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Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!!

06-25-2014 , 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ

Don't you think it is slightly odd that they hired a psychic? Top poker players and the kind of people poker players know are too rational for that kind of thing aren't they?
yeah I agree, but it can't hurt I guess

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Please correct any mistakes in my translation. I speak Slovak - which as we know is exactly the same as Slovenian but maybe I got something wrong.
Nah dude, your translation is spot on. And I loled at the bold part; so true in how international community views our countries!
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by abrblja
yeah I agree, but it can't hurt I guess
Well it actually can hurt if you believe in it too much and search in a wrong spot.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Since the evening of 21 June the 29-year-old German citizen Helmut Johannes Strassmann is missing; he was last seen on Sunday at around 10 pm in the Prule area of Ljubljana.
My money is on his being kidnapped by the Fekalis and Abdul Jalib and put to work training their next generation of bots.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 08:46 AM
He had Android or IOS ?

If anyone knows his registered mail with his phone and also his password can try to see his last move (only gmail).
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by joe_seboks_luck
My money is on his being kidnapped by the Fekalis and Abdul Jalib and put to work training their next generation of bots.
"Izmet" is playing only chess now :P
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Tall
And of course I sent him a IM and no reply.

However, seeing the green-icon, means his account is logged in on a device, somewhere.
He Joe, maybe you should inform authorities or at least his family about this. best
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by PraguePoker
Interesting. Said he attended Choice Center in that video interview. Was also into meditation and spiritual development. Four days missing is strange, but perhaps he decided to get away by himself for a bit for some quiet meditation? Stranger things have happened. Hope it's nothing more.
this is kind of what i was thinking. he talked about leaving and finding himself in a interview he gave during the ept london super high roller. hopefully everything is ok though.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 12:36 PM
For now no news from Slovenia about Johannes. Only what other people posted up there. If there will be any changes i will translate it to the forum. Fingers crossed for him.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 01:50 PM
"According to the people who were with him at that time, Strassmann had suddenly left the group and then quickly vanished in one of Gornji's side streets."

I also dont get this. If this had happened in his hometown, ok, maybe. But in a different country, where he`s on vacation or whatever? What could cause you to suddenly split from your group and just take off...? Especially without telling people where you are planning to go. Doesnt really make sense to me at all.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Dos
"According to the people who were with him at that time, Strassmann had suddenly left the group and then quickly vanished in one of Gornji's side streets."

I also dont get this. If this had happened in his hometown, ok, maybe. But in a different country, where he`s on vacation or whatever? What could cause you to suddenly split from your group and just take off...? Especially without telling people where you are planning to go. Doesnt really make sense to me at all.
exactly, and why didnt any of his group of friends follow him/ask where/what he was doing? makes absolutely no sense to me as its being reported
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 02:53 PM
I remember 2 years ago there was a case in my home-city Bydgoszcz in Poland, where one Irish football fan dissapeared in similar way (he was enjoyin' his evening drinking with friends and then suddenly walked away w/o sayin nothin). They found him 2 days later in the river, w/o any signs of fight etc, with his full wallet in his pocket. Probably just wanted to pee and lost balance, or just slipped drunk into the water... Some1 wrote that the river is checked so hopefully its not the case. I wish him the best.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 02:54 PM
Sad that there is no resolution yet. Hope he returns safely
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by bek0n
I remember 2 years ago there was a case in my home-city Bydgoszcz in Poland, where one Irish football fan dissapeared in similar way (he was enjoyin' his evening drinking with friends and then suddenly walked away w/o sayin nothin). They found him 2 days later in the river, w/o any signs of fight etc, with his full wallet in his pocket. Probably just wanted to pee and lost balance, or just slipped drunk into the water... Some1 wrote that the river is checked so hopefully its not the case. I wish him the best.
Sounds like the smiley face killer stuff (look it up, its creepy).
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by abrblja
Rockrock: lol that was an april joke set up by our "tv celebrity"who played online then; i think his screenname was lojzka also known as DERB(doesnt ever run bad) on 2+2
Pretty sure I would play limit hold'em online in the pre-pokerstars days and see 6 or 7 people from this place. Just saying he disappeared in a land of scammers. Not saying he disappeared in Nigeria, but it was definitely limit hold'em scammer-land back in the day
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:08 PM
Factoring in the reported safety of this city and the fact that he was separated from his friends without them noticing anything suspicious does make it more likely that he left of his own accord. Ofc there is so much we don't know like if he was drunk, his state of mind etc...

