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Coronavirus Coronavirus

08-23-2021 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Seriously? You think the understanding of viruses, genetics etc etc etc hasn't moved forward in the last 10 years?
Sure it most likely has, to the point now they make viruses in a lab that cause pandemics. Can't get much worse then that.

As Einstein said "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones".

"Advances" in science aren't necessarily a good thing.
08-23-2021 , 03:29 PM
Sure. Anything so powerful will be used for good and bad and it can really **** things up. The advance of humanity itself is arguably a very bad thing. It may even lead to our extinction in the near future although I doubt it.

But that doesn't make any old crap more likely to be right.

and dont make TS's mistake (or abuse of rhetoric) of thinking listening to the science means doing what scientists tell us to do. Science never ever tells us what to do.

Last edited by chezlaw; 08-23-2021 at 03:34 PM.
08-23-2021 , 03:35 PM
08-23-2021 , 04:46 PM

This is the type of bullshit I'm talking about. What kind of "science" is this?

“We know we need a boost now and we will continue to follow the science, but I don’t think it’s a given that we will be doing this continuously,"

"This virus has been humbling, so I don’t want to say never, but we are not necessarily anticipating that you will need this annually,”

All common sense points in the direction you will need to continuously get the shot, but according to her, the science says maybe you won't. You get the flu shot every year, but the science says you won't need the covid vaccine every year?

It wore off after 2 ****ing shots in 8 months and she thinks there's a good chance you won't need it annually.

I think there's a good chance if I bet her and gave her 2:1 that the vaccine will be needed on a regular basis she wouldn't take it.

FFS, it's not "needed" for a lot of people now and they are getting it. Sure as **** they will be getting it over and over whether they need it or not. This is why you can't believe a ****ing thing they say.

The problem is, maybe at some point they are telling the truth. I don't know if the delta variant is really all that more dangerous or if they are spewing more massive bullshit because they do it daily with lies like above.
08-23-2021 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
and dont make TS's mistake (or abuse of rhetoric) of thinking listening to the science means doing what scientists tell us to do. Science never ever tells us what to do.
No it doesn't. It just tells us (often really badly and wrongly and through the wrong interpretation of experts with low philosophical sophistication and poor adherence to the scientific method) what it thinks the truth is. That's fine except when clowns overvalue the "cool story bro" that science often puts out, and call it the most reliable truth there is and that it thus can't reasonably be questioned by non-experts. Then you get Nazi genocide programs (trusting the solid consensus science), lobotomies for overeager women, and today, prostate cancer treatments that are far worse than doing nothing, psychiatric interventions that do worse than the third world non-intervention, dietary change recommendations that negatively affect the health and life enjoyment of hundreds of millions of people over a generation and were worse than doing nothing, pandemic response that is worse than a redneck would have done, and so on (it's a very long list).
08-23-2021 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Seriously? You think the understanding of viruses, genetics etc etc etc hasn't moved forward in the last 10 years?

Understanding is progressing so fast and somehow you see nothing? Ihe trouble is, and I'm a bit suprised it infects you, is that modern science is not accessible to the laypeople anymore and it's much easier to ignore that it's going on.

It's got massively worse in this regard since this old chestnut
Geezus that was a dumb post by TS. Thx for replying to it.

He needs only read and learn about the advances in mRNA technology, which may prove to be the most substantial advance for mankind's health to get 1 answer to his own question.
08-23-2021 , 05:53 PM
08-23-2021 , 05:54 PM
"which may prove" - point made. mRNA stuff has been around for 25 years by the way.

The point is - replying to the poster who hilariously said that science is the reason for everything we know about the world and therefore by implication the most recent bullshit they put out - that the knowledge which science gave us became useful and concrete over decades, not years. Short term science is close to useless and often net harmful and is very much "cool story bro". You would have gotten that point with an LSAT score above 135 (but alas)
08-23-2021 , 05:57 PM
Too many conspiracy theorist in the anti waxxer camps…..

