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Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop

06-16-2014 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Jigsaw
I forget the name of the golf tournament ion which the US team plays against the European team. But I remember one year in which the US team were yelling and high-fiving and running around the course when US players did well. It was a perfect example of bad sportsmanship.
It was the 1999 Ryder Cup. The "Battle of Brookline".

Skip to the 1:01 mark:
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 11:47 AM
Mikey needs to grow up.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 12:07 PM
No sympathy. Grow up.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 12:13 PM
Acting immature gets tv time. What about that redbull guy? How was that not excessive.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by st4brains
A soccer player scores a goal they act like they just won the lottery. Whole team piles on them, screaming at the top of their lungs, pumping the crowd up, taunting the crowd. Hard to say they are held to a different degree of behavior there. Only time they get penalized is if they take their shirts off
A tennis player shows plenty of emotion. A couple that come to mind would be: yelling at the chair umpire and after say a game, set or match point they can show plenty of emotions. I don't see the umpire saying you have a 2 point penalty for showing emotions.
Seeing these players don't get penalized for their actions I can hardly see it being right for matusow to be in this situation
That is wrong - when a football player takes off their shirt, they get obviously penaltized for their emotions, climbing a fence also is a mandatory yellow card. Also, Tennis players get penalties all the time for racket abuse. Swearing is of course penalized in both sports (ask McEnroe), and in every sport I know. Not sure about trash talking in the NBA, but I would assume that isn't allowed either.

Not every showing of emotions is allowed, that doesn't mean you are required to be a robot - you just must not cross the line between what's accepted and what not, and there's a good chance Mikey did exactly that.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 01:35 PM
I don't blame the tournament director. I blame that Scandinavian kid a few years ago screaming "YA" at the top of his lungs over and over again, and the dumbass running around with a chair on his head. You have a bunch of dbags screaming and running around for TV time, and now honest emotion from good players is penalized.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by ICallHimGamblor
I don't blame the tournament director. I blame that Scandinavian kid a few years ago screaming "YA" at the top of his lungs over and over again, and the dumbass running around with a chair on his head. You have a bunch of dbags screaming and running around for TV time, and now honest emotion from good players is penalized.

I still do that with a few friends on a regular basis.

I even remember the dudes name: Matias Anderson.

I might be a bit of a nerd.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by franxic
That is wrong - when a football player takes off their shirt, they get obviously penaltized for their emotions, climbing a fence also is a mandatory yellow card. Also, Tennis players get penalties all the time for racket abuse. Swearing is of course penalized in both sports (ask McEnroe), and in every sport I know. Not sure about trash talking in the NBA, but I would assume that isn't allowed either.

Not every showing of emotions is allowed, that doesn't mean you are required to be a robot - you just must not cross the line between what's accepted and what not, and there's a good chance Mikey did exactly that.

LOL trash talking not allowed in sports.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 01:53 PM
It's all so simple. Don't act like a ****** attention whore at the poker table and you'll never have to worry about anything like this.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by ICallHimGamblor
I don't blame the tournament director. I blame that Scandinavian kid a few years ago screaming "YA" at the top of his lungs over and over again, and the dumbass running around with a chair on his head. You have a bunch of dbags screaming and running around for TV time, and now honest emotion from good players is penalized.

TD should have done his job and railed that idiot.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by bayoudonk
TD had more than enough reason to give a douche a penalty. A douche got a penalty. Big deal, i've seen people accidentally flip a card over and get a one round penalty. Probably a bad ruling. I think anyone who reads this thread should get a free buy in to main event if Mike should get that.

TD should be promoted for standing up to a douche bag. Me and anyone else who have read even part of this knows mike was acting like a douche. TD penalized him for that, but Mike feels like he should get special treatment. **** any douchebag that claims being bibolar getting to act out needing special treatment. Rake your pot, move on, and try to win the tourney. Be a pro, and act like a pro.

