Originally Posted by housenuts
Are you saying it's pathetic that non-ico companies didn't put up more money to be top donors? If so, I agree.
everything, really.
My thoughts on ICOs over ethereum are well known in this thread.
As it pertains to devcon3, the vast majority of these 150$m raises did not define via charter agreements or even business plans how the money raised would be explicitly utilized. In fact, after the tezos raise, they made a blog post about "diversifying" the raise into gold, stocks, bonds and other assets. This wouldve been so illegal (and people called them out on this) because they wouldve had to create a separate entity registered with the SEC.
Today it continues to be a **** show. This money is all going to be used as a slush fund before investors figure out that there wont be any use case, any community, any incentive, any business plan to ensure that investors make their money back.
Status has already pivoted with a NFC hardware wallet. what the ****....?