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Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board.

03-30-2014 , 04:00 AM
Finally someone on pprune talks some sense:

The airplane left a major airport with a competent crew, no known deficiencies and the best navigation and communication equipment available. It apparently ended up in the least accessible area it could reach with the fuel on board, and there is still debate about the possibility it did this without deliberate action on the part of a pilot. It keeps the story alive, but needs more imagination than fact, of which there is an unlimited supply of the former but very little of the latter, which only points in one direction. Somebody put this airplane wherever it is, and knew what he was doing.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by VincentVega

W0X0F, what is your opinion on what actually happened? Sorry if you have went into details but if you would humor me that would be great.
Just arrived in Brussels and I need to take a nap before going out to buy chocolate for all the people I made promises to...

I've always shied away from speculation in aircraft accidents, but this one sounds to me like one of the following:

- suicide by one of the pilots (rare, but it's happened)
- hijacking gone bad, ending up with incapacitated crew
- some mechanical and/or fire event, perhaps with fumes which resulted in crew incapacitation

I know there are a lot of reports about the timeline of transponder going off, etc and I haven't even tried to do a thorough analysis. But I also know that the mainstream media gets this stuff wrong a lot.

AW&ST had a good article in their current issue (March 24) and one of the really unfortunate things here is the lack of cooperation between countries, and also lack of dissemination of information within countries between their own civilian and military entities. Both the Thai and Malaysian military radar had hits on this plane that did not get conveyed to civilian authorities.

Unless the black boxes are recovered, I have little hope that there will be a definitive finding of probable cause for this event. But I never did subscribe to the idea of terrorists stealing the plane for use in a future attack. It would be much easier to simply procure a used plane on the open market.

Shame on CNN and the rest for the crap they put out. It's one thing to read that kind of BS on a poker forum, but it's sad to see it come from a formerly respected news source.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by PJo336
You can search for all posts by one user in just this thread you know? Its under search this thread. Very useful for this kind of thing (Keeping up on missed posts in one thread)
I think this method shows all posts with the word W0X0F in it so you'll still have to sift.

Instead, from the main OOT page, find the thread and click the Replies number, over 3,000 for this thread, and it will open a window with who replied and how many times. If you click on W0X0F's number of replies, currently 131, that link will open a page linking all 131 W0X0F's posts in this thread.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by Aytumious
Why would you think that?
Because I don't trust the media to deliver thruthful stories. I haven't read into this story, all I've seen is pics on the front page of news papers depicting grieving family members receiving the news of their dead family via text. But I know from previous big stories that pics can and are faked with adobe software, even videos are faked to fit whatever narrative they want to achieve. So for me it's like why wouldn't I think it's fake.
Originally Posted by rjoefish
The inverse of you being ******ed.
Keep believing msm, everything will be ok.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 10:11 AM
Nobody take the bait pls or this thread will go full ******.

To attempt to counteract this, here's a story from a couple days ago I think is interesting:

The captain of Flight 370 was in no state of mind to fly the day it disappeared and could have taken the Boeing 777 for a "last joyride" before crashing into the Indian Ocean, a fellow pilot says.

Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's world was crumbling, said the long-time associate. He had been facing serious family problems, including separation from his wife and relationship problems with another woman he was seeing.

The man, who spoke to the Herald on condition of anonymity, said Captain Zaharie was "terribly upset" when his wife told him she was leaving and believed he may have decided to take the Malaysia Airlines plane to a part of the world he had never flown in.
This is speculative stuff, but it would fit with some other info. In particular, this friend claimed that not only had his relationship with his wife broken up, but a relationship with another woman was going badly as well. This would fit with the rumours about him having been spoken to not long before the flight by a mystery woman on a mobile purchased under a false name. Those rumours were denied somewhat coyly by authorities (first saying it was "just speculation" and then saying they had "no evidence" that such a conversation had occurred - where did such a specific story come from then?).

It paints a picture of someone who had recently been left by his wife but was forced to live with her still for the children; who had an affair with another woman which also failed, with him possibly having a bad conversation with her right between the flight; plus the political blow of his hero being jailed for 5 years, evidence that his country is fundamentally corrupt.

I don't think mental collapse under these circumstances is unlikely. Obviously this is all very speculative, I could be totally wrong. But for people who can't believe the pilot suicide theory because of how normal Shah previously seemed, this presents a possible scenario where he could have lost his mind.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by ShaneG
Because I don't trust the media to deliver thruthful stories. I haven't read into this story, all I've seen is pics on the front page of news papers depicting grieving family members receiving the news of their dead family via text. But I know from previous big stories that pics can and are faked with adobe software, even videos are faked to fit whatever narrative they want to achieve. So for me it's like why wouldn't I think it's fake.

