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Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop

06-14-2014 , 07:48 PM
I just read Mike's book so I have empathy towards him because his emotions are not normal.

But like someone else said, stack your chips and get ready for the next hand.

Tournament poker is nerve racking, maybe Mike should do something else for a living.

I think everyone here agrees the floor guy was being a red ass high school PE teacher, but Mike is a handful
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 09:05 PM
When a child behave as a child...when a man...behave as a child.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 09:30 PM
This spot easily could've been avoided if Mike would just act like a professional and an adult.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by JCHAK
I just would like to point out that it is, in my opinion, very hypocritical that with 22 players left a player can get an orbit penalty for celebrating "excessively" due to the fact that it's disrespectful to the other players, but fans, or hecklers, 20' away from the final 9 players of the tournament, are free to be as annoying and loud as possible while excessively celebrating hands their friends win, and/or making detracting remarks to other opponents at the table.
Apparently you haven't been to a live sporting event before. There is a different set of rules for fans and players and this stands true for poker as well.

A penalty like this might be in order only if a prior warning was given.

Notwithstanding that, I do think the penalty was excessive.

Last edited by R*R; 06-14-2014 at 09:47 PM.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 09:50 PM
It was pretty bad. Mike put a giant boom box on the table playing "Happy" by Pharrell Williams, then he put on that ridiculous hat that Pharrell wears and started dancing.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
Apparently you haven't been to a live sporting event before. There is a different set of rules for fans and players and this stands true for poker as well.

A penalty like this might be in order only if a prior warning was given.

Notwithstanding that, I do think the penalty was excessive.
Apparently you've never been to a golf tournament, or tennis match, or chess match. If you obnoxiously yell in someone's backswing, they hall your ass out. At WSOP Europe the rail was required to be completely silent, as is the practice in Europe.

All I am saying is that if players can't celebrate, then fans that are 20' away shouldn't be able to heckle, scream at the top of their lungs, drink beer out of a shoe and yell and do weird personas where they yell a catch phrase after ever hand regardless of how mundane it is. It's annoying and makes it very hard to concentrate. Why can the rail do whatever they want but if a player celebrates because they just won a 200K $ equity hand, they are given a 1 orbit penalty. Doesn't add up, why are they penalizing the player if they don't tell the rail to shut up.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 10:07 PM
More drama for the movie-No doubt
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Ruling is garbage, TD needs a stern talking to for terrible ruling
I can see why you don't like it
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 10:45 PM
Hasn't Mike confirmed he has bi-polar? Apparently he went on a super high from nursing that short stack for so long, being in the zone and then winning that big pot, then the penalty put him in a negative state and he tilted away all his chips.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by JCHAK
Apparently you've never been to a golf tournament, or tennis match, or chess match. If you obnoxiously yell in someone's backswing, they hall your ass out. At WSOP Europe the rail was required to be completely silent, as is the practice in Europe.

All I am saying is that if players can't celebrate, then fans that are 20' away shouldn't be able to heckle, scream at the top of their lungs, drink beer out of a shoe and yell and do weird personas where they yell a catch phrase after ever hand regardless of how mundane it is. It's annoying and makes it very hard to concentrate. Why can the rail do whatever they want but if a player celebrates because they just won a 200K $ equity hand, they are given a 1 orbit penalty. Doesn't add up, why are they penalizing the player if they don't tell the rail to shut up.

No. Your argument is extremely weak. Players in almost every sport are held to a much higher degree of required behavior than fans. Even in golf and tennis. Go ahead and respond. Unless your response is completely ridiculous this will be my last post on this subject.

We might agree on this. Mike's punishment was overly punitive.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
With 22 players left in $2500 o/e event mike was given a full round penalty after winning a pot. At such a critical point I the tournament, this penalty seems excessive without at least a prior incident or warning.

Several players have come out to defend mike and blast the floor person Dave lamb. The full sory is here.
I read that there had been ongoing issues.

Who the player is is irrelevant, in my opinion. If you are going to play the game, you should know and abide by the rules. You should also learn to keep your cool.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
No. Your argument is extremely weak. Players in almost every sport are held to a much higher degree of required behavior than fans. Even in golf and tennis. Go ahead and respond. Unless your response is completely ridiculous this will be my last post on this subject.

We might agree on this. Mike's punishment was overly punitive.
No you are wrong, it's not an argument, it's a fact: in Europe, at the WSOP ME they didn't even allow a public rail for exactly the reason of disruption, especially since there were Brits at the FT as they knew it would have been a total circus full of drunks yelling at the top of their lungs after every hand, only one person per FT player was allowed to view the FT which created a quiet FT and was consistent with silencing the players from celebrating as well.

