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The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread

12-02-2009 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
I bought some paper gold for the 1st time today. I see gold go up everyday and I think we are in the beginning stages of a bubble mentality. Peter Schiff still says buy. The gold bugs still say buy. More and more people are turning to Schiff and Paul. I will only hold it a month but, I think we are we going up everyday for awhile. Not really that high yet.
Good job, if you want to really see it go high, hold on to it for 2 years or more. When prices start to go up gold goes sky high.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-02-2009 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by BradDex
Some of these commodities have only now started to appear. I can tell you that in Honduras, the oligarchy or elites are trying to privatize water so they can profit off of it. Everywhere you look when you are traveling, one of the first issues that comes up is the water. Is it safe people will ask? The next question is always where can I buy some, and then how long will it last. Take Dubai, the water is the one thing they are short of, so they desalinize it from the sea and truck it in..As it has been reported they only have enough water there for a weeks worth of consumption.

On water alone, especially in third world countries, which the USA will eventually become, water will be a resource that everyone will buy. Therefore a water commodity will eventually become the norm.

Food. Over 1.2 billion people are starving at this very moment. If you look at those figures now and see that we have aprox 7 billion on the planet today, and that 1.2 billion of those 7 billion are living in starving conditions, then you can see that food is a commodity that is in demand. That figure is also a climbing scale. If you extrapolate that data down the road you can see that over time more people will be starving, and less people will be produced over time. And as this planet can only handle just so many people, therefore even if we start reduction operations on people, or we start viruses that wipe out large swaths of people so we can will endure longer, we will still need more food produced, yet at the same time starving people will still increase.

If you end up in this starving category ever in your lives or actually see people living at trash dumps to gain food, you can easily see how fights often break out over who has the better food from the trash. Human nature will eventually take over when food becomes scarce, that is why eventually the next war will be over food. A food commodity will eventually be the way to invest. Right now we have some of that on the exchanges, one can buy certain foods or invest in them, coffee, sugar, corn, beef, etc, but not all are life sustaining foods or good foods, therefore I believe more foods will be added to that list, and eventually food investments will be the higher producing ones for profits. Because as I said earlier, you can't eat metals, and if you had a metal in front of you and a food product in front of you, and had an either or deal, and were very hungry, which would you take? The metal or the food?

Some would say they would sell the metal to get the food, but at what point would the metal be of less value because the hungrier you are, the less that metal has in value when the person you sell to knows that food is your ultimate goal? So when they offer you less for it, because you have become more hungry, eventually you will take whatever is offered in order to eat.

Food therefore is a problem, and as I said, when hard times come, food will be what everyone thinks about first, not last. You may have it good now, but eventually we will all fight over it.

Air- Air is becoming worse as time goes on. If we solve the air issues then that will be something to behold, but so far no one cares enough about air to solve it, that is until that air becomes un-breathable. Try Beijing, try LA, and know that as air becomes worse we will start finding a way to sell it, and as soon as we do there will be a huge market for clean air. Maybe first it will be in your home, then next your car, then next your office. Air will eventually be a commodity as long as the current air we breath continues to get worse.

Think it through and you will see what I am saying.

If you can't eat, then you will fight for the right to eat.

If you can't drink, then you will fight for the opportunity to drink.

If you can't breath then you will fight for right to breath the air.

These are basic commodities for sure, but they're commodities in which will be the wave of the future. You may see metals now as a hedge, and to some degree it is, but in a way when you look at future trends, you will see that metals are pretty much worthless when it comes to food, water, and air, which are all commodities on a short list that are declining over time, and becoming more valuable as we trend out towards the future.

Hi inf0wars/silverismoney! You just never give up, do you?
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-02-2009 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
Hi inf0wars/silverismoney! You just never give up, do you?
whoah wait AC

if braddex is silverismoney then who the hell is dntholditdntownit
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-02-2009 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by otis_nixon
whoah wait AC

if braddex is silverismoney then who the hell is dntholditdntownit

I missed that post and now my mind is blown. Maybe they are both him and he's just preparing for his future forum life. Braddex has registration date of Nov 2009 and his post seems like something one would read on the Alex Jones infowars site. Alex Jones works for the elite by the way. He is so obviously an agent.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-02-2009 , 09:36 PM
I could actually follow braddex so I doubt he is inf0wars.

