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Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi

02-18-2010 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins

Of course, we all know that Alex Jones is really a government plant that is designed to make people look crazy.
This is great multilevel thinking. Sklansky's TOP covers this.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by 27AllIn
if everyone would just crash a plane into an irs building the world would be a better place
On the downside, this would result in a flood of horribly written manifestos. Meanwhile Ted Kaczynski is sitting in a prison cell with nothing much to do. If you're gonna blow something up, at least get him to ghost write the manifesto, because the average domestic terrorist can't write worth a damn.

Last edited by EvilSteve; 02-18-2010 at 05:43 PM. Reason: technically if everyone did this, we'd all be dead
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 05:38 PM
I work like 5 minutes away from here. Traffic is ridiculous with the rerouting right now.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
crazy, I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but the Unabomber was the greatest anti-government kook of ALL TIME
Aw, c'mon. You coulda done much better:

Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
On the downside, this would result in a flood of horribly written manifestos. Meanwhile Ted Kaczynski is sitting in a prison cell with nothing much to do. If you're gonna blow something up, at least get him to ghost write the manifesto, because the average domestic terrorist can't write worth a damn.
Don't worry, pitchfork will rate them all for us.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 05:50 PM
Cliffs of manifesto?
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Aw, c'mon. You coulda done much better:

Did McVeigh have a manifesto? I DON'T THINK SO.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by Twos Full
Cliffs of manifesto?
Blah blah, IRS dicked me over, blah blah, got dicked again, blah, got married, bought piano, blah blah, DICKED AGAIN? NO WAI, AAAAAAAAAIGHGHGH BOOOOOM!!!
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by ATAT
Blah blah, IRS dicked me over, blah blah, got dicked again, blah, got married, bought piano, blah blah, DICKED AGAIN? NO WAI, AAAAAAAAAIGHGHGH BOOOOOM!!!
Something about no taxation without representation blah blah blah
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 06:01 PM
I think he mighta Zinged GM too somewhere in there too.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Aw, c'mon. You coulda done much better:

Unabomber > Mcveigh imo.

The guy lived in a one room shed in Montana and terrorized people for almost 20 years. Plus he was ridiculously smart (aside from being insane).
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 06:19 PM
Unabomber SNL sketch was awesome.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 06:19 PM
Is it just me or are terrorists becoming increasingly ******ed?

Unfortunately the real terrorists at Fox News now get more "evidence" against Obama.

Palin in 12
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 06:26 PM
People fail to realise just how ahead of his time the Unbomber was. I mean you think terrorist you think Irish. Or Muslim. But they were entire networks of people, the Unabomber was just a dude on a mission.

You have to give the guy his props, he was driven, dedicated and led an 18 year campaign which had very few casualties because he didnt want to cause mass casualties. Plus where is the class in suicide bombing, mail bombings are old school but in a resource to publicity ratio they are much more efficient.

Its just a shame that the name of Unabomber is being overtaken by guys like the Shoebomber and Underwear bomber in trading card popularity. Those guys were failures with really crappy nicknames.

I fully believe if he dedicated himself, hired some more staff and maybe a few interns, Kaczynski could have done 9/11 and brought down the towers a full decade earlier, before the Muslims even tried the first time.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 06:48 PM
he should have waited until April 15th?
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I mean you think terrorist you think Irish.
Yeah. Sure. That.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 07:27 PM
well not in the us, but you probably do if you live in great britain
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 07:33 PM
Gotta love the questions these news reporters ask lol. "So is the building a complete tear down now?" As flames and black smoke billows out of the whole place.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by ATAT
Blah blah, IRS dicked me over, blah blah, got dicked again, blah, got married, bought piano, blah blah, DICKED AGAIN? NO WAI, AAAAAAAAAIGHGHGH BOOOOOM!!!

I think you missed his point. Which he addressed in his paper to begin with; Americans as a whole are too dumb and have too little power to change the way our government operates. Sure he said he got ****ed over a lot, but his main point was that he was frustrated at the lack of ability to address problems in our country under the system we operate.

He was steadfast in his beliefs and did the same thing millions of other Americans have done who believe their government was infringing on their rights; killing as many as those who he believes were to blame.

This is startling because people believe they can truly change America's future in a profound way without drastic measures when in actuallity it takes A LOT of power and money to truly have an impact.

So, he resorted to what has worked in this country's past, violence.

I understand the guy's frustrations, but I wouldn't resort to this. America has its problems, ignorance being the biggest, but it is still a great place to live.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 07:47 PM
Missing a point and not caring about it are two different things.

<-----Politarding, that a'way
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by phiphika1453
I think you missed his point. Which he addressed in his paper to begin with; Americans as a whole are too dumb and have too little power to change the way our government operates. Sure he said he got ****ed over a lot, but his main point was that he was frustrated at the lack of ability to address problems in our country under the system we operate.

He was steadfast in his beliefs and did the same thing millions of other Americans have done who believe their government was infringing on their rights; killing as many as those who he believes were to blame.

This is startling because people believe they can truly change America's future in a profound way without drastic measures when in actuallity it takes A LOT of power and money to truly have an impact.

So, he resorted to what has worked in this country's past, violence.

I understand the guy's frustrations, but I wouldn't resort to this. America has its problems, ignorance being the biggest, but it is still a great place to live.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
People fail to realise just how ahead of his time the Unbomber was. I mean you think terrorist you think Irish. Or Muslim. But they were entire networks of people, the Unabomber was just a dude on a mission.

You have to give the guy his props, he was driven, dedicated and led an 18 year campaign which had very few casualties because he didnt want to cause mass casualties. Plus where is the class in suicide bombing, mail bombings are old school but in a resource to publicity ratio they are much more efficient.

Its just a shame that the name of Unabomber is being overtaken by guys like the Shoebomber and Underwear bomber in trading card popularity. Those guys were failures with really crappy nicknames.

I fully believe if he dedicated himself, hired some more staff and maybe a few interns, Kaczynski could have done 9/11 and brought down the towers a full decade earlier, before the Muslims even tried the first time.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
People fail to realise just how ahead of his time the Unbomber was. I mean you think terrorist you think Irish. Or Muslim. But they were entire networks of people, the Unabomber was just a dude on a mission.

You have to give the guy his props, he was driven, dedicated and led an 18 year campaign which had very few casualties because he didnt want to cause mass casualties. Plus where is the class in suicide bombing, mail bombings are old school but in a resource to publicity ratio they are much more efficient.

Its just a shame that the name of Unabomber is being overtaken by guys like the Shoebomber and Underwear bomber in trading card popularity. Those guys were failures with really crappy nicknames.

I fully believe if he dedicated himself, hired some more staff and maybe a few interns, Kaczynski could have done 9/11 and brought down the towers a full decade earlier, before the Muslims even tried the first time.
Seeing as how he was a US citizen, he has a huge leg up against Foreign nationals on Terrorist watch lists.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 09:02 PM
I just like the word manifesto. Co-opted by lunatics.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
02-18-2010 , 09:23 PM
Wow, the plane took off literally miles from my Grandma's house, i've been to the airport there many times, as my uncle flies planes there. Crazy.
Crazy dude writes online manifesto, lights house on fire, crashes private plane into IRS buildi Quote