Keep believing msm, everything will be ok.
I think I see the problem.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by ShaneG
Originally Posted by rightonwrong
I think I see the problem.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Nobody take the bait pls or this thread will go full ******.
The thread is already full ******, you're talking about a fictional story and discussing it as if it were real. It doesn't get much more ******ed than that. It's like kids enthusiastically talking about their favourite wrestling characters and forgetting, or not knowing, that it's all an act. Or a dozy old woman who's addicted to soap operas and becomes empathetic as she talks to her friends about the lives of the characters. They do it because they've deluded themselves into feeling and acting out (in their head) the excitement and drama of the characters they see on screen, as it replaces a lack of such excitement and drama in their own lives.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by rightonwrong
I think I see the problem.
There's no point reading into a bogus story, it's a waste of time and i'm not a big fan of fictional work.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:07 AM
So the missing aircraft is bogus in your universe or the speculation over the cause of the missing aircraft? One is full ****** and the other is shaking your fist at the clouds so answer carefully.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:08 AM
uh huh... if I take you seriously for a second, you read the "bogus story" so that you know what is claimed. Otherwise you are arguing from ignorance.

It's a waste of time to debate with someone when you have already formed the opinion that they are sheeple and cannot be changed. And yet here you are, preaching to the sheeple.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by rightonwrong
uh huh... if I take you seriously for a second, you read the "bogus story" so that you know what is claimed. Otherwise you are arguing from ignorance.

It's a waste of time to debate with someone when you have already formed the opinion that they are sheeple and cannot be changed. And yet here you are, preaching to the sheeple.
It was my mum who told me about it at first, she believes in these tv fables just like the rest of them. As soon as she told me I politely told her it was all fake and she just laughed. Since then, I have seen the story plastered all over the newspapers, even though I don't go out of my way to read newspapers, I some times have a flick when i'm taking public transport. So even if I didn't want to know about this story, it would have always been shoved in my face anyway.

Perhaps some people can't be changed, but some definitely can. I don't like the words sheeple or conspiritard as they have been stigmatized and only do harm as they keep us divided.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:25 AM
Just for context guys, I'm pretty sure ShaneG also believes 9/11 didn't involve planes and that the images/videos of planes hitting the twin towers are all faked as are all of the witness reports from the thousands of people who claim to have seen it live.

It's best just to ignore him or engage him in politics unchained.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by ShaneG
There's no point reading into a bogus story, it's a waste of time and i'm not a big fan of fictional work.
meds and doseages?
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by ShaneG
It was my mum who told me about it at first, she believes in these tv fables just like the rest of them. As soon as she told me I politely told her it was all fake and she just laughed. Since then, I have seen the story plastered all over the newspapers, even though I don't go out of my way to read newspapers, I some times have a flick when i'm taking public transport. So even if I didn't want to know about this story, it would have always been shoved in my face anyway.

Perhaps some people can't be changed, but some definitely can. I don't like the words sheeple or conspiritard as they have been stigmatized and only do harm as they keep us divided.
lolwut the first time you heard about it you already knew it was fake???
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Just for context guys, I'm pretty sure ShaneG also believes 9/11 didn't involve planes and that the images/videos of planes hitting the twin towers are all faked as are all of the witness reports from the thousands of people who claim to have seen it live.

It's best just to ignore him or engage him in politics unchained.
You're the one who believes the official version of events, I choose not to believe, rather look at the evidence and accept it for what it is.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Just for context guys, I'm pretty sure ShaneG also believes 9/11 didn't involve planes and that the images/videos of planes hitting the twin towers are all faked as are all of the witness reports from the thousands of people who claim to have seen it live.

It's best just to ignore him or engage him in politics unchained.
You can't chain Shane
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by rightonwrong
lolwut the first time you heard about it you already knew it was fake???
All the big and outlandish news stories are fake. Of course I can't know for certain, i'm basing my assumptions on previous history within the media.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:34 AM
Zero engagement bros, keep the thread sane.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by z4reio
I think this method shows all posts with the word W0X0F in it so you'll still have to sift.

Instead, from the main OOT page, find the thread and click the Replies number, over 3,000 for this thread, and it will open a window with who replied and how many times. If you click on W0X0F's number of replies, currently 131, that link will open a page linking all 131 W0X0F's posts in this thread.
You enter a name under username, not keyword. Its in advanced search

Originally Posted by ChrisV
Zero engagement bros, keep the thread sane.
If only the internet really worked that way
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
You enter a name under username, not keyword. Its in advanced search
Ah, takes you to the same page.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
You enter a name under username, not keyword. Its in advanced search
Go to OOT forum > look for thread > click replies
(3196 atm) > control+f "WOXOF" > click the second link > tada all posts from this thread without any bs.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 02:09 PM
the irony of discussing how to use the search function in this thread is not lost on me.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 02:21 PM
at this point, all we can hope is that the alien(s) responsible for this tragedy are brought to justice.
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
03-30-2014 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
Go to OOT forum > look for thread > click replies
(3196 atm) > control+f "WOXOF" > click the second link > tada all posts from this thread without any bs.
But thats a stupid way to do it, and more work. :P
Malaysia Airlines 777 Disappears: 239 on board. Quote