You may see metals now as a hedge, and to some degree it is, but in a way when you look at future trends, you will see that metals are pretty much worthless when it comes to food, water, and air, which are all commodities on a short list that are declining over time, and becoming more valuable as we trend out towards the future.
Definitely not inf0wars
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-02-2009 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by nuclear500
that's the front end
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-02-2009 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bremen
I could actually follow braddex so I doubt he is inf0wars.
lol +1
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
I bought some paper gold for the 1st time today. I see gold go up everyday and I think we are in the beginning stages of a bubble mentality. Peter Schiff still says buy. The gold bugs still say buy. More and more people are turning to Schiff and Paul. I will only hold it a month but, I think we are we going up everyday for awhile. Not really that high yet.
a $50 or $100 pullback is gonna scare you out of the market. it's generally not a great idea to buy for a short term trade after such a huge run up. if you're buying to hold for the long term, i think it's a great idea... if you're buying just because you think you can make some short term money... i think that's pretty risky. gold has the potential to crash hard and fast... and it scares the crap out of people like you.

if i were guessing, i think we'll need to see new highs for silver (breaks the 2008 highs, not the old $50 high obv) and a new all time high in the gold mining index before we see a pullback. a lot of "traders" are looking for these things to break to new highs to "confirm" the move in gold... and that is when we might see a lot of the speculators and technical traders move into the market, which i think is a good time for a pullback. so this rally probably still has some more legs to it. i think we might see the dollar index around 71 and gold around $1400, and silver around $25 before we see a correction maybe back to $1200 gold or lower and $20 silver.

but i think gold is getting a little overbought in the short run... it's basically gone up almost every single day for the last little while, so we should look for a pullback and consolidation relatively soon.

and espeically when we see people coming in and wanting to trade the ETFs for a month... that's a good signal that gold may need to take a bit of a breather...
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 04:03 AM
when gold crashes how fast do you think it will crash
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 04:44 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
Hi inf0wars/silverismoney! You just never give up, do you?
Sorry I think you have me confused with someone else. This is my first foray into this forum.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
I missed that post and now my mind is blown. Maybe they are both him and he's just preparing for his future forum life. Braddex has registration date of Nov 2009 and his post seems like something one would read on the Alex Jones infowars site. Alex Jones works for the elite by the way. He is so obviously an agent.
Sorry, but this stuff I put together on my own as I was writing it. I don't subscribe to Alex Jone or anyone but myself. I don't do Art Bell or quote them or go out and read some tome from someone else and quote them either. I do my own work, my own observations, and my own writing. Sorry if I offended you in some way or caused you to think less of me in some way by my posts.

And I am not an agent of any one, especially elites.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by otis_nixon

if you can't beat .50/1 6max NL on UB, you shouldn't call others stupid, and you shouldn't be nearly as certain about anything money/logic/probability related as you are about metals in this thread

There is more funny in this than I can count.


You should consider your own aptitude when you rely on small samples of data that in and of themselves are not full. Moron.

PS-I am infinitely smarter than you when it comes to this or otherwise. Am at poker too just don't care to play online as much anymore.

Thanks for proving my point that only an idiot wouldn't have a ton of money in Gold/Silver, I will be enjoying my profits!
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by eric_cartmanez
i think it's pretty crazy for people not to own any physical gold... espiecally if they have a lot of money. there are people who have hundreds of thousands of dollars in banks and invested in stocks... yet they refuse to go buy a few ounces of gold to keep in their house or stored in a safe place. i think people like this are pretty stupid... but i guess it's more just economic, political and historical ignorance.

that being said... anyone who cannot beat micro stakes online poker after playing for a long time... can't really be all that bright. eventually, a smart person will figure out how to play and become a winning player after they've played enough hands and put in some effort to improve their game.

but for me... i'm a winning poker player and i have a good investment track record also. i crush HUSNGs and i've been putting the profits that i save into gold and silver... ez $$$ IMO.
Ah, but I did. And anyone (including Otis) who wants to bet on the fact that I beat small stakes for better than 8bb/100 over 200k+ hands can PM me for a bet. Now, I know Otis won't because he just likes to look at inaccurate PTR data over a small amount of hands. That's what an idiot would do.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 08:14 AM
No I won't bc you are crazy and I don't trust you not to cheat

if you wanna bet on your next 50k hands or 100k just let me know, ptr can verify

My points still the same there's no argument to be had. I guess we will see who is right in a few years
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 08:29 AM
No I won't bc you are crazy and I don't trust you not to cheat

if you wanna bet on your next 50k hands or 100k just let me know, ptr can verify

My points still the same there's no argument to be had. I guess we will see who is right in a few years
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by abcdefghijk
when gold crashes how fast do you think it will crash
generally in a bull market, you'll get many small up days, and then occasionally, big down days. gold is "climbing the wall of worry"... where it just keeps going up and up, but everyone is afraid of jumping in because they are afraid that it will pull back right when they do. therefore, many people looking to enter the gold market, like to enter the gold market after it is down at least 10% off it's high.

over the previous ten years of this gold bull market, there have been 30% corrections... so major pullbacks will generally be anywhere from between 10% - 30%. it's impossible to know when they are coming, but there is a greater likelyhood of one of these pullbacks the more overbought gold becomes.

gold can easily lose between $50 - $100 over a 24 hour period. just last week gold fell by around $50 in a matter of hours in the overseas market, but it made a lot of that back before the US markets opened. but just look at a 10 year chart of gold, and you can see all the pullbacks along the way and how fast they came.

but it's a lot easier for gold to fall from $1200 back to $1100 than it was for gold to fall from $900 back to $800 because it's not as big a percentage drop.

