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News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money"

08-08-2010 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by gmoney21
+1, people in this thread who write checks on a regular basis are just hating on people who live in 2010 and have discovered online banking.
I doubt anyone on here writes checks "on a regular basis." I can't imagine any of us are going shopping for groceries and paying with checks. I write a check once/month, and it's to pay rent. I literally don't have any other options, the apt. building I live in is new and they don't have online pay set up yet, and they only take checks. So there are some cases where you need a check book, at least in the US.

I haven't seen a check written while out shopping in a really long time.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by RML604
I doubt anyone on here writes checks "on a regular basis." I can't imagine any of us are going shopping for groceries and paying with checks. I write a check once/month, and it's to pay rent. I literally don't have any other options, the apt. building I live in is new and they don't have online pay set up yet, and they only take checks. So there are some cases where you need a check book, at least in the US.

I haven't seen a check written while out shopping in a really long time.
Yeah I meant the people in this thread who said they pay with checks their landscaper, maid, their kid's school lunch and etc. That's who I was referring to.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by RML604
I doubt anyone on here writes checks "on a regular basis." I can't imagine any of us are going shopping for groceries and paying with checks. I write a check once/month, and it's to pay rent. I literally don't have any other options, the apt. building I live in is new and they don't have online pay set up yet, and they only take checks. So there are some cases where you need a check book, at least in the US.
I don't get why people think this. No, you don't.

Go into your online banking, set up the name of the individual or company you're paying rent to, fill in the address, and boom! Instant eCheck.

Your bank takes care of the details of either wiring the money or printing out a physical check that goes to your landlord.

You do NOT need to write a check to pay your rent, they do not need to have set up online pay in order for you to use the "bill pay" feature of your bank.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 12:31 AM
thread done got nvged.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 12:49 AM
also money order can almost always be used instead of echeck
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by zerofan
lmfao at having Facebook
lmfao at having your life
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by MillimeterPeter
correct. I saw that this was Cada's fb status. It has now been removed. No clue if its true or not, but that status was 100% up there.
Different friends can see different statuses depending what level friend you are to them. I have 3 tiers of friends.

Also, lol at Americans using checks. I can't see one purpose for ever needing a check. Must be a mafia keeping it going, because there is no point. Checks were useful I guess when the internet didn't exist.

Anyone remember the last time someone took a imprint of a credit card to take the payment and not electronically process it? Do they still do that in USA too?
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
You probably don't rent property or own a business, then. Or own a house and have landscapers and maids to pay. Or do a lot of the things that adults do.

Checks are a PITA but necessary for a lot of people until a mainstream alternative is up and running.
[x] Own property
[x] Run a small business with 4 employees
[ ] Have ever written a check
[ ] You need check to pay a legal worker at your house

There's a mainstream alternative if you don't want to do a simple bank transfer, it's called cash.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by stackers14
^^ you'd be a nice guy if you sucked out with two 2 outters in the ME final table to win 1st.
actually joe was one of the nicest guys i ever met before the ME even started, at which time i believe he was $160k in makeup.. and even then people were still stealing his cash, i heard he let a friend of a friend stay in his hotel room during the main for free and the kid cleaned out $3k from his wallet after a night of drinking,
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by BustedNuts16
yea, god forbid you write a check to anywhere to pay for something.
Millionaires don't carry checkbooks as a rule. They use bill paying services, like Etrade, or accounting services, which pay regular bills in pre-determined amounts and intervals. Checkbooks are a no-no. A few entries on your smartphone and Etrade sends whatever checks you want for occasional bills that aren't paid on a regular basis.

Also, carry an AMEX Platinum or Black or Saphire, where unauthorized charges are reversed immediately when you or AMEX notices them, and no worries. They have called me several times about charges allegedly made in Europe the same day I bought gas in Las Vegas, or a meal in Florida. As soon as I told them I didn't make the charges, they were removed from the account.

And, I use a "personal assistant" software program on my blackberry, that links all my credit card and bank accounts in one place and reports EVERY transaction as it occurs right on my phone. (The one I use is called PageOnce. It's free for up to 10 accounts, and $6.99 a month for over 10 accounts.) There are others on the market, too.

I haven't WRITTEN a check by hand in ten years.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by BustedNuts16
yea, god forbid you write a check to anywhere to pay for something.
checks are so lol....I don't think I have written one in 5 years+

Originally Posted by GloupnaktouK
How do you pay your rent? With a credit card or in cash with no proof or receipt?
monthly echeck ldo...or cc
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Acesfullofgarbage
Guy hits it big, buddy rips him off.

In other shocking news, the sun is hot and water is still wet.
About the "water is wet" controversy:

As I see it, wetness is a transitive attribute of water, in that water needs to interact with an object, through a verb, in order to have the quality of wetness. It cannot, in and of itself, intransitively be wet. A towel is wet because it has come into contact with water, i.e. the water + towel = wet towel (the plus sign symbolizes our verb: to splash, spray, drip, etc.).

