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01-03-2018 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
Casper testnet is here so yeah, now it's only a matter of days before we get to 1.2k or so. GL us.
This might be right the way things are going.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-03-2018 , 05:47 PM
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-04-2018 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
Casper testnet is here so yeah, now it's only a matter of days before we get to 1.2k or so. GL us.
Is there a projected yield on the POS transformation?
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-04-2018 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by aggo

Thank you, aggo.

Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-04-2018 , 11:51 AM
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-04-2018 , 02:01 PM
choo choo
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-07-2018 , 08:51 PM
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-07-2018 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT
Casper testnet is here so yeah, now it's only a matter of days before we get to 1.2k or so. GL us.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-07-2018 , 09:32 PM
Babar, tell the internet to get ETH to 5k so I can buy a lambo.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-07-2018 , 09:41 PM
Don't worry bud it's going to 10K by the end of the year so you can buy 2.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-08-2018 , 01:01 AM

I will actually buy a lambo if it's 10k by the end of the year.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-08-2018 , 01:18 AM
make sure you own a nice house before you start buying lambos guys
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-08-2018 , 03:08 AM

This week has been life changing for me. Time to close this bad boy. Good night sweet prince. OMG is staying open, this thing is going to moon. Here is to more my fellow hodlers.

Last edited by BABARtheELEPHANT; 01-08-2018 at 03:19 AM.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-08-2018 , 03:28 AM
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-08-2018 , 06:10 AM
What's the story with SNT? I own a little but would like to hear why you guys so bullish so I can pile more on this pullback.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-08-2018 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Two SHAE
make sure you own a nice house before you start buying lambos guys
The house was easy, being liquid enough for a lambo and having money left over for worst case is hard imo. 10k and GG life.

Originally Posted by BABARtheELEPHANT

This week has been life changing for me. Time to close this bad boy. Good night sweet prince. OMG is staying open, this thing is going to moon. Here is to more my fellow hodlers.
So you loaded up heavy enough at 775 or so that a 50 point rise is life changing. Pretty ballin.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-09-2018 , 02:17 AM

Jan 1 2017 - Jan 1 2018

Overall Marketcap gained 3300%
Ethereum gained 9162%
Bitcoin gained 1318%

My first public post on Ethereum with thought process outlined (timestamp May 7 2017). You can see for yourself how was well received by my #1 fan on this website. Oops, that aged well

BTC return since that post: 957%
ETH return since that post: 1076%

Let me recap Q1~Q2 2017: I posted my own picks/laid out my thought process and everything is truly what I genuinely believe - including the following below. I've always had the best of intentions which is why I quit this forum when it seemed it was an upstream battle with zero purpose to it when instead of helping people understand this space I was losing my time to whack-a-mole with ignorant posters. I realized I was debating with a bunch of people who will never get it, and saying the same things over and expecting different results is insanity. Who cares? Well I did, because if you search my post history you'll see I always tried to give legitimate advice despite non-stop **** from some other posters. Regardless, I'm happy to have found channels where discussion is more well-received and reciprocated and it was a valuable learning experience on my end.

I'll be honest this post serves two purposes:

1) Call out those posters who were full of **** because that's clearly just how I roll.
2) Actually give people legitimate advice for 2018.

Doing 1) without 2) as well is just selfish and believe it or not I still care about providing value in my posts and not just slinging low-content **** (like the first half of this post is). At this point I've honestly got nothing left to prove from my point of view and instead of walking away with a 1-0 TKO I'd rather stick my neck out again and provide specific predictions/insights for what I believe the market holds (that's also clearly just how I roll). Furthermore, in the past I have learned lots from other posters on different topics in my years on this website - I am grateful for this I remember that and I believe in giving back. So this is my way to pay-it-forward and the idealist in me hopes a few posters will in turn remember this and in turn do the same in some way down the road.

Let's continue with 1) a while longer before getting into the good stuff. As we all know everyone has opinions. Lucky we now have a years worth of hindsight and we live in a society where opinions are cool, but you know what is cooler? Facts. At best people like these are ignorant, at worse they’re manipulative and display tendencies to crawl out of the woodwork only when it looks promising to their stunted crypto knowledge that they’re right and others are wrong.

The reason I care about this is rather than people admitting they know nothing, they have to pretend they know something. And for some reason that just pisses me off because it's just not needed and can screw over a lot of people who might think you do. When questioned they just entrench their beliefs. You can debate them, but even if you win an argument all you do is lose time as you pick apart their endless supply of propaganda. The key is to disengage. I did the first for months and only then realized arguing is stupid, and in a moment of maturity I realized the best thing I can do is walk away and let time be the scorekeeper.

