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Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!!

06-25-2014 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by DickeLatte
kidnapping in this case would clearly indicate there's a criminal person / organization behind it who plans things (contrary to when a child molester just sees an opportunity and goes for the sudden kidnap for example).

there's really no other obvious reason for anybody to kidnap johannes other than the fact that the man's got some serious $$$. and as pointed out in my post, i doubt somebody plans these kinda things and then picks one of the tougher victims, and also goes for it in a kinda sub-optimal environment (think somebody already mentioned that it was well known that johannes wanted to head to croatia next, which would have been much easier place to execute a kidnap as well.)

with that said, the information on the situation obv got me worried too, but to me it rather seems like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time if indeed something bad happened to him.

i'll leave the speculation to the 2+2 detectives now, just wanted to input my 2 cents.
valid points, i just don't what else could have happened, doesn't seem like the guy to just ditch his friends at seemingly random time.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:54 PM
gl Johannes hope you are ok
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:55 PM
You know Johannes struck me as an adventurer type. I didn't read the details of this thread but it really wouldn't surprise me if he randomly decided to hike 1000 miles one day or went Walden on everyone's ass or maybe eloped with some girl. Hoping for the best here
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 04:07 PM
Im resisting the urge to speculate here. I hope everyone does the same. Really all we can hope for is that the police will be able to find out stuff by talking to the friends and investigating, so theres no point in speculating. I just hope it all turns out ok even though it really doesnt look like it will. Ive never met the guy but in all of the ept broadcasts and poker interviews, including the pokerlistings one i posted earlier, he seems to have a unique focus and determination in the things he does which i envy a lot. I wish i had that quality in myself to the extent he seems to have it. Oh well, the character of the person involved is not really the point here since this would be a horrible thing for anyone obviously, but i still had to say that.

Last edited by Crockett616; 06-25-2014 at 04:19 PM.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Tall
And of course I sent him a IM and no reply.

However, seeing the green-icon, means his account is logged in on a device, somewhere.
this is not correct.

there has been a skype bug, that would show youre online even though youre not, for some time now.
it usually happens, when you dont log out and then shut the computer down.

as far as i can tell, JS has been online in skype for at least half a year nonstop
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by wokwang
exactly, and why didnt any of his group of friends follow him/ask where/what he was doing? makes absolutely no sense to me as its being reported
I do this when I'm really drunk sometimes. I will be with friends at a bar and next day they say "ya you were right with us, then all of sudden you just left."

Usually I just go to different bar to creep on girls, meet up with other friends, go play blackjack by myself.

Hopefully Johannes is safe.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by bluffers
If somebody did kidnap him for monetary reason, they're not going to leave a ransom note, he himself is wealthy, which worries me because looking at google maps...the road that leaves west over the river from prule looks like a hub for many rural towns in Slovenia where it's seems virtually impossible to find his captors.....scary stuff
He got missing in pretty touristy streets and Prule is just an ordinary region. If this is an actual kidnap, it had to be organized somehow, because basically no one in Slovenia knows who Johannes is. And I've never heard of a random kidnap like that before.

Originally Posted by ZhipOHoy
really feel like somethings missing re his friends.. do we have any idea who they are? any chance this is some shady guys he randomly met at an ept or w/e and was told theyd hook him up w some big cash games if he ever was in town? and the 'wandered off if into the night'-bit is just way too vague. no info about if hes been drinking, hes mood or anything?
They are known Slovenian players. I also know Jungleman visits them.

Btw, here's a post of the search party leader. The part with psychic worries me a bit tho...

