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Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen?

07-14-2020 , 03:47 AM
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 04:01 AM
Hercuhlees! Hercuhlees!
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Prediction: When USA#19 starts having kids go back to school, morbidly obese kids between 5-17 will be the deaths for the most part. And there will be a lot of them.

The amount of morbidly obese 5-17 year olds in USA#19 is quite staggering, for those who aren't familiar with how much we suck. I literally can't swing a dead cat with hitting 3 complete tubs of ****, and places like LA and MS put MA to shame.

After kids start dying, all teaching for this year will become remote. If you have a student, I would get them a laptop now, because if you need one in a month you are going to be SOL.


How many children 15 and under have died from C19 so far? Per the WSJ, that number is 30. I was surprised it was that low, but that number suggests to me that schools opening is not a bad idea. At what number -- if there is one -- would you agree that schools should open?
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
Hercuhlees! Hercuhlees!
I just love that picture. I saw it in a magazine and cut it out and carried it around in my backpack in 9th grade!
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 04:40 AM

I'm not here to debate, I'm here to PREDICT.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 04:49 AM
Oh, and a lot of morbidly obese teachers are going to die too.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

I'm not here to debate, I'm here to PREDICT.

I predict that there will not be a LOT of them.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 05:10 AM
I don't see how schools will remain open for all of 20-21 school year. I predict back to remote learning by November~.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 05:18 AM
Which companies stand to benefit most from millions being homeschooled?
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
Which companies stand to benefit most from millions being homeschooled?
I should have never sold my video game stocks. Get back into ATVI/TTWO
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 09:59 AM
I thought the real reason to keep schools closed wasn't because a bunch of kids will did, it's cause a bunch of kids will be asymptomatic carriers. Howard's right, there's not a ton of evidence that children themselves will die of COVID in large numbers.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong

How many children 15 and under have died from C19 so far? Per the WSJ, that number is 30. I was surprised it was that low, but that number suggests to me that schools opening is not a bad idea. At what number -- if there is one -- would you agree that schools should open?
uhhh 0?

you know adults work at schools too. and kids can pass it to their parents. who can pass it to their coworkers. and to people at the grocery. or protest. or strip club.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
uhhh 0?

you know adults work at schools too. and kids can pass it to their parents.

Personally, this is far more concerning to my situation. While our numbers around here are great, I am still going to be super-paranoid about what my student is potentially going to bring home...5 ****ing days a week.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 11:46 AM
whats scarier than the deaths is the brain damage. This country is already dumb enough, giving low grade brain damage to most of the population isn't going to help.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
uhhh 0?

you know adults work at schools too. and kids can pass it to their parents. who can pass it to their coworkers. and to people at the grocery. or protest. or strip club.
I don't think zero can or should be the right answer. There is very definitely a cost to both children and parents to keeping kids out of school, and those costs trade against the risk. The science seems to say that kids are rarely asymptomatic carriers. The WSJ, at least, concludes the risk of schools opening is small. I was in Vermont not long ago, and the state claims to be able to contact trace. Given that the state is entirely composed of communities we in big cities would regard as small -- Burlington, the biggest town in the state, has fewer than fifty thousand people -- the story checks out. It seems to me that opening schools in Vermont is a no-brainer yes.

So we're on a risk continuum where opening schools in metro Boston is a very different issue from other communities. 27 is right to be at least somewhat paranoid about what his kids bring home.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
whats scarier than the deaths is the brain damage. This country is already dumb enough, giving low grade brain damage to most of the population isn't going to help.
But, as Dorothy Parker said on the death of Calvin Coolidge, how could you tell?
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
The science seems to say that kids are rarely asymptomatic carriers.
Not buying it
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 11:21 PM
maybe we need to dumb down the population. its too hard now to find anyone to do hand labor. we can create a whole new class of workers.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 11:23 PM
i predict we will get better drugs to lesson its effects and a vaccine to stop it partly this fall. and hope they rush it through for use. then they will have to let herd take its course.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-14-2020 , 11:54 PM
i predict no vaccine. not in our lifetime. at least not a vaccine that substantially better than the flu vaccine
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-15-2020 , 03:46 AM
Flu Vaccine is a bit of a joke iyam.

Originally Posted by THAY3R
Not buying it
lol @ science. They don't know jack shi.t about about any of this virus for certain.
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-15-2020 , 08:21 AM
they need to extend unemployment or open everything back the **** up. i know in my area im ****ed at my job for the year. went back to work june 5th got laid off again june 30th. im fine with staying home and social distancing but you cant ****ing not extend unmployment bonus and keep **** shutting **** down for the next year or 2
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-15-2020 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
I thought the real reason to keep schools closed wasn't because a bunch of kids will did, it's cause a bunch of kids will be asymptomatic carriers. Howard's right, there's not a ton of evidence that children themselves will die of COVID in large numbers.

bruh, have you ever been in a middle school classroom in february since you were in middle school? or even worse an elementary school classroom?

cough sneeze cough cough *clears out throat and spits in the trash can* sneeze cough sniffle sniffle sniffle cough hacking cough yelling out answers snot rocket cough cough sneeze cough cough

**** that noise
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-15-2020 , 10:29 AM
it’d just be a purple haze of covid
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
07-15-2020 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
For my next prediction, I am going to cover USA#9 schools this coming fall:

-All schools will open in some capacity. Be it grade school, high school, or undergrad college.

Sorry, you lost this one basically before you posted it. Lots of CA school were already planning to stay closed and allow no kids on campus. All the schools in our school district are100% online until 7 consecutive days of zero infections in our county. Who knows when that will be.
At that point, they will revisit their plan and *maybe* bring the kids back.

So basically homeschooling for the forseeable future. If its anything like the end of the last school year, kids aren't going to learn ****. My son's teacher checked in only TWICE in 3 months. Literally everything teaching-wise was up to the parents, and that was a major complaint at the meetings for basically all the schools in grades K-6. Tons of teachers just said **** it, and went MIA
Coronavirus Predictions And Forecast Thread. What Do You Predict Will Happen? Quote
