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Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt.

12-16-2014 , 08:17 PM
What is the problem with this? I play £25/£50 rebuys all the time and just buy stacks. What's the issue? If I was skint I'd play it like a freeze out. But in a RB the best strat is loose as hell till mega stacked. Why is this an issue? you're just adding to the prize pool if it goes wrong. I don't see a down side for anyone.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 09:46 PM
I learned that when Elvis shot up, he called his meds an "attack." The day he died, he had just finished taking his 3rd "attack" before dying.

Firing multiple bullets in a donkament is the norm for DN. Should be free money, go get it.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 09:49 PM
Mission accomplished. According to his latest tweet he purchased a 130k stack for $50k in buyins.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 09:57 PM
WPT Blog:

In the final level of registration, Daniel Negreanu (pictured above) is in a double-up-or-rebuy kind of mood. He is laughing and having a good time as he shoves light to try and build a stack before the rebuy period ended.

Negreanu eventually ends up at the same table where he started the day, though now he is in seat 5 rather than seat 2. He loses some pots to get short, and then reportedly shoves blind a couple times to double up twice to get back to a starting stack.

That's when Negreanu moves all in under the gun for 31,000, and everyone folds to Dan O'Brien in the big blind. O'Brien peeks at one card and says, "Uh-oh, it's a picture card." Then he looks at the other and says, "They're both picture cards. I call."

O'Brien shows KdiamondJspade, and Negreanu turns over Jdiamond10heart. Negreanu is dominated, and needs to improve or else he'll be sent back to the registration desk.

The board comes Kclub6spade5heartQdiamond7spade -- Negreanu turns an open-ended straight draw, but improves no further. O'Brien wins the pot as Negreanu runs off to re-enter.

Dan O'Brien - 145,000 (241 bb)
Daniel Negreanu - Eliminated

It is only a couple of minutes before a floorperson leads Negreanu back to the same area with a fresh starting stack of chips. The players all laugh as Negreanu is randomly seated at the same table, this time in seat 7.

Negreanu is in the big blind for his first hand back, but folds after two players get it all in ahead of him. The next hand, the button limps for 600, Negreanu completes the small blind, and Galen Hall checks his option in the big blind.

All three players check all the way down on a board of 10club8club5club9heart2club. Negreanu shows Jheart6spade for jack high, but Hall turns over 8spade2diamond to win the tiny pot with two pair, eights and deuces.

In his third hand back, Negreanu has the button. The player in the cutoff limps for 600, and Negreanu moves all in for 28,575. Galen Hall calls from the small blind, and the cutoff folds.

Negreanu shows Qdiamond2heart, and he needs to improve to keep his seat against Hall's Adiamond9heart.

The board comes Qspade6diamond5club8club6spade, and Negreanu pairs his queen on the flop to win the pot and double up in chips.

Daniel Negreanu - 59,000 (98 bb)
Galen Hall - 40,000 (66 bb)

With about 10 minutes left in the level (and the registration period), Negreanu seems satisfied with his chip stack as he says, "Alright, now I can chill."

Then tweets............ Late blitz of gambling before rebuy period ended. Spent $50k total and am sitting on a 130k stack well over twice the avg #WPTBellagio
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by ZenForest
WPT Blog:

In the final level of registration, Daniel Negreanu (pictured above) is in a double-up-or-rebuy kind of mood. He is laughing and having a good time as he shoves light to try and build a stack before the rebuy period ended.


It is only a couple of minutes before a floorperson leads Negreanu back to the same area with a fresh starting stack of chips. The players all laugh as Negreanu is randomly seated at the same table, this time in seat 7.


With about 10 minutes left in the level (and the registration period), Negreanu seems satisfied with his chip stack as he says, "Alright, now I can chill."

Then tweets............ Late blitz of gambling before rebuy period ended. Spent $50k total and am sitting on a 130k stack well over twice the avg #WPTBellagio
Based on these reports, DN doing this seems a lot more good for poker than it is bad imo

How often do you splash around and create a lot of action and have the players in a live tournament all smiling and laughing chainsaw? I think people enjoying themselves in tournaments and being able to play as much as possible w/ famous players is a lot more important than the "integrity of the game" when it comes to the health of poker.

Last edited by crashwhips; 12-16-2014 at 10:27 PM.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 10:26 PM
Chainsaw being Chainsaw...
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
You keep getting your money in marginally and eventually double or triple up. You are purchasing a stack.
so what?

surely someone that plays as much as you doesn't have a problem having someone like this at their table?

Do you also hate AA because it always gets cracked?
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
You keep getting your money in marginally and eventually double or triple up. You are purchasing a stack.
Maybe you do. Maybe you do not.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
You keep getting your money in marginally and eventually double or triple up. You are purchasing a stack.
What would be great is if after registration is closed, people could buy people out of the tournament and take over their stack. The price could be ICM value and the casino/host could take a 5-10% transaction fee. This would help the rocks who slowly grind away until blinds eat them up near the bubble. This would also help the people going after all-time tournament winnings records or who sleep most of the day.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 10:47 PM
Didnt negreanu buyin like 50 times to a rebuy event years back and noty even cash?