but i think the current rise in gold prices is starting to attract attention... my guess is that we can continue to move higher from here, and then attract even more attention, before having a nice big correction followed by a few months of consolidation until the speculative money leaves the trade and the weak hands get shaken out... then gold can start climbing up to $2000 again. my near term price targets would be 71 on the dollar index, $25 in silver... and then whatever that works out to be in gold (maybe $1400 - $1600)... but when we get up to that range... there will be a fork in the road... one road is a breakdown in the dollar index gold skyrockets... or the US dollar finds some footing and gold has a meaningful correction and consolidation period.

but i think when the dollar index gets to around 71, that will also represent an important junction point for the stock market. in my opinon, that will represent a top in the stock market, and the stock market will start to fall. This should pull down gold prices and strenghten the dollar at least for a little while (4 - 6 months). i don't think we will see the dollar index above 80, but it could have a big rally and kill the stock market and gold. the nightmare scenario is that when the stock market tops and starts to roll over, if the dollar index also breaks down while there is a big crash in the stock market.... and we get falling US stocks and a falling US dollar... that will bring in the next crisis which will be a currency crisis, funding crisis, and economic crisis, since many businesses in the United States will not survive this shock.

i think this nightmare scenario is about 2 years away still, and i think the most likely route for the next little while is stronger gold and silver while the dollar falls to 71, the dow might hit 11,000... but gold and gold stocks will outperform the market over this period... then we get a fall in the stock market, probably below 8500 on the dow... and a rise in the dollar index to between 76 - 80... and that's when we'll get our $300 or $400 correction in gold... but i don't think we'll ever see 3 digit gold prices again.

Last edited by eric_cartmanez; 12-03-2009 at 08:42 AM.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 10:28 AM
wow ty
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 10:42 AM
Ok, after watching CNBC this morning and seeing every other commercial break has a gold commercial trying to hock it, its officially reaching toppy bubble status. LOL . Good luck with it folks, now all we need is Billy Mays to rise from the dead and pitch gold coins.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by lastlaugh
Ok, after watching CNBC this morning and seeing every other commercial break has a gold commercial trying to hock it, its officially reaching toppy bubble status. LOL . Good luck with it folks, now all we need is Billy Mays to rise from the dead and pitch gold coins.
most of those commericals are trying to get you to sell your gold. during a bubble, people are buying gold, not selling it.

and the commericals where they try to get you to buy gold are basically all scams where they try to sell you numismatic coins at very high premiums. so i still don't think the general public is buying real gold yet. very few people own gold, and it seems like some people are warming up to the idea of gold now that it's up so much. the general public still doesn't know the first thing about investing in gold.. but when they figure it out, and people start moving their savings into gold, the price will go much higher.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by eric_cartmanez
most of those commericals are trying to get you to sell your gold.
Absolutely 100% incorrect.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by lastlaugh
Ok, after watching CNBC this morning and seeing every other commercial break has a gold commercial trying to hock it, its officially reaching toppy bubble status. LOL . Good luck with it folks, now all we need is Billy Mays to rise from the dead and pitch gold coins.
These commercials have been on CNBC and similar stations for a very long time. One of the driving forces behind the surge in Gold (while Silver doesn't keep pace) is the general public's perception that Gold is the only metal worth investing in. You don't see nearly as much Silver being minted (into commemorative coins and the like) and promoted on TV as you do Gold. Legitimate investors are certainly not the only people buying gold, the average consumer is what keeps pushing it along at extraordinary rates.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by pujolsnet
These commercials have been on CNBC and similar stations for a very long time. there is money to be made buying and or selling PMsOne of the driving forces behind the surge in Gold (while Silver doesn't keep pace) is the general public's perception that Gold is the only metal worth investing in.I think that perception is your own misconception You don't see nearly as much Silver being minted (into commemorative coins and the like) and promoted on TV as you do Gold. Legitimate investors are certainly not the only people buying gold, the average consumer is what keeps pushing it along at extraordinary rates.India, Russsia, China would like its gold reserves to increase 1000% over ten years (starting 2003)
The average consumer is not pushing the gold price up at extraordinary rates. The demand for gold including physical delivery is certainly increasing from what I can gather. Look at what the world market does and the US market does. At this stage the consumer is told what the price is for paper, at this point the average consumer does not have a dramatic effect on the price of physical gold on the open market.

The manipulation of the market is breaking down somewhat. Point being there are many reasons that the gold market is so bullish right now (but quite simply put), increased demand drives the price up; but who has the demand that correlates with the price rise... not the average consumer (to a great degree).
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 09:57 PM
How much gold is there is the world, approximately? In what form, etc...?
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by thylacine
How much gold is there is the world, approximately? In what form, etc...?
if you took all the known gold on earth and melted it down, it would approximately fill two olympic sized swimming pools ... or it would be a cube, the size of a basketball court, 80 ft. high.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
12-03-2009 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by eric_cartmanez
most of those commericals are trying to get you to sell your gold.
Originally Posted by pujolsnet
Absolutely 100% incorrect.
They buy it at 70c on the dollar or significantly less or whatever, and then they pocket the 30c+ when they sell it for whats its worth.

Its a great racket to be in probably.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
