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just went to put some beer in the fridge and did a double take on a jar of pickles (LC/NC NSFW) just went to put some beer in the fridge and did a double take on a jar of pickles (LC/NC NSFW)

07-23-2010 , 12:54 PM
Hands off the Lambo. It's mine.

07-23-2010 , 02:34 PM

I'm sure you would have to pay taxes and registration on the lambo.
07-23-2010 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg

I'm sure you would have to pay taxes and registration on the lambo.
Do you have to pay tax on prizes won in competitions in the UK?

I know I was shocked when I first case to the US to discover that if you win a big prize like a car on a TV game show, you have to pay tax on the value of the prize as if it were income. So on a $200K car, the tax man would want at least 60K. If I won it, I don't think I'd be able to afford to register it. I'd just sit in it for a few minutes before beginning the negotiations for selling it back to the dealer.
07-23-2010 , 02:50 PM
I'll share it here, too...

07-23-2010 , 02:52 PM
LOL !!

Last edited by obviously.bogus; 07-23-2010 at 02:53 PM. Reason: not sure which is Mike/Adam but thats quite a couple in the back !
07-23-2010 , 02:54 PM
They shoulda left the one dude's head up all the time, IMO.

The switcheroo is weird.

Edit: In before 4-some innuendo and possible bangbus reference.
07-23-2010 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by obviously.bogus
Do you have to pay tax on prizes won in competitions in the UK?

I know I was shocked when I first case to the US to discover that if you win a big prize like a car on a TV game show, you have to pay tax on the value of the prize as if it were income. So on a $200K car, the tax man would want at least 60K. If I won it, I don't think I'd be able to afford to register it. I'd just sit in it for a few minutes before beginning the negotiations for selling it back to the dealer.
well, somebody have to pay the taxes and registration and I know Stars say they wont. So with 180% taxes on cars i Denmark, winning a $200k car you'd have to put up $360k yourself. Kinda ruins the fun for me.

Well I guess you could use it as a very expensive playhouse in the garden for the kids...

No idea how the UK works.
07-23-2010 , 03:05 PM
Who cares, I'll look balla tho.

Until I wrap it around a tree
07-23-2010 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
So with 180% taxes on cars i Denmark
Wow !!

In most (US) states you have to prove you've paid the sales tax - about 8% where I am - before you can register a car. That's why I said I don't think I could afford to register it.

But come to think of it, it doesn't seem fair if you have to pay sales tax as if you bought it, and income tax as if you'd earned it.
07-23-2010 , 03:51 PM
Hmm, I found some old advice on t'web - it seems prizes are exempt in the UK, unless they are won in conjunction with your trade. So technically, being a professional gambler (lol i wish ), it could be argued tax is payable if you won it. But it is unlikely the taxman will recognise gambling as a trade.

Could be out of date info tho.
07-23-2010 , 04:07 PM

LoL !!

Last edited by obviously.bogus; 07-23-2010 at 04:07 PM. Reason: is there a story behind this ???:?
07-23-2010 , 04:08 PM
I'm guessing someone wanted some someone else to show some tits or gtfo.

07-23-2010 , 06:01 PM
Obvious move is to sell the car.
07-23-2010 , 06:39 PM
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.05(BB) Poker Stars
SB ($10.89)
BB ($13.63)
Hero ($12.43)
UTG+1 ($3.72)
CO ($5)
BTN ($10.64)

Dealt to Hero 8 8

Hero raises to $0.20, fold, fold, BTN calls $0.20, fold, fold

FLOP ($0.47) 8 Q 5

Hero bets $0.25, BTN calls $0.25

TURN ($0.97) 8 Q 5 J

Hero bets $0.75, BTN raises to $3.80, Hero raises to $11.98 (AI), BTN calls $6.39 (AI)

RIVER ($21.35) 8 Q 5 J 7

BTN shows T 9
(Pre 45%, Flop 15.4%, Turn 77.3%)

Hero shows 8 8
(Pre 55%, Flop 84.6%, Turn 22.7%)

BTN wins $20.29

He's playing 100/60 and talking in chat about how bad americans are and how he's gonna bust everyone should I fold turn?
07-23-2010 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Bacon
Obvious move is to sell the car.
Yeah, but would it be worth it to register and insure it, and take it out on the road before you sell it? And what's the chance you wrap it around a tree?

I'd probably be too sh*t scared to actually drive it, and would sell it before I ever put it into gear.