Just a little update from Ljubljana!
Today we have been searching for him with bikes in Ljubljana marsh, near the river Ljubljanica. Tomorrow we have already organised searching nearby forests...
Police is also doing their job. Searching with helicopters, boats on the river, there is picture of him in all major media here. We also offered money price for any useful info. And there is also constant contact with psychic.
If you maybe have any useful idea please feel free to share.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:08 PM
Wow hope he turns up. Comes across as the nicest guy in the world.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:09 PM
Check common places one might go on a spiritual journey in the area. Secluded places a foreigner might easily find by spending a bit of time talking to locals or searching online.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:22 PM
why the **** they hired psychic?? alternative way of thinking using psychology?? or they actually believe that psychic will have a vision or something..
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:25 PM
kidnapping is my guess, hoping he gets out ok
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Check common places one might go on a spiritual journey in the area. Secluded places a foreigner might easily find by spending a bit of time talking to locals or searching online.
It's a really mountaineous area, I remember when the plane landed we were surrounded by mountains in every direction so that I almost thought we were going to crash to the side of one. Just google img search "Ljubljana mountain" or something. So if he indeed would've gone for a self-searching spiritual type of journey by himself, the mountains would be the only logical destination, and there'd be a massive amount of ground to cover. That still sounds REALLY far-fetched to me though, I guess it gives a bit of hope that he was an impulsive person who's into this type of stuff, but come on - in the middle of bar-hopping with his friends? Surely he'd realize that he's going to make everyone worried sick and would've let someone know or chosen some other occasion when he's not expected back in 5 minutes...?

Last edited by Chuck Bass; 06-25-2014 at 06:38 PM.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by CoreySteel
He got missing in pretty touristy streets and Prule is just an ordinary region. If this is an actual kidnap, it had to be organized somehow, because basically no one in Slovenia knows who Johannes is. And I've never heard of a random kidnap like that before.

They are known Slovenian players. I also know Jungleman visits them.

Btw, here's a post of the search party leader. The part with psychic worries me a bit tho...

Just a little update from Ljubljana!
Today we have been searching for him with bikes in Ljubljana marsh, near the river Ljubljanica. Tomorrow we have already organised searching nearby forests...
Police is also doing their job. Searching with helicopters, boats on the river, there is picture of him in all major media here. We also offered money price for any useful info. And there is also constant contact with psychic.
If you maybe have any useful idea please feel free to share.
Psychics aside, it seems that they are searching with all available resources. Any particular reason why his friends locally won't go on record with their names? Saw the article where the journo said they would like to remain anon.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:28 PM
I know sometimes when I drink, I tend to wander off and fall asleep anywhere that looks comfortable.

Hoping for the best.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieKelly
I know sometimes when I drink, I tend to wander off and fall asleep anywhere that looks comfortable.

Hoping for the best.
n then what? walking around for 4 days without makin a call?

iv heard some bad stories about drunk people looking for drugs

but we dont even know if too much alcohol was involved
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:33 PM
wow this really makes me sick to my stomach, hope psier is ok
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 06:59 PM
I don't understand why his friends who hired the psychic and doing so much to help and asking for info are not willing to do the same with 2p2. Heck 2p2 are better than police. Makes me wonder? Questions like what were you guys doing exactly? Was any alcohol involved? etc
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Chuck Bass
It's a really mountaineous area, I remember when the plane landed we were surrounded by mountains in every direction so that I almost thought we were going to crash to the side of one. Just google img search "Ljubljana mountain" or something. So if he indeed would've gone for a self-searching spiritual type of journey by himself, the mountains would be the only logical destination, and there'd be a massive amount of ground to cover. That still sounds REALLY far-fetched to me though, I guess it gives a bit of hope that he was an impulsive person who's into this type of stuff, but come on - in the middle of bar-hopping with his friends? Surely he'd realize that he's going to make everyone worried sick and would've let someone know or chosen some other occasion when he's not expected back in 5 minutes...?
In the near vicinity of Ljubljana, there are no mountains, only small hills. You would need like a half an hour drive to the nearest one, but once you are there... Well there's no stopping, yeah.

Originally Posted by HelloFriends
Psychics aside, it seems that they are searching with all available resources. Any particular reason why his friends locally won't go on record with their names? Saw the article where the journo said they would like to remain anon.
Not exactly sure. They also stayed anonymous on our national TV. I guess they don't want too much exposure, because poker in Slovenia is still a bit stigmatized. That would be my best bet.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 07:12 PM
A pokerplayer named Philipp Hochhuth also went missing a year ago in this region (Dubrovnik, Croatia).
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Y2Valey
Someone confirm
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 08:00 PM
That would be very awesome if true
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Y2Valey


Mark Radoja?
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Y2Valey
him? or what, im missing something, assumed they have updated the counts since you posted this
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 08:09 PM
his names not on the list anymore
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