From what I remember back in the day the guys who were using the allin or rebuy strat were pumping up prize pools.

Im not an MTT player but I am certain I would rather have unlimited re entry for a bigger pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

You got to get lucky as hell to win these things
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 11:12 PM
Hey guys, remember the time Negreanu was the shill for WSOP getting rid of re-buy events because he said you "can basically buy a bracelet" ?.......
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-16-2014 , 11:59 PM
I guess I 'm the slow pony on this, but I still dont see how the first $40k Daniel spent had any effect on the fact that he ran his last buyin up to a double the average stack. So i cant understand the notion that he "purchased" that stack for $50k, as if he didnt have to still win hands. To say he purchased the stack makes it sound like it was a certainty he would get it.

And I dont see how playing poorly and getting your money in behind can be construed as an advantage. If DN had turned his Q2 hand face up after shoving, wouldnt the guy with A9 have been happy to call? So how can that be bad for other players at the table or poker as a whole? Generally speaking, people love getting on a table with bad players who get their money in way behind, even though they dont necessarily do it on purpose. But what difference does it make if DN plays like a fish, on purpose? A bad play is a bad play.

So how can DN playing like a fish on purpose be considered an advantage to him? I just dont get it.

Last edited by browser2920; 12-17-2014 at 12:05 AM.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by LVpokerPRO
Hey guys, remember the time Negreanu was the shill for WSOP getting rid of re-buy events because he said you "can basically buy a bracelet" ?.......
He seems to say a lot of bull****, so no surprise.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by LVpokerPRO
Hey guys, remember the time Negreanu was the shill for WSOP getting rid of re-buy events because he said you "can basically buy a bracelet" ?.......
I remember this, iirc he didn't advocate or push for the change at all, just said after the fact he thought it was a good rule bc ppl like him w/ deep pockets wouldn't be able to buy their way into having an unfair advantage at winning a bracelet anymore. I think the comment was more a thinly veiled brag than anything tbh
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Ansky
Can someone explain wtf is happening? He is going to register a tournament, then play the tournament, possibly like a lunatic? Is that all? What is the issue?
Chainsaw doesn't condone such behavior. He advocates playing set no bet...
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 01:01 AM
Played this mtt wish he was on my table giving it away
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 01:22 AM
I think that the nice thing about tournament poker of this structure is that you can adapt defensive strategies to "buy, bust and rebuy" approaches. In other words, at the end of the day, more chips spewed are going to find their way into the hands of beneficiaries of this strategy, than into the stack of the spewing party [Negreanu].

The key is that the +EV percentage Negreanu derives in latter tournament stages must exceed the -EV percentage given up in the earlier stages.

The upshot is that Negreanu needs a significantly higher advantage when he has a large stack to make up for the -EV created by his spewing. His approach is not very replicable, because very few players have the level of live read and tournament knowledge to take full advantage of that larger stack (to a point where they make up for the significant equity relinquished earlier). Negreanu is one of maybe 100 players who have such a significant advantage with the large stack (and the bankroll to absorb the short term fluctuations) to make this a profitable high roller strategy.

Even if Negreanu types have an advantage, this is temporary, because many single-bullet players are already calculating counter strategies. Could write a 2+2 Magazine article about this, but I don't think it's their kind of topic.

Last edited by shulenberger; 12-17-2014 at 01:36 AM.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 01:29 AM
ITT : People who can't math.
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Pulaski
Played this mtt wish he was on my table giving it away
i was at his table (for 3 of his buyins)

it was amazing. he didnt look at his cards, and was just open ripping 30k at a time. at some point, his j7 beat galen halls a9 aipf. once he got to 60, he quit playing bat **** insane and played normally (had a guy just gift him a double to like 120).

i was the CO in those hands limping. was gonna be fun flipping for some big equity, but galen got in the way, ha ha
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 01:41 AM
In a cash game a weak tight "pro" cant play an "outlast" strategy because the tough semi-lags can rebuy and stay in the game and get the donkeys money and the weak tight pro money eventually.

In a tournament variance will send a lot of these tough players to the rail and the weak tight "pro" will inherit a berry patch just by surviving. But what if tournaments were more like REAL POKER GAMES, errrrr cash games....Im guessing weak tight "pros" would bitch loudly and often. @infinitestacks
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Unlimited reentry will kill big buyin poker.
yeah i mean the fields just get tougher and tougher and smaller and smaller, you are right
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by fees
yeah i mean the fields just get tougher and tougher and smaller and smaller, you are right
preach brotha!
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Ansky
Can someone explain wtf is happening? He is going to register a tournament, then play the tournament, possibly like a lunatic? Is that all? What is the issue?

He's doing -EV things to increase his chance of winning the tournament, since he cares about titles/bracelets/trophies etc more than $EV. Standard ego feeding. Why are you complaining Chainsaw?
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
12-17-2014 , 03:00 AM

It sounds as though you have a complaint about the tournament rules - why are you busting on DN for doing something he has every right to do, based on the rules of the tournament?
Negreanu proclaims that he will "purchase a stack" in day two of Bellagio k wpt. Quote
