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Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!!

07-01-2014 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Shandrax
If we do the "Slansky" on this one, then it's like 4 times more likely that he was murdered than him committing suicide. Slovenia isn't known to be safest place in the world, especially for people who carrying a lot of cash. Also why should he committ suicide if life has been exceptionally good to him so far. Also he may still have had goals.

Nope, it's pretty clear that he got killed. Even the police ruling out murder doesn't mean anything as this could be part of their tactics. Last but not least, I assume that they didn't find any money on the naked body. Make the connection?
That's a lot of assumptions, and some outright untruths to arrive at "it's pretty clear he got killed"
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-02-2014 , 07:05 AM
Where are/were all his items of clothing, wallet etc if he was found naked? Was he wearing a watch?

(know his friends said he had no jacket, phone with him)
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-02-2014 , 11:54 AM
I'm wondering if he might have gone on a bad mushroom trip...
We need some autopsy results to get rid of all the speculations and conspiracy theorys in this thread.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-02-2014 , 06:12 PM
Sad no matter how it happened. RIP.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:15 AM
A great guy it seemed and a tremendous loss. He and his family will be in my prayers. I've been busy and haven't been able to follow the thread but this was not believed to have been a suicide. He postponed his trip to Las Vegas 1 week to visit these so called friends and he was actually planning on taking a break from poker soon after WSOP to travel the world. I've heard these ppl lured Johannes there to rob him, that he had 30K euro in his possession and they've since been detained with the belief that this was premeditated. Unfortunately the police in Slovenia have been uncooperative with his family whom I believe are trying to get the German government now involved. The family has even been denied access to view the body of their loved one yet these tabloid newspapers are posting pictures of it. I don't use facebook but I guess Johannes posted a picture of himself and these acquaintances sitting near water, having a good time on the day he went missing. Also, when looking for Johannes the police discovered the body of another young woman with mob ties who had also been missing. Completely unrelated but at least there's some more closure for her family. Hopefully they get to the bottom of the tragic loss of Johannes and it gives his family some closure.

Last edited by TookURCookie; 07-03-2014 at 02:16 AM. Reason: RIP Johannes
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by TookURCookie
A great guy it seemed and a tremendous loss. He and his family will be in my prayers. I've been busy and haven't been able to follow the thread but this was not believed to have been a suicide. He postponed his trip to Las Vegas 1 week to visit these so called friends and he was actually planning on taking a break from poker soon after WSOP to travel the world. I've heard these ppl lured Johannes there to rob him, that he had 30K euro in his possession and they've since been detained with the belief that this was premeditated. Unfortunately the police in Slovenia have been uncooperative with his family whom I believe are trying to get the German government now involved. The family has even been denied access to view the body of their loved one yet these tabloid newspapers are posting pictures of it. I don't use facebook but I guess Johannes posted a picture of himself and these acquaintances sitting near water, having a good time on the day he went missing. Also, when looking for Johannes the police discovered the body of another young woman with mob ties who had also been missing. Completely unrelated but at least there's some more closure for her family. Hopefully they get to the bottom of the tragic loss of Johannes and it gives his family some closure.
Link/source for any of this?
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:36 AM
The plot thickens.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 03:38 AM
The friends are high stakes amateurs. What you are talking about is as if Guy Laliberte and Sandor Demjan were to plot to kill Lucky Chewey purely for the cash in his wallet, find a way to do it without marking the body and dump the body in Monte Carlo harbour.

It was an accident.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 03:54 AM
terrible news, my thoughts are with Johannes' friends and family.

Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by TookURCookie
A great guy it seemed and a tremendous loss. He and his family will be in my prayers. I've been busy and haven't been able to follow the thread but this was not believed to have been a suicide. He postponed his trip to Las Vegas 1 week to visit these so called friends and he was actually planning on taking a break from poker soon after WSOP to travel the world. I've heard these ppl lured Johannes there to rob him, that he had 30K euro in his possession and they've since been detained with the belief that this was premeditated. Unfortunately the police in Slovenia have been uncooperative with his family whom I believe are trying to get the German government now involved. The family has even been denied access to view the body of their loved one yet these tabloid newspapers are posting pictures of it. I don't use facebook but I guess Johannes posted a picture of himself and these acquaintances sitting near water, having a good time on the day he went missing. Also, when looking for Johannes the police discovered the body of another young woman with mob ties who had also been missing. Completely unrelated but at least there's some more closure for her family. Hopefully they get to the bottom of the tragic loss of Johannes and it gives his family some closure.
I must say I wondered about the money too. A highstakes player isnt going to slovenia hitchhiking with a couple pennies in his backpack. He probably had cash on him, in his hotel room/wherever he stayed. If no significant money was found its a question mark.

though i saw the picture of the river and the embankment where he hit the water. absolute nightmare if you get in the water intoxicated and you lose your orientation.

Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by LektorAJ
The friends are high stakes amateurs. What you are talking about is as if Guy Laliberte and Sandor Demjan were to plot to kill Lucky Chewey purely for the cash in his wallet, find a way to do it without marking the body and dump the body in Monte Carlo harbour.

It was an accident.

Besides that, nobody claims that his "friends" killed him. How naive are you?
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by Shandrax

Besides that, nobody claims that his "friends" killed him. How naive are you?
Grunch: Strassmann states in video he's been attending Choice Center.

Strassmann emerges headless.

