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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

07-24-2014 , 11:46 AM
Ya I deleted the post because he responded to me saying he wasn't being sarcastic. I apologize for posting that Mike and wish you the best.
07-24-2014 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by FlapJacks316
So now you want Mike to die in jail?

you have issues dude
Yea, you're right, I do. My issue is that I wish the Mikes of the world would just go away. It'll make the world a much better place.
07-24-2014 , 12:50 PM
I’m extremely jealous of the law clerk who will read through this entire thread and get paid to do it. Hopefully for the taxpayers sake it will be an unpaid 2L or 3L intern (and for their sake too since those gigs can be a little boring at times). It just seems inevitable that Mike will get into legal trouble again since it appears that he has barely taken steps to correct his life and scoffs at offers for help or good advice.

Rejecting the idea of a month long stay at a gambling addiction facility shows to me that he has no real commitment or desire to recover and start a new life. He says “what good will it do because it’s only a month long and I’ll be out on the street again after only 30 days?” What good will it do? It will absolutely prevent you from gambling for one month. It will show you there’s more to life than gambling. It will show you that gambling has lead you down a miserable path and you’ve wasted your life to this point. But it will also show you there’s a future. It will show you steps you can take to getting your life back and on track and eventually being a happy person. It will show your parents, family and friends that you recognize your problem and you are trying to recover. It will be the first of many steps it will take to rebuild those relationships. It will show prospective employers that you’re serious about getting over this addiction. It will show you that all of these things are very possible… but YOU need to take the first step and check yourself in.

Right now he has done none of this. Going to a few GA meetings and then relapsing is not a step in the right direction. It’s a cop out. You need more than meetings—you need professional help. This is a difficult struggle that you nor anyone else in your situation can do alone. Admit that to yourself, seek out that help yourself (don’t ask others to do it for you) and get it. Until you do that, you will never recover and improve your life.

My range of emotions towards Mike and his struggle through this entire thread vary greatly (I’ve been keeping up with it for two weeks now and this is my first post)… Sympathy. Hope. Annoyed. Disgust. Anger.

There are so many people posting in this thread but I wanted to share my (possibly harsh) opinions on a few different types of groups:
1) People encouraging his gambling – this is just wrong, he’s sick and needs serious help… I generally dislike all of you and do not find you to be even slightly amusing
2) People posting general comments of sympathy – this doesn’t help either, he seems to feed off of these and thinks that the measly steps he’s taken so far are “something” when in fact they are nothing without professional help… he needs tough love from you guys instead
3) OP – thanks for starting the thread, but since you were not actually scammed don’t take everything so personal as you were not a victim… there are hundreds of actual victims that should be and are more upset than you so give it up
4) People posting about job prospects – yes he could do well in sales, but employers won’t take him seriously until gets real help, so encourage that first
5) People talking about a book/movie deal – his situation is not special/unique to warrant this, his story is not inspiring, and for the near future this does not seem to change… maybe suggest him to write to fill the void of gambling, but suggesting he can make a living off of this or whatever is a step below the people encouraging him to keep gambling
6) Mike – there is so much I want to say but for now I will just tell you that there absolutely is light at the end of the tunnel, but right now you are still walking down the wrong tunnel towards misery, long imprisonment and/or death… start the journey down the right tunnel by getting professional help at a treatment facility
7) Future law clerk or 2L/3L intern – if Mike doesn’t heed this advice and ends up in your judge’s docket, feel free to send me a PM and say hello… glad you found this thread

-Mike absolutely needs to go to a gambling treatment facility to start the process of turning his life around
-Until then I believe he will get arrested again and get ZERO sympathy from a prosecutor/judge and be put away for a long time
-I dislike a majority of the comments in this thread as they either fuel or pacify the problem, not help solve it

*Apologies for the enormous post and Thank You for taking the time to read it*
07-24-2014 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by balooko31
5) People talking about a book/movie deal – his situation is not special/unique to warrant this, his story is not inspiring, and for the near future this does not seem to change… maybe suggest him to write to fill the void of gambling, but suggesting he can make a living off of this or whatever is a step below the people encouraging him to keep gambling
-Still think this could make a very good PA / Documentary about the dangers of gambling and addiction and the above is simply not true. For a small sum of money a very good documentary could be made about this story that could possibly help a lot of people (maybe even mandatory high school viewing type sht). The documentary would be a step above and not a step below and would actually occupy Mikes time and give him something to do (I am in LA where docu's are made daily) and there is plenty of money being thrown at far worse projects. If this thread got this many reviews and responses then just imagine the impact of a well made, released documentary on gambling addiction an the perils of having a personality like Mike's.