A rock's hardness is intransitive, in that it needs no object to complete its meaning. A rock can be hard without needing another object to "bring out" its quality of hardness.

Other examples of transitive attributes of different concrete materials come to mind: dirt's dirtiness (or dustiness), ice's iciness, or a rock's rockiness. A piece of dirt cannot be dirty, ice icy, or rock rocky, any more than water can be wet. But, when any of these concrete materials transitively interact with an object through a verb, their attributes of dirtiness, iciness, rockiness, and wetness come to being.

I think it is a mistake, and possibly even illogical, to disassociate water from its attribute of wetness though - we just need to understand that this attribute must be transitive, i.e. requires a verb and an object to complete its meaning. In this sense, the "water is wet" controversy is more of a grammatical flaw than a logical one.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 03:02 PM
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Phleggm
Millionaires don't carry checkbooks as a rule. They use bill paying services, like Etrade, or accounting services, which pay regular bills in pre-determined amounts and intervals. Checkbooks are a no-no. A few entries on your smartphone and Etrade sends whatever checks you want for occasional bills that aren't paid on a regular basis.

Also, carry an AMEX Platinum or Black or Saphire, where unauthorized charges are reversed immediately when you or AMEX notices them, and no worries. They have called me several times about charges allegedly made in Europe the same day I bought gas in Las Vegas, or a meal in Florida. As soon as I told them I didn't make the charges, they were removed from the account.

And, I use a "personal assistant" software program on my blackberry, that links all my credit card and bank accounts in one place and reports EVERY transaction as it occurs right on my phone. (The one I use is called PageOnce. It's free for up to 10 accounts, and $6.99 a month for over 10 accounts.) There are others on the market, too.

I haven't WRITTEN a check by hand in ten years.
You're seriously underestimating a number of people who still use checks - I hope you realize that a huge % of millionaires is 50+ and e-trade sounds just like the thing they'd use and there's an ocean of subcontractors that don't even take credit cards
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Alpha Fish
You're seriously underestimating a number of people who still use checks - I hope you realize that a huge % of millionaires is 50+ and e-trade sounds just like the thing they'd use and there's an ocean of subcontractors that don't even take credit cards
Are people really that stupid that they think you have to take a credit card to receive a payment someone makes via online banking?

I have a general contractor who rebuilt our deck last year. He does not accept credit cards. He did not sign up to receive payments electronically.

Yet I was able to pay him without using my checkbook, by logging in to my online banking's Bill Pay site.

The level of ignorance on the topic is staggering. It's almost as if people *want* to make their life more difficult.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 05:42 PM
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 05:52 PM
Well I guess if I ever want to win the admiration and approval of NVG I'll have to get rid of my checkbooks.

All the more reason to write more imo.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by moki
Are people really that stupid that they think you have to take a credit card to receive a payment someone makes via online banking?

I have a general contractor who rebuilt our deck last year. He does not accept credit cards. He did not sign up to receive payments electronically.

Yet I was able to pay him without using my checkbook, by logging in to my online banking's Bill Pay site.

The level of ignorance on the topic is staggering. It's almost as if people *want* to make their life more difficult.
unless you have a check printing software I don't see how that produces a check instantaneously; let me stagger you a bit more while we're on topic - some people don't have bank accounts
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 06:38 PM
lol at arguing about writing checks itt.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by BustedNuts16
yea, god forbid you write a check to anywhere to pay for something.
Checks are so.... 1980.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 07:59 PM
Joe Cada's ex girlfriend was hot.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by RML604
I doubt anyone on here writes checks "on a regular basis." I can't imagine any of us are going shopping for groceries and paying with checks. I write a check once/month, and it's to pay rent. I literally don't have any other options, the apt. building I live in is new and they don't have online pay set up yet, and they only take checks. So there are some cases where you need a check book, at least in the US.

I haven't seen a check written while out shopping in a really long time.
U don't go shopping that much then. Lots of morons are still holding everyone up while they write them.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Brooks54
lmfao at having a checkbook
lol at brokes not realizing that most people with real money actually still do have checkbooks.
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-09-2010 , 11:42 PM
Cheque Book.

.....' since the 1800s, the spelling cheque (from the French word chèque) has become standard for the financial instrument in the Commonwealth and Ireland, while check is used only for the verb "to verify", thus distinguishing the two definitions in writing.[nb 2]

In American English, the usual spelling for both is "check".........

News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
08-10-2010 , 12:45 AM
Joe 'loves' this? What a weird dude.

Blank check photoshop was fantastic
News: Joe Cada's friend steals his checkbook; forges checks for "large amounts of money" Quote
