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Shane Schleger on smoking crack Shane Schleger on smoking crack

03-01-2014 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm
I realize you can't exactly admit otherwise for obvious reasons, but it's going to be tough for a lot of us to really believe you were a crackhead for 15 years, a professional poker player for a large part of that, and never ONCE mixed the two...

I'd bet against it with every penny I have.
I'm completely done responding to in this thread and putting you on ignore after this because it's clear that not only 1) Do you not believe the words that I am typing or the truths that I am expressing, even on matters where I am uniquely qualified to know the truth at hand 2) You are probably incapable of thinking about these concepts objectively whatsoever, with an open mind and free of the weak-minded, disingenuous concepts you've displayed in most of your posts here.

I'd obviously bet against any penny you had with my version of events if I thought you had 2 pennies to rub together.

Also, while we're at it: why is this in NVG? I'm a former pro poker player who now plays occasionally like a recreational donk. Maybe move to politics or OOT?
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 03:53 PM
Sorry if I am being harsh. I guess it is more an expression of disappointment than anything. Like many fallen poker heros, I used to look up to you man... Good luck getting clean some day.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by napoleoninrags2
I have used HCL cocaine probably 50-75 times in my life over a decade in my 20s. I have used crack maybe six times. Strangely, I never tried crack until I was around 32, and it was the last of my drug usage roughly 7 years ago.

More than anything, it's the lungs that would scare me. I have a friend right smack about your age. Fit, smart girl who used in a manner very close to what you describe. Sporadic use young, long time of no usage, and then had a bad life event and she got sad and smoked a lot of crack over a year period. She got COPD at 34 after about a year of hard use. Really rough to have to lug around an oxygen tank because of a sad year where you lost your head. She has remarked that she can't believe she didn't feel it coming on. She said she'd hack up junk when she woke up, but no tightness or wheezing until it was there one day and never left.

I didn't find it any more addictive or scary than regular cocaine. Both can be scary at times. I actually felt I could control crack a little better, and when the night ended, I felt a depressive crash come on, but I was able to knock myself out with Xanax. With powder, the times I went too hard I had to ride out the heart beating at 140 for hours and xanax would only take the edge off, abut not knock me out. I never used crack two days in a row though. Thankfully I was old enough to simply step away after a half-dozen times. Not addicting in the long term, but really hard to control the impulse while using and to stop.

A few things. Your article is a very male-centric examination of hard drug use. Obviously it would be given it's your story, but for females, it's a much more dangerous game in my experience. All dealers want is your money, end of story. Females, if even semi-attractive, are altogether different targets for many dealers, and it can spiral much harder and way uglier than it does for men. The only semi-functional crack users I have ever met are men. We have to buy drugs. Girls have other options. They get chewed up way faster and find themselves in really bad spots that make it harder to step away because they feel so personally disgusted with what they've done to keep the train rolling.

I have never once had a standard paranoid episode on any drug. Most of my friends were paranoid at one point, but never me. What I was incredibly scared of was health issues, and why I never became an addict. I felt a heart attack was always imminent, and it was what always got me to slow down and eventually quit. Hearing you talk of using for hours, and buying multiple times, and it sounds like many days in a row, I feel my pulse rising.

It was always weird to me how people would get paranoid that someone/LE was coming to get them, while not having the slightest worry about their health while I never once got paranoid in that manner, but was uber-paranoid about every heart beat. That was my paranoia. I'm kind of glad I was tbh or I may have got caught up hard.

Interesting read. Hopefully with a new wife you'll just see the downside as too great and decide it simply isn't worth it before you damage yourself irreparably.
Really really good post. This is the exact sort of unsensationalized info they need in DARE and drug awareness classes in high school. First hand real insight.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 04:00 PM
I agree with Shane, it's completely unrealistic to think that someone who smokes crack and also plays poker would even CONSIDER smoking crack and then playing poker.

It's not like he hasn't been straining to compare crack to less harmful ("less harmful") drugs like powder cocaine - and everyone knows that nobody who uses powder cocaine and also plays poker would even CONSIDER using powder cocaine and then playing poker.

Yes, I will take the word of the man who smokes crack. (But never, ever smokes crack and plays poker.)
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 04:03 PM
Very good of you to open yourself up personally to this real discussion/issue.
It is a part of life (drugs in general) for a lot of poker players and should be discussed. Best of luck to you in the future.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm
Sorry if I am being harsh. I guess it is more an expression of disappointment than anything. Like many fallen poker heros, I used to look up to you man... Good luck getting clean some day.
I guess you've proved me a liar at least once, since I will respond to you one more time and I might not even put you on the ignore list.