2+2 it or crowdfund it and it could get done rather quickly (especially with all the easy access to content and talent in LA that is available).

Sht I would be even willing to host Mike (live 1 minute from a LA casino though) and shoot the film/doc if the project was right.

We can call it "I Don't Wanna Be Like Mike" (Insert Jordan logo with Mikes face dunking at the casino)
07-24-2014 , 01:37 PM
Also, a guy smart enough to earn that degree isn't fitting the mold for this type of addiction.
I have to disagree with you. If anything he is the poster boy for gambling addiction...he's smart, well paying job, no friends, spare time, etc. Once he get's that first taste its game over. Being as smart as he is, he thinks he can beat the game so he keeps coming back over and over.

Really though I don't think it matters who or what you are when it comes to addiction because it's a disease.

Originally Posted by TheGreenMagi
When I was 18 I backpacked through SE Asia and I saw the poorest of the poor people. I saw tons of people in Cambodia with no limbs begging for money (even people with all their limbs had trouble finding jobs). If you gave these people 5 or 10 cents, they were genuinely thankful. They most likely spent the money on rice and water... not drugs, alcohol or gambling.

Since then, I don't think I've ever given money to a homeless person or anything like that. If you give a dollar to a homeless person here, they barely say "thank you" and you know that money is going right to drugs and alcohol.

Most people in 1st world countries have a lot of oppertunities in comparison to these people in 3rd world countries and I therefore don't think that they are deserving of my charity (when there are so many other people around the world who deserve the money more).

Maybe Mike should go and see how these people live and get some perspective on things. If you gave some of these poor people in 3rd world countries, say $200... they would think that they just won the lottery. Whereas when Mike gets that money, he gambles it away. What a waste.

But must of us don't live in a 3rd world country so comparing the two is pointless. I'm sure wherever you go in the world you can always find something or someone that is worse. Comparing someone in Cambodia with no arms to Mike is silly. Of course Mike doesn't have it as bad as them but perhaps in his own mind it is just as bad if not worse. Not everyone can look at the big picture and often when they are down in life they have a very narrow minded outlook on life. We have rich people that commit suicide and very poor people that live a full happy life so really money is only a small part of it compared to the mental struggles that some of these people go through.

It's pretty ignorant to claim one person doesn't deserve your charity when there are many others that do with out even knowing that person or basing it all upon where they live in the world.

I guess that homeless guy sitting on the corner doesn't deserve your charity even though he went to war, defended his country, saw things most people couldn't handle, came back and couldn't get help he needed, turned to drugs/alcohol to cope, lost everything, and is now homeless by the age of 30. But the guy in Cambodia that has been getting high/drunk since the age of 16, robs people, has never tried to better himself, etc deserves it just because he lives in Cambodia. Yea that seems logical

Last edited by Mike Haven; 07-26-2014 at 10:36 AM.
07-24-2014 , 01:43 PM
It's more logical than the dribble you just spit. How you inject that much biased circumstance into a comparison is beyond me.
07-24-2014 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
It's more logical than the dribble you just spit. How you inject that much biased circumstance into a comparison is beyond me.
Debating logic is illogical (think about it).

That takes care of about 99% of the thread.
07-24-2014 , 02:25 PM
How every social studies class in America still currently misses this is amazing. Instead we learn outdated...
07-24-2014 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by OnceUponAGrind

We can call it "I Don't Wanna Be Like Mike" (Insert Jordan logo with Mikes face dunking at the casino)
Silhouettes (try spelling that off the top) and pai gow tiles is the obvious inference for a logo for those seeking logic...
07-24-2014 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish
It's more logical than the dribble you just spit. How you inject that much biased circumstance into a comparison is beyond me.
You just have to step outside the box, it's not that hard.

