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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

06-26-2014 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by jack_snappp
I think Mike will be staying in Las Vegas just like this guy.
But that guy has (had) a girlfriend
06-26-2014 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
you're the one who pointed out you did it for the free drinks
This is sort of sideways right but not really bec everybody knows drinks are free in LV. But since it's not completely off base I'll give you this one.

i'm just telling you if you're gonna do it you might as well do it right
plus bj is a lot more fun
The thing about BJ is that it can tilt players very easily. Lose 5 in a row and then spite bet big on the 6th hand to get even. That doesn't happen much in Pai Gow.

how about you give me 25 bucks and ill put you at the top of the rio sit and go list or let you check into a room you already paid for?
OK, as long as you put it all on red and let it ride if you hit. All I've got to hear is 'I'm borg23' (don't try to pull a fast one SM) and it's yours.
06-26-2014 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by loggy
Yes, he may be those things, but there is no way for you to articulate how you would live differently, if you were exactly the same person as he. And you definitely got bailed out during the crisis, if you had any assets at all.

The people who didn't need bailed out, those with lots of cash, basically had their wealth transferred in order to bail out the banks. The bottom line is that very few people can change who they really are. If someone has the misfortune to have a horrific gambling problem, or is sexually attracted to a group that society does not deem to be acceptable, then that person has bad luck. The ultimate bad beat would be to have an attraction to kids. That is just brutal bad luck. But you can't change it, and society MUST step in and protect itself.

In a way, it is all luck, because if you were that same person you would BE THAT SAME PERSON. They used to do this with Mike Tyson. Idiot white people would say: "How could you blow 300 million?". Those same jokers would also state that they would fight Mike Tyson for 5 million, like Michael Spinks did (knocked out in 10 seconds or so). But their words rang hollow with me, as it is quite obvious that they have no clue about why things happen in the world. Similar was said about Archie Karas about his rifling through 40 million. Why didn't you put something away, they would ask.
oic, so it's wrong to hate on someone that regularly scams others and then blasts off money that doesn't belong to him while being deep in debt because there is no such thing as free will and we're all just slaves to destiny. Can't argue with that I guess.
06-26-2014 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Dantes
How many people are you? AA/GA is more religion than science. It might work for you but it's certainly universal.
AA is not religion but if you actually went to a few meetings you would understand what it is instead of making stupid assumptions. Only 2 out of every 10 alcoholics make it even when they try AA. No one ever said it works for everyone, only those who are serious about their recovery.
06-26-2014 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
oic, so it's wrong to hate on someone that regularly scams others and then blasts off money that doesn't belong to him while being deep in debt because there is no such thing as free will and we're all just slaves to destiny. Can't argue with that I guess.
You guys are just horrific at reading comprehension. You can HATE these people all you want. But the moment you take YOUR ethics, and how you believe YOU would live your life if you were that person, is the moment that you lose touch with reality. If you believe that a course of action is rational and you know that you would do it, you cannot expect people with obvious out of control irrational tendencies to change because you told them what to do.

You people don't actually go through life like this, do you? First, to not be able to read the King's English in a competent way is just terrifying, if you are in fact, over 10 years old. A few of you here actually display reading comprehension that is in the kindergarten range. That is scary.
06-26-2014 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by PotDragon
Let's take a step back for a second....

His whole story is full of lies and half truths. He admits he KNEW that his days of anonymity in poker rooms were numbered. Says he STRESSED about the day it would happen. He KNEW that the scam site appears when you Google him. It was just a matter of time.

So, ask yourself, what is the play for a con man in that situation? Can't outright deny. Can't ignore and hang in poker rooms. Only play is to admit guilt and throw yourself on the mercy of the "court". His whole tale of woe, his whole posting his story, was made up beforehand.

Some is sure to be half true. It is possible that the Orange County arrest happened, but if so, he certainly left out the part where he agreed to testify against his co defendant's. He HAD TO HAVE to get that deal.

It is possible he had some minor wins. If he showed me a 75k cashier slip from TI, I WOULD STILL NOT BELIEVE IT. Anyone ever open a wrapped stack and find bills unarranged? If he were getting RFB comp, anyone believe they would cash out the unwashed bum without encouraging him to keep some in the cage?

It appears to have worked as he has gotten sympathy and financial offers. Poor Mike. Life is just too hard.

Taking his story at face value, explain where he EVER attempted any repayment as he claims to have done. He has the cash in hand for an afternoon but fails to mention any thought about paying ANYTHING.