I am sorry to disappoint you, but I never wanted people to look up to me on the basis of which substances I chose to consume. If you had respect for me as a poker player (something I never actively sought either) it should because I believe I carried myself honorably in all (well, most) of my professional poker life and was straightforward when it came to money and being responsible to the people I was working with.

I'm sorry you don't believe me when I say I never played poker while smoking crack, but it's true. I never smoked crack particularly near my poker life. If you understood the nature of the high, it wouldn't be too much a stretch to accept that.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by username4744
Really really good post. This is the exact sort of unsensationalized info they need in DARE and drug awareness classes in high school. First hand real insight.
+1 and the other +1 from before. +2
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 04:08 PM
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 04:15 PM
you guys dont get the poker and crack thing. Why would you want to work when you are getting high?
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 04:28 PM
NVG is a really bad and addictive drug. It should probably be banned.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by shaniac
+1 and the other +1 from before. +2
For selfish reasons I am very happy to hear your writing full time. Never shy away from writing the unblushing truth. To many writers today are afraid to be a lighting rod.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:02 PM
shane (like anyone) should be able to do whatever he wants, as long as he's not hurting anyone else. interesting that hard drugs didn't ruin his life, and that he came out with this on his own accord.

thanks shane and good luck will be checking out your podcast
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:09 PM
What does your wife think about it?
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:11 PM
Bill Maher a few months ago: "Just because someone does a drug doesn't mean their an addict...I know some people who've doing cocaine for decades and they're highly functoning and successful people."

I will say it is incredibly brave to be honest and it's very helpful for realistic education on drug use. Abusing anything on a daily basis is bad. But moderated intelligence use is different. Although I would think using any hard drug more than once every few months is likely unhealthy, whether it be ecstasy, pills or other things.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:18 PM
You're on a completely different level Shane. I have so much respect for you putting yourself out there like this.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:26 PM
I was writing a well worded and thought out response when my phone app crashed. Here is a summary.

People rightly have an extreme fear of hard drugs due to what they have seen and heard over the years along with wanting to protect others by maintaining it. My view is that we should continue to feel strongly against hard drugs but at the same time educate people more on the truer more accurate description of drug use and do so with compassion.

My unique viewpoint comes from using alcohol, weed, LSD, shrooms, ecstasy, dxm, amt, meth, adderal, Ritalin, opiates but not heroin, cocaine and crack while now having 8 years of sobriety. This has allowed me to see friends who used hard drugs as much as me but never had any problems in life and discontinued them naturally. Along with seeing people who did have serious problems and people who still struggle. I am happy to share my experiences.

How do you know what category you fall into without trying the drugs, it's hard to say. And that's what scares most people. Peoples fears are like "If I talk about using marijuana when I was young it might send my kid the idea that drugs are okay and then they end up ruining their life" etc. so let's encourage abstinence by shunning open dialogue about it. The truths are it may or may not ruin your life to different degrees and it is quite the risk to play with fire but many people will try drugs anyway.

I think we should be honest about the risks associated and that it doesn't affect everyone the same way, but most importantly engage in honest dialogue about how to provide solutions for someone who is struggling. We can't stop people from using, curious minds will want to know what it is like; but we can be there for them when they need guidance or help. With a stigma attached most people who need help will run from help and isolate. Maintaining an honest caring dialogue will hopefully help someone get the treatment they need before it's too late.

Recovery is as popular as ever these days and I think the stigma is declining which hopefully results in more success stories.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:30 PM
good article

as far as some of the discussion itt. cracks way worse than
coke if only regarding the lungs. damage to the lungs is irreversible and sometimes you don't know the effect till years later.

Last edited by MicroPimpin; 03-01-2014 at 05:36 PM.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by kwackbars
I was writing a well worded and thought out response when my phone app crashed. Here is a summary.

People rightly have an extreme fear of hard drugs due to what they have seen and heard over the years along with wanting to protect others by maintaining it. My view is that we should continue to feel strongly against hard drugs but at the same time educate people more on the truer more accurate description of drug use and do so with compassion.

My unique viewpoint comes from using alcohol, weed, LSD, shrooms, ecstasy, dxm, amt, meth, adderal, Ritalin, opiates but not heroin, cocaine and crack while now having 8 years of sobriety. This has allowed me to see friends who used hard drugs as much as me but never had any problems in life and discontinued them naturally. Along with seeing people who did have serious problems and people who still struggle. I am happy to share my experiences.