I was just making a point it seems silly to judge someone based upon if they are from a 3rd world country or not. You take Mike and put him in a 3rd world country and have him begging for 20cents and all of the sudden he is the victim but because he is white and lives in the US no one takes the time to look why he does these things and automatically wants to hang him by the throat.

On a side not....what actual crime is he committing by asking for money?
07-24-2014 , 02:46 PM
That would be sweet if all the time and energy spent in this thread by 2+2 was translated into money/time (useful) and donated (the 1 hour I have wasted has been translated).

Truth is truth. Proof is proof..

Has any positive action been taken after all this use of powerful human energy/action?
07-24-2014 , 02:55 PM
Lets get this thread really rocking:

-Guy from Sac town who was going to host Mike etc. (little blurry on the details). Donate that money to your favorite Northern California charity and let us know which one is near and dear to your heart?

-OP your alertness/smarts saved you a few $. Where does the smart money go for charity?

-Chainsaw who is your favorite charity. How much do you give each year?

This list of ?'s goes on and on and on that should be asked but are not in this thread...
07-24-2014 , 03:03 PM
lol. borrow-its
07-24-2014 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by ContactGSW
Wow really? 3 dollars? When I get hit up in a parking lot by these folks, I tell them don't give me a bull **** story, what do want? If they say I need money, I tell them of course I can give you some money. Because I have money, and am pretty damn comfortable after years of hard work. $5 is a beer in a restaurant to me. These folks are homeless, I couldn't care less if they buy crack, booze or a big mac with it, because its just 5 dollars.

If they continue with a bull **** story I tend to have a little fun with them. Usually when they say can you help me, just before they give me their BS, I'll say sure except if you want money. But if they come clean I'll give em 5 bucks. Their life is total crap, and I have a lot of money compared to most people, I don't mind helping, it doesn't make me feel like a humanitarian, an enabler, or feel better about myself, because its just five dollars.

Crap I must be a moron, wasted a lot of money on that BA and MD.
Pick/send me the most optimal place to donate $5 online to a good cause and I will give immediately. Giving $5 can be huge regardless of platform.
07-24-2014 , 03:15 PM
JFK Airport$500.00
Posted 05/04/2013 Yep, I got scammed to at JFK for $100. This guy has an amazing backround. A chemical engineer grad at Penn State, publish research, Father a renown professor, sisters accomplished and he's turned into a crimminal. Article online about him completing a Gamblers Anon program, BUT he's a professional poker player (lots of info online). Btw, scammed me 3 years ago or so since then went through GA and still rips people off at airports. When I emailed him after her took my money he emailed back and said he was a gambling addict and was sick. I see GA hasn't changed him at all.
Recent Complaints

Michael Borovetz Complaint 326332 for $200.00
Reported Damage: $200.00
Date Occured: 06/18/2014

I got scammed from him with same pitch for $200 - no credit card and out of cash; JetBlue delayed his flight; used his Jewish faith and Penn State lines and out in SF for a job interview - I almost asked him who coaches the Nittany Lions to see if he ...

Posted On: 07/07/2014
SBID # 5ac2a491ad

Michael Borovetz Complaint 326166 for $200.00
Reported Damage: $200.00
Date Occured: 06/19/2014

Same story as reported by others. Missed flight, interviewing for a job and needed money for a hotel room room. I have called him and left a few msgs, and not optimistic about getting my money back having read this thread now.

Posted On: 07/04/2014
SBID # 7708d69225

Michael Borovetz Complaint 322608 for $0.00
Reported Damage: $0.00
Date Occured: 06/09/2014

Monday June 9 '14, Las Vegas Airport. Same scam as others, showed me a DL (which I took a picture of)and got money. I intend to start a class action in California against Borovetz and would like anyone interested to send me information. ...

Posted On: 06/11/2014
SBID # 61ab168a02

Michael Borovetz Complaint 322242 for $200.00
Reported Damage: $200.00
Date Occured: 05/18/2014

I got scammed at LAX. I was trying to help a student get home. I was approached at Terminal four at LAX. Good story - got my attention. He turned out to be a liar and a scammer. Shame on him. If I see him again, look out!

