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Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live

10-09-2022 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by HexBreaker
Eric P is down 45k during this period and $674k for the year. So if he is involved they are doing much worse.

This is a murder case with no body or missing person.

I know they killed someone, officer.


Well, I don't know. But look at them signaling to each other!
Lol nice
10-09-2022 , 01:19 PM
Garrett Adelstein is WRONG about THE POKER CHEATING SCANDAL...

I LOVED Hustler Casino Live, I DID NOT COLLUDE WHATSOEVER WITH Robbi Jade Lew, Rip, or Beanz to cheat you Garrett. WHY THE **** WOULD I CHOOSE WHAT I KNOW WOULD BE ONE OF OUR HIGHEST VIEWED STREAMS TO CHEAT the most talented and beloved cash game player in the world. That's the most asinine **** that I've ever heard of. To whoever is reading this just think about that; Why would I cheat the smartest player in the game in front of the thousands watching concurrently + the MILLIONS who would see it after. Excuse my language but that's just plain out ****ING STUPID!. You should greatly reconsider what you think are facts in this case because you're absolutely wrong about me rigging the game. I had the upmost respect for the integrity of the game and I admired all of the people that came on the show. Including you dude! That's lame that you would even blame me when I looked up to your stupid ass!!!! I wouldn't wanna cheat you, nor anyone ever.


If I were to cheat the game why would I pick Jc4h? IT MAKES ZERO SENSE

You said it yourself; without even knowing the card removal you know that

"Jc4h on ThTc9h3c has very little equity vs the overwhelming majority of semi-bluffing hands, let alone all my made hands which have her dead."

LINK - >

I'm not dumb, I play poker, I know that! + I have the card removal percentages LIVE! Why on earth would I pick a spot to signal someone to MAGICALLY HERO with "Jc4h on ThTc9h3c" THATS SUSS AS ****, IT JUST MAKES NO SENSE. YES SHE'S AHEAD TECHNICALLY, BUT SHE'S A DOG WITH ONLY 1 CARD TO COME. It's -EV

The Time I Asked About How To Cheat In Chess On Twitter

Yeah so 9/11 I asked Asian Andy about Hans Nieman and Magnus Carlsen situation. News was circulating that there was Chess Cheating Scandal but I wasn't sure how considering the game is played on a table and my only thoughts were did the guy take the piece when the other guy wasn't looking. So I asked my buddy Asian Andy "How do you cheat in chess? Serious question lol"; it's not that deep bro , sorry to tell ya . I followed Alexandra Botez and a bunch of other chess streamers and I saw the news and was curious so I tweeted . The fact that this so called "relevant information" is part of your hypothesis is starting to making your argument flawed


"This potentially incriminating tweet could suggest Bryan wanted to learn how to relay hole card information using the same systems people use cheat in chess." DEBUNKED


What Doug Polk Said About The Mysterious Filing Cabinet.

"Doug Polk has reported in the below video that a file cabinet had been moved closer to his desk, moving his desk to the side approximately 3-4 weeks ago. Brian's desk is now directly behind an area where all of the hole cards can be seen in real time, with a filing cabinet blocking the vision of a camera facing in that direction."


THIS NARRATIVE IS COMPLETELY FALSE. I DID NOT MOVE ANYTHING THAT WOULD CHANGE MY PERSPECTIVE. IF I WANTED TO SEE THE REAL TIME HOLE CARDS I COULD HAVE SEEN THEM FROM WHERE I WAS SITTING AT ANYTIME FROM ANYWHERE IN THE ROOM. THERE ARE 10 MONITORS IN THE ROOM AND YOU CAN SEE THE HOLE CARDS IN THE PROGRAM FEED WHICH EVERYONE WORKING IN PRODUCTION CAN SEE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE GRAPHICS COMPUTER IN ORDER TO SEE THE REAL TIME HOLE CARDS. So that fact that you're insinuating that I moved my desk closer to the corner to get closer to where the hole cards are is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. I moved my dest because we don't have sufficient enough space in the Hustler Casino Live control room to move around. WE ARE ELBOW TO ELBOW everytime someone wants to walk through and anyone who's been up there an extensive amount of time can confirm what I'm saying is accurate and correct. It's like a NYC kitchen up there.

What I did was move the table so that the charging equipment was flush against the wall so I can use the bigger desk when I bring my computer to make videos and so we have more space to walk through. Now this is a #FreezingColdTake

Reports of A Yell

"It's also reported that Bryan verbalized a yell of sorts upon seeing Robbi hand the $135K in chips back to Garrett."


