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Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward?

03-12-2016 , 07:18 PM
Others including myself imo tried to keep replying to you in the hopes that you would let go of your ego and see reason. Now that it's apparent that that is not going to happen im in here for some trolls and lulz

It's hilarious that you keep spouting the same dribble over and over while using sweeping generalities and flawed logic to dismiss what myself and other posters have been trying to get through to you, and the few other posters that share your stance on the subject.

And now you're trying to make yourself out to look like a victim which again is lol. You poor poker trainers. lol.

However, I do think some points have hit home whether you admit it or not considering how defensive you've been towards people who dont share your stance. I mean it must be a blow to a persons ego considering they must have thought what an ego boost + the fame coaching would be, only to have people

1. call them idiots for selling valuable information for literally pennies on the dollar,

2. saying training videos was one of, if not the biggest contributor for the downward spiral of online poker and

3. not having thought of that beforehand before going through with it in the first place.

That has to be a hard pill to swallow.

Poker isn't even a big part of my life anymore (and no, i don't sub to videos, or coach or have been coached etc). But it's still a passion of mine. To see anything i'm passionate or care about being driven into the ground by greed and stupidity fires me up. It's normal dude.

In the case of online poker, we have a bunch of young, naive kids with no education and no real life experience wanting a confidence/ ego boost sitting at the top, combined with everything else that's wrong in online poker and this is what we end up, with a broken toy. And that's why we can't have nice things kids.

I genuinely hope you stick up for things you believe in and are passionate about. Being apathetic isn't a virtue in life imo. Gl out in the real world whenever that is
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-12-2016 , 07:21 PM

But how unique and valuable is training site info?... Esp. Unique?
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-12-2016 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
the reason you are responding to me in NVG is the same reason you slept updating your backer on your 10PLO stake

19 videos
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-12-2016 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
800 buy ins for you. jelly?
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-12-2016 , 08:11 PM
For what is worth I think bots are much bigger problem than training sites etc. I am pretty sure huge part of the reg population are in fact bots/ using AI programs in real time.
Remember when like 2 months ago 888 updated their software (HUDs were still working BTW) suddenly at least 60% of reg population was missing on nl100-nl200 for a couple of days....

Without bots games would be much easier for at least couple of years.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-12-2016 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by OMGClayDol
25 was just an arbitrary example of something relatively easy to achieve.
You've said this a few times. Do you actually have a format in mind where $25 USD per hour is "relatively easy to achieve"? The games I'm playing in right now even if you had an analytic end boss spoon feeding you the whole program it would require a pretty massive effort from a total newb just to learn to break even much less do a lot better than $25/hr. This is NL50 zoom. That's how far some of these formats have fallen.

Two years ago the exact same game was awash with regfish and what you say much truer. Not anymore.

The reason I bring it up is its what others have repeated over and over itt, that high rake games are phenomenally sensitive to even minor improvements in the population. Any perceptible uptick in general skill is akin to the effects of a few degrees of global warming. Get ready for a post-ordovician style die off.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
800 buy ins for you. jelly?
Lol, u really sold out. I wouldnt even look into recording sw for an offer below 2.5k

Originally Posted by KptBomba
For what is worth I think bots are much bigger problem than training sites etc.

yes, they are. And part of teh problem are guys like sauce and co. who give indepth introduction on how to use solvers to make sure even the last russian coder is able to program one.

Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
You've said this a few times. Do you actually have a format in mind where $25 USD per hour is "relatively easy to achieve"?
Its utter nonsense. I would assume the decent amount of the current NL200 pool has below 25$ and teh vast majority at NL100 anyways. The times where you could make an "easy" 25 are long gone...
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Lol, u really sold out. I wouldnt even look into recording sw for an offer below 2.5k
RIO opening offer for small stakes is exactly 1/10 of that. then again you are in the presence of phil galfond, which is priceless.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 01:44 AM
Over/under on HUD babies crying about training sites?
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
You've said this a few times. Do you actually have a format in mind where $25 USD per hour is "relatively easy to achieve"? The games I'm playing in right now even if you had an analytic end boss spoon feeding you the whole program it would require a pretty massive effort from a total newb just to learn to break even much less do a lot better than $25/hr. This is NL50 zoom. That's how far some of these formats have fallen.

Two years ago the exact same game was awash with regfish and what you say much truer. Not anymore.

The reason I bring it up is its what others have repeated over and over itt, that high rake games are phenomenally sensitive to even minor improvements in the population. Any perceptible uptick in general skill is akin to the effects of a few degrees of global warming. Get ready for a post-ordovician style die off.
NL50 is just a stepping stone though... houly is irrelevent given you should just be aiming to move up to a stake where you can make a comfortable living
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 02:15 AM
Sorry. New guy here trying to follow thread. What is a "solver"?
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 02:16 AM
something that solves
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by bot01101
Sorry. New guy here trying to follow thread. What is a "solver"?
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
You've said this a few times. Do you actually have a format in mind where $25 USD per hour is "relatively easy to achieve"? The games I'm playing in right now even if you had an analytic end boss spoon feeding you the whole program it would require a pretty massive effort from a total newb just to learn to break even much less do a lot better than $25/hr. This is NL50 zoom. That's how far some of these formats have fallen.
umm, in nl50z rakeback hourly is smth like 8$ if ur a nova, add smth like 2bb/100 winrate which should be achievable and ur making smth like 18$ an hour. In nl50 however it makes more sense to massgrind regular tables where 2bb/100 zoom grinder can triple or atleast double his winrate without volume getting hurt too much and then ur already making 25$/h. I wouldnt grind zoom below nl100, since reg tables have much more value. Once u reach 100nl, zoom becomes an option because of scriptwars, epic waiting lists and low playable table counts in general.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone

Joe tall: dc created more fish than regs (my personal fav so far)
Thx. I'm glad to convince you as the only person who brought data to this thread. As the rest have a theory, like how people want to believe in Jesus and just hold on to that fact regardless of being shown otherwise.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 07:06 AM
1. They didn't think it through.
2. They enjoy the notoriety.