How do you know what category you fall into without trying the drugs, it's hard to say. And that's what scares most people. Peoples fears are like "If I talk about using marijuana when I was young it might send my kid the idea that drugs are okay and then they end up ruining their life" etc. so let's encourage abstinence by shunning open dialogue about it. The truths are it may or may not ruin your life to different degrees and it is quite the risk to play with fire but many people will try drugs anyway.

I think we should be honest about the risks associated and that it doesn't affect everyone the same way, but most importantly engage in honest dialogue about how to provide solutions for someone who is struggling. We can't stop people from using, curious minds will want to know what it is like; but we can be there for them when they need guidance or help. With a stigma attached most people who need help will run from help and isolate. Maintaining an honest caring dialogue will hopefully help someone get the treatment they need before it's too late.

Recovery is as popular as ever these days and I think the stigma is declining which hopefully results in more success stories.
Good post.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 05:46 PM

You are a great writer, but this is some dangerous stuff you are writing. It might be fine for most, but you are going to get one of theses guys hooked on CRACK. The **** is far from COOL and this thread is very scary. Come on man, A- get yourself together B- keep that **** private and def. don't put it in a light for others to fall into the trap

C'mon Man, Really!!!
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 06:00 PM
Were you worried about Stars dropping you over all this?
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 06:02 PM
Recreational drugs can be +EV for lots of people, provided they have the right mental traits. How is this news to people?
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 06:09 PM
I keep reading "open a dialogue", "spur some discussion", etc. etc. etc.

Exactly what does this mean, and why should anyone care?

I mean, what exactly is your position...
"Hey kids, here's how to smoke crack responsibly!"
"Hey dude, it'll destroy your lungs if it doesn't destroy your life, but whatever."
"I'm rich and successful and I use recreational drugs! You can be like me someday!"

You want to spur some discussion, then get clean and explain how and why. If you don't want to do that, I'm sorry, I don't have much interest in anything you have to say.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by BertieWooster
Recreational drugs can be +EV for lots of people, provided they have the right mental traits. How is this news to people?
I agree with you, but how isn't it news? The stigmas of almost all drugs (especially illegal ones) go very much against this view. The status quo is probably to disagree with this statement. At least in the area of the world where I live. Anything to the contrary written intelligently is probably a good addition to the discussion.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
I agree with you, but how isn't it news? The stigmas of almost all drugs (especially illegal ones) go very much against this view. The status quo is probably to disagree with this statement. At least in the area of the world where I live. Anything to the contrary written intelligently is probably a good addition to the discussion.
Like Shane mentioned, I just think poker players of all people should realise this. It's not as if it's some super controversial opinion either, I mean it's brought up any time decriminalisation/legalisation is in the news.
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
03-01-2014 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by BustoPro
I keep reading "open a dialogue", "spur some discussion", etc. etc. etc.

Exactly what does this mean, and why should anyone care?

I mean, what exactly is your position...
"Hey kids, here's how to smoke crack responsibly!"
"Hey dude, it'll destroy your lungs if it doesn't destroy your life, but whatever."
"I'm rich and successful and I use recreational drugs! You can be like me someday!"

You want to spur some discussion, then get clean and explain how and why. If you don't want to do that, I'm sorry, I don't have much interest in anything you have to say.
The last sentence is the way a lot of people feel. So, cool, I get it. You only want to hear from the minority of drug users who hit rock bottom, rehab, come clean and then have a perspective to offer. I'm speaking for some of the 80-90% of drug users who don't fit that description.

If I had couched the piece in sorrow and shame (both of which I have plenty on this issue) and more clearly defined a desire to get clean, then you'd be willing to listen to me?

As for who cares...I do. I am interested in human behavior. I've been using a variety of drugs a long time, and I see a lot of confusion in the discussion on drugs. It seems obvious the way we have been treating the "drug problem" is ineffective and ought to be changed if we want to make progress. I chose to take a small stand even it makes only a tiny impact shaping that discussion.

I think the level to which stigma has been attached to me for writing this article is evidence that we collectively have our heads up our ass when it comes to examining drug problems.

It seems that admitting to using makes me a necessarily less loving or trustworthy person in the eyes of some. If I had chosen to remain closeted, my respectability would never have come into question. What does that tell you about how repressed we are when it comes to discussing all this?
Shane Schleger on smoking crack Quote
