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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-08-2022 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Johnspence
Except for one thing: why would she ever give the money back....DNegs is right, scammers don't do that.

Also, why choose J4 as such an obviously suspicious call, and not that far ahead...Ax of clubs would be far less suspicious. Even amateurs can see how odd a call that is, and then to give the money back?

Makes zero sense.

Is there a connection between Robbi and the other guys: NO doubt. The more likely reason: boobs.
Have you seen all the comments from the mainstream? People think Garrett is just mad he lost because Robbi outplayed him. So no, amateurs cannot see what an odd call it is.
10-08-2022 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by coolfx35
Someone go verify her employment with Bristol-Myers Squibb. how much account manager make? $100k?
That's a sales position, depends how good you are. And she was only there two years.

$80k-150k base salary+ bonus probably.
10-08-2022 , 10:44 AM
That's the resume of someone who probably made a solid living but that's not even close to getting rich stuff. Those are just corporate jobs. If she's buying rings for $160k and is super rich, she didn't earn that money at those jobs.
10-08-2022 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Rainbeauman
Have you seen all the comments from the mainstream? People think Garrett is just mad he lost because Robbi outplayed him. So no, amateurs cannot see what an odd call it is.
RIP is itt pog
10-08-2022 , 10:46 AM
well i hope the people that called you 'false' now apologise

I never thought that. Just thought you had good social skills, unlike these nerds who sit there in their hoodies, with their ipod, not saying a word for 7 hours straight.

Also.. I cannot believe if there was a 2nd camera, watching the 1st camera - i cannot believe this was allowed to be blocked by the filling cabinet. Its like certain rules. For example there must always be 2 people in the cockpit of a plane - no ifs buts or maybes - in the same way that 2nd camera can NEVER have its view blocked
10-08-2022 , 10:55 AM
I understand Garrett’s suspicion. From a seasoned high stakes poker player’s point of view, someone who’s been around the block, what else could this be?

I disagree with his conclusion though. Non of the accused are lily white. No one is. Nor do I think they’d say they were. Now would he say he is.

I think Robbi and Nik specifically are naive to the high stakes poker scene. They are chum for the sharks. They are still at the point where they aren’t aware of what they don’t know. I think they let themselves be taken advantage of even sitting at table. Haven’t we all been through that stage in our poker education? They aren’t naive in general, but the poker community is much like Hollywood. Everyone appears friendly but there’s a lot of cutting of throats that goes on.

Garret is looking at this from only one point of view. I don’t see that he’s ever (even remotely) considered the side of naïveté and innocence.

Many of us did this with Richard Jewell. Even knowing now he was innocent, I’m shocked with myself I got that so wrong. Everything pointed to his guilt!

I’m not saying Robbi didn’t cheat. (Although I don’t think she did and maybe I’m THAT wrong again.). But looking from the point of view of innocent, at this point in time, there’s way more than reasonable doubt.
10-08-2022 , 11:00 AM

Well prepared document.

This part stood out to me as perhaps weak though.

(It has already been illustrated she knew she did not have a 3).

Considering Robbi made contradictory statements regarding her holding a three or not.

Perhaps other attorneys can provide their input on the soundness of state of mind conclusions.
10-08-2022 , 11:02 AM

This tweet from JR:

Poker attracts certain personalities and that is why it loses recreational players.

Maybe it’s the optimist in me but I hope one day this game finds a way to regulate itself and players start holding each other accountable.

Poker players have always been too short term thinkers and DGAF has been saying this kind of stuff for YEARS. Probably largely due to the fact it’s money sitting in front of you right here right now and it’s a “get it all now” type of mindset.

Last edited by madchens123; 10-08-2022 at 11:18 AM.
10-08-2022 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by WonTr1ckPony
Nick Vertucci needs to be mentioned somewhere in the OP.

I find it weird that right when this incident happenned Garret said hes 100000% sure the HCL staff was not in on it because "they are his friends"
yet this nick v guy has quite the shady record. Bryan is the perfect fall guy
I'm unsure if people are this stupid but. I'll address this. It's like you own a casino. Make a lot of Money. Things are going Great. Then decide to cheat your own casino sith the risk of ruining it .