They all affirm things without any evidences .
08-23-2021 , 06:11 PM
Jfc tooth.

Do you believe in technology?
How much advancements it did in the last 20 years .
Wtf is technology if it’s not a representation of science applied to the real world ….

All you do is add fire to believers in god , conspiracy , etc. By saying things like that with totally false claims .

Not being perfect and making revision on hypothesis which becomes facts over long enough period of time with tryouts and analysis it’s what makes science the most reliable source of knowledge ffs …

Yes sometimes it makes mistake so what ?
It’s still the majority of the time right while conspiracy are like 99% wrong . .

Im baffle how supposedly great investor use probabilities so badly in the real world on this site .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-23-2021 at 06:16 PM.
08-23-2021 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
"which may prove" - point made. mRNA stuff has been around for 25 years by the way.

The point is - replying to the poster who hilariously said that science is the reason for everything we know about the world and therefore by implication the most recent bullshit they put out - that the knowledge which science gave us became useful and concrete over decades, not years. Short term science is close to useless and often net harmful and is very much "cool story bro". You would have gotten that point with an LSAT score above 135 (but alas)
I love how you define that.

By your own methodology all science must be long term proven (decades and decades) otherwise it is all but useless.

Therefore you dare anyone to give any example of science of any worth in the last decade when you already defined it out as worthless by your very condition of requiring it be long term proven.

This is like when you guys used to say definitively 'masks don't work, but then you would add in when pushed 'if it is the wrong masks and they are worn improperly'.

See if we just accept those two conditions then 'masks don't work'.

You are a clown show Tooth. The things you say are pure idiocy and so easily seen thru by anyone not a derp.
08-23-2021 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
No it doesn't. It just tells us (often really badly and wrongly and through the wrong interpretation of experts with low philosophical sophistication and poor adherence to the scientific method) what it thinks the truth is. That's fine except when clowns overvalue the "cool story bro" that science often puts out, and call it the most reliable truth there is and that it thus can't reasonably be questioned by non-experts.
I dont thnk you give due regard to the interpretation scientists put on their work. SAGE is a good example because you somtimes present it as stark claims of truth while the reports and questioning reveals a mass of caveats, qualifications and assumptions.

Of course it can be questioned by non-experts. Can be and should be. I also think the media has been appalling in for example, not hosting sessions with experts with differing views. There is also a massive problem of demanding definitive answers and clear simple messaging - that's a problem of our age that needs to be overcome because 'the truth' is messy.
08-23-2021 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
Anyone who bases investment decisions on this trash fire thread is more or less begging to go busto
Unvaccinated sperm is going to be the next Bitcoin.
08-23-2021 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
Probably because the vaccine caused the variant and will likely cause many more. You said it yourself, the variant came after the vaccine.
Why do you keep saying this? The vaccine rollout started in India in January 2021. Delta emerged in 2020.
08-23-2021 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by iL1keTurtles
Why do you keep saying this? The vaccine rollout started in India in January 2021. Delta emerged in 2020.
He is saying that because he is a mislead anti-vaxxer.

He is a mislead anti-vaxxer because he is thick.
08-23-2021 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by iL1keTurtles
Why do you keep saying this? The vaccine rollout started in India in January 2021. Delta emerged in 2020.
Twice he came back with the same reasoning about mutation.
He just want the truth to be what he believes in .
He just do not believe much in science .
When facts and empirical evidences are views like opinions and beliefs , you can’t do much more to change people mind .
08-23-2021 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by iL1keTurtles
Why do you keep saying this? The vaccine rollout started in India in January 2021. Delta emerged in 2020.

Beta (South Africa), Delta (India) and Gamma(Brazil) all came from countries where the vaccines were tested in clinical trials by Big Pharma in 2020.
08-24-2021 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Experience and common sense is the reason we know most of what we do about the world and can navigate the world competently. .
From my POV , this exactly what most North America and probably Europe, did .
They treated covid like the earlier virus of the 21st century ( SRAS, H1N1, etc.) with the experience and common sense we knew from it right ?
It failed miserably.

