Originally Posted by jriiikk
It's not a bad extra step but how would they know where it was coming from especially if Bovada is constantly changing their send wallet address? Crypto transactions are from public address A to public address B. There is no remotely easy way to know who the actors are sending and receiving. The major difference between Coinbase or Binanace and Bitpay or Exodus is that with former you do not own your own private keys. Understanding the importance of private keys is...
It’s good to see someone post who is actually knowledgeable on the subject. I can expand on the tracking and intermediary wallet issue though. Because public Addresss A is forever on the blockchain as sending funds to Public Address B, if at any point it is found out that public address A was a
payment processor related to a gambling site, then it is very easy to identify all public address B’s they did business with. Once notified of a payment processor address (A) CB can easily identify all CB accounts (B1, B2, etc.) that have done transactions with A. At that point they close that account down.
There’s a lot of different ways they are notified/can find out. Payment processors are the ones who will get caught because of what they are doing. This information is forever public, and currently there have been accounts closed where funds went A-B. I could write a whole chapter of a book on the subject but I hope that covers the gist of it.
Being that this info is always public it’s best to pay your taxes as well