Guess it's par for the course tho itt.
10-08-2022 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by RJT

I’m not saying Robbi didn’t cheat. (Although I don’t think she did and maybe I’m THAT wrong again.). But looking from the point of view of innocent, at this point in time, there’s way more than reasonable doubt.
In a court of law she is still innocent....but that is a very high standard.

In the court of public opinion, the view is changing, which doesn't mean squat. It needs to be proved.

There is no smoking gun yet, but the walls are closing in. The key is the backroom and that Bryan guy who had the opportunity and motive. That information is new and extremely suspicious. If further evidence is found in that regard, or he submits an admission than obviously it is 'game over'.
10-08-2022 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
How though? The graphic showed the 4 and those graphics come from the RFID, which is also what the supposed relayer is using:

This whole card swapping thing is clearly a red herring.
There's a 4 hour delay right? Can they not correct the graphics before the stream sees?
10-08-2022 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by David123
I'm unsure if people are this stupid but. I'll address this. It's like you own a casino. Make a lot of Money. Things are going Great. Then decide to cheat your own casino sith the risk of ruining it .

Guess it's par for the course tho itt.
OK so they are just completely incompetent then.

Hanlon's razor I guess.

Dude's won't call them out for this or stop playing there because the getting is too good.
10-08-2022 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
This hand and situation has passed way beyond reasonable doubt. This apology from the guy Bryan with a checkered past (to say the very least) reads ridiculously, as if sucking up massively to Robbi. At minimum it's the bare minimum aside from the start of Bryan redeeming himself from his way of life. At maximum, it's a total fabrication and in actuality I think it is about equally likely that it's a fabrication vs a sincere apology (both are uncommon). It may even be MORE likely a fabrication in this spot, because Robbi and Bryan have every incentive to defend their reputations.

The whole fact that they follow each other, and lied about knowing each other is wildly damning. Extremely, extremely unlikely alone to be coincidence. By that fact almost alone the chances of cheating are >90%, with everything combined > 99%...

Exactly. People are misapplying the correct mathematical rules in this process. They assume that an “explanation” is viewed in isolation and that because the statistical probability isn’t zero, that you can’t call someone a cheater when the reality is you use Bayesian modeling which makes the probability .000005% that all these events coincided.
10-08-2022 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by tarheels2222
Garrett actually gave me more circumstantial evidence towards not cheating than I thought I had.
This is a curious statement. What in Garrett’s post now has you thinking it’s *less* likely that there was cheating than you’d previously thought?
10-08-2022 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by mzp1
Garrets was 100% at the time. Now he thinks its "very likely".
He explained very clearly in his post why he is using that terminology. If you want to argue there was no cheating, that is a perfectly reasonable line to prosecute. But you are seriously damaging your credibility with anyone you’re hoping to convince with this kind of post.

To make sure we are all reading from the same page: Garrett talked to his lawyers. They made clear to him that he has to use words like “allegedly” and “very likely” in order to minimize his own legal exposure. He made all of this explicitly clear at the beginning of his post.

Not a single thing about his interpretation of the events, nor his degree of certainty has changed in any way. Every open-minded reader recognizes this.
10-08-2022 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by ACNJ_Grinder
OK so they are just completely incompetent then.

Hanlon's razor I guess.

Dude's won't call them out for this or stop playing there because the getting is too good.
Hanlon was no Occum..
10-08-2022 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by ethbtc88
That's the resume of someone who probably made a solid living but that's not even close to getting rich stuff. Those are just corporate jobs. If she's buying rings for $160k and is super rich, she didn't earn that money at those jobs.

Jake Paul got busted for wearing fake watches in the past, rip works for Jake in some low tier way. And she is backed by rip? the odds of her jewellery being fake is like 99.99999%
10-08-2022 , 11:31 AM
Poker just eating itself and embarrassing itself all over again.

It’s brutal to watch.

From cheating, to people being in cahoots to set line ups, to everyone loaning each other money, people taking pieces and not disclosing.

Someone mentioned that “our game has changed” it used to be “fleece the sucker as fast as possible” from Puggy Pearson, Sam Grizzle, Doyle, etc. The game hasn’t changed at all. It’s pretty clear that the motives are exactly the same but now the world gets to see it.

