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Coronavirus Coronavirus

08-25-2021 , 06:01 PM

Antibodies are also only one facet.

It just seems pretty unintuitive how the vaccine (where the spike is the only antigen) would outperform natty infection.

But ofc you'll never see places like NYC who wants vaccine passport accommodate these ppl with prior infections. Or live raw delta as their booster.

If these people were competent and honest maybe there would be less of a demand to follow goons like Alex Berensen.
08-25-2021 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Well data do not matter for conspiracy theorist anyway....

climate changes
stolen election trump
russian collusion
pee parties
impeachment 1
impeachment 2
stolen election (clinton)

we can play this game all day.
08-25-2021 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by jacksquat
russian collusion
pee parties
impeachment 1
impeachment 2
stolen election (clinton)

we can play this game all day.
we are talking about sciences data being ignored , not political narrative ffs.
go back to sleep.
08-25-2021 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
we are talking about sciences data being ignored , not political narrative ffs.
go back to sleep.
who brought up politics? stolen election? trump?

you or me. own your **** or gtfo
08-25-2021 , 07:07 PM
in other news... i went to get the vax today and the line was out the door and people waiting in their cars.

don,t really think i need it, haven't been sick in 15 or 20 years and haven't had the flu since i was a little kid, but decided to "take one for the team".

pardon me if i'm a bit salty this evening.

and no...i didn't get it.
08-25-2021 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by jacksquat
who brought up politics? stolen election? trump?

you or me. own your **** or gtfo
I bring a claim of an election , aiming at 1 group , believing it was a stolen election without 1 freakin proof or evidences !
But than they ask real evidences that vaccine covid is not dangerous lol ?
How ironic .
And then we provide it , risk of dying at .0019% and still not good enough lol ..,

Just get a brain bud ..
Btw , every thing in that CRAZY cult turns out to be politics even when , us , adults dot not want too .

The proofs of it ?
You bring 5/6 political topics with no s identification correlation to my multiple example and I’m the one bringing politics ? Lol …

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-25-2021 at 07:47 PM.
08-25-2021 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
I bring a claim of an election , aiming at 1 group , believing it was a stolen election without 1 freakin proof or evidences !
But than they ask real evidences that vaccine covid is not dangerous lol ?
How ironic .
And then we provide it , risk of dying at .0019% and still not good enough lol ..,

Just get a brain bud ..
Btw , every thing in that CRAZY cult turns out to be politics even when , us , adults dot not want too .

The proofs of it ?
You bring 5/6 political topics and not one scientific to my multiple example and I’m the one bringing politics ? Lol …
my question stands... who brought up politics...once, twice, a dozen times? i don't give a rats ass.

well at least you somewhat admitted bringing up politics.

please go away.

i already told you i can do this all day.
08-25-2021 , 09:29 PM
"there are many young people (vaccinated) who are seriously ill, including hospitalizations"

08-25-2021 , 10:36 PM
ahh yes, shuffle you have a keen nose for which data is erroneous.
08-25-2021 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by jacksquat
my question stands... who brought up politics...once, twice, a dozen times? i don't give a rats ass.

well at least you somewhat admitted bringing up politics.

please go away.

i already told you i can do this all day.
Yeah bro your genius , you can do this all day !
That is what important right like in politic , I can talk **** like pro all day lol…

No wonder your a pro trump probably with crazy stories and theories ….
That is a leader , he got a punch line every time .

How many died under trump ?
Because hey , covid not dangerous -> punch line .
Facts -> 400 000 Americans died under Trump .
Hey Trump great , duh, look how he can own a lib with a punch line, duh , that is a leader , duh !

“He's the only American leader in a century with more than 400,000 deaths from one event on his watch.“

“ That total is fast approaching the 405,000 U.S. fatalities from World War II – thousands of them recorded when Harry Truman was president after Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in April 1945 – to rank as the third-deadliest event in the history of the republic. About 618,000-750,000 were killed in the Civil War of 1861-1865.”

“ This is an infectious disease we knew how to prevent, and as difficult as it is, far easier to solve than defeating Nazi Germany. And yet, we did not mount a response to wage war against this virus as we have in these other situations.”

“ “By any metric, anybody who believes in data and science would acknowledge we’ve done terribly with this pandemic, arguably the worst in the world,” said Dr. John Swartzberg, a professor emeritus of infectious diseases at the University of California-Berkeley”

But hey you won because u can talk bs instead of facts !
Facts do not matter remember ?
It’s the narrative that is important .
Good job bro .
08-26-2021 , 02:21 AM
New study out of Brazil found a particular snake's venom reduced covid transmission by 75% in monkeys. Ofc there is a lot of ground to cover before this is replicated and even possible to use in humans. But they found a peptide that is non toxic to cells and inhibits transmission, so maybe some good news going forward
08-26-2021 , 06:16 AM
Shuffle being psyopped by the Chinese into being their propaganda agent is hilarious

Clown, it's really simple:

1. China was doing extensive gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan beginning in 2013. This is published in Nature and elsewhere and is all across the public record. They were trying to increase infectiousness via artificial selection for years, including extensively in human cell lines. They reported success at this.

