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Coronavirus Coronavirus

08-24-2021 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Here is raw data:

Weekly death numbers for age groups. I look at those numbers. I look at aggregate death numbers due to covid for countries, I compare that to vaccines numbers, and I make up my mind whether vaccines work or not. I don't look at pictures, facebook posts, or twitter posts.

List of reasons why you should not get vaccines:

Covid doesn't exist
Nano technology injected into you via vaccines
Will make you sterile
Experimental Vaccine
Not FDA Approved
Something else <-------- We are here
What is the time length that data becomes data to rely on? Like I said, water causes immortality according to my data.

The "something else", is it's not proven and the side effects aren't known. There is no ****ing "data" because it takes TIME to see the effects and gather meaningful data. You think a month is enough? 2 months? What's the time length?

Last edited by onemoretimes; 08-24-2021 at 11:34 PM.
08-24-2021 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by twotoseven
"Science" means you must do what they say at all times. That's the definition of the word.
The WHO, FDA & CDC only accept "science" from their circular system of chosen organisations, biased pharma and healthcare bureaucrats. It's egregious they've ignored, censored and dismissed other qualified experts whose priority is patients and public health.
08-25-2021 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
You look at pictures.

I look at raw data.
Where's the long term safety data you're looking at? I haven't seen any.

Let us all in on the secret. Chrystal ball, ouija board, time travel?
08-25-2021 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
What is the time length that data becomes data to rely on? Like I said, water causes immortality according to my data.

The "something else", is it's not proven and the side effects aren't known. There is no ****ing "data" because it takes TIME to see the effects and gather meaningful data. You think a month is enough? 2 months? What's the time length?
For a guy that love bitcoin and technology, dont you think today with billions of simulation with computing power and AI they can do a lot to gather meaningful data ?

Do you have the same concerns when it comes to any medication existing ?
And again, what ingredient you think THIS vaccine could contain that makes you think it is very dangerous compare to all the others ?

its like your afraid to just be afraid...
again, you seem to be afraid of possible cross effect with unintended consequences ?
guess what ? any medication are like that even tho they are considered very safe.

Stuff like that can happen but again, its far less likely than a 1% death rate from covid ?

news for you, risk 0% do not exist.
in any field it is not possible....
but dying from the covid vaccine seem to me freaken close to 0%, its 0.0019% ffs.....

You know when they say a gold coin is at 99.9999 made of gold ?
that freakn pretty close to 100%....
what wrong with you ?

Instead of drowning in the dark, why dont you come out with proofs that it is dangerous ?
being afraid is not evidences.
what factors would make this one different than all others ?
08-25-2021 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by Werner Klopek
this isn't Reddit,
How would you know what it is?

You have hardly posted in this forum and 51 out of your 96 posts have been in threads about Corona.

Obvious misinformation shill is obvious.
08-25-2021 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
What is the time length that data becomes data to rely on? Like I said, water causes immortality according to my data.

Vaccines don't work even though data shows that people who would have died of Covid are overwhelmingly not dying of Covid. But... those not dead people just became not dead recently, so can we really trust the data?
08-25-2021 , 09:31 AM

A Maccabi Healthcare Services study, the first of its kind in the world, surveyed 149,144 people who received the booster shot and a control group of 675,630 people who received the second shot in January or February. Of the former, only 37 tested positive, compared with 1,064 of the latter. The first group was surveyed a week after receiving the third dose.
So we are proving the effectiveness of the 3rd shot by testing for covid a week after taking the booster and the control group is double vaxxed people.

Trust the Science.

Last edited by OlafTheSnowman; 08-25-2021 at 09:45 AM.
08-25-2021 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
What is the time length that data becomes data to rely on? Like I said, water causes immortality according to my data.
No it doesn't. Your data doesn't show water causes immortality. You aren't even being obtuse, this is just plain stupid sentence.

The "something else", is it's not proven and the side effects aren't known. There is no ****ing "data" because it takes TIME to see the effects and gather meaningful data. You think a month is enough? 2 months? What's the time length?
1 year. We have been doing trials on of humans since March 2020. That's nearly 18 months ago.

I am sure all of this is lost on you, and you will just move the goal posts from:

- 2-3 months of data only! Need more than that
- 12 months of data only! Need more than that
- 18 months of data only! Need more than that
- 5 billion vaccine doses only! Need more than that
- 2 years of data only! Need more than that
- We need 10 years of data! <------ We will be here soon.

Last edited by Tien; 08-25-2021 at 09:53 AM.
08-25-2021 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
Is there something wrong with the text you quoted? I don't know what this means:

The first group was surveyed a week after receiving the third dose.

That's not enough time for it to act let alone for them to get infected after it acts.
08-25-2021 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by danielak
Until when are we going to have new variations of this virus.. Europe is preprinting for a fourth wave.. I'm crying..
I'm not concerned.

4th wave, 5th wave, 6th wave. All that is meaningless.

It's endemic now. It's not going away until enough of the population has caught covid.
08-25-2021 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
No it doesn't. Your data doesn't show water causes immortality. You aren't even being obtuse, this is just plain stupid sentence.

1 year. We have been doing trials on of humans since March 2020. That's nearly 18 months ago.
Yep, we are starting to get some time under our belts and they are saying they are wearing off or don't work against variants and people need more. It's "effectiveness" numbers are dropping daily.

I'm going to wait until we see just how much people need and how often before I think about getting it.
08-25-2021 , 10:59 AM
Efficacy reduced isn't the same as doesn't work. But you sit tight and wait this one out
08-25-2021 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
Yep, we are starting to get some time under our belts and they are saying they are wearing off or don't work against variants and people need more. It's "effectiveness" numbers are dropping daily.

