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The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread

11-21-2009 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by Mrmusicrecorder
Vanguard has a lot of funds now that should be closed... they are speculating on a false recovery.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you have no idea what vanguard is. who the hell are you? i heard from a mod that you were some kind of joke troll account, why am i even doing this ahhhhhhhhhhhghghhgalkhgslkdfaj

Otis... your historical over generalizations will get you far, keep up with the nonsense
math is hard
i bought this house in zimbabwe for 300,000 zimbabwe dollars. then hyperinflation happened (like the kind that's going to happen here) so i basically got my house for free. it was totally cool.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-21-2009 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Mrmusicrecorder
I know why funds close to the public Brons...
I know about Vanguard, and I don't just hold gold
You assume way too much
ok whats your investment strategy? just lay it all out, champ.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-21-2009 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by otis_nixon
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you have no idea what vanguard is.c'mon man don't be an a**hole who the hell are you? you want my ID officer Nixon i heard from a mod that you were some kind of joke troll account? Who said that? This is BS

i bought this house in zimbabwe for 300,000 zimbabwe dollars. then hyperinflation happened (like the kind that's going to happen here) so i basically got my house for free. it was totally cool.are you making fun of yourself here... your over generalizations

sleepy FP
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-22-2009 , 06:07 PM
im thinking for the first time of selling some of my gold holdings.

im currently 12% in gold bullion and another 22% in gold mining funds, for a total exposure of 34%.

i keep reading about how the inflation adjusted high is around $2k, but looking at the chart this was the height which lasted a very short period:

im tempted to maybe sell some of the gold mining

id like to buy some of the commodities that are still relatively low, or maybe hold in cash for a while to hope to see some downswings in other asset classes.

thoughts much appreciated

The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-22-2009 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mrmusicrecorder

sleepy FP
Don't do this. It is trolling. Posting an image saying someone fails is gimmicky and not funny.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-22-2009 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
Don't do this. It is trolling. Posting an image saying someone fails is gimmicky and not funny.
Face palm is a sign of frustration.
When you assume you way through things, you frustrate people and do yourself a disservice.
That is not trolling Art.
Does this image say someone fails...nope.
The sandbox is that-a-way.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-22-2009 , 07:01 PM
Posting images isn't witty or representative. This is a forum for discussion. Use your words and stop thinking this is fark or something.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-22-2009 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
Posting images isn't witty or representative. This is a forum for discussion. Use your words and stop thinking this is fark or something.
Alright, mind your own business ArtX, don't police what you think is or isn't witty or representative, unless a mod is meant to keep people from wanting to visit this site on a regular basis. (man I hope they don't pay you guys for this) Do I not use my words? (clearly that is ridiculous) People with poor arguments run away, some deserve a face palm.

Oh & thx for reminding me that the 2+2 forum was a forum... I had forgotten.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-22-2009 , 08:42 PM
I'm policing trolling. Stop trolling with pictures. If you think its excluded from the trolling policy because they're super witty or something, well, you're wrong. This is really straight forward.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-23-2009 , 02:09 PM a relatively new investor I have only the basics...savings account, cd's, and most of my money in a mutual fund. However, I feel like I have too much idle cash at the moment and no debt as a college student and want to start investing into gold, metals, commodities. I have read through the thread a bit but am really new to this whole concept. What site(s) are the most legitimate (what are the pstars and ftp of precious metals)? If I am willing to invest low to mid five figures into the gold and commodities market, what should I be buying and how should I be diversifying my precious metals portfolio? Is the gold price too high right now?
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-23-2009 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by john kane
im thinking for the first time of selling some of my gold holdings.

im currently 12% in gold bullion and another 22% in gold mining funds, for a total exposure of 34%.

i keep reading about how the inflation adjusted high is around $2k, but looking at the chart this was the height which lasted a very short period:

im tempted to maybe sell some of the gold mining

id like to buy some of the commodities that are still relatively low, or maybe hold in cash for a while to hope to see some downswings in other asset classes.

