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heh, I came here to rant and then everybody is topping each other in crappiness. (LC/NC) heh, I came here to rant and then everybody is topping each other in crappiness. (LC/NC)

10-12-2010 , 03:28 PM

Watched the vid. I made these notes as the play was unfolding (so I didn't know the outcome unless I mention it later). I haven't read Ice's comments as yet, or any reply by you.

Main comments:

Set Auto-rebuy ON !!

You need to stop limping. Seeing cheap flops with so-so cards is a recipe for being multiway with fish that can have anything. Even if you flop reasonably, you never really know where you are.

Open raise, and iso-raise the fish with decent hands.

Steal more from BTN/SB.

Don't call down as often, raise or fold is usually better.

Play less hands, be more aggressive.

anyway here's my notes:-

1st hand. QTo SB. Raise to 4-5bb or fold, don't complete.

7:40 ATo I would have 4bet against those 2 villains, definitely shove flop.

14:50 J4o SB - raise it & steal btn

16:00 A4s bet turn, shove river don't call you have 2nd nuts

16:34 AQo - 1 limper, bet bigger than 3bb - say 5bb PF, cbet that Khi flop,

18:43 94o BTN - 3 limpers, just fold PF.

20:00 ATs. raise bigger PF, you're getting calls this is 3way again. Flop - don't check the NFD - you're the PF raiser with a ton of equity, bet 12-15c,

22:45 J8s on BTN. Don't limp, raise here (10c as there's 1 limper) or fold. Trip 8s, yeah call flop, raise his 1/2 pot bet on turn. Don't check behind on river - he may have the straight, but its very unlikely - you're losing a lot of value here.

23:07 J9s MP, fold it. If you are going to play it, raise. don't limp/call.

26:00 JJ SB - mega squeeze - you have a pfr & 2 callers, raise to at least 6x the pfr, I would have made it 36/40c here, not 18c they all have odds to just call this. cbet the Ahi flop - you've shown a ton of strength (and fish always put you on AK if you 3bet), so put them to the decision.

28:16 33 CO - I would have raised here, but given the stations on the table I don't totally hate the limp behind - you have a chance of a many way pot if you hit your set.After the 3bet from SB I would also fold, no choice really. (you realize the 3bettor is undoubtedly CMAR don't you lol ? )

32:18 J8o BTN - raise here or fold. bet turn when he checks.

34:00 K5o SB, just fold it, don't complete

35:46 A3o CO, don't limp behind. I'm folding this, but if you want to play it raise to 4bb.

37:55 T9 BTN. it's folded to you. raise it up, steal those blinds. T9 has value IP if you get called.

41:35 QKo SB. folded round, raise to 3bb, start getting money in the pot.

41:47 A2s. NFD on the flop shove over his raise, pot is 47c, he only has 54c behind. You're 40% to hit the NF, not 25%.

44:40 AKs. when you get donked into on the whiffed paired flop, either fold or raise him. i probably would have raise him, but I'm spewy like that lol !

47:00 QTs BTN. When you flop top 2, bet nearer to pot, say 10c rather than 6c. Board is drawy, but you'almost certainly ahead here. Fold to the river overbet unless you've seen them make spewy bets before. Villains betting seemed OK in the hand, I'm going to give credit for them having a flush. (obv they actually had a set, but that beats 2pr anyway )

49:20 AQo - unknown 55bb stack shoves 1st hand, call. These lunatics think this is funny at 2NL, and they hardly ever have it in my experience.

49:05 JTs - flop 8cAh9d. pf raiser bet 2/3 pot. call here. He's probably got a big A. you've got OESD, BDFD. You hit, your implied odds mean you'll get his stack.

50:55 A6o BTN. Don't limp behind, iso the fish.
10-12-2010 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jabba021
My internet cap is nearly up so cant d/l it right now. Ice is solid anyway.