If they are going to keep players from celebrating then they shouldn't have a rail full of drunks being as loud as possible after every hand, just like they do @ WSOP Europe. And again you are wrong on other sports holding players to higher degree of behavior than a player, if Tiger Woods wants to talk in his own backswing they don't kick him out of the tourney, if you are there yelling in his backswing you will be removed from the golf course.

Also, poker isn't a Nascar event, it's a game that requires intense focus and deep concentration, this is one of the reasons for the excessive celebration rule as it can be unfair to other players, doesn't make sense that the railbirds get to interject when players can't.

Last edited by JCHAK; 06-14-2014 at 11:32 PM.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 11:30 PM
I get the rule and the facts, but I disagree with your player versus fan scenario and, even though it is easy to do, I am not going to start bringing out absurd examples like your Tiger Woods example.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
I get the rule and the facts, but I disagree with your player versus fan scenario and, even though it is easy to do, I am not going to start bringing out absurd examples like your Tiger Woods example.
As I sated above WSOPE didn't disagree with me, they limited attendance of the rail at the WSOPE ME FT because they knew it would be extremely disruptive to the players as Brits are notorious for rowdy rails, this is the same reasoning behind the excessive celebration rule for players. It is extremely inconsistent that they police the players in the US but not the rail as they do in Europe when the rail is way more disruptive.

"Uncle Ron", the persona that annoyingly excessively celebrated during the Helmuth/Forrest match was asked by the players to stop but he was allowed to continue. None of the players asked for the Mouth to be punished yet he received a harsh penalty, this is inconsistent logic.

Last edited by JCHAK; 06-14-2014 at 11:41 PM.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 11:39 PM
I know at most sporting events I attend such as soccer, football and hockey the fans can do many more things than the players without repercussions. Yelling trash at the referee as an example or in football celebrating euphorically after a touchdown.

In poker, it seems that you would like to see the fans held to the same rules as the players. I personally wouldn't care to see that for many reasons.

Last edited by R*R; 06-14-2014 at 11:52 PM.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 11:45 PM
GL to everyone left in the tournament, (but) if it was Hellmuth or Negreanu or Ivey there's no way they make this disgusting ruling.
LOL at Mikey's tweet. Of course Negreanu or Ivey would never get this disgusting ruling. They'd never act like such a horse's ass in the first place.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-14-2014 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by R*R
The Euro rule might be wonderful. Maybe we are talking about different things. Let's just call it a day as I would like to think that neither of us has the time or is in the mood to continue to bang our heads against the wall.
I didn't come into this thread to debate you, or even address you at all, you decided to sardonically shoot down my opinion by sarcastically remarking that I never went to a sporting event, which is obviously absurd.

I am addressing the issue brought up by the OP by making the observation that the players, as demonstrated in this case, are policed to a greater extent than the rail with regard to disruptions and excessive celebrations; this is completely inconsistent, especially since the same company does it differently in Europe and that often times the rail is far more disruptive than any one player could ever be.

Last edited by JCHAK; 06-14-2014 at 11:56 PM.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-15-2014 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by JCHAK
I didn't come into this thread to debate you, or even address you at all, you decided to sardonically shoot down my opinion by sarcastically remarking that I never went to a sporting event, which is obviously absurd.

I am addressing the issue brought up by the OP by making the observation that the players, as demonstrated in this case, are policed to a greater extent than the rail with regard to disruptions and excessive celebrations, and this is inconsistent, especially since the same company does it differently in a different country and that often times the rail is far more disruptive than any one player could ever be.
That's funny. I actually deleted that from my post as you were quoting it in hopes of being a bit less sardonic.

As far as the earlier sardonic. That happens in forums and sometimes one must respond to it. Glad you did.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-15-2014 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by JCHAK
Also, poker isn't a Nascar event, it's a game that requires intense focus and deep concentration, this is one of the reasons for the excessive celebration rule as it can be unfair to other players, doesn't make sense that the railbirds get to interject when players can't.
To be fair, Nascar probably requires intense focus and deep concentration..perhaps even more focus than poker. Also, at a Nascar event a fan could be as loud as physically possible and the drivers still wouldn't hear him because they are wearing ear buds, the engine noise is deafening, the events are outdoors, and the arenas are huge (ie a track can be 1.5 miles long).
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-15-2014 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by R*R
No. Your argument is extremely weak. Players in almost every sport are held to a much higher degree of required behavior than fans. Even in golf and tennis. Go ahead and respond. Unless your response is completely ridiculous this will be my last post on this subject.

We might agree on this. Mike's punishment was overly punitive.
Your argument makes no sense. You state that players are held to a higher degree of behavior than fans (which I agree with), but then you state that Mike's punishment was overly punitive? I could care less if Mike is Bipolar, win the hand and act like a man, and sit down and shut up. Act like you've been there before.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-15-2014 , 12:09 AM
He is good at providing ridiculous examples to defend his points. Almost brilliantly funny. The Woods example followed by the Nascar example. I missed that one as it was an edit. lol.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-15-2014 , 12:09 AM
Excessive celebration is what made the 2007 Main Event such an entertaining ME to watch. Removing player celebration from the WSOP made the subsequent main events boring and did nothing to help the game.