THIS IS A BLATANT LIE. NOBODY SAW ROBBI HAND YOU BACK THE CHIPS YOU'RE LITERALLY MAKING **** UP. OUR CAMERAS CAN'T SEE WHERE THEY WERE SINCE THEY WERE BY THE LOCKERS. I WAS DIRECTING THE SHOW. I CAN ONLY SEE WHAT THE CAMERAS SHOW. When Ryan Feldman went to go check on the situation I was controlling the cameras. EVERYONE IN PRODUCTION CAN VOUCH FOR ME. Mike Peluso knows that and Neve Levy knows that . I did not witness any exchange of any chips between you two. RIP got mad that she gave the chips back and started screaming ruining the ****ing production because it stopped the game when it's one of our hightest viewed streams. I didn't want to have to stop the show, So I GOT MAD AND YELLED AT LUIS (FLOORMAN) Get this ****ing ******* out of here , call security or something because he can't be yelling while we're ****ing filming. and I also yelled "WE HAVE A ****ING SHOW" probably the yell he referred to according to his bullshit investigation.

Did you ever stiff an online game?

-A source messaged me saying “Just an FYI, that guy Bryan Sagbigsal stiffed my online game for a couple thousand. Not much, and he was vouched, so we didn't have to eat it, but the story makes sense for him.


This is just complete slander campaign. I'VE NEVER STIFFED. Many people know me in poker and I have never stiffed a single person. Whoever said that is a liar

other details

1. I've been texted by Shaun Deeb, Doug Polk, and joeingram in conjuction with (Bill Perkins/Haralobos) in regards to the $215k+ reward if a whistle is blown in regards to the cheating. in an effort to restore the integrity of poker. That's more money than I've ever had in my entire life. I really need that money. The problem is... I didn't cheat. I didn't assist anyone. There is no whistle to be blown because I didn't take part in any cheating ring. At this point I wish I actually did cheat so I could collect that reward but the honest answer from the bottom of my heart is I didnt' help anyone!

2. I'm about 90% sure Robbi didn't cheat. Do I believe her when she says she's innocent? Yes, but there's this small part of me that doesn't know if she's sophisticated enough to hack Hustler Casino Live's graphics server in order to gain access to the real time hole cards. but one thing I can say for certain is I didn't help Robbi or Rip or Beanz or anyone involved in this dumb scandal to cheat. If I did, I would've asked for more than $15k, (like seriously the audacity that little amount is worth it. $15k is nothing) I would've picked a less suspect spot than J4 and I wouldn't have chose Robbi to be my horse if that was the case. There's so many other people that I could've chose why I would pick her. It makes zero sense

Last edited by BryanSagbigsal; 10-09-2022 at 01:26 PM. Reason: info
10-09-2022 , 01:25 PM
when did you start palming chips Bryan?

Seems like you started dumping money that you should not be in possession of well before Robbi ever played a hand at this table.

So when did it start?
10-09-2022 , 01:34 PM
As a True Crime addict, this poker scandal reminds me of those many episodes where the police latch on to someone early in the investigation believing with certainty he is guilty, then process all evidence in such a way to confirm their initial assumption. And ignore any evidence to the contrary.

I suppose there are a lot of shady people in poker, some with (gasps) police records. I suppose you could find 10 minutes of strange behavior from just about anyone on a 5 hour live stream. People make atrocious calls regularly at my casino. I suppose office file cabinets get moved all the time.

I'm not saying anyone is innocent or guilty, I have no idea. Zero clue. What I'm saying is this entire "investigation" reeks of confirmation bias.
10-09-2022 , 01:35 PM
How did you afford to dump in massive 20/40+ games for the last few months on a $20/hr salary with a wife and two kids at home? How much did you steal in total from HCL, and from what players?
10-09-2022 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by rivercityransom
Great point. And to that point Vertucci's twitter was hacked today and he got it back and then someone told him to put 2FA on and he asked what 2FA was. This guy doesn't even have a basic knowledge of security and he's running a system like that. Granted I'm sure he had delegated it but you still need the basic knowledge of things to oversee them.
that's incredible.
10-09-2022 , 01:35 PM
If it turns out Robbi cheated, she absolutely needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

However, if it turns out there was no cheating, we also need to hold Garrett equally accountable for this entire fiasco. He would need to pay a steep price because his actions have tragically spurred on an unfathomable witch hunt for the ages.