With the numbers of death (probably ain’t over yet) covid as reach the 8th most « important » pandemic.
To me it should represent special considerations…

Ill bet a lot more people will die from covid than to the vaccines .
How can someone be less scared of 1 % rate of death from nature when vaccine , something made by man and science, are 50 time less likely to die from that 1% to begin with ?!?

Being scared of those kinda of odds , mind as well not come out of the house , a lightning might hit you …..

Are we to believe stuff made by man should naturally be more dangerous ?
We’re not at the prehistoric period of medical science …

Ps: With the amount of « medication » we already consume getting old …a lot of stuff in there as well right ?
Why vaccine would be more dangerous ?
Your against medication too ?
08-24-2021 , 04:46 AM
Israel is starting to look scary. Is delta the only dominant strain in Israel?
Curious if the data in a week or so will still show people in hospital being mainly unvaccinated. If they are, still not terrible news. But it's starting to look like Delta + vaccine is not going to get us back to anything that's close to normal.
08-24-2021 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ

Beta (South Africa), Delta (India) and Gamma(Brazil) all came from countries where the vaccines were tested in clinical trials by Big Pharma in 2020.
Ok fair point, I didn't consider that. The number of people getting vaccinated in the trials was fairly small though (compared to totals who got COVID or got vaccinated afterwards), also the people in the trials would have been getting monitored so if they did throw up a variant it could have been found?
08-24-2021 , 07:46 AM
Nah. Your prediction track record is pretty close to zero. The Epstein woman was 100% going to be dead long ago according to you. We were supposed to have a stock market crash this month as per your prediction, and I lost track of how many world is ending stuff you said would happen. Hyperinflation, locusts you name it. Sorry, but your doomsday dream scenarios are not happening, no matter how much you root for them. As a good rule of thumb - take whatever your "best case scenario" is and assume reality will be quite a bit better than that.
08-24-2021 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp

Ill bet a lot more people will die from covid than to the vaccines .
How can someone be less scared of 1 % rate of death from nature when vaccine , something made by man and science, are 50 time less likely to die from that 1% to begin with ?!?
First off, young healthy people is way less then 1%. Secondly, as we've been over before, we don't know what the death rate on the vaccines is yet. I think young healthy people are willing to wait a couple years.

I'm not really worried from dying from the actual vaccine. What I'm worried about is taking it and screwing up my immune system that I have had no issues with. Where are the stats that show how well you fight covid after your vaccine wears off compared to people who never took the vaccine in the first place? Oh ya, they have no idea.

Where are the stats that show how well people fight covid that have never had the flu shot compared to people that do? The fact they don't have this out there lets you know the numbers aren't good.

So in the end, if the vaccine has adverse results, it won't be from dying from the actual vaccine, it will be from a sickness death that the person couldn't handle because they screwed up their immune system with the vaccine. And I can guarantee it won't be listed as a vaccine death.
08-24-2021 , 09:47 AM
...“There is no question it is beneficial to wear any face covering, both for protection in close proximity and at a distance in a room,” ...

...“The novelty here is that we have provided solid numbers and rigorous analysis to support that assumption,” he added...

Exhaled aerosols from a subject not wearing a mask.

Exhaled aerosols from a subject wearing a surgical mask

Exhaled aerosols from a subject wearing a KN95 mask.

Study found here.
08-24-2021 , 09:49 AM
For those of you who want to see how someone applies "common sense" to science you can go back and read my history on educating people like Tooth how and why Masks work, which I have been doing since long before i saw a single study and based on common sense.

No one can deny the common sense of masks working. They do work.
08-24-2021 , 10:51 AM
Cuepee, the % effectiveness of cloth masks and surgical masks from your own quoted study is 10% and 12% respectively.

Mask mandates will work though. Amazing.

15 months into the mask argument we still need to debunk mask mandate effectiveness. Its debunked bro. Move on.