thoughts much appreciated

I think I'd hold. I just don't see how gold goes down from here. It just everyone wants gold! I know that sounds bad but you have to remember a piece of paper is only worth what someone believes it is. People/banks are going to load up on any setbacks thus setting us up for a long bull run. It seems confidence is on a steady but sure decline in paper with no recovery in site. As it should be.. the paper bubble is bursting.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-23-2009 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by wickedgoodtrader
I know that sounds bad but you have to remember a piece of paper is only worth what someone believes it is.
And gold is worth?
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-23-2009 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by Brons
And gold is worth?
more than paper when paper is being devalued. Look at the correlation here. It really isn't that difficult.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-23-2009 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Jupiter0
more than paper when paper is being devalued. Look at the correlation here. It really isn't that difficult.
so say gold went up to $10,000 / oz tomorrow. by this logic it's still a buy?
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-23-2009 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
I'm policing trolling. Stop trolling with pictures. If you think its excluded from the trolling policy because they're super witty or something, well, you're wrong. This is really straight forward.
at least you are polite, I will abide... ok ArtX, but no this is not straight foward

Originally Posted by Brons
And gold is worth?
what someone believes it is
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 05:45 PM
Sorry if this has already been asked in this thread, but there are plenty of pages to look through (which I am doing so).

Regarding purchasing gold bars, is it very easy to sell kilo bars? Or would I be better off mixing it with smaller and larges bars. Looking to get around 5 kilo bars.

The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 06:25 PM
kilo gold bars = most illiquid precious metal.

compare a 1/10 oz AGE - going for 135$ or so - almost anyone smart enough can potentially buy a few of these.

1 oz krugg / maple / AGE / philharmonic - going 1250?? / oz - ok a few ppl can still afford these, not many, maybe 3-5% of population has enough $ for one of these.

kilo bar - maybe 1 in 1 million people have enough $ to buy a kilo gold bar. I cannot afford a kilo gold bar, and never will be able to in my lifetime.

I'm sure you realize that silver will probably increase in price 5-10 times faster than gold over the next 5-10 years, but you have your reasons for wanting to buy gold instead of silver. I'd much much much rather be stacking up food, ammo, copper, silver, palladium, and platinum instead of gold @ current prices.

Only way you're going to be able to liquidate a kilo gold bar is finding a really really really rich person or a big dealer like apmex. I would rather buy smaller denominations, not leave a paper trail, and not have to pay 35% capital gains taxes. Again you may have your reasons for wanting to leave a paper trail and giving the government a bunch of free money- again not my business to judge you. I have a few kilo bars of silver and I enjoy them immensely, but I'd rather stick to 10 oz bars of silver, and 1 oz or smaller gold coins personally. On the downside you will have to pay a bigger premium over spot price if you're trying to get 1/10 oz or 1/4 oz coins instead of kilo bars.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 06:33 PM

someone can you please post this image I can't figure out how, TYIA^^

^^ hilarious

^^ dollar bubble documentary, well done, easy for sheep to understand.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 06:37 PM
Wanted to add to my first reply-- I highly doubt you will get a fake kilo gold bar, but you just never know. A lot of central banks have been discovering 400 oz gold plated tungsten bars--OOOOOPS -- you can NEVER be too careful. You don't want people being able to say anything about the authenticity of your product when you go to sell. Obviously smaller denominations are going to draw less attention, keep you off the radar, and have 100x more potential buyers when you go to sell.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by silverismoney
kilo gold bars = most illiquid precious metal.

compare a 1/10 oz AGE - going for 135$ or so - almost anyone smart enough can potentially buy a few of these.

1 oz krugg / maple / AGE / philharmonic - going 1250?? / oz - ok a few ppl can still afford these, not many, maybe 3-5% of population has enough $ for one of these.

kilo bar - maybe 1 in 1 million people have enough $ to buy a kilo gold bar. I cannot afford a kilo gold bar, and never will be able to in my lifetime.

I'm sure you realize that silver will probably increase in price 5-10 times faster than gold over the next 5-10 years, but you have your reasons for wanting to buy gold instead of silver. I'd much much much rather be stacking up food, ammo, copper, silver, palladium, and platinum instead of gold @ current prices.