And before anyone asks or DM's: No, I’m not going to follow up on this post/thread, nor reply to any DM’s regarding this and instead will likely return Jan 2019 to do another annual wrap-up if I'm still on 2p2 (I probably will - I read the 2p2 Basketball thread it's great)

Use the following to help you navigate this space. Question it, debate it amongst yourselves, learn more about it, and decide if it works for you too. I had people DM’ing me offering money for picks and stuff. While that’s great for my ego, I don’t need that. If you decide to act on any of this information and it genuinely serves you well in 2018 - I hope instead you'll remember you read this in January and consider giving a fraction of your "extra" earnings (assuming it does you well) to a charity of your choice come next December as we're all extremely blessed to be given this opportunity. (extra karma if it's animals, and if you're one of my many haters who profit off of this please consider giving even more ) All jokes aside, in seriousness that’s of course up to you, but I believe the following is very valuable information and it will serve serious investors well to understand it. If you end up doing this let me know I genuinely would enjoy reading your DM come Jan 2019 and it will make me think this post was worthwhile. Preface: I'm not your advisor and remember crypto owes us nothing so do not come in with entitlement in this space and it may take time. The only thing I promise you is these are the guidelines I am following with 100% of my own skin in the game (including the names mentioned in the end for my own crypto assets)

Here you all go:

1. Don’t listen to endless public echo chambers. There are too many crypto “experts” and 99% of them have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about but once again only time will prove this. Remember: most everyone with a pulse made money this year (except TomCollins maybe). More followers or louder voice does not equal superior knowledge. The truth is most of the best crypto minds are not posting publicly but are instead in discussions within private channels. By the way, go check the timestamps of posts and go look at historical prices.

2. This market is irrational and nowhere near efficient. There is a very large chasm between future asset prices and what the market is valuing now due to an influx of dumb money/herd mentality and FOMO. Due to rapid growth a rising tide lifts all boats and will cover (long term) investing mistakes, but this will not always be the case and fundamentals mattered less than they should have this year (but they will matter in the future once markets mature). Don’t get greedy unless you’re truly looking to just gamble. And If that’s the case disregard this whole post as it’s positioned towards 1y+ long-term holders not people playing John McAfee ****coin-of-the-week roulette.

3. Ethereum is still a very solid hold and will be one of (if not) the best performing large cap asset for 2018. It’s unlikely to be top 10 EOY 2018 due to it’s already large cap size, but I highly encourage you to hold it as a safer asset especially if you’re unsure what to best do (when in doubt just hold ETH for 2018 and you’ll be happy long term).

4. Bitcoin will continue to lose market cap to others. No, it's not a ponzi. It's simply kept afloat by non-sharp money and will continue to underperform the market in the future over longer frames of time (just like I said last year and now we have the results in — guess what happened). There is zero need to hold this other than counting on greater fools than yourself. You can hold it if you want, I really don't care to convince anyone otherwise (I've had that debate and honestly it makes zero difference to me) instead we'll continue to let time pass and the results speak for itself. Let me be clear and concise: Eth will continue to outperform it long term just like it has the whole way. I laugh at how this stirs tribalistic emotions in some because for a few months the market goes against this longer term trend. Guess what? I don't care and it's expected for BTC to outperform ETH over small periods - that's just how markets work. However, the writing has been on the wall and has been for awhile. In a year go look Jan 1 2018 - Jan 1 2019 prices and once again remind you that it wasn’t “luck” I beat this so-called benchmark (and if it somehow hasn't yet, let another year pass as Eth will inevitably overtake it and become marketcap leader for awhile (and then one day something else will pass it) it’s still just a matter of when.

5. All these people saying #crash. Yes, guess what? The market will crash. It has, it will. The people calling this a huge bubble are likely just a part of the echo chamber referenced in 1). Re-read my post history I even mentioned the hypothetical of Eth going to ~350 pulling back to ~70 as being completely reasonable/no need to panic. Fast forward a few months it went 420 - 130. Don’t panic sell if Eth goes from 1100 to 350 and instead realize this is a part of the process and you should be buying this 50%+ dip and this does not mean it’s a “bubble.” If the market goes from 800B to 250B don’t let these stupid narratives fool you. The market will eventually be stronger/bigger than it is now but before then don’t expect zero turbulence as there should be an expected wash-out at some point in the future. Instead embrace it and understand 2018+the future is bullish overall and when everyone is running for the exits and all the naysayers are saying this is the end, you should buy even more. I’m not going to stick around to hold your hand or be here if that happens, but if you’re following my advice and don't panic you should be just fine.