Posted On: 06/09/2014
SBID # 4049750966

Michael Borovetz Complaint 321317 for $0.00
Reported Damage: $0.00
Date Occured: 05/30/2014

Was approached by this guy at LAX with story that he needed cash to get back to Pittsburg. This guy is a con-artist and is seeking to find individuals he can get cash from. Apparently he is a gambler.

Posted On: 05/29/2014
SBID # 6bab3a52b4

Michael Borovetz Complaint 320947 for $200.00
Reported Damage: $200.00
Date Occured: 05/27/2013

Hit me up with he same story reported by others. Missed flight, just received a job offer from DuPont and needed Money for a room. I have called, emailed, had a local police officer call him but with no luck. He has a serious gambling problem.

Posted On: 05/26/2014
SBID # def013b078
Michael Borovetz
Complaint 295294 Details

Date Occurred: 11/21/2013
Reported Damages: $200.00
Username: Michael Borovetz
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Was approached by Michael who had the same story as the others have told. Was on a job interview with a big company, flight was cancelled, and needed $200 for a hotel and to get home. Promised to have it back to me in 1 week. He claims to have just graduated from Penn State in electrical engeenering. I have been in this situation before and would hope if my kids are in this situation, someone woudl help. Michael answered one e-mail stating that he was not feeling well and woudl contact me in a couple of days, that was over 2 weeks ago. He has not replied to many, many voice mails, e-mails or texts.
Was shocked when I looked him up on the internet and found the same line was used for so many different scams. Hope he gets help.

Anonymous SBID #5aec2bfb67
Posted 12/23/2013

Last edited by VP$IP; 07-24-2014 at 03:24 PM.
07-24-2014 , 03:20 PM
he can't post a response to those accusations because he's sick
07-24-2014 , 03:21 PM
So Mike gives his victims all his real info and his real e-mail address? Then when they e-mail him for repayment, he tells them that he's a gambling addict and that they're not getting their money back?

How is he not in jail for this right not? It's like he's trying to get caught.
07-24-2014 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by TheGreenMagi
So Mike gives his victims all his real info and his real e-mail address? Then when they e-mail him for repayment, he tells them that he's a gambling addict and that they're not getting their money back?

How is he not in jail for this right not? It's like he's trying to get caught.
He's been to jail a few times (see story). Odds are he goes back. Study up on the US courts/laws. Hes chilling for now. Do you have a favorite charity?
07-24-2014 , 03:28 PM
Some good stuff:
Chemical Engineering Honors Alumni
H. Michael Borovetz
Thesis The effect of component blending on low temperature properties of canola oil
07-24-2014 , 03:38 PM
The truth is available. 99.9999999% of the thread is reaching. If everyone punched real we would all be punch drunk (think about it)
07-24-2014 , 03:41 PM

Mike Borovetz

I was approached by a man in the baggage claim area asking if I'd "had one of those days where everything had gone wrong". His story ...he was a chemical engineering grad from Penn State in town for a job interview. He missed his return flight and had to stay overnight for a return flight...needed a hotel room but had no money. I must have had "sucker" written on my forehead. I went to an ATM and withdrew $150 to help out a young guy having a bad day.

Thank You for reading of this Complaint / Review.
Complaint author: Curt

Country: USA
State: All USA
Category: Miscellaneous
07-24-2014 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by OnceUponAGrind
Pick/send me the most optimal place to donate $5 online to a good cause and I will give immediately. Giving $5 can be huge regardless of platform.

For Humans, The Salvation Army

For animals,

Or your local humane society

Last edited by ContactGSW; 07-24-2014 at 04:00 PM.
07-24-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
JFK Airport$500.00
Posted 05/04/2013 Yep, I got scammed to at JFK for $100. This guy has an amazing backround. A chemical engineer grad at Penn State, publish research, Father a renown professor, sisters accomplished and he's turned into a crimminal. Article online about him completing a Gamblers Anon program, BUT he's a professional poker player (lots of info online). Btw, scammed me 3 years ago or so since then went through GA and still rips people off at airports. When I emailed him after her took my money he emailed back and said he was a gambling addict and was sick. I see GA hasn't changed him at all.
Recent Complaints

Michael Borovetz Complaint 326332 for $200.00
Reported Damage: $200.00
Date Occured: 06/18/2014

I got scammed from him with same pitch for $200 - no credit card and out of cash; JetBlue delayed his flight; used his Jewish faith and Penn State lines and out in SF for a job interview - I almost asked him who coaches the Nittany Lions to see if he ...

