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Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi

02-19-2010 , 03:59 PM
damn, I work in a former IRS building - I hope all the tax terrorists have up to date records.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:03 PM
Well sounds like his "plan" was pretty much an epic fail.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:08 PM
he is a true patriot
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by kurosh
Blowing something up doesn't make you crazy.
Blowing up an air mattress on a camping trip and flying a plane into a building are two separate things IMHO.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:39 PM
now my tax dollars are going to be used to fix that irs building... thanks bro.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:53 PM
Another false flag attack, cover story in place, evidence (his house) destroyed... but you all probably still believe 9/11 was planned and carried out by arab muslims... so I won't waste my time or yours any further.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:54 PM
Did you guys even read his manifesto? The IRS is a minor portion of it.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by kazana
being crazy and having to fly into the building aren't mutually exclusive, i think. so you probably need to rephrase that to make it clear.
I was just making a joke...Danny Ocean got it.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Alizona
Another false flag attack, cover story in place, evidence (his house) destroyed... but you all probably still believe 9/11 was planned and carried out by arab muslims... so I won't waste my time or yours any further.
No, please go on. I am interested in your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Alizona
Another false flag attack, cover story in place, evidence (his house) destroyed... but you all probably still believe 9/11 was planned and carried out by arab muslims... so I won't waste my time or yours any further.
please bump the 9/11 truth thread, it needs another tinfoil hatted fellow talking about jackbooted thugs and the like
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by chicken10der
A+++++ A-****ing-mazing hahahahahah.

PS Nice avatar [Phil]
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by kurosh
Before you guys write him off as a lunatic, please read his manifesto with an open mind. I actually agree with most of what he says. The unabomber has a very good manifesto too. Blowing something up doesn't make you crazy. READ what he says and explain to me why he is wrong.
sorry. deliberately crashing your plane into a building automatically confers lunatic status -- regardless of whether you make a good point in your suicide note.

His manifesto is meh. His point, that it is easier for big business and banks to get justice than it is for the "little guy", has some truth to it, but thats kind of true for every government in history -- the rich and powerful always get better access to justice than the average man.

The average working man in the US still has it better than 99% of his counterparts in other parts of the world or at other times in history.

Last edited by senjitsu; 02-19-2010 at 06:23 PM.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by kurosh
Before you guys write him off as a lunatic, please read his manifesto with an open mind. I actually agree with most of what he says. The unabomber has a very good manifesto too. Blowing something up doesn't make you crazy. READ what he says and explain to me why he is wrong.
#1 tax nuts' arguments have been roundly and repeatedly rejected by courts to the point that they are deemed frivolous in court

#2 the freedoms he thinks do not exist do actually exist to a greater extent in our country than many others. he was represented, even though he felt like his representatives didn't listen to him.

#3 knowing how to read plain English is not the same as being able to read legalese. 16 years school does not equal 19 years school (forgetting 3 years law school).

#4 while many people agree that he's right about the tax code screwing the little guy with 1706(d) in particular, this wasn't an effective way to get it changed; or if it does get changed, he won't be around to benefit. in fact, I think they're less likely to change it now for fear of encouraging more similar behavior. It's not like they're going to introduce the Joe Stack memorial Tax Reform Act of 2010 and repeal 1706(d).

#5 income is any benefit derived, including cashed-in IRA

#6 he has some responsibility for not catching his accountant's mistake

#7 the crash was an act of violence that randomly killed some low-level IRS flunkies that proly had nothing to do with his case.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.WeakTight
#1 tax nuts' arguments have been roundly and repeatedly rejected by courts to the point that they are deemed frivolous in court

#2 the freedoms he thinks do not exist do actually exist to a greater extent in our country than many others. he was represented, even though he felt like his representatives didn't listen to him.

#3 knowing how to read plain English is not the same as being able to read legalese. 16 years school does not equal 19 years school (forgetting 3 years law school).