Really hope he's ok.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:13 PM
If somebody did kidnap him for monetary reason, they're not going to leave a ransom note, he himself is wealthy, which worries me because looking at google maps...the road that leaves west over the river from prule looks like a hub for many rural towns in Slovenia where it's seems virtually impossible to find his captors.....scary stuff
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by wokwang
exactly, and why didnt any of his group of friends follow him/ask where/what he was doing? makes absolutely no sense to me as its being reported
I feel like many of the posters in this thread have never gone drinking with a group of single guys before. If I know where my friends are at all points during a night its usually a sign no one is having any fun.

Johannes is the type of guy who after not seeing him in ages might start a conversation with "hey Mike, you want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro with me?" not "come with me while I piss in this alley" or "don't let me leave with that girl who keeps checking me out"
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:15 PM
really feel like somethings missing re his friends.. do we have any idea who they are? any chance this is some shady guys he randomly met at an ept or w/e and was told theyd hook him up w some big cash games if he ever was in town? and the 'wandered off if into the night'-bit is just way too vague. no info about if hes been drinking, hes mood or anything?
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:21 PM
on the balance of probabilities he is most likely in the river, and that sucks. hope he turns up ok

Last edited by Videopro; 06-25-2014 at 04:14 PM.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by timex
I feel like many of the posters in this thread have never gone drinking with a group of single guys before. If I know where my friends are at all points during a night its usually a sign no one is having any fun.
You are obv right, but when you are on holidays with what I assume are close friends, you don't just disappear for a few days. Atleast not me nor my friends.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by timex
I feel like many of the posters in this thread have never gone drinking with a group of single guys before. If I know where my friends are at all points during a night its usually a sign no one is having any fun.

Johannes is the type of guy who after not seeing him in ages might start a conversation with "hey Mike, you want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro with me?" not "come with me while I piss in this alley" or "don't let me leave with that girl who keeps checking me out"
to me it seemed like they were walking somewhere together, and yeah obv in a bar or restaurant scene when a friend leaves etc to take a piss or have a smoke or talk to a random chic you dont follow after him, but to me the way it was reported was that they were in the streets already and he walked off.....idk about you but if you are walking with a group of friends somewhere that is not familiar/your normally frequented area you are going to wait around for them to return or at least look for them after they randomly disappear relatively quickly.

maybe im wrong and misinterpreted the report
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:31 PM
going through the thread i can see people already mentioned most of the pointers which lead me to believe he was NOT kidnapped.

one thing i might add is that johannes was serious about starting a career as an officer in the bundeswehr before he found poker via starcraft. he's also known for doing martial arts for a long time now; he just doesn't seem like the typical victim-type of person, neither his appearance nor his resumee make him look like easy $$$, there'd definitely be easier targets out there for somebody trying to hustle famous poker persona.

really hope he's doing well and just decided to take a couple days of or whatever.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by DickeLatte
going through the thread i can see people already mentioned most of the pointers which lead me to believe he was NOT kidnapped.

one thing i might add is that johannes was serious about starting a career as an officer in the bundeswehr before he found poker via starcraft. he's also known for doing martial arts for a long time now; he just doesn't seem like the typical victim-type of person, neither his appearance nor his resumee make him look like easy $$$.

really hope he's doing well and just decided to take a couple days of or whatever.
wanting to be a cop and knowing martial arts doesn't prevent kidnapping, minimizes to a degree, but if a guy or group has a gun or weapon, anyone is in danger. Do you really think a hard criminal from Slovenia or wherever else is going to be scared of a poker player?

We should all assume he is kidnapped given the evidence imo. Plan the for the worst hope for the best
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by bluffers
wanting to be a cop and knowing martial arts doesn't prevent kidnapping, minimizes to a degree, but if a guy or group has a gun or weapon, anyone is in danger. Do you really think a hard criminal from Slovenia or wherever else is going to be scared of a poker player?

We should all assume he is kidnapped given the evidence imo. Plan the for the worst hope for the best
kidnapping in this case would clearly indicate there's a criminal person / organization behind it who plans things (contrary to when a child molester just sees an opportunity and goes for the sudden kidnap for example).

there's really no other obvious reason for anybody to kidnap johannes other than the fact that the man's got some serious $$$. and as pointed out in my post, i doubt somebody plans these kinda things and then picks one of the tougher victims, and also goes for it in a kinda sub-optimal environment (think somebody already mentioned that it was well known that johannes wanted to head to croatia next, which would have been much easier place to execute a kidnap as well.)

with that said, the information on the situation obv got me worried too, but to me it rather seems like he was at the wrong place at the wrong time if indeed something bad happened to him.

i'll leave the speculation to the 2+2 detectives now, just wanted to input my 2 cents.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
06-25-2014 , 03:48 PM
Hope they find the man and he is alright. I met Johannes in a world series event a few years back and he really is one of the friendliest people around. He even challenged me to a high stakes fitness prop bet while we were at the same table ahahah
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
