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WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**)

07-08-2018 , 01:31 AM
Stapleton is so, so bad. It's like ESPN's older producers think, "this is what the Millennials want, I guess."
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 01:39 AM
lol frankie flowers, do you guys remember that clown? currently CL
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 01:43 AM
I’m guessing

But tonight it was one show finished and the next one was meant to start straight away

Tonight they have 45 mins gap... so... should start on time

I worked in TV for a decade... this is ultra low budget, (the non ESPN content) so that may be somewhat reflected in errors and the sort of issues that come up

Have ESPN feeds been as bad for late starts, etc?
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Stapleton is so, so bad. It's like ESPN's older producers think, "this is what the Millennials want, I guess."
I’m guessing all his segments are meant to be so bad they are good? Or ironic? Or something?

But they are just bad.

I always hated his stuff - from his commenting days

But he seems popular on here... grr

But he doesn’t understand about quality control, or delivery. So he puts too many unfunnies in, and doesn’t sell any of them well.

Also because he isn’t imaginative - he’s not just one note, you also see through the gag far too soon... like with WK “i’ll Let you talk in a minute... oh we run out of time” Hmm

If he had more about him, he would make humour out of what’s happened... rather than always... always... about their name.

Norman Chad has performance and levels. So he will go from one ‘voice’ or attitude to another. So much better. Night and day between them
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by ligastar
"they know i got a good heart ... they know i want to help the world ..."

-- Frankie Flowers
I'm from the same area as Frankie Flowers, and just to give a different side of a guy who gets trashed a fair amount on here- His late father was a huge benevolent figure in the community, and Frankie actually does do a lot of good things to help people, albeit to a lesser extent.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Donk Quixote
I'm from the same area as Frankie Flowers, and just to give a different side of a guy who gets trashed a fair amount on here- His late father was a huge benevolent figure in the community, and Frankie actually does do a lot of good things to help people, albeit to a lesser extent.
Good post!
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 02:17 AM
Ok so if I'm allowed to post this I think Ivey has over 850,000 now just set over setted for big pot.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Tommy_Tomich969
Ok so if I'm allowed to post this I think Ivey has over 850,000 now just set over setted for big pot.
they posted it on their website you're fine
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 02:24 AM
Now that there is no broadcast/stream post away!
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 02:24 AM
Yes you can post

There is no video feed... so can’t be any spoilers
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 02:28 AM
That Gronning guy got done dirty on the TV table. Pretty unlucky.

Ivey nearing 1M chips. A couple more days of this and it will start to feel like 2009 again.

Duhamel back from the dead and healthy after being down to scraps a couple days ago.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 02:48 AM
Chino Reem with 860k, will the Debt collection line form for when he hits the cash window?
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 02:56 AM
Stapes is funny whenever I've seen him doing Pokerstars sponsored tournaments or that The Big Game show. Is he that bad doing live commentary? I mean even Norm and Lon are pretty weak when they're not working off a script and edited footage.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
Chino Reem with 860k, will the Debt collection line form for when he hits the cash window?
I genuinely wonder what his dept is up to these days, and how people continue to let him play without constantly berating him and making his life playing poker a miserable hell.Hope he ships a nice payday and can finally pay back x, y, z and beyond.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:05 AM
Stapes is better than both Lon and Norm doing actual poker commentary. I mean, you get the same cringe-worthy puns and jokes, but that's his thing.

Lon is atrocious at live anything
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:06 AM
In b4 all little kids (including myself) playing like grinder

WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
Stapes is better than both Lon and Norm doing actual poker commentary. I mean, you get the same cringe-worthy puns and jokes, but that's his thing.

Lon is atrocious at live anything
Totally agree. How Lon could have that job for so many years and STILL misread boards with such regularity is beyond me. There are so many people who could do a better job.

Stapes I love, I think his bits are all hilarious.

Nick Schulman and Ali Nejad are fantastic together too.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:20 AM
Nick Schulman, the Lou Reed of poker commentating.

It would be hard to find better.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:21 AM
So it sounds like they went on break on the stone bubble and the players booed?
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:23 AM
He really is. He should be the main guy on ESPN eventually.

His line about people in Mets gear running bad was a standout.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:30 AM
They are hand-for-hand and they went on a break??

I had to mute the TV today when Lon butchered the call of one too many hands. Please get someone in the booth who can do the job.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by R*R
Nick Schulman, the Lou Reed of poker commentating.

It would be hard to find better.
I agree he is a great poker commentator. If I were to offer one piece of constructive criticism, it's that Nick sometimes seems to trample on or talk over when Ali Nejad is still speaking and trying to get his point across, so Nick maybe just hold your thought for a bit to let Ali finish his thoughts first. But yeah, he's good.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 03:57 AM
Wow, Bubble Boy who had 49K with 3k/6k blinds shoved over an open with A5os LOL, uh seems like an ICM bomb to me. I mean with the 10K buyin for next year he's only giving up 5K but man, who shoves over an open with no fold equity with A5os on the stone bubble of the Main Event? LOL

Matthew Hopkins Bubbles the 2018 World Series of Poker Main Event
Level 16: 3,000-6,000, 1,000 ante
Bryce McVay raised to 15,000 from middle position, Matthew Hopkins reraised all in for 49,000 from the button and McVay called.

Once the other all-in and call took place, the hands were revealed.

McVay tabled {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}, dominating the {A-Clubs}{5-Hearts} held by Hopkins.

The flop came down {10-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}, providing little help to Hopkins. The turn was the {2-Hearts}, leaving Hopkins with just three outs to survive. The river was the {A-Spades}, locking up pot for McVay and sending the remaining 1,182 players into the money.

It's not a complete loss for Hopkins, though, as he will receive a $10,000 entry into the 2019 World Series of Poker Main Event.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 04:00 AM
So the actual bubble boy - was the one who got knocked out one before [?]
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
07-08-2018 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by Popetman
So the actual bubble boy - was the one who got knocked out one before [?]
Well, I guess you are right, as that person gets nothing. But the 1,183rd place "bubble boy" who doesn't get $15K min-cash that the 1,182nd players get, will receive a free entry into next year's Main Event.
WSOP 2018 results/tournament discussion (**NO SPOILERS**) Quote