Internet cap to stop the computerz masheens from taking over your mind.
10-12-2010 , 04:43 PM

lol northern ireland drawing with those stupid wantabe scot islands, lolol

and comon the scotttttssssssssss
10-12-2010 , 05:45 PM
So, some live poker q's after a pub session today, diff hands:

1) 2 player arr-in HU PF. Dealer doesn't burn a card on the flop or turn, someone complains, the first and turn card gets put back in the deck, reshuffled and redealt.

2) Player 2 bets the flop out of turn, everyone yells, Player 1 checks and everyone says Player 2s hand must check for acting out of turn.

Thems the rules? I have no idea being a live nooooob.

Drunk now, but owe LC 2 pairs of bewbs.
10-12-2010 , 06:06 PM
1) meh, at a pub session I would let the board stand and inform the dealer of correct procedure for the next time.

Did dealer burn before the flop? If he did flop stays, turn is new burn and the hand can be dealt? Or was river alreasy dealt? Considering it was AIPF it shouldn't be difficult to reconstruct the deck if dealer kept it somewhat orderly (as in not mixing burn cards with the muck).

I just think reshuffling allows for to many angles where the player only complains when he doesn't hit. A random card is random ffs. reconstructing the deck is fine though. Letting the board stay or reconstructing seems better than reshufling.

2) no, player to must put out the bet. Actions out of turn is binding if there are no actions in front of him. Had Player 1 bet he could have folded or raised.
10-12-2010 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by trevorj
may have had a bad game. but he is still the greatest of all time
And he squandered that legacy by dicking everyone around by retiring and/or contract jumping every off season.

This story is form 4 1/2 years ago !!! ... thats how long he's been acting like an *******.*******,5252/
Packers To Favre: 'Take Your Time, *******'
April 13, 2006
ASHWAUBENON, WI—Green Bay Packers front-office officials have informed three-time MVP Brett Favre they can wait for his decision on whether or not he's planning to retire for "as long as it ****ing takes."

"This is a big decision for Brett Favre, and we can't deny that he's the heart and soul of our team, the most important Packer, the most important person in all of America, and the center of the whole entire universe," Packer general manager Ted Thompson said Tuesday.

"It's not like we have to make any major decisions that all hinge on whether or not he's returning, after all. We'll just ride around on our lawn tractors on our farm in Mississippi while we wait for him to make up his goddamn mind."

Favre would not say when he might announce his decision, admitting that he was "too much in awe of what Mr. Brilliant Genius Thompson did with the 4-12 Packers last year" to commit one way or the other.

Edit: Gosh darn profanity even censors the URL !!!

Find the story @ the onion with this google search
10-12-2010 , 06:17 PM
lol, wtf Party?

Double Hold'em?
10-12-2010 , 06:26 PM
Sooo since this is my last evening before army duty, I figured i had to say a small farewell even though I am not a regular in the LC/NC thread, all of u and this subforum has still kinda become the closest thing to a pokerhome to me.

Will see you all next summer with a brand new motivation to hit the tables once again.
Till then, keep winning EPTs and stay as cool of a group as you have been up to now.

Peace to ya all
Will bump on how I am doing when I get to a PC in the army (yes there iz internets there, not sure when I am allowed to use it as a new recruit tho)

Much love
10-12-2010 , 06:37 PM
gl leikman.. stay safe.
10-12-2010 , 06:38 PM
Take care Leikman. Get rich playing pokerz with your squaddie mates in the barracks !
10-12-2010 , 07:08 PM
gl leikman, stay safe
10-12-2010 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99
1) 2 player arr-in HU PF. Dealer doesn't burn a card on the flop or turn, someone complains, the first and turn card gets put back in the deck, reshuffled and redealt.