The WSOP needs to take a hard stand on this issue and fire this tournament director immediately. I don't care how much experience he has but mistakes like this are NEVER acceptable.

Audience celebration can most certainly be detrimental to the players and the viewing experience as well. I for one wouldn't mind seeing the Hinkles banned from all future rails and I don't think anyone that watched that stream would disagree with me about that.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-15-2014 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by YappingYoda
Your argument makes no sense. You state that players are held to a higher degree of behavior than fans (which I agree with), but then you state that Mike's punishment was overly punitive? I could care less if Mike is Bipolar, win the hand and act like a man, and sit down and shut up. Act like you've been there before.
It makes sense if you understand that I was not commenting on Mike's punishment in relation to the player versus fans discussion.

I have two distinct beliefs:

1) Players should be held to a different degree of behavior than fans.

2) In spite of 1) I think Mile's punishment may have been too harsh if he was not at first given a warning.

Last edited by R*R; 06-15-2014 at 12:44 AM.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-15-2014 , 12:16 AM
Pretty sad to read about.

Mike Matusow: The ruling cost me the tournament. OK, I have mental issues I’ve been struggling with the whole World Series trying to play well. I’ve been taking a supplement that has affected me a lot, and actually Jack knew about that, we’ve been talking about it because he’s trying to help me. Me and Jack are good friends.

So, it’s been really hard to focus and get in the zone, and when I get a lot of ups and downs, with the medication I’m on, I get really good, or I get suicidal when I’m playing. It’s been like a nightmare. So during this tournament I’m playing the nub forever, and just fighting through, and focusing and focusing and focusing. And playing really well. I’m playing on three and half big blinds for four levels, and I mean, nobody plays on three and half big blinds for four levels.

I don’t know if you saw me, but I was crying. I was mentally distraught. I went from up here, to in tears. Now I come back, OK, the very first hand, I misplay. Which is my own fault, I’m not blaming nobody for that. And the next hand, I get unlucky, and then I look down, I have 105,000… and I’m like, I can’t do this anymore, this is so unfair what just happened to me, and I just broke into hysteria. I start grasping to get it back, and I played awful. Just gave my chips away, and just, my mental frame was like the world was coming to an end. I don’t know how to explain it, people that know me understand what I go through a lot of times. I just didn’t care, I was a mess, and I just gave away all my chips.

The point is, when you’re playing for 12 hours in the zone, and you’ve finally gotten to that emotional high. Believe me when I say, nobody was going to beat me once I got there, I was so in the zone. And to take my momentum? First of all, cards run in streaks too, I mean, those eight hands I missed, I could’ve won four or five of them. And those free hands are worth a lot of money at 8,000/16,000 limit. To take that away when we’re playing for a quarter of a million dollars, on a rule that doesn’t exist, was plain out against the law. What they did to me was criminal, and I’m going to see what they make up to me for it, because this cost me the tournament. Now, would I have won the tournament? I don’t know, but a hundred percent guarantee I would’ve made the final table, and that’s the bottom line OK.

What happened to me because I broke down and blew up, happened because of my mental situation, and anybody who talks to my doctors knows what I go through. Because I had to ride that super high and super low at the same time, then when I lost a pot I became unraveled. Everything, all the negative thoughts went through my mind about how they did this to me. And hey, I blame nobody but myself, I blew up, whatever. But no possible way what happened to me last night, and how I went broke, could’ve happened if what they did to me didn’t happen first. That’s the bottom line.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
06-15-2014 , 12:41 AM
You guys remember the good old days when watching the WSOP was a blast. A ton of characters with catchy nicknames and bold personalities. Matusow and Hellmuth blowups. M'fer Humberto shoving a plastic chark in people's faces. The most profound strat discussion was Norman Chad telling you to never fold a straight flush draw. People running around like they're having the best and worst times of their lives.

When someone loses or wins a big pot and is emotional on the screen the viewer gets sucked in and feels it with them much more than a cordial handshake and "nice hand" before walking off.

Now nicknames have been replaced with screen names and people who know what they're talking about are adding some commentary.

That's what the general public likes to see. That's the experience they're looking for when they decide to take a shot at the series one year. Not some complicated mathematical game but a circus where any player can win.

As a penalty for the bad ruling and then changing the reason for the penalty they should give Matusow everything he's asking for. In addition any time Matusow feels like it when he's near the TD he's allowed to skip around in a circle singing "na na na na na na you made a horrible ruling" and they should put that **** on TV during the main event.
Mike matusow gets a 1 round penalty for "excessive celebration" with 3 tables left at wsop Quote
