the instigator (but it does suck to believe that while he may well have heroically tried to save the plane and/or did save it from doing far worse things)
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 06:37 AM
Sad. 3 relatives, absolutely heartbroken tried to enter the press conference in Kuala Lumpur to speak to the press. They were literally man handled and dragged out into another room and not let near the media to talk to by the police!

This is torture. They wont reveal all info because of other countries politics. Like the plane was spotted on other countries radar but they cant reveal that info!!?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
The Hudson pane was a narrow body jet. A wide body jet like the 777 has never been successfully landed on water.
Furthermore the Hudson River is a relatively calm and flat surface compared to the ocean.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 06:51 AM
Reading this PPRuNe thread, it's amazing how horrendous the general public is at probability. This in particular caught my eye:

The question must be put, however, is what are the odds of both of them [ACARS and the transponder] failing on the same flight within minutes of each other? How often has that happened in your knowledge and experience?
What are the odds of flipping a coin and getting heads five times in a row?

Having flipped a coin four times in a row and got heads every time what are the odds of getting heads again if I flip it one more time?

I don't think probability works in the way you imply. ACARS fails quite regularly, once ACARS has failed what is the probability that the transponder fails? The same as it always has been for transponder failures.
That's one of the more explicit faliures, but the applied judging of probabilities in actual theories has been awful as well, often a case of the same fallacy outlined above (failure to multiply probabilities). Someone outlined an elaborate theory involving a meterorite exploding mid-air and taking out crucial plane systems and when they got loled at people rushed to the defence with "hey, pilot suicides are really rare too man".
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by chisness
CNN updates from press conference:

-- Reports that the plane was sighted by people in the Maldives are "not true."
Turns out the plane wasn't seen where it couldn't possibly have been. Incredible development.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Reading this PPRuNe thread, it's amazing how horrendous the general public is at probability.
One of the things I'm noticing is that, being pilots themselves, they are very quick to dismiss any speculation that the pilots may have been at fault here, despite pilot suicide having occurred multiple times in the past.

It leads them to cling fairly desperately to more far less likely theories of multiple technical failures.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:12 AM
I think it's the same with that fire theory going viral. People like a nice neat theory where everyone is behaving like human beings. They're less likely to think critically about a story like that.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:15 AM
That forum is probably a far more intelligent than average sample of people too. A bit worrying.

Seems like a time to jump back on my favourite soapbox, that critical thinking should be taught as a subject in schools. Attention paid to applied probability, recognition of cognitive bias in oneself and so forth. It's so important in the modern world where we are drowned in floods of information, much of it unreliable.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:19 AM
ChrisV, Amen. It's amazing the errors otherwise intelligent/smart people make when it comes to probability.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:24 AM
Interesting point about simulator deletion is (in addition to it possibly being random/innocent), it would indicate some premeditation, which seems less likely than the theory of tilting the day of due to the political conviction.

Also this is the first story I can remember that I've followed super intensively. And it makes me hate all of my usual news sources like Gawker, TheWeek, Hackernews, and FB friends. Also all the people in all the forums repeating infinitely answered questions.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:24 AM
It's something that doesn't come intuitively to people. None of us are immune. I remember I argued for about 15 minutes when first presented with the solution to the Monty Hall problem.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:25 AM
Deletion of info from the flight sim (on Feb 9th) doesn't mean much. From what I've heard a cache was deleted. I delete my browser history from time to time for various reasons, doesn't mean I'm trying to hide anything.

I use incognito mode for porn, obviously
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by chisness
Also this is the first story I can remember that I've followed super intensively. And it makes me hate all of my usual news sources like Gawker, TheWeek, Hackernews, and FB friends. Also all the people in all the forums repeating infinitely answered questions.
I think this was discussed earlier in the thread, makes you realise how clueless media outlets are when you see them report on a story that you're an expert on. Most of the time they have no idea what's going on.

I saw that Maldives story reported in the media a billion times today and not once did they mention that it was completely incompatible with where the satellite said the plane ended up. Part of the problem is incompetence, but unfortunately part of the problem is that news and entertainment have been blurred. A lot of "news" online is just click bait, i.e. "EXPLOSIVE NEW THEORY ON MH370! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHERE LOCALS SAY THEY SAW THE PLANE!".
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:30 AM
Abducted by UFO theory probably 80% at this point.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I saw that Maldives story reported in the media a billion times today and not once did they mention that it was completely incompatible with where the satellite said the plane ended up.
I saw one being reported that someone had seen MH370 on a satellite photo over the Andaman Islands. When I started reading it it turned out the source of the photo had discredited it, because the photo was taken at some earlier time, of course. But the headline and first paragraph or two still made it seem as though this was some major breakthrough.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by Gigi_Bailey
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:42 AM
No its not. And its been posted like half a dozen times ITT already.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:43 AM
Originally Posted by Gigi_Bailey
Hi Gigi. Yeah, i read that yesterday. Its well written but there are a lot of holes in that theory imo
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
No its not. And its been posted like half a dozen times ITT already.
Well very sorry I missed that it was shared. And yeah it's not full of alien theories so might not interest everyone on here. As a fellow pilot I think he at least has the decency to feel shamed by the allegations made towards a colleague that might be completely based on false assumptions.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:48 AM
The nail in the coffin for that theory is that the turnaround had already been programmed at 1:07, well before final radio contact.

Someone deliberately took that plane off course.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:49 AM
Can we also propose a ban for the next person that comes in here thinking they're offering an entirely original and hilarious theory regarding aliens?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-19-2014 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by LolZombies
Hi Gigi. Yeah, i read that yesterday. Its well written but there are a lot of holes in that theory imo
I think he has the basics right. Find the nearest airport. aviate, navigate, communicate (since some 'smart' people here find every plausible theory nonsense because the pilots didn't even tell ATC they had a problem/fire/emergency/whatever). And last but not least, a captain is named and shamed in various ways, for all we know this is based on loose facts and this guy might as well have been fighting for his and his passengers life.

But again... no aliens.. So should have probably not shared what I thought was decent food for thought. I'll stick with poker threads from now on, at least there you don't get the word 'ban' as a response because you can't filter through every halfarsed post about conspiracies...
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