(Super-hypothetical of course because its extremely unlikely I win the car)
07-23-2010 , 08:41 PM
uk = tax free gambling ftmfw

driving the car before selling is dumb imo, cars lose to much value teh minute they leave the forecourt. If need be, sell car and rent one for the day, will cost less money imo
07-23-2010 , 08:48 PM
it isn't about the taxes,

Denmark has tax-free gambling as well but if you look at the fineprint you'll see that you are responsible for whatever registration etc. is needed for the car, which in Denmark would be 180%

Obv., selling the car is the right move regardsless, I would much rather have 175k or whatever you would get in money than have a 200k car.
07-23-2010 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by BlaneH
Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.05(BB) Poker Stars
SB ($10.89)
BB ($13.63)
Hero ($12.43)
UTG+1 ($3.72)
CO ($5)
BTN ($10.64)

Dealt to Hero 8 8

Hero raises to $0.20, fold, fold, BTN calls $0.20, fold, fold

FLOP ($0.47) 8 Q 5

Hero bets $0.25, BTN calls $0.25

TURN ($0.97) 8 Q 5 J

Hero bets $0.75, BTN raises to $3.80, Hero raises to $11.98 (AI), BTN calls $6.39 (AI)

RIVER ($21.35) 8 Q 5 J 7

BTN shows T 9
(Pre 45%, Flop 15.4%, Turn 77.3%)

Hero shows 8 8
(Pre 55%, Flop 84.6%, Turn 22.7%)

BTN wins $20.29

He's playing 100/60 and talking in chat about how bad americans are and how he's gonna bust everyone should I fold turn?
hmmm...not sure i like shoving turn but seeing his stack size maybe not so bad. its a cooler, theres a ton more hands he can raise the turn with that you are ahead of and you ran into the only one that youre behind and still have equity on anyway (doubt he ever has QQ or JJ here so T9 is like the only hand youre behind in his range)
07-23-2010 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by obviously.bogus
Do you have to pay tax on prizes won in competitions in the UK?

I know I was shocked when I first case to the US to discover that if you win a big prize like a car on a TV game show, you have to pay tax on the value of the prize as if it were income. So on a $200K car, the tax man would want at least 60K. If I won it, I don't think I'd be able to afford to register it. I'd just sit in it for a few minutes before beginning the negotiations for selling it back to the dealer.
Most people in the U.S. who win prizes like that on shows like that do sell the items. Can't afford to win them.
07-23-2010 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
well, somebody have to pay the taxes and registration and I know Stars say they wont. So with 180% taxes on cars i Denmark, winning a $200k car you'd have to put up $360k yourself. Kinda ruins the fun for me.

Well I guess you could use it as a very expensive playhouse in the garden for the kids...

No idea how the UK works.
180% tax? How does that make any sense? Did they decide it was bad public policy for gameshows to give away cars as prizes? ..... and therefore make it virtually impossible.
07-23-2010 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Lego05
180% tax? How does that make any sense? Did they decide it was bad public policy for gameshows to give away cars as prizes? ..... and therefore make it virtually impossible.
it isn't about gameshows or gambling or whatever, it's simply a tax on cars. Every single car sold in Denmark has had an 180% tax added to it's pricetag. Obv. cars then are cheaper in Sweden, Germany etc. but if you want to import a car you'll have to pay the taxes.

Since you only win the car and not the registration etc. from the pokersite you are then left to pay the taxes yourself. Any Danish gameshow giving away cars will obv. already have paid the taxes on the car, but there is no way that a poker site will put up an additional 180% on the luxury cars they are giving away.
07-23-2010 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
it isn't about gameshows or gambling or whatever, it's simply a tax on cars. Every single car sold in Denmark has had an 180% tax added to it's pricetag. Obv. cars then are cheaper in Sweden, Germany etc. but if you want to import a car you'll have to pay the taxes.

Since you only win the car and not the registration etc. from the pokersite you are then left to pay the taxes yourself. Any Danish gameshow giving away cars will obv. already have paid the taxes on the car, but there is no way that a poker site will put up an additional 180% on the luxury cars they are giving away.

That's a ****ing humongous tax on cars. Did they decide cars are bad public policy and try to dissuade people from getting them? Are they trying to really get public transportation going in Denmark?
07-23-2010 , 10:57 PM
So everyone rides MULES in Denmark?
07-23-2010 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by IamPro
So everyone rides MULES in Denmark?
07-24-2010 , 06:03 AM
Lets see these pickles!