I live in Reno, Mike. I am at every event in town. If I see you in Reno I will TELL EVERYONE AROUND. I will say nothing in Vegas, but I have people in reno rooms I care about. Keep your scams down south pal. Fair warning douche wad, I did 7 in NY. Clinton, Attica, greenhaven, FISHKILL (94-96), Sullivan Annex. If I tell you I did 4 behind the wall, two in Clinton Main, you will KNOW I am not scared nor bluffing. Also that I know Fishkill is a Medium Security Facility. Puff house. You keep ****ing up you going to a max. Good luck with that.

I say don't play the tournament for a whole different perspective; that being this thread. If you actually cash the event, how long before someone tries to out you to the RIO staff? Casinos LOVE to find a reason why players should not be paid out. Publicly stating you are buying in with the proceeds of a crime opens up a reason.

Another Internet tough guy. What was so compelling that you had to post here and threaten him.

So do you go around to all the murderers or child molesters in Reno and tell them to get out of town?

It is what it is. Mike has a gambling addiction. No need to threaten him.
06-26-2014 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Mullet Man
AA is not religion but if you actually went to a few meetings you would understand what it is instead of making stupid assumptions.
There you go making unfounded statements again, that's all I was pointing out. Do you have any scientific basis for your claims? If not, it's no different from religion.
06-26-2014 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dantes
There you go making unfounded statements again, that's all I was pointing out. Do you have any scientific basis for your claims? If not, it's no different from religion.
Where would you like me to start?

It is written in the Big Book of AA. One of the first things I was taught. Quit derailing the thread about the scientific aspect of it. Be grateful millions of alcoholics(as well as other addicts who use the basis of AA) have changed their lives due to this program instead of dissecting if it is some sort of cult(which it isn't).
06-26-2014 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by cessantrypz
A beautiful soul like Chad Brown is fighting for his life yet this fat greasy POS would rob his own mother for a $55 buy-in and is moping around here playing the victim and looking for sympathy.
I spoke to someone who visited Chad today. He is in hospice, weighs less than 100 pounds and has days to live. Very sad
06-26-2014 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dantes
There you go making unfounded statements again, that's all I was pointing out. Do you have any scientific basis for your claims? If not, it's no different from religion.

The 12 Step recovery model believes in abstaining 100% from your particular addiction.

As a sober AA member, I've had to let go of the pipe dream of having a cold beer at the ball game, or taking a hit off a joint at a rock concert. I choose being clean and sober today.

I'm not saying AA is for everyone, but it's the best thing that ever happened to me.

I could site "studies" that support this recovery method, but there recently was a study that said 15% of alcoholics stay sober with or without AA

So I don't know what anybody else should do, but I believe in what I'm doing.
06-26-2014 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by tinytim2006
My biggest leak use to be the roulette wheel. Plenty of times I use to be playing cash games or tournaments and lose everything I had on me. I use to keep a log of all my wins and losses in everything I bet on. Cash games, tournys, sports, roulette, bj, lotto tickets. At the end of one year I counted all my roulette sessions and it was: Won 1, lost 32. That's 33 days of betting on the wheel and only one winner! All the money I was up in tournaments was eaten up by what id lost on roulette. Seemed pretty silly to play it as it was an obvious leak and while I did use to have a big urge to play it, especially after losing in the cash games I didn't go it again for about 18 months. Sometimes now I'll put my small chips from the cash game but it's lost its hold over me now. Whenever I think of going on it I just think back to how bad I felt after spunking all my money away.
Someone gave me this advice a long time ago. It was the best advice I was ever given.
06-26-2014 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by loggy
You guys are just horrific at reading comprehension. You can HATE these people all you want. But the moment you take YOUR ethics, and how you believe YOU would live your life if you were that person, is the moment that you lose touch with reality. If you believe that a course of action is rational and you know that you would do it, you cannot expect people with obvious out of control irrational tendencies to change because you told them what to do.

You people don't actually go through life like this, do you? First, to not be able to read the King's English in a competent way is just terrifying, if you are in fact, over 10 years old. A few of you here actually display reading comprehension that is in the kindergarten range. That is scary.
Pretty sure I haven't told the guy to do anything and I don't expect anything from him other than the obvious. I also understand that if I was him that I would do the same things as him, since I would be him. That goes without saying. Most places...

I also don't think it's really necessary to all caps the "YOUR ethics" when we are talking about someone that regularly cons people out of money and then gambles it away despite owing many people.
06-26-2014 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by PotDragon
Fair warning douche wad, I did 7 in NY. Clinton, Attica, greenhaven, FISHKILL (94-96), Sullivan Annex. If I tell you I did 4 behind the wall, two in Clinton Main, you will KNOW I am not scared nor bluffing. Also that I know Fishkill is a Medium Security Facility. Puff house. You keep ****ing up you going to a max. Good luck with that.
This is reminiscent of Mike snitching on Lou for singing 'grease is my friend'. He gets all sanctimonious about somebody else's scam, despite being a regular scammer himself.