I'm going to wait until we see just how much people need and how often before I think about getting it.
I don't care whether you get it or not. Nobody on this forum does.

We are only debating whether vaccines work or not.
08-25-2021 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
Huh, still here, funny that.

So you're vaccinated but only want to feel smart and important by posting useless mask ramblings. What a worthless clown you are. As if anybody cared about your kindergarten level essays about mask effectivity.

Fighting strawmen is all you are capabable of, I see. You poor loser.

Anyway, can't be long before one of the mods brings out the banhammer, maybe I should start to insult Chuck the braindead relitard or my old friend Tootsie to speed things up.

Whatever happens, your confused "I am so right about the science and you're not"-style rambling is boring and repetitive, soooo **** you and eat ****. ÂŻ\_o_/ÂŻ
Sometimes it takes me a minute to get there, but I just have sympathy for you today. It's very apparent through your writings and actions here the type of person you currently are. If you would like some life advice maybe I could help you get to a better place where you don't feel compelled to make gimmicks and wish death on people you know very little about. Feel free to post here or DM me if you happen to have an account that's made it long enough to achieve such privileges.
08-25-2021 , 01:23 PM
England has removed all mask requirements for children in schools.

08-25-2021 , 02:06 PM
New Zealand saying it would be a waste to stop trying for elimination and they won't throw in the towel. If any place can do it, it's them, but they won't be able to anyway

Meanwhile in the sane land of oz, shelter dogs shot dead to avoid volunteers from traveling to pick them up
08-25-2021 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by TooStupidioso
Translation: I want to be right despite the fact that I am an old uneducated and extremely narcissistic idiot.
Translation: Projection of self.
08-25-2021 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by TooCuriousso1
Sometimes it takes me a minute to get there, but I just have sympathy for you today. It's very apparent through your writings and actions here the type of person you currently are. If you would like some life advice maybe I could help you get to a better place where you don't feel compelled to make gimmicks and wish death on people you know very little about. Feel free to post here or DM me if you happen to have an account that's made it long enough to achieve such privileges.
You're right, he's not doing well mentally.
08-25-2021 , 02:12 PM

"It's unclear if booster shots will be an ongoing thing"
08-25-2021 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by OlafTheSnowman
"It's unclear if booster shots will be an ongoing thing"
Don't get any then and get Covid the old fashion way. Odds are you will not croak. Consider some de-worming pills, those are popular (for some reason) with the anti-vaxx crowd.

Also, when you visit websites that ask you to put in a date of birth in a drop down menu and they go back to 1900 - what that means is that a ton of 121 year olds are walking around. Even worse for paper forms if they have 4 spaces to fill out and they are blank - that means some people are over 2,000 years old!
08-25-2021 , 04:04 PM
Back from a couple weeks of vacation...will be catching up on recent posts soon. I assume I'll have the 'fun' of handing out some warnings / exiles / bans where needed.

In the mean time, TooStupidioso has been purged. I'll probably also get an IP check on that user and probably ban whoever created that unless there's a very nice apology when I get back.
08-25-2021 , 04:06 PM
Great news.

No-one has a clue what's going on with breakthrough infections and hospitalizations. The data is hopelessly flawed.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is using outdated and unreliable data on coronavirus breakthrough infections to help make major decisions, such as who gets booster shots, according to three officials with direct knowledge of the situation.

The agency originally tried to track all infections in vaccinated people, from mild to severe. But in May it decided to focus on the most severe cases, saying that would allow it to better monitor overall conditions and make more informed, targeted policy decisions.

Forty-nine states are now regularly sending CDC information on hospitalized breakthrough patients. But more than a dozen told POLITICO that they do not have the capacity to match patients’ hospital admission data with their immunization records. Instead, those states rely on hospital administrators to report breakthrough infections. The resulting data is often aggregated, inaccurate and omits critical details for teasing out trends, such as which vaccine a person received and whether they have been fully vaccinated, a dozen state officials said.

The gaps in this crucial data stream raise questions about the Biden administration’s ability to spot and respond to changes in the virus’s behavior — such as the rapid spread of the Delta variant, which crowded out other strains — or vaccines’ performance. It also underscores the extent to which the CDC and public health departments across the country are still struggling to collect and study critical Covid-19 information 18 months after the pandemic began.
State health officials say their comprehensive data on breakthrough infections suggests the rate of these cases in their jurisdictions is greater than the hospitalization counts show. And the number of new infections continue to rise.

As of last week, the CDC said it had received reports of 9,716 patients with breakthrough infections who were hospitalized or had died. In Louisiana, where cases are still surging, health officials had counted 14,650 breakthrough infections as of last week. That’s up 4,700 from the week before — the biggest one week jump since Louisiana began tracking breakthrough infections, Sokol said.
08-25-2021 , 04:35 PM
ICU numbers on vaccinated vs unvaccinated is all that matters. But ofc course as one useless theory after another is debunked the story changes. Playing whack a mole with the true renegade heros of our time
08-25-2021 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Great news.

No-one has a clue what's going on with breakthrough infections and hospitalizations. The data is hopelessly flawed.
Originally Posted by politico
But more than a dozen told POLITICO that they do not have the capacity to match patients’ hospital admission data with their immunization records
And in cases where they can't find immunization records, they simply classify them as unvaccinated.
08-25-2021 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by bobbyJ
Great news.

No-one has a clue what's going on with breakthrough infections and hospitalizations. The data is hopelessly flawed.
Well data do not matter for conspiracy theorist anyway....

climate changes
stolen election trump
