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Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen?

01-26-2021 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Well we will see in a few months but you are a sweet summer child if you think we will have baseball this year (and lolNBA happening this season)

And football isn’t happening either. None of the big 4 + MLS + NCAA major team sports will happen in the next 12 months.

The opening up soon is only going to increase the odds as the rebound will be much harder.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 12:05 PM

Maybe it will mutate the other way, like in The Andromeda Strain.

Seriously, though, while your suggestion in the second paragraph is the right thing to do, it will never fly in USA #n.

Too many people don't believe in Mr. Spock's assertion that the good of the many outweighs the good of the few.

Last edited by golddog; 01-26-2021 at 12:08 PM. Reason: Fixed reference
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
No, I’m being realistic.

We are not going to have NBA Playoffs
We are not going to have MLB this summer
We are 95% not going to have football

It’s not hard to read the writing on the wall...people are just in denial

Last week was supposed to be our toughest week, our peak week, etc but this week is worse.

Why that week? Because it was right before Easter, the first milestone thrown out there. Now it’ll be May 1st then June 1st etc. Just like it was “15 days to stop the spread” then “30 days to stop the spread.”

I’ve been saying this since March and I told my kids in March they weren’t going back to school this year. These “let’s shut down for 1 week then see” don’t fool me. Nothing about this gets better quickly. It takes a long long time to get down to small number of infected people even if we had the Re less than 1, and practically every state is still increasing with no end in sight.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
There are limits to what we can do. My wife has it as well and we live in a New York apartment. We don't have have enough room to be truly separate from the kids, nor are they old enough for it to be practical. And my wife and I obviously can't move into a hotel room and leave the kids. So we are quarantining as a family.
Best of luck to all of you.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by deucedeuces
Quoted for dozens of eggs on my face. I felt like such a dumbass today when I thought about these posts. 100 bucks to the charity of your choice 27off.

Island Food Pantry

Thanks deuces.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 02:09 PM
They're vaccinating the "general elderly" now in Kansas City. It's 24 degrees outside today. Hundreds of 80 yr olds are lined up, standing 6' apart, outside, waiting their turn.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 02:11 PM
Brilliant. Drive up vaccinations never occurred to them?
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 02:25 PM
Thinning the herd to conserve vaccine. Genius!
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
maybe we should bite the bullet and really mask up and isolate to stop it.

What a novel ****ing thought.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 03:14 PM
There is no way we could ever isolate in the US. $1800 in relief checks aren't gonna pay the bills. The idea is completely comical as there is no support from our government.

They may as well have just told us "Stay home and isolate, pay your bills with monopoly money!"
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 03:23 PM
Hold on, the monopoly money doesn't arrive until after the next stimulus
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
what i worry about is that it is mutating as all viruses do. and what if it mutates to a virus that we cant vaccinate for and is totally deadly. kind of like all the si- fi movies that seem to becoming true over time.

maybe we should bite the bullet and really mask up and isolate to stop it. if that will work. it seems to have in some countries. not fun and not constitutional but the downside of this is scary.
Has any virus been "controlled" thru (lack of) physical activity? Seems to me they all do their thing and go dormant for x years and pop up again.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Sir Huntington
There is no way we could ever isolate in the US. $1800 in relief checks aren't gonna pay the bills. The idea is completely comical as there is no support from our government.

They may as well have just told us "Stay home and isolate, pay your bills with monopoly money!"
This is so painfully close to the point.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 06:32 PM
they mutate and change to help themselves live on. but this strain has improved itself and made it more virulent as in the english and south african changes.

the chance that it becomes deadly and not able to be stopped is worth taking strong measures. even though i as everyone else wont like that at all.

so the only way to stop it likely is
herd immunity by infecting most of the world
vaccination the same or
isolating everyone until it dies out or down.

but doing things slowly makes it much more likely to happen.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 06:34 PM
everyone would only have to isolate for the time it takes for no one to still be contagious. that may be only a month.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 07:21 PM
I’m with you Ray. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem possible no matter how bad this thing mutates.

Hell movie theaters are opening back up in my area. Co-workers inviting me out to eat indoors. I sure hope the variants don’t wreak havoc, and case numbers continue to trend down.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 07:24 PM
A highly accurate, widely available rapid test seems like the most important thing behind the vaccine, to me. Restaurants, employers, retail stores, casinos, airlines, etc being able to give someone a test before allowing them into their establishment would be huge. I don't know what I would pay, but having a test to give people before allowing them in my home would be so great. I'd probably pay $19.99 each, maybe more?
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 08:09 PM
I think the next "stimulus" will end up being closer to the $600 we just got rather than $1400 or $2000.

Originally Posted by GodgersWOAT
He's a real strange person who seems to get some sort of weird pleasure in telling people that the fun things they like are over forever. Best left on ignore.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 09:39 PM
he predicted there would be no football etc, but he was right that there SHOULDN'T have been football etc.

he was right with all the other stuff he said in those posts. he was just wrong that corporate power would force football on us, sacrificing human life so they could make a profit. but that's nothing new. we sacrifice 30k americans every year to car crashes so we can drive cars around
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 09:43 PM
Plesse stop comparing car crashes to a virus-just stop
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by hansmolman
I’m with you Ray. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem possible no matter how bad this thing mutates.

Hell movie theaters are opening back up in my area. Co-workers inviting me out to eat indoors. I sure hope the variants don’t wreak havoc, and case numbers continue to trend down.
Compliance where I live (southern california) is basically ZERO. Massage places open. Restaurants with indoor dining. No one wearing masks.

A guy I know that manages a small boat company has not enforced masks on customers during the entire pandemic. He enforces mask wearing for his staff, but some of them don’t even wear them correctly. It’s a mostly outdoors vessel. The owner is an anti-masker so he has capitulated. I don’t think he has ever been legally required to force customers to wear masks, so he didn’t.

I’ve been very critical of him not enforcing masks on his customers. In my opinion he is endangering his employees' lives, since they have to interact with customers face to face. But, since this mandate came down from Biden’s EO, it looked like he will have to enforce it finally (since boat companies are regulated by the coast guard).

But what he did is he’s using a ****ing legal loophole - he’s saying that if a customer is asked to wear a mask and they refuse, nothing will be done by the employees. He is claiming that his workplace violence policy he submitted to the county dictates that he should try to defuse a potentially violent situation, so the goal of the operators will be not to enforce the mask, but to get the trip over as quickly as possible and encourage other customers to socially distance from the non-masker. Even if the non-masker boards the vessel without a mask, he won’t be denied. Making the mandate essentially worthless as soon as everyone figures it out.

I think this is chickenshit and horrible. I’m honestly appalled. This guy KNOWS the science. he’s not a denier or a "just a cold" person or an anti-masker. This is just another example of how non-compliance has been the norm around where I live. It’s honestly everywhere, and it’s not a shocker our hospitals are full (literally, actually full).

Last edited by jmakin; 01-26-2021 at 09:52 PM.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 10:02 PM
600 plenty and if need more, than later. after the last one used car sales went way up. that where the stimulus went not for food or rent.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 10:05 PM
a quick test is good but only good for the day.

i think having an antibody test and have that show you have had it, or have had the vaccine two weeks prior. then you can feel comfortable the person wont infect you. but you still need a mask to be more sure especially if a high risk person.

all you can do is lower your risk.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
we sacrifice 30k americans every year to car crashes so we can drive cars around
I hope we keep doing this
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
01-26-2021 , 11:46 PM

What about putting stipulations about how the money can be spent? So the money isn't used on cars or PS5's? Like food stamps but more stuff (rent, meds, utilities, etc etc)
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
