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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-18-2011 , 02:07 PM
play a 3day sesion on ps perfect a lot of fische's now @ sngt limit h up

i can cash out and deposit :-) (belgium )

lucky me that never put money on ftp ( no acceses here )

gl on table's :-)
04-18-2011 , 02:10 PM
Cliffs for last 24 hours? Impossible to read through everything.
04-18-2011 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Wasn't Stars issuing a press release today? I know the day isn't over, but the workday pretty much is in Isle of Man(although I'm sure they ain't going home at 6pm today)
they might be working overtime today
04-18-2011 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by LottaNirvana
And what else is new?
We in the US have some of the lowest education standards in the industrialized world (below El Salvador), the US has over Two Million people incarcerated... more per capita than any other industrialized nation, and the list of other absurdities is quite long.
In the US, the so called Patriot act (Orwellian doublespeak) essentially takes away just about any real privacy we had.

and let's not forget that the law that made online gambling illegal was quietly attached to a must-pass port security bill in the middle of the night on the last day before congress adjourned for the session...

There were a few years there where I actually forgot how much I despise much of what my own country really stands for... Greed, and ignorance... but now i just got a nice re-wakeup call. ( yes, there are still some great things about America, but most of that is either history, or scenery.)
Lol ! where do you get your "facts" from? The United States won't miss you. Bye Bye... I assume you're moving... since you hate it there soooo much. Stop your sniveling, you spoiled brat. There are people in other parts of the world with REAL problems. Like life or death. And you're seriously sitting here whining about how bad your country is, because you're unable to play on-line poker right now...... SHUT UP!!!! You're such a DB... seriously
04-18-2011 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by One Voice
Are you kidding me? When you open a bank you get a government charter and are subject to a myriad of regulations including regular government inspections. Same with Investment firms. Stop reading headlines and learn about your Country. Clinton administration got rid of Galss Stegal which allowed banks to get involved with investment banking. The financial crisis was caused by a Government induced bubble in mortgages not investment banking. Home loans have always been a staple of banking.
yeah those regs and inspections are vice like
04-18-2011 , 02:17 PM
btw, did the header on the seized sites change from "WARNING" to "NOTICE"?

or has it been "NOTICE" the whole time?
04-18-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by poker edge
Cliffs for last 24 hours? Impossible to read through everything.
nothing has happened.
04-18-2011 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by RAKER19
Lol ! where do you get your "facts" from? The United States won't miss you. Bye Bye... I assume you're moving... since you hate it there soooo much. Stop your sniveling, you spoiled brat. There are people in other parts of the world with REAL problems. Like life or death. And you're seriously sitting here whining about how bad your country is, because you're unable to play on-line poker right now...... SHUT UP!!!! You're such a DB... seriously
yes unless it involves spending money the government doesn't allow it. For a country built on the freest country in the world and least government interference we sure have a lot of rules and regulations.
04-18-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by XerXoX
play a 3day sesion on ps perfect a lot of fische's now @ sngt limit h up

i can cash out and deposit :-) (belgium )

lucky me that never put money on ftp ( no acceses here )

gl on table's :-)
Sick brag
04-18-2011 , 02:25 PM
Am I the only one that deposited on Tilt mid-October... Was never charged from my bank account. Emailed them every other week from October through last week... and then was suddenly charged on Thursday 4/14/2011? wtf :/
04-18-2011 , 02:28 PM
Yes guys, get used to it - you live in a fashist country with a matching president.

You might be laughing now, you will definitely not 1-2 years down the road.

- Bankbailouts
- Austerity measures
- Tax Breakes for the wealthiest fraction of the population
- corruption everywhere

But don't be bothered. Continue ignoring the things unfolding in front of your eyes.
04-18-2011 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by lehman18
[IMG] Uploaded with[/IMG]

Just got this from Full Tilt. Been logged in since Friday but am now being forced to update. So much for being the last American standing!
AH****! That sucks. I've been staying logged in since friday too.
04-18-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Jeff W
Bank Fraud is unacceptable if you lack proper political connections.
apparantly they have been going after $ laundering lately,
but it seems that if youre a "made man" it's ok w/ the DOJ,
you get a slap on the wrist for 150 million for laundering 370 BILLION
, @1/3 of the mexican GNP.