What should the equitable punishment be for Garrett if it turns out there was no cheating? Should he banned from poker for sometime? Or have to pay significant monetary damages to all of the parties affected? Returning the money to Robbi and saying "oops sorry" is no longer a sufficient remedy given how crazy this situation has become.
10-09-2022 , 01:36 PM

Thanks for the formatting. If you talk to anyone talk to Joey as he has been doing this for a long time and does not have a clear angle. Make it clear you want it to be 1:1 with him and no one else. But really don’t talk to anyone.

Good luck
10-09-2022 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by CorbinThoreson
You're a clown lmao
How to own someone who thinks she cheated: ask for actual evidence she cheated. Be prepared for insults, anger, and definitely NO evidence. Garrett Adelstein Report on Likely Cheating on Hustler Casino Live
10-09-2022 , 01:39 PM
10-09-2022 , 01:40 PM
Bryan - were the DMs that you sent to Robbi that she posted on her Twitter 100% written by you (i.e., with no direct intervention from Robbi and no discussions with her about what to say in it beforehand)?

Last edited by MidSlick; 10-09-2022 at 01:42 PM. Reason: added "on her Twitter" for clarification
10-09-2022 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by ReliableSource
I got blown off by a respected poster (and others), part of the reason is I used the words “police” and “detectives” interchangeably which is standard in the US.

My contention is that Robbi completely lied on Joeys podcast about calling the police. I’m basing this on HCL’s official statement of their ONLY being contacted on the phone. We have no reason to believe that Bryan was ever questioned/detained/or ever in the presence of police officers.

Robbi offered up three things in her supposed phone call with the police.

1. That the police first told her they couldn’t provide any information about Bryan’s priors because nobody pressed any charges yet….and then a second officer took a minute and said he had no priors

2. The police openly speculated about Bryan’s financial status (poor kid) and about the 15k already been spent and is gone.

3. Robbi asks the officers how Bryan looks. She stated that the officers said Bryan looked “not too happy” and “he looks like a broke kid”.

Some possibilities are she 1. Lied about the entire thing. 2. She was fed BS from lazy police officers about a suspect they have never interacted with.

I have #1 as the favorite.

(It’s possible that #3 came from Nick Vertucci…and Robbi told the truth about #1 and #2)

Again my contention is that police officers never went to the casino, or ever met this Bryan kid.

This is my last post. You guys are a lot smarter than me, so maybe this is nothing.
all are possible. i'd agree her lying is most likely.
a ton of cops are lazy and they HATE paperwork so I wouldn't be surprised if they said whatever to get someone to press charges but I put this as the least likely of the 3 options.
The cops won't know his financial status or even if he spent the money.
10-09-2022 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
that's incredible.
Who knows, maybe that was intentionally, this guys are all manipulative, I dont believe anyone anything anymore.
10-09-2022 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by ABCforME
You are stupid and this forum is full of racists who bully anyone who talks about it with similar lines of know it all ism.

Yes this is a complete racist and misogynistic witch hunt of Robbie. Garrett couldn’t stand being beat by a woman who is Persian and not Poker Bunny delicate behaving and something he isn’t used to and once “Pawned” threw a tantrum

The only reasons worth investigating are why Nik loaned them 175k unless Rip actually does have money and he does that typically and how many people had chips stolen from by the assistant and how well they knew each other.

Right now there is zero proof of cheating just “reasons” talking about Mic Lights and moved desks etc wildly it’s all racism and misogynism.

Persian/Arab racism is very real

So is misogyny especially against strong women who don’t act delicate and defer to men for everything

GA is an idiot and went to Arizona or some shitty school and can’t parse the facts and apparently hold himself accountable despite all the hero virtue signal posts and return the money he harassed/extorted out of her.

Nik seems like a screwball who lost too much to Garret in private games before (who is going home broke to their wife?) but no cheating occurred watch the tapes a million times no advantage spots or evidence exist

End of story. This is a tale of misogyny and racism and the next Kim K! She is so beautiful I want to see her twin sister does anyone have pics?
just stop it.

Minorities and women can be criticized based on merit. That doesn't make anyone sexist or racist. I still think it's more likely that she didn't cheat than she did cheat but the one hand is absolutely absurd- if it was a white male who played it we'd be having the same discussion.
And if you haven't noticed a lot of people are now trying to say white male DGAF cheated.
10-09-2022 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by BryanSagbigsal
What Doug Polk Said About The Mysterious Filing Cabinet.