TD has a right and obligation to protect the other players when a douchebag acts like Mike did. Mike has no case. Anyone that thinka the TD should be fired or Mike deserves anything is a dumbass. imo
Everything summed up perfectly here, close the thread.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by uppie_
LOL trash talking not allowed in sports.
Not in the civilized ones when it comes to insults, and I never saw someone talking trash in the NBA for instance, when a referee is close enough to hear it - might be wrong and they openly tell their opponents what they'd do with their sister all the time, why not.

*Some* might be tolerated, but pretty sure there is a line you can not cross if you want to avoid consequences.

It's certainly not tolerated in football (the real football), tennis, golf, and many more.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 02:39 PM
Why does this **** happen to Mike?
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by pdgrizzles
Why does this **** happen to Mike?
because Mikey
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 05:30 PM
Allyn Shulman who was at the table gave her thoughts. Worth your time to read it.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by scottc25
Allyn Shulman who was at the table gave her thoughts. Worth your time to read it.
In that account he really does sound like an ass that deserved the penalty. It sounds believable too.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by scottc25
Allyn Shulman who was at the table gave her thoughts. Worth your time to read it.
This directly conflicts the report of another player in this thread who claimed to be there as well. I've known allyn a long time and tend to believe her take on what happened.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Barry Shulman was at my nolimit table today. He said his wife allyn jaffrey was at Mike's table when the incident occurred. She claims that matusow cursed directly at lamb and insulted him. She is going to write up the full story on site and for the magazine.

I had no knowledge of this part of the story when I started the thread.
Originally Posted by PoppinFresh
I was at the table and this is false
Originally Posted by scottc25
Allyn Shulman who was at the table gave her thoughts. Worth your time to read it.
Seems like poppinfresh needs to elaborate a little more on what he saw at the table.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by scottc25
Allyn Shulman who was at the table gave her thoughts. Worth your time to read it.
Someone should have just told mikey to "shut the f*ck up!"
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Seems like poppinfresh needs to elaborate a little more on what he saw at the table.
Poppinfresh elaborated. He said "doh".
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 07:50 PM
Mike in my top 3 favorite players, and I did believe him when the news of this first broke. Didn't think it was as severe as he was going on about (and certainly his requested resolution was off the wall), but did think it was true. But not now. I'm waiting for his response to that article.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Private_Snowball
A local bar in my home town used to run poker tournaments, word spread and numbers grew every week. It was a fun night out. Eventually though, certain undesirable types started to show up. The mood changed, anti-social behaviour started to creep in. Personal insults, arguments, and loud obnoxious drunken table talk became the norm. People stopped showing up, soon the bar stopped running poker tournaments at all.

My point is: Any behaviour which ruins the experience for other players should not be tolerated. It has a pernicious effect on the game and drives recreational players away. A strong, no BS floorman is an absolute sine qua non for any establishment that runs poker. I have no sympathy for spoiled brats like Matusow who think the world revolves around them and their need to always be the centre of attention.

Ive been leaning towards the "big mouths are good for the game" side of this argument until your post.

I think for TV events, big mouths are good for the game. However, in normal every day real world play, it can certainly be bad for the game as you stated.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 08:10 PM
Jesus that sounds horrible. If its true Mike 100% deserved the penalty and alot of people look stupid for supporting him before the facts came out (myself included)
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 08:38 PM
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-16-2014 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Munchkins Hero
Ive been leaning towards the "big mouths are good for the game" side of this argument until your post.

I think for TV events, big mouths are good for the game. However, in normal every day real world play, it can certainly be bad for the game as you stated.
No they are never good for the game. Obnoxious, loud behavior is never good for the game. There are entirely too many loud, obnoxious, arrogant ass$*&$# playing now that think it is ok to act like that because they got their "start" in the game after watching people like Mike, Phil, Gold, etc. The two biggest douche's out there, for attracting the exact wrong type of player to this game, are Phil and Mike.

Now do I think the penalty was fair? No I do not. You cannot watch Phil in any tournament and not see him berate another player or act in a manner that SHOULD be punished but isn't. Until the sanctions are fair across the board, don't hand them out.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