In B4 D Negs + Esfandiari are found headless

Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 06:46 AM
Originally Posted by TookURCookie
Also, when looking for Johannes the police discovered the body of another young woman with mob ties who had also been missing. Completely unrelated but at least there's some more closure for her family.
This thread is getting more and more absurd. It's sad, mods should do something about it.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by Shandrax

Besides that, nobody claims that his "friends" killed him. How naive are you?
Tookurcookie is claiming just that. That they lured him there and put into practice a plan that involved "hiding" the body in the river running through the capital city then reporting him missing themselves.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 12:02 PM
Some posters ITT seem completely delusional and accusations made are absolutely atrocious.

I am disappointed with how mods are (not) doing their job. Is it so hard to close/move a thread, when it's clear that it no longer serves any purpose, apart from spreading false rumors and disrespecting noble young man, who tragically died, his family and friends? Have you even thought of creating a thread where people could share their condolences and modding it strictly?

I mean, this thread already went full ****** few pages ago, but what's happening now is completely unacceptable.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 02:59 PM
Im with those calling for mods to step in. Any speculation on what happened is going to hurt people in what is a very sad situation.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Dexter_Cain
Link/source for any of this?
my source is a member of his family
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-03-2014 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by TookURCookie
my source is a member of his family
so to make things clear, a member of his family said he was carying 30k eu
and that money is now missing?

to people wanting speculation to stop/thread closed/heavily modded while nothing is clear. Who are you? are you family? Dear friends? just randoms like most of us?

Originally Posted by biceps
Some posters ITT seem completely delusional and accusations made are absolutely atrocious.

I am disappointed with how mods are (not) doing their job. Is it so hard to close/move a thread, when it's clear that it no longer serves any purpose, apart from spreading false rumors and disrespecting noble young man, who tragically died, his family and friends? Have you even thought of creating a thread where people could share their condolences and modding it strictly?

I mean, this thread already went full ****** few pages ago, but what's happening now is completely unacceptable.
someone basically just said a source within the victims family told him the victim had 30k with him and people got detained. Now you want to turn the thread into a memorial? why? it doesnt make any sense
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-04-2014 , 03:31 AM
what kind of drug killed that 30 years old looking guy ?
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-04-2014 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by MakeBelieve
to people wanting speculation to stop/thread closed/heavily modded while nothing is clear. Who are you? are you family? Dear friends? just randoms like most of us?

someone basically just said a source within the victims family told him the victim had 30k with him and people got detained. Now you want to turn the thread into a memorial? why? it doesnt make any sense
I am local, basically just a random poster who happens to live around here.

I was just about to post that it's NVG after all, so I guess it's fine to spread rumors and speculate, but I think it's clear that this debate is low even for NVG.

Why? Because bull**** is being posted, chewed and repeated post after post.

I am also speaking about tooKURCookie's post. Because among other suspicious accusations, the story behind "family not allowed to see the body" is presented as something outrageous. While it's not. It's a standard procedure. I know we may not have the best police in the world but speaking of them as 'balkan amateurs' is just crazy.

PR officer Vinko Stonjsek has publicly stated that "Recognition will be made using DNA samples because they want to spare his family the sight of disfigured and unrecognizable loved one."

And what this means is that pathologist and other police personel, who specialize in the field of dealing with dead people, were not able to recognize who the person is. So it's clear why they weren't allowed to see it, and why is this so hard to accept? Obviously, letting the family see the body, even if they want it, serves no purpose and if someone can't understand that, they're probably just being ignorant. Again, why is this hard to understand? Why am I explaining this as if y'all are kindergarteners?

Next thing, when police said "foul play probably excluded, it looks like it was an accident", they're not just talking about pathology report. It's also based on what they were told was happening before he disappeared. Could be lies but the investigation will probably reveal that.

Nothing was also said about anyone being detained or let alone, Johannes being lured there. Unless police are keeping it private and hidden from public (which IMO would be very strange in such case), it's just a rumor. If true, spreading it around is at least not helpful if not actually harmful.

Afaik he was visiting friends who were also his horses/poker students, so it's clear to me that idea of killing him is just ******ed. Or is it?

Girl that was also found dead near Ljubljanica river was not found WHILE police were looking for Johan, as stated. That's bull****. Police were searching for her all night, because she was kidnapped in broad daylight the day before. This incident was described as a mafia murder (which would make it just about 4th or 5th in our nations whole ****ing history) by the police and it was probably mafia murder gone wrong and poorly executed. But that has nothing to do with Johan. Why even bother posting it here more than once?

It's true that some things are not yet explained and there's a lot of shady going on but **** man, this thread is worse than our slovenske novice newspaper. Which is just concentrated plain ******ness.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-14-2014 , 05:21 PM

the reporter says that unoficially he took magic mushrooms, which would explain alot
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-14-2014 , 06:33 PM
Slovenian police issued a report stating:

Toxicology tests confirmed traces of drug residue that correlates with substances found in ˝magic mushrooms˝ or alternative synthetic drugs with similar effects. It is possible that drug use contributed to the unexplained drowning. Autopsy report also stated that there were no signs of violent death.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-14-2014 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by TookURCookie
I've heard these ppl lured Johannes there to rob him, that he had 30K euro in his possession and they've since been detained with the belief that this was premeditated. .
No. Police excluded the possibility of a violent death. Nobody was detained. So you're either making things up or you heard it wrong.

By the way, Slovenian police is one of the most effective in the world. There is no unsolved murder in Slovenia since 2008.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-14-2014 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Brayn
Uhhm, no violent death ≠ unintentional death. It's at least worth investigating that someone who supposedly doesn't drink does eat mushrooms and is left alone after doing so.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
07-14-2014 , 10:44 PM
the only question is whether he voluntarily took the mushrooms or was fed it.

i would think if you took mushrooms it would be socially and an indoor activity.
Johannes Strassmann disappears in Slovenia, (6-28 Confirmed dead, post 316)  Stay on topic!! Quote