Posted On: 07/07/2014
SBID # 5ac2a491ad

Michael Borovetz Complaint 326166 for $200.00
Reported Damage: $200.00
Date Occured: 06/19/2014

Same story as reported by others. Missed flight, interviewing for a job and needed money for a hotel room room. I have called him and left a few msgs, and not optimistic about getting my money back having read this thread now.

Posted On: 07/04/2014
SBID # 7708d69225

Michael Borovetz Complaint 322608 for $0.00
Reported Damage: $0.00
Date Occured: 06/09/2014

Monday June 9 '14, Las Vegas Airport. Same scam as others, showed me a DL (which I took a picture of)and got money. I intend to start a class action in California against Borovetz and would like anyone interested to send me information. ...

Posted On: 06/11/2014
SBID # 61ab168a02

Michael Borovetz Complaint 322242 for $200.00
Reported Damage: $200.00
Date Occured: 05/18/2014

I got scammed at LAX. I was trying to help a student get home. I was approached at Terminal four at LAX. Good story - got my attention. He turned out to be a liar and a scammer. Shame on him. If I see him again, look out!

Posted On: 06/09/2014
SBID # 4049750966

Michael Borovetz Complaint 321317 for $0.00
Reported Damage: $0.00
Date Occured: 05/30/2014

Was approached by this guy at LAX with story that he needed cash to get back to Pittsburg. This guy is a con-artist and is seeking to find individuals he can get cash from. Apparently he is a gambler.

Posted On: 05/29/2014
SBID # 6bab3a52b4

Michael Borovetz Complaint 320947 for $200.00
Reported Damage: $200.00
Date Occured: 05/27/2013

Hit me up with he same story reported by others. Missed flight, just received a job offer from DuPont and needed Money for a room. I have called, emailed, had a local police officer call him but with no luck. He has a serious gambling problem.

Posted On: 05/26/2014
SBID # def013b078
Michael Borovetz
Complaint 295294 Details

Date Occurred: 11/21/2013
Reported Damages: $200.00
Username: Michael Borovetz
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Was approached by Michael who had the same story as the others have told. Was on a job interview with a big company, flight was cancelled, and needed $200 for a hotel and to get home. Promised to have it back to me in 1 week. He claims to have just graduated from Penn State in electrical engeenering. I have been in this situation before and would hope if my kids are in this situation, someone woudl help. Michael answered one e-mail stating that he was not feeling well and woudl contact me in a couple of days, that was over 2 weeks ago. He has not replied to many, many voice mails, e-mails or texts.
Was shocked when I looked him up on the internet and found the same line was used for so many different scams. Hope he gets help.

Anonymous SBID #5aec2bfb67
Posted 12/23/2013

What is the point in posting these?
07-24-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by balooko31
I’m extremely jealous of the law clerk who will read through this entire thread and get paid to do it. Hopefully for the taxpayers sake it will be an unpaid 2L or 3L intern (and for their sake too since those gigs can be a little boring at times). It just seems inevitable that Mike will get into legal trouble again since it appears that he has barely taken steps to correct his life and scoffs at offers for help or good advice.

Rejecting the idea of a month long stay at a gambling addiction facility shows to me that he has no real commitment or desire to recover and start a new life. He says “what good will it do because it’s only a month long and I’ll be out on the street again after only 30 days?” What good will it do? It will absolutely prevent you from gambling for one month. It will show you there’s more to life than gambling. It will show you that gambling has lead you down a miserable path and you’ve wasted your life to this point. But it will also show you there’s a future. It will show you steps you can take to getting your life back and on track and eventually being a happy person. It will show your parents, family and friends that you recognize your problem and you are trying to recover. It will be the first of many steps it will take to rebuild those relationships. It will show prospective employers that you’re serious about getting over this addiction. It will show you that all of these things are very possible… but YOU need to take the first step and check yourself in.