"Doug Polk has reported in the below video that a file cabinet had been moved closer to his desk, moving his desk to the side approximately 3-4 weeks ago. Brian's desk is now directly behind an area where all of the hole cards can be seen in real time, with a filing cabinet blocking the vision of a camera facing in that direction."


THIS NARRATIVE IS COMPLETELY FALSE. I DID NOT MOVE ANYTHING THAT WOULD CHANGE MY PERSPECTIVE. IF I WANTED TO SEE THE REAL TIME HOLE CARDS I COULD HAVE SEEN THEM FROM WHERE I WAS SITTING AT ANYTIME FROM ANYWHERE IN THE ROOM. THERE ARE 10 MONITORS IN THE ROOM AND YOU CAN SEE THE HOLE CARDS IN THE PROGRAM FEED WHICH EVERYONE WORKING IN PRODUCTION CAN SEE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE GRAPHICS COMPUTER IN ORDER TO SEE THE REAL TIME HOLE CARDS. So that fact that you're insinuating that I moved my desk closer to the corner to get closer to where the hole cards are is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. I moved my dest because we don't have sufficient enough space in the Hustler Casino Live control room to move around. WE ARE ELBOW TO ELBOW everytime someone wants to walk through and anyone who's been up there an extensive amount of time can confirm what I'm saying is accurate and correct. It's like a NYC kitchen up there.

What I did was move the table so that the charging equipment was flush against the wall so I can use the bigger desk when I bring my computer to make videos and so we have more space to walk through. Now this is a #FreezingColdTake
Good to get your account of this.
10-09-2022 , 01:47 PM
Is there a way to verify this is the real dude? People have a lot of time on their hands, isn't that hard to create an account and spin some narrative to muddy the waters.
10-09-2022 , 01:49 PM
if i recall correctly a few weeks ago there were issues with the cardreader on streams and they (streams) were unwatchable because of this. Some new reader was installed or old one fixed.
I am assuming this would be a great time to install a second reader or mess with some of the stuff? Perhaps also worth looking into by HCL, who had access etc?
10-09-2022 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Kalaea
There are lots of human races. You've never watched the Olympics?
It's these types of comments that persuades people folks who play Poker are not the most mature or erudite of humans!
10-09-2022 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by bigacsiga
if i recall correctly a few weeks ago there were issues with the cardreader on streams and they (streams) were unwatchable because of this. Some new reader was installed or old one fixed.
I am assuming this would be a great time to install a second reader or mess with some of the stuff? Perhaps also worth looking into by HCL, who had access etc?
good question. there were no new readers installed, Ryan Feldman and Neve Levy got on a facetime call with the guys from PokerGFX and the engineers who built the table one night after the stream to rewire. While that may have been a time where they could've manipulated the system it's not likely
10-09-2022 , 01:51 PM
Probably the simplest way to verify would be for Joey to confirm. Joey has Bryan’s verified cell phone #

The post seems to have enough detail about production that is someone at the very least close to all of this.

We’ve had much wilder guest stars on 2p2. I invite anyone that is not familiar with it to look up Ocean Spray.
10-09-2022 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Avaritia

Thanks for the formatting. If you talk to anyone talk to Joey as he has been doing this for a long time and does not have a clear angle. Make it clear you want it to be 1:1 with him and no one else. But really don’t talk to anyone.

Good luck
Not sure if I want to talk to joeingram I'm pretty sure he doesn't really care about helping me so Ill decline
10-09-2022 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by BryanSagbigsal
Garrett Adelstein is WRONG about THE POKER CHEATING SCANDAL...
If I did, I would've asked for more than $15k, (like seriously the audacity that little amount is worth it. $15k is nothing) I would've picked a less suspect spot than J4 and I wouldn't have chose Robbi to be my horse if that was the case. There's so many other people that I could've chose why I would pick her. It makes zero sense
This can't be the real guy right?

This is just too absurd
10-09-2022 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by ethbtc88
It's possible, people wear vibrating anal beads to cheat at chess
If your bluetoothed enabled vibrating anal beads told you to put in 100k to call a hand with about 50/50 odds, I'd ask for a refund!!! It was not a sensible call even if you knew Garrett had 8/7 unless you also knew what cards were going to be drawn when agreeing to play it twice.
10-09-2022 , 01:54 PM
You dont deserve help.

We deserve the truth.

When did you start palming chips Bryan?
10-09-2022 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by BryanSagbigsal
Garrett Adelstein is WRONG about THE POKER CHEATING SCANDAL... ...
Anyone able to confirm who wrote this?

Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-10-2022 at 03:14 AM.