2) Player 2 bets the flop out of turn, everyone yells, Player 1 checks and everyone says Player 2s hand must check for acting out of turn.
1 is a bit hazy, in general I would say just play board as it is - if the hand has not yet finished then you could technically rewind and deal it as it should have been dealt though, ie. burn the first flop card, the other 2 cards plus the turn are now the flop, now burn the next card and turn burn river as would have occurred if dealer had dealt it correctly

2 is way wrong. If the table is playing loose with the rules then you could say he has the option to re-think his decision and check instead, but in no case can you force a check here - if you're going with the correct ruling then he is forced to keep his bet out there (unless Player 1 had made a bet that would make his bet illegal)

Also, gl Leikman, we'll be thinking of you here.
10-12-2010 , 07:17 PM
Is it weird that everytime I see a post by crazyfool I am mesmerized by his avatar?
10-12-2010 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by MexiKen
Is it weird that everytime I see a post by crazyfool I am mesmerized by his awesomeness?

10-12-2010 , 07:29 PM
not really,

I just wish he would post a link for the clip
10-12-2010 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
you are talking about Neil Patrick Harris there, right?

Then I agree
10-12-2010 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
not really,

I just wish he would post a link for the clip
10-12-2010 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Leikman
Sooo since this is my last evening before army duty, I figured i had to say a small farewell even though I am not a regular in the LC/NC thread, all of u and this subforum has still kinda become the closest thing to a pokerhome to me.
Don't worry, i'll give you good odds your country won't go to war Take care, have fun - you'll make some great friends and have fun times I imagine. Maybe even hustle poker in the army.
10-12-2010 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by JustinJude

Internet cap to stop the computerz masheens from taking over your mind.
How did you find a picture of my hat?

Originally Posted by Leikman
Sooo since this is my last evening before army duty, I figured i had to say a small farewell even though I am not a regular in the LC/NC thread, all of u and this subforum has still kinda become the closest thing to a pokerhome to me.

Will see you all next summer with a brand new motivation to hit the tables once again.
Till then, keep winning EPTs and stay as cool of a group as you have been up to now.

Peace to ya all
Will bump on how I am doing when I get to a PC in the army (yes there iz internets there, not sure when I am allowed to use it as a new recruit tho)

Much love
Stay safe, gl.
10-12-2010 , 10:05 PM
I think if I was one of those trapped Chilean Miners I might actually decide not to come up and try to make the most of it down their instead of becoming a bloody curiosity.

It's a f*#king circus.. there are actually clowns preforming at the entrance to rescue shaft and the miners will be emerging, summersaulting thru a hoop of fire.
10-12-2010 , 10:20 PM
I'm glad they didn't go stir crazy and kill each other down in the mine....... but clowns? wtf. There will already be press from around the world making a big enough circus out of it... along with families that have been missing their fathers/husbands etc etc for quite some time now... but clowns? Sorry you were down in the mine forever... here..have a balloon giraffe.

gtfo clowns.
10-12-2010 , 10:27 PM
Yeh lol ^^. Just seen the guy from much respected BBC World News interviewing a Clown!? These guys are going to find life in the spotlight just as much a challenge as being stuck down their imo.
10-12-2010 , 10:46 PM
If I was one of those miners I'd go off on that clown personally
10-12-2010 , 11:35 PM
If I was one of those miners this would be my plan on emerging.

1. Knock out the clown
2. Say 'where's the beer'?
3. Huh? You want me to go into hospital - not a chance Dr. Ooler.
4. Grab beautiful 'pit babe'
5. Taxi to luxury hotel
6. 1 drink at bar and slap-up feed.
7. Shower, do 'pit babe' shower.
8. Bar - beer - watch other miners being rescued.
9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 untill well marinated.
10-13-2010 , 12:05 AM
Yeah, its a media circus, but reports of clowns are surely greatly exaggerated. I haven't been following this story too closely, but no doubt there there been kids of the miners waiting with their mothers and other family near the mine. And then there is a clown to entertain those kids. And then the media circus, because they probably have a lot of down time, focus on clowns, and now its all ... clowns will greet the miners.

Anyway, 2nd miner coming up now, and I see no clowns ...