Right now he has done none of this. Going to a few GA meetings and then relapsing is not a step in the right direction. It’s a cop out. You need more than meetings—you need professional help. This is a difficult struggle that you nor anyone else in your situation can do alone. Admit that to yourself, seek out that help yourself (don’t ask others to do it for you) and get it. Until you do that, you will never recover and improve your life.

My range of emotions towards Mike and his struggle through this entire thread vary greatly (I’ve been keeping up with it for two weeks now and this is my first post)… Sympathy. Hope. Annoyed. Disgust. Anger.

There are so many people posting in this thread but I wanted to share my (possibly harsh) opinions on a few different types of groups:
1) People encouraging his gambling – this is just wrong, he’s sick and needs serious help… I generally dislike all of you and do not find you to be even slightly amusing
2) People posting general comments of sympathy – this doesn’t help either, he seems to feed off of these and thinks that the measly steps he’s taken so far are “something” when in fact they are nothing without professional help… he needs tough love from you guys instead
3) OP – thanks for starting the thread, but since you were not actually scammed don’t take everything so personal as you were not a victim… there are hundreds of actual victims that should be and are more upset than you so give it up
4) People posting about job prospects – yes he could do well in sales, but employers won’t take him seriously until gets real help, so encourage that first
5) People talking about a book/movie deal – his situation is not special/unique to warrant this, his story is not inspiring, and for the near future this does not seem to change… maybe suggest him to write to fill the void of gambling, but suggesting he can make a living off of this or whatever is a step below the people encouraging him to keep gambling
6) Mike – there is so much I want to say but for now I will just tell you that there absolutely is light at the end of the tunnel, but right now you are still walking down the wrong tunnel towards misery, long imprisonment and/or death… start the journey down the right tunnel by getting professional help at a treatment facility
7) Future law clerk or 2L/3L intern – if Mike doesn’t heed this advice and ends up in your judge’s docket, feel free to send me a PM and say hello… glad you found this thread

-Mike absolutely needs to go to a gambling treatment facility to start the process of turning his life around
-Until then I believe he will get arrested again and get ZERO sympathy from a prosecutor/judge and be put away for a long time
-I dislike a majority of the comments in this thread as they either fuel or pacify the problem, not help solve it

*Apologies for the enormous post and Thank You for taking the time to read it*

couldn't agree with more with this. Again, those people who think he has some sort of future in sales is a joke. "So tell me, Mike, what you've been doing with yourself for the last 20 years? Oh, and can I get an updated resume?"

His lifestyle and background have left him with very little chance of gaining any sort of meaningful employment. Plus he hasn't shown any interest or taken any steps in getting a job, no matter how menial, to better his situation. It has to be tough, for sure, to not have a legitimate way to earn an income besides gambling and scamming. But he made his own bed. His unwillingness to go to rehab makes me think he doesn't have a true desire to change. No doubt he ends back up in prison serving real time next time. Gotta believe this is his last chance to turn it around. The addiction sounds absolutely horrible, no question about it, but he's doing nothing proactive to change his situation. That's the truth.
07-24-2014 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by ContactGSW
Wow really? 3 dollars? When I get hit up in a parking lot by these folks, I tell them don't give me a bull **** story, what do want? If they say I need money, I tell them of course I can give you some money. Because I have money, and am pretty damn comfortable after years of hard work. $5 is a beer in a restaurant to me. These folks are homeless, I couldn't care less if they buy crack, booze or a big mac with it, because its just 5 dollars.

If they continue with a bull **** story I tend to have a little fun with them. Usually when they say can you help me, just before they give me their BS, I'll say sure except if you want money. But if they come clean I'll give em 5 bucks. Their life is total crap, and I have a lot of money compared to most people, I don't mind helping, it doesn't make me feel like a humanitarian, an enabler, or feel better about myself, because its just five dollars.

Crap I must be a moron, wasted a lot of money on that BA and MD.
You are an enabler. If there weren't people like you, we wouldn't have bums on street corners and at gas stations begging for money in the US.