it's a gov't of the elite, for the elite, and by the elite.

sorry, Howard, you did'nt make the cut.
04-18-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by RMB
Am I the only one that deposited on Tilt mid-October... Was never charged from my bank account. Emailed them every other week from October through last week... and then was suddenly charged on Thursday 4/14/2011? wtf :/
I had a November deposit like that. I got a warning a few days ahead of time and yep they got it right under the wire.
04-18-2011 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffzorz
yes unless it involves spending money the government doesn't allow it. For a country built on the freest country in the world and least government interference we sure have a lot of rules and regulations.
What country doesn't?

Seriously, this is not exactly a Nazi action. On Line Gaming isn't a Constitutional Right.

Every Country has their own version of Limiting Personal Freedoms. I'd argue that most, if not all, are worse than the US. I mean in Canada if you don't hold the handrail on an escalator you can get hit for a $400 ticket.
04-18-2011 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Sir Charge
Yes guys, get used to it - you live in a fashist country with a matching president.

You might be laughing now, you will definitely not 1-2 years down the road.

- Bankbailouts
- Austerity measures
- Tax Breakes for the wealthiest fraction of the population
- corruption everywhere

But don't be bothered. Continue ignoring the things unfolding in front of your eyes.
Solid first post. I sincerely hope English isn't your first language.
04-18-2011 , 02:34 PM
Anyone from US tried to deposit and play on Carbon/Cake? THey have new "Black Friday Specials" for US players.
04-18-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
What country doesn't?

Seriously, this is not exactly a Nazi action. On Line Gaming isn't a Constitutional Right.

Every Country has their own version of Limiting Personal Freedoms. I'd argue that most, if not all, are worse than the US. I mean in Canada if you don't hold the handrail on an escalator you can get hit for a $400 ticket.
What the Constitution Does Not Do
The Constitution does not give you rights. The founders considered your rights to be "God-given" or "natural rights" — you are born with all your rights. The constitution does, however, protect your rights by:

Limiting the powers of government by granting to it only those specific powers that are listed in the Constitution; (This has not proven to be effective of late.)
Enumerating certain, specific rights which you retain. These are listed in the Bill of Rights.
04-18-2011 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by PLO_Micro_Donkey
Yeah, I'm sure Stars has never heard of VPNs.
was thinking along other lines than stars...
04-18-2011 , 02:39 PM
I thought it was appropriate...
04-18-2011 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by global virus

apparantly they have been going after $ laundering lately,
but it seems that if youre a "made man" it's ok w/ the DOJ,
you get a slap on the wrist for 150 million for laundering 370 BILLION
, @1/3 of the mexican GNP.

it's a gov't of the elite, for the elite, and by the elite.

sorry, Howard, you did'nt make the cut.

The Wachovia situation was due to faulty Controls and Policies that didn't effectively flag certain transactions at a Bank that they'd acquired during the Banking Crisis. This is very different from outright provable Fraud. The On Line Gaming providers set out on a scheme to bypass Federal Laws. The Wachovia case is similar to the requirement that Branches catch Structured Transactions.
04-18-2011 , 02:43 PM
not much new to add but i got a response from stars support


Thank you for your email.

We apologize for the delay in responding to your email.

Although you will be able to cash out via the PokerStars Cashier as per
normal, we are unfortunately unable to immediately process cashout requests
for US players as a result of the legal developments in the United States.
We are making it a priority to work with the relevant authorities to secure
the return of funds as soon as possible. We will promptly provide you with
additional information as soon as it becomes available.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your


PokerStars Support Team
04-18-2011 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by One Voice
What the Constitution Does Not Do
The Constitution does not give you rights. The founders considered your rights to be "God-given" or "natural rights" — you are born with all your rights. The constitution does, however, protect your rights by:

Limiting the powers of government by granting to it only those specific powers that are listed in the Constitution; (This has not proven to be effective of late.)
Enumerating certain, specific rights which you retain. These are listed in the Bill of Rights.
Let me guess, you're a Libertarian.
04-18-2011 , 02:45 PM
What law did they break when they allowed us players to transfer over 10k to each other without reporting it?