Only way you're going to be able to liquidate a kilo gold bar is finding a really really really rich person or a big dealer like apmex. I would rather buy smaller denominations, not leave a paper trail, and not have to pay 35% capital gains taxes. Again you may have your reasons for wanting to leave a paper trail and giving the government a bunch of free money- again not my business to judge you. I have a few kilo bars of silver and I enjoy them immensely, but I'd rather stick to 10 oz bars of silver, and 1 oz or smaller gold coins personally. On the downside you will have to pay a bigger premium over spot price if you're trying to get 1/10 oz or 1/4 oz coins instead of kilo bars.

Thanks for the reply.

I am also buying silver. But when selling gold bars to large dealers, do you know if they pay much less than spot? Also, you cant sell a kilo bar without leaving a paper trail? (or will anyone really look into it is what i mean)
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by john kane
im thinking for the first time of selling some of my gold holdings.

im currently 12% in gold bullion and another 22% in gold mining funds, for a total exposure of 34%.

i keep reading about how the inflation adjusted high is around $2k, but looking at the chart this was the height which lasted a very short period:

im tempted to maybe sell some of the gold mining

id like to buy some of the commodities that are still relatively low, or maybe hold in cash for a while to hope to see some downswings in other asset classes.

thoughts much appreciated

Do you have any other metals besides gold? I would definitely recommend swapping into some silver / palladium if you don't have any of those. Probably the most important thing for you to ever remember is TAKE DELIVERY-- If you don't hold it, you don't own it. Someone else does. And they might have leased it out. There is at least 100x more paper gold in circulation than real gold. Anyone buying into these ETF ponzi schemes is going to be very sorry later on. Sure, you will probably always be able to redeem your shares for paper fiat. But I don't think people are going to be willing to change paper monopoly "dollars" for real money in the near future.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by otis_nixon
so say gold went up to $10,000 / oz tomorrow. by this logic it's still a buy?
I would really like to answer this question but it really depends. You can't measure the price of gold in paper money.

If gold went up to 10k tomorrow :

how many ounces of silver can I buy with my one ounce of gold?

how many acres of farmland can I buy with my one ounce of gold?

how many pounds of rice can I buy with my one ounce of gold?

how many gallons of gasoline can I buy with my one ounce of gold?

how many hookers / blow / hotel rooms can I buy?

Measuring real goods in paper money is ludicrous. Same with the stock market.

If the dow jones goes up to 20,000 tomorrow is it a buy or a sell?

well I can' really tell you without knowing the price of a bunch of other things...

IE did we devalue the dollar 50% to get to 20,000??? or did something HUGE fundamentally change to drive it up?

If the dow jones is 20,000 and gold is 100,000 , then some dow stocks are probably an easy buy.

If the dow jones is 20,000 and gold is 20 dollars an ounce, then it is an easy sell.

Art- I think you should not stop people from posting pictures, sometimes a picture says 1,000 words. I understand you enjoy the power trip that comes from policing this forum, but this is getting a little ridiculous. You'd think you could go easy on the posts in this one thread. This thread could be amazing if a few of the posters had a thorough understanding of economics, but they are all chased away by obnoxious rules, and idiotic troll posts. There are so many ridiculous troll posts in this thread that you have not commented on, it's hilarious to me that you picked that post to lash out against of all the ones in this thread.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by silverismoney
If the dow jones goes up to 20,000 tomorrow is it a buy or a sell?
easiest sell of all time.

because stocks have what's called "earnings." they "earn" paper money. and 20,000 would be a ridiculous valuation for what the dow companies as a whole are earning. i can use this and guess at what dow companies are earning and decide whether it is a buy or not.

gold doesn't earn anything. it's yield is -.1% or whatever it costs to store and insure. it just sits there and stares at you.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by silverismoney
This thread could be amazing if a few of the posters had a thorough understanding of economics,
i don't think youre going to find through economic understanding here, sorry. Not in the goldbug thread.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
11-25-2009 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by otis_nixon
i don't think youre going to find through economic understanding here, sorry. Not in the goldbug thread.
Why? Isnt the printing of money devaluing the currency, thus causing gold to rise. Look at stocks. It is now being measured in a devalued currency.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