These types of scandals bring out everything that is underneath the surface but nobody has talked about in awhile.
10-08-2022 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by jungleman
This hand and situation has passed way beyond reasonable doubt. This apology from the guy Bryan with a checkered past (to say the very least) reads ridiculously, as if sucking up massively to Robbi. At minimum it's the bare minimum aside from the start of Bryan redeeming himself from his way of life. At maximum, it's a total fabrication and in actuality I think it is about equally likely that it's a fabrication vs a sincere apology (both are uncommon). It may even be MORE likely a fabrication in this spot, because Robbi and Bryan have every incentive to defend their reputations.

The whole fact that they follow each other, and lied about knowing each other is wildly damning. Extremely, extremely unlikely alone to be coincidence. By that fact almost alone the chances of cheating are >90%, with everything combined > 99%...
Obviously he is gonna suck up if he dont want her to press charges.

I dont read it as written by Robbi, it reads exactly as if it were written by some guy losing in life. Lots of low-status wording and behaviour in his txt, as expected of a guy like that. Robbi always talks big, confidently, trolling, humurous, arrogant, she wouldnt even know how to write like that cos I imagine she has always acted high-status in all interactions in her life, rarely having to suck up or act deferential. This is not about poker its about THE GAME of Life.

If they are following each other, does that make it more or less likely this was cheating? I would say it would make it less likely. Put it this way using Bayesian thinking, if two people were caught running a scam like this, all things being the same, and you had to bet, would you wager they are following each other on twitter or not?
10-08-2022 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
He can’t take back his initial Twitter post so it doesn’t matter what he says now, the damage is done.
This is categorically not true.
10-08-2022 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by redantfarm
In a court of law she is still innocent....but that is a very high standard.

In the court of public opinion, the view is changing, which doesn't mean squat. It needs to be proved.

There is no smoking gun yet, but the walls are closing in. The key is the backroom and that Bryan guy who had the opportunity and motive. That information is new and extremely suspicious. If further evidence is found in that regard, or he submits an admission than obviously it is 'game over'.
I don’t think they are gonna find a weapon. Given what we know about the 2 individuals so far Robbi and Bryan I don’t think either has the wherewithal nor the opportunity to cheat via a device. I don’t think there is a weapon.

If that’s the case that leaves RIP signaling her. She’s the better poker player of the two. And even if he were the better, what’s he signaling her to do and based on what info?

As an aside. If she passes a lie detection, does anything change?
10-08-2022 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by NickNemeth92
From streams and interviews it seems that he has been directly involved in blocking players from games while he post tweets about how he does not harbor any ill will against the same players. All the while big names in poker continue to pump this guys ego saying he is one of the top people they have met in the larger community. Every industry or community need role models to attract new members etc.
Wow! Such a sophisticated assessment! They’re all in on it! All the big names know Garrett is a sinister mastermind pulling the strings from behind the scenes. But they need to attract new members to the community so they intentionally lie about who he really is. This should definitely all be investigated.
10-08-2022 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Ellsworth T.
Exactly. People are misapplying the correct mathematical rules in this process. They assume that an “explanation” is viewed in isolation and that because the statistical probability isn’t zero, that you can’t call someone a cheater when the reality is you use Bayesian modeling which makes the probability .000005% that all these events coincided.
All these events?

In this whole case we know literally 2 actual facts. Unless I’m forgetting something.

1) Bryan is a cheat (thief). He admitted it.
2) Bryan and Robbi followed each other on Twitter.
10-08-2022 , 12:06 PM
I Dont think she is cheating.
10-08-2022 , 12:06 PM
90% of that report is irrelevant and/or jumping to (sometimes absurd) conclusions. The behavior between Robbi and RIP is many magnitudes more likely to be explained by them soft playing each other and RIP having half of Robbi's action than it is to be some kind of signalling based on hole card knowledge.

That said, the evidence that Bryan seemed to have the means and motive to help someone cheat is big. Also Robbi and Bryan appear to be lying about not knowing each other? This is what needs to be pursued. Find other hands that seem to point to knowing the hole cards and try to find evidence of someone receiving a signal a la Postle. Bryan and Robbi do appear to be degen/incompetent enough to suck so bad at cheating that they got caught their first time doing it though so maybe there are no other hands lol.

I still lean somewhat heavily to not cheating, at least not via some kind of knowledge of hole cards.