6. Read this once more and realize it still applies to today from when the market cap was 52B. Financial models/efficient markets do not yet exist for crypto - applying them will end not well for you. Understand "this" isn’t over yet and even if you haven’t yet started in crypto it’s not too late and we are not anywhere “at the top”. This market will go into the trillions. I am laying it all out for you cheat-sheet wise and if you go and spend hours researching more on topics in this post it will be by far the best usage of your time for 2018 (from a financial point-of-view). Here’s what you need to know moving forward:

Something concrete to focus your efforts on:

The biggest idea to position yourself for 2018 is 3.0 Blockchains and interoperability. Conceptually, think of Ethereum as a branch. Dapps as leafs. 3.0 Blockchains have the potential to be tree trunks. The market does not yet understand this potential and it’s nowhere near fully priced in yet (and will not be for 18+ months minimum). This is the same sentiment in that last link. I don’t care to explain beyond this but I am giving you enough to go do your own research further on this topic. The big idea is backwards compatibility and ability to execute logic/code on A and it instantly being known on blockchain B with blockchains being able to talk to other blockchains seamlessly. The idea of Parachains will become extremely relevant. Zoom out and think not just decentralization of blockchains, but a distributed system of blockchains, of which there will be many all serving different purposes with different technology stacks (yet somehow all talking [interoperating] with each other). Ethereum will be one of these early generational ones as it’s one of the few Blockchain 2.0’s that will survive. This cross-operability opens up a new decision tree of possibilities and is the next evolution. If you’re serious about this space you should also read this post and understand this poster falls within the 5% of people who actually know their ****:

Here are names (besides ETH) you should look to research and understand.


Figure out your own sizing, but the more risk you want to take, put more into these names and less into ETH. If you’re new/unsure, keep at least 50%-66%+ in ETH and spread the rest out (in that order I’d say). And if you’re not new, keep at least 35%+ in ETH as that should still be your core holding while you let these other crypto assets grow. Do this for at least all of 2018, don't be a dick to people, give to charity, ignore Aggo, and you’ll likely be a wealthier and happy person come next year. This post should be more than enough to help develop your own thesis for 2018.

I assure you my health is just fine. In fact, the last year my portfolio has outperformed Ethereum due to sizeable bets on swing-trading and my stash increased by around ~140% in ETH terms (you know me, I just had to work that in just for you, my #1 fan ). I’ll let you do the math on that one just cause I know that will likely rustle you hardcore. See you next year!

Good luck in 2018 everyone, for real.

Last edited by Kazuya; 01-09-2018 at 02:32 AM.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-09-2018 , 02:33 AM
In after Kazuya!

Nice timing of that post, when ETH finally pulls ahead of BTC on your timeline after a year of trailing. I doubt your BFF will call you out on that though. Thanks for the tips either way. I own a couple of those but will probably get the others too because I'm a fish.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-09-2018 , 08:19 AM
Very good post Kazuya, thanks for sharing your thoughts. 3.0 Blockchains and interoperability sound fascinating.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-09-2018 , 11:56 AM
A+ Thanks for the great post!
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-09-2018 , 12:13 PM
+1, thanks. what basketball thread are you lurking?
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-09-2018 , 12:25 PM
Thanks Kazuya. I have all of those except AELF. Will look into it. AION has been an absolute killer since pre-sale. $ value it's currently 28x, and that's only for 31.25% allocation. So if fully allocated at this price it's basically 90x since late September.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-09-2018 , 12:27 PM
If you don't think bitcoin hasn't been losing to other coins on a fundamental level you aren't paying attention.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-09-2018 , 03:15 PM
Digs up posts from 2013 bubble

Claims moral high ground over others

But went completely afk/mia/KIA during his own bubble

****ing loser
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
01-09-2018 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
If you don't think bitcoin hasn't been losing to other coins on a fundamental level you aren't paying attention.
Btc eth ltc and usdt are the reserve assets in crypto

3 of them have a finite, known, and rate limited supply rate

****coins have an unlimited supply rate.

Bitcoin can no longer be expected to generate 1000% returns anymore because of how strong the public opinion is over its price.

But it is still the most liquid usd pair and a reserve currency for all cryptos. One day you’ll understand this. I hope before it’s not too late.
Ethereum - Blockchain App Platform Quote