2. These attempts eventually escaped in Wuhan in late 2019 (the Chinese had previously had SARS escape twice from their labs, but fortunately that was less infectious and contained), which is why the first outbreak/known deaths happened there right where the facility is

3. The Chinese then began an extensive campaign of coverups and blocking of access, which makes no sense if they weren't at fault, and also an extensive campaign - into which you've comically been suckered like a complete fool - of putting out disinformation through various channels saying that the US was the true cause, weaving any unrelated information into quasi-plausible conspiracy theories for idiots to continue propagating.

Stop being a psyopped by/an unwitting propaganda agent for a country as evil as Nazi Germany in 1933, mmmkay? You're neither helping yourself nor making the world a better place with your BS.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 08-26-2021 at 06:22 AM.
08-26-2021 , 10:04 AM
"All the studies are grouping individuals by race, age and sex, but not based on comorbidity when that’s clearly the most important factor in what happens to you once you test positive".

That's a good point.
08-26-2021 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
The most insane thing would be the potential for class action lawsuits against national governments that covered up knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 being in the wild from July-September 2019.
I'm not positive, but in the U.S. I don't think an individual can sue a foreign government. They are immune; just like the federal government and States cannot be sued.
08-26-2021 , 11:50 AM

08-26-2021 , 12:00 PM
When they start pumping everyone every 6-8 months. Do the "super rare"
VAERS become more common? More blood clotting ect? Or is it more likely that if your going to have an issue you have it on the first one?
08-26-2021 , 12:29 PM

Rogan had a doctor on his podcast to debunk "vaccine misinformation and long-haul covid". The main takeaway from that video is the pothead comedian is more knowledgeable on covid than the doctor.

She said "I don't know" at least 30 times, better than spreading misinformation I suppose but still not very convincing.
08-26-2021 , 12:41 PM
That person is not a medical doctor, so good for her if she says "I don't know" to medical questions for which she has no expertise. That is what threads like this are for so randos can share their researched "expertise." Anyway, she does have a new paper about how saunas can increase life span, so guessing she would be better at answering questions on that. I did not listen to the podcast, so no idea if Rogan asked any hard hitting sauna related questions.
08-26-2021 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
That person is not a medical doctor, so good for her if she says "I don't know" to medical questions for which she has no expertise.
I've never heard of her so I too googled her. It's interesting that you chose to omit the fact that she has a PHD in biomedical science.
08-26-2021 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez

Well they did get their start as an open air prison colony so it's fitting
08-26-2021 , 02:53 PM
WOW. An extra hour of freedom if you get the clot shots. How generous.

Meanwhile in France.

This is how you do it.

08-26-2021 , 02:58 PM
Bravo France. **** the vaccine fascists. Got my vacc today and glad to (finally - hard to get one as a traveler) but decisions on whether to get medical treatment are an individual choice - it's a core foundational principle of Western democracy, and forcing people out of work, travel and social life if they're not vacced is just batshit crazy.
08-26-2021 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
I've never heard of her so I too googled her.
She's a regular on his podcast, I expected softballs from Joe since he's a big fan but he pushed back and asked the important questions.

Originally Posted by de captain
It's interesting that you chose to omit the fact that she has a PHD in biomedical science.
Thanks for confirming im not missing anything of value by blocking that dishonest creep.
08-26-2021 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
I've never heard of her so I too googled her. It's interesting that you chose to omit the fact that she has a PHD in biomedical science.
I also left out that she does the social influencer thing with a podcast and Youtube channel that stresses the needs for vitamins for everything. Not sure of her position on horse deworming products, but being on the Rogan show is great for her business, so cannot blame her for doing it whenever she can. I assume she is a good guest as well with her podcast acting experience, and that always makes for a better show.

If you want to consider her an expert on viruses - go for it. Guess it is better than a PhD in Philosophy, though that other poster would still call someone who has a PhD in Philosophy "a doctor" without qualifications to imply medicine as the need fits his agenda. He aint that subtle in that regard.
08-26-2021 , 05:23 PM
Honestly I'd take a PhD in philosophy over most virologists. The higher IQ and a mind trained in thinking makes them far more competent at data analysis and situational analysis.

Take this dickhead (the professor Montrealcorp is unironically quoting):
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
“ That total is fast approaching the 405,000 U.S. fatalities from World War II – thousands of them recorded when Harry Truman was president after Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in April 1945 – to rank as the third-deadliest event in the history of the republic. About 618,000-750,000 were killed in the Civil War of 1861-1865.”

“ This is an infectious disease we knew how to prevent, and as difficult as it is, far easier to solve than defeating Nazi Germany. And yet, we did not mount a response to wage war against this virus as we have in these other situations.”

“ “By any metric, anybody who believes in data and science would acknowledge we’ve done terribly with this pandemic, arguably the worst in the world,” said Dr. John Swartzberg, a professor emeritus of infectious diseases at the University of California-Berkeley”
Imagine being a professor in a prestigious university and having your brain so broken, so political, so biased, that you think the US has done the worst in the world with the covid pandemic. They're about inline with most of Europe deaths despite FAR more (2x) preexisting conditions and far more open/free/better economy. The US has done far better than comparable Western countries.

The above is the kind of worthless dickhead expert who failed to scream alarms as covid spread (like I did in the 2020 trading thread and then this thread as it was obvious from the data what was about to happen), who failed to establish a coherent policy, and it was experts like him who botched the CDC testing and then argued (left wing style) that the private sector should be blocked from making tests while they fix it, destroying any hope of a US response. I'll take a top 20% IQ redneck or a philosophy PhD over most virologists for being correct about covid predictions and correct policy.