#4 while many people agree that he's right about the tax code screwing the little guy with 1706(d) in particular, this wasn't an effective way to get it changed; or if it does get changed, he won't be around to benefit. in fact, I think they're less likely to change it now for fear of encouraging more similar behavior. It's not like they're going to introduce the Joe Stack memorial Tax Reform Act of 2010 and repeal 1706(d).

#5 income is any benefit derived, including cashed-in IRA

#6 he has some responsibility for not catching his accountant's mistake

#7 the crash was an act of violence that randomly killed some low-level IRS flunkies that proly had nothing to do with his case.
#1 and 2 are utterly irrelevant. Tons of unjust things get held up in court. Justice is not what is defined by a bunch of old white guys. There have been tons of laws that were complete crap and were upheld for a long time, but it didn't make them right.

#3 just shows how screwed up the system is. He sees all the connected people benefit, and sees how they spend all this effort to go after him and screw him over.

#4 I don't think he cared about changing things after he was dead. He already put as much effort as he could to stop it.

#6 - lol @ that. What's the point of hiring an expert if you have to check their work?

#7 - this is true. If he would have shot up the guy who introduced that section of the IRS code, I'd have a lot more respect for him. Still crazy and all, but at least he's going after the person who screwed him.

I don't justify what he did, but I can see what led him to it.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 07:43 PM
You can see how the tax code change passed 24 years ago led to flying a plane into a bldg? That's not logical reasoning, that's a brain seizure.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 07:48 PM
i'll do the honorable thing and not post my opinions in OOT.

You're welcome, OOT.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by NajdorfDefense
You can see how the tax code change passed 24 years ago led to flying a plane into a bldg? That's not logical reasoning, that's a brain seizure.
No, I can see how dealing with the IRS and dealing with trying to get a law he felt was terribly unfair changed, along with watching this money go to the privileged elite drive someone insane.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 08:39 PM
Can we call him a terrorist?

Because I want to.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 09:57 PM
Darwin Awards at work, imo.

Hopefully the moran didn't take anyone else out, with his stupid ass
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
Darwin Awards at work, imo.

Hopefully the moran didn't take anyone else out, with his stupid ass
For the size of what it looked like, the fact that only one other person died is pretty remarkable. A few other injuries, but about as good of an outcome as it can go for this kind of thing. He was not only a failure at life, but a failure at even his death.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 10:40 PM
Aside from killing people, this guy and the Unabomber are way more correct about their views on our government than the idiots bashing them in this thread.

I have respect for people calling this guy a jackass for killing people.

I have no respect for people calling this guy crazy for his beliefs/understanding of the incompetence/corruption of our government and the stupidity of our people.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
For the size of what it looked like, the fact that only one other person died is pretty remarkable. A few other injuries, but about as good of an outcome as it can go for this kind of thing. He was not only a failure at life, but a failure at even his death.
I think the lesson we can take from this case is that when it comes to death nothing beats a kid walking into a school cafeteria with a semi and the intent to use it.

I have no idea if he is crazy, but he is clearly stupid if his plan was to really kill loads of IRS people.

Failure to learn from the "mistakes" of others dooms us to repeat them.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I think the lesson we can take from this case is that when it comes to death nothing beats a kid walking into a school cafeteria with a semi and the intent to use it.

I have no idea if he is crazy, but he is clearly stupid if his plan was to really kill loads of IRS people.

Failure to learn from the "mistakes" of others dooms us to repeat them.
But... but he had his own aeroplane!
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
But... but he had his own aeroplane!
I wonder what the tax costs of owning and running your own plane are.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-19-2010 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I wonder what the tax costs of owning and running your own plane are.
Yeah, I was wondering why he didn't sell his damn airplane if he was struggling so much financially.

Last edited by dlk9s; 02-19-2010 at 11:43 PM. Reason: I mean, I know why. He wanted to kill people with it.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