The owners of the sites are just stone capitalists who care zilch about the effect they are going to have on their peers/the community. Which is fine I guess, but so is thinking they are soulless, classless ****s who violated a pretty basic unwritten rule.

The comparison of poker- a game played for money by just about 100% of its participants (and one that is zero sum obv), to tennis or chess or whatever is just painful to read.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 08:01 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Tall
Thx. I'm glad to convince you as the only person who brought data to this thread. As the rest have a theory, like how people want to believe in Jesus and just hold on to that fact regardless of being shown otherwise.
yea u brought tons of fish to stars/ftp and ipoker cause dc ran ads on tv all over the world right? stop lying that you were one of the heros in online poker when working at dc!
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by DGAF

The owners of the sites are just stone capitalists who care zilch about the effect they are going to have on their peers/the community. Which is fine I guess,
Its fine if you are the owner of such a site and make bank. It isnt fine when u r teh first one to jump on seating scripts WHILE YOU ARE ONE OF TEH MAIN REASONS for their existance and when u get celebrated by an entire braindead community as their hero while in essence you have high responsibility for teh terrible state online poker is currently in

Originally Posted by DGAF

(and one that is zero sum obv).
Thats the thing. With 5% rake this game is very very very far from being even close to zero sum
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by KptBomba

The problem is that in many games on small stakes and below the rake is so high that the skill gap required to win is bigger than almost anyone realize. Currently even on mid stakes cash the rake is around 30bb/100 per table on many sites.
No one says that training sites make everyone a huge winner but if the fish goes from 60/11 to 22/5 thanks to watching couple of vids thats huge. Suddenly fish loss rate goes from -60bb/100 to -20bb/100 and suddenly everyone makes little to no money

Originally Posted by KptBomba
Don't be so nitpicky. What I meant is that watching vids can have a huge impact on recreational player if Villain is suddenly not opening 40% of his usual trash or so suddenly everyone else at the table is far worse off.
Doesn't matter whether he moves from 63/11 to 22/5 or 25/13.
Add the rake to the equation and suddenly no one is winning money except for the poker room.
Economics are beautiful. The natural equilibrium is for online poker is to have a bunch of good players making little money. It's good for the sites and it's natural. It's what happens to new internet market especially with such a low barrier to entry like poker. People made significant sums selling **** on eBay. Now it's a lot harder.

When player X decides they're not making "enough" to justify playing or they start losing long-term they get out of the game. Then those who remain make slightly more. If enough people leave the game that the remaining players start making huge money, others will find out and start trying to capitalize on that opportunity. The most obvious example discussed ITT is the Eastern Europeans. Poker provides them with large sums of money relative to their peers in their own country. If a US player has the choice between being unemployed or grinding offshore sites for $20/hr, they're going to grind offshore sites.

If the US legalized poker and I could make $20-30/hr in my spare time, I'd grind all the time after work and on weekends. If less than that, I would likely not play. Economics!

Cliffs: Poker is an economy. It might not perfectly efficient, but it's dynamic and ever changing. If there's money to be made, those who want to make that money will go seize the opportunity. As the game gets more difficult, the players who cannot make enough money (in their individual view) will leave the game.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
i'm still passionate about this bc i love poker and there is still a tiny spark of hope people may come to their senses but prolly not going to happen
define "...people may come to their senses..."
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 12:13 PM
most ppl arent smart enough to even use the info they get
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Volcomxx
most ppl arent smart enough to even use the info they get
Yep, thats why year after year games get better and better... its like every year i ask myself "when does it stop?" but it just gets easier and easier bc other guys arent smart enough to use the info they get
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
800 buy ins for you. jelly?
Why would I be jelly? You have all the $ and still seem miserable. We disagree on this one subject and you want to try and bring up every little thing from my past that could possibly hurt me like some girl going through her first breakup. I originally spoke up on the subject because I couldn't understand wtf you were doing, but now I know you are just unhappy and can't figure out why.

Can't blame Phil, or training sites, or whatever for your lack of purpose bud.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Why would I be jelly? You have all the $ and still seem miserable. We disagree on this one subject and you want to try and bring up every little thing from my past that could possibly hurt me like some girl going through her first breakup. I originally spoke up on the subject because I couldn't understand wtf you were doing, but now I know you are just unhappy and can't figure out why.

Can't blame Phil, or training sites, or whatever for your lack of purpose bud.
the "little" thing from "the past" was a week ago and involved you sleeping your 10plo stake, which i wouldn't have known cuz i ain't about to start going thru your post history, but it showed up in one of the 3 subforums i check.

i probably shouldn't have been tempted by the low hanging fruit of making fun of you about it, but you've come after me a bunch of times preaching that i should move on to greater things like how you did! so it seemed like an effective way to get you to maybe look in the mirror - but that's a lack of awareness on my part to think that people aren't going to try and come back at you if you take a swing at them, even if the best response they can come up with is that you made a lot of money.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
03-13-2016 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by coach999
yea u brought tons of fish to stars/ftp and ipoker cause dc ran ads on tv all over the world right?
I never said that.

stop lying that you were one of the heros in online poker when working at dc!
I am not lying about the data, nor am I portraying myself as a hero. I have presented facts.
Training sites: why did people give away valuable strategy for so little reward? Quote