So here we have PotDragon insisting that Mike is a low-life jailbird while telling us that he's also a low-life jailbird -- who isn't scared to **** up a ****ed-up overweight chemical engineer nerd.

Irony, mother****ers.
06-26-2014 , 11:18 PM
It's kinda strange that PSU is this unstoppable degen force whose main game is paigow.

Isn't that the game where all the old nits sit because you lose the slowest there? This seems like the least interesting game for a sick gambler....hell, I'm not a degen and even I find it too slow and uneventful.
06-26-2014 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Mullet Man
No one ever said it works for everyone, only those who are serious about their recovery.
You make a very good point here. Almost everyone that smokes always say they're trying to quit. It's the fashionable thing to do. The people that actually want to quit do so without talking about it. Me, and about a dozen people I have known. A couple of pregnancies, a few flashes of common sense, whatever the reason, the ones that really did want to quit did so and never smoked again. Saying what you should do and actually wanting to do it are two entirely different things.
06-26-2014 , 11:21 PM
This thread has sooooo much potential, and it all rides on Mikey shippin' it. Gogogogo
06-26-2014 , 11:22 PM
Anyway, any updates from the Rio?
06-26-2014 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Mullet Man
It is written in the Big Book of AA. One of the first things I was taught. Quit derailing the thread about the scientific aspect of it.
I don't care if you want to be spiritual or religious or pray to the flying spaghetti monster. Don't claim something is universally true if you don't have evidence.
Originally Posted by Slam254
So I don't know what anybody else should do, but I believe in what I'm doing.
that's different from what Mullet was saying.
06-26-2014 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
It's kinda strange that PSU is this unstoppable degen force whose main game is paigow.

Isn't that the game where all the old nits sit because you lose the slowest there? This seems like the least interesting game for a sick gambler....hell, I'm not a degen and even I find it too slow and uneventful.
Yes that's my Pai Gow experience, I can make $100 last a long time. The dealer can't deal that many hands per hour because players have to make their hands. You can ask the dealer what's the house way, about 50% of the hands are a push. I enjoy playing it in a Nevada casino.

Blackjack, the dealers fire hands at you like an Uzi. BJ scares the **** out of me, and I play solid basic strategy and I can't win.

In a California card room, Pai Gow sketchy as hell. Because the house can't "bank" the game, the dealer button goes around and you put a bunch of money out and play against all the other players, which results in huge swings. Big degen action. It's evil.

But in Vegas, it's a safe game. Sometimes you see whales play and the bet denominations are huge and the swings up and down are huge. Not my scene.

Rhetorical question: if it's such a losing proposition, why are there so few tables compared to blackjack roulette slots ?
06-26-2014 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
I know SM2 and play against him regularly and he's a pretty fun and interesting person. Maybe next time I get the BJ itch I'll take him w/ me while I try to turn $30 into $2,700 in a half hour like I did a couple of months ago.
I'm in Tulsa right now. And I'm in a hotel literally 1/4th of a mile from the entrance of the hard rock casino here. I checked the bravo app and there's like one 1/2 game going, and I'd sooner walk into oncoming traffic than play that.

Didn't even cross my mind to go there and play anything else. I don't know, I'm
Weird. I can sit at a poker table for a full day, but can't even imagine playing more than like 8 hands of Bj.
06-26-2014 , 11:58 PM
I wonder if anyone is reading this thread while playing in the same tourney as PSUmike. Would be awesome if someone was and the spotted PSUmike across the poker room and stood up and yelled "ship this tourney PSUmike.'
06-26-2014 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by tinytim2006
If he wins the Monster Stack he'll definitely be playing the One Drop.
Oh hell yeah!!!!! Busto to robustoooooo!!! Forget 2m2m give this guy a camera right now and live stream the next 24hrs
06-27-2014 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Slam254

Rhetorical question: if it's such a losing proposition, why are there so few tables compared to blackjack roulette slots ?
Difficulty to learn? Not as fast?
06-27-2014 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by tinytim2006
If he wins the Monster Stack he'll definitely be playing the One Drop.

Last edited by odiggity; 06-27-2014 at 12:06 AM. Reason: was doing ^^ to JNYC
06-27-2014 , 12:06 AM
If I was in Vegas right now I would so go try and find PSUmike and rail him. Maybe go shirtless with his name spray painted on my chest in nittany lion colors.
