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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

10-18-2011 , 12:04 PM
I think everyone appreciates the work of people trying to get the word and facts out. Lot of rumors unfortunately
10-18-2011 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
Eh.. I'll post this because that interview pissed me off: Antonius has less than $100 in his FTP account, and he owes FTP a smallish amount.
Which is what I suspected with his lack of caring about his "fantasy" millions.

This is how low these "pros" have sunk.

They raked in millions and will lie to keep hold of the money and their reputations.

So far, every "Pro" mentioned in some kind of factual way by Subject Poker has a busted account and owes FTP substantial money.......(Dwan, PA, Ivey , Benyamine )

Makes you wonder if any of them knew what was coming or they were just degens?
10-18-2011 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
He stopped playing in May. FTP shut down June 29th. He has less than $100 in his account right now.
did he start with drawing out all his money in May knowing that the **** was about to hit the fan?

Did PA receive the emails from Ray Bitar or Howard that they were in huge trouble so got his money out in advance of the shutdown.

If this could be proved, it would be huge along with the interview where he claimed something totally different.
10-18-2011 , 12:32 PM
10-18-2011 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
So far, every "Pro" mentioned in some kind of factual way by Subject Poker has a busted account and owes FTP substantial money.......(Dwan, PA, Ivey , Benyamine )

Makes you wonder if any of them knew what was coming or they were just degens?
Howard has to have a source in the DOJ.

This is Durrr in 2010. Looks like he made 3 m. This is a better shot of 2011:

In three months in 300 sessions he loses 2.4m? He said he busted during that USO tour. That was a couple days before BF with Howard. Then PA makes sure to say in public he never talked to Howard at all but for some reason even though he is winning big online he stops playing and takes all his money offline? I want to know who Dwan lost that money to. I want to see stats like this for the other players.
10-18-2011 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by napsus

finnish poker magazine reached PA representative who confirms the low balance on PA's poker account and also confirms that the financial damage for PA is caused by the frozen debt relationship between the players and this is a major part of PA's financial loss. Apparently FTP also owes PA money. This all from PA representative.
But FTP doesnt owe PA the money.........

The players who PA had a financial relationship with owe him the money and FTP owe them.

I think the whole, clearing his account out in May is highly suspicious.

Did he get advance warning before the music stopped?
10-18-2011 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by ReflexAction
PA won 1.2 mil from BF to end of May when he stops playing. Why does he stop playing?
If Noah is correct it would seem strange that he doesnt even leave a nominal amount of BR to play with online?

Why would anyone completely clear out your account, especially if you had been winning at a nice rate?

To me that looks really bad.

If he won 1.2 million from BF to the end of May, how much total did he have in his account on BF?

No wonder he doesnt seem so bothered if he managed to get out between 2-5Million? from his account.

Im guessing in his interview he isnt counting all the money he managed to get out of FTP before the end of June.
10-18-2011 , 12:43 PM
Sorry ROW players, but did you really need advance warning in May? I don't think so.
10-18-2011 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
I think the whole, clearing his account out in May is highly suspicious.
Tons of Europeans were withdrawing their FTP/Stars money after Black Friday, why is that suspicious? It's not like you needed any inside information to lose trust in these sites with DOJ demanding billions.
10-18-2011 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
"I'm gonna end up being one of the biggest losers with this if Full Tilt goes down. I had a lot of money stuck there. I'm gonna end up being a big minus even if you take my salary that they've been paying me for a couple years."

By "even if you take my salary," I think he means that if you take the multimillion dollar salary that he was paid and subtract the "money stuck there," you'll get a number so low that he'll "end up being one of the biggest losers."
I think he means... even if you discount him NOT getting his income/salary from the past couple years into the equation... he is still losing a lot... his english isn't the best but that is how I took it... he has money stuck on there is what he was trying to emphasize

Originally Posted by ReflexAction
Howard has to have a source in the DOJ.

This is Durrr in 2010. Looks like he made 3 m. This is a better shot of 2011:

In three months in 300 sessions he loses 2.4m? He said he busted during that USO tour. That was a couple days before BF with Howard. Then PA makes sure to say in public he never talked to Howard at all but for some reason even though he is winning big online he stops playing and takes all his money offline? I want to know who Dwan lost that money to. I want to see stats like this for the other players.
I don't know if he "made sure to say anything" he was answering specific questioning iirc... I agree they may have had some inside information as to the state of FTP... and would like to see who made all that money... was it XWINKX???

I know he killed a lot of the pros ... come out of nowhere too... but this would be pretty dumb by dwan to..... get insider information and to chip dump ... then blast FTP on national TV... [especially after his silence was pretty much accepted]... would be hubris imo... if he is that dumb he deserves to get caught lol
10-18-2011 , 12:48 PM
How come we haven't heard anything from current FTP employees? Supposedly they still employ close to 500 people who all have hours upon hours of free time. Surely you'd think something would like from there.
10-18-2011 , 12:48 PM
oh man you guys are on the brink of a huge conspiracy! durrr cleverly lost millions just prior to black friday! what a sly dog.

1) warned in advance about black friday
2) dump all ur mobneys at the tables
3) ????
10-18-2011 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
did he start with drawing out all his money in May knowing that the **** was about to hit the fan?

Did PA receive the emails from Ray Bitar or Howard that they were in huge trouble so got his money out in advance of the shutdown.

If this could be proved, it would be huge along with the interview where he claimed something totally different.
good point

love to see records
10-18-2011 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by _______
Tons of Europeans were withdrawing their FTP/Stars money after Black Friday, why is that suspicious? It's not like you needed any inside information to lose trust in these sites with DOJ demanding billions.
Im from the UK, I withdrew most of my BR prior to the end of June but I did leave enough to play with. (the part thats now stuck)

PA withdrew everything in May, way before the slowpays started big time in June.

I agree I started withdrawing as I was suspicious.

The big difference between me and PA is ....... he was a sponsored PRO at FTP.

His face was on the ads. He was paid to play at FTP.

Why wouldnt he leave enough of a BR to continue playing at the site that sponsors him?

Surely part of his contract was to play at the site?

Looks bad to me, even though I dont know all the facts.
10-18-2011 , 01:02 PM
PA is a smart man, He could have read one of the threads on 2+2 by the ftp employee that said to get your funds off. We build these guys up but often times they are working off the same info.
10-18-2011 , 01:03 PM
love what pa as done,now he is looking bad and ugly ,who would of thought pa ugly.

should of stayed out of spotlight pa
10-18-2011 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
oh man you guys are on the brink of a huge conspiracy! durrr cleverly lost millions just prior to black friday! what a sly dog.

1) warned in advance about black friday
2) dump all ur mobneys at the tables
3) ????
10-18-2011 , 01:06 PM
I'm sure it's been addressed already but how does noah know how much money Patrik or Ivey has/had or borrowed on their accounts?
10-18-2011 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by timchuk
PA is a smart man, He could have read one of the threads on 2+2 by the ftp employee that said to get your funds off. We build these guys up but often times they are working off the same info.
That makes zero sense.

Why would he withdraw ALL of his BR just on rumours?

If he is worried about unsubstantiated rumours he would withdraw just some of his BR as he is contracted to play at FTP.

Totally cleaning out his account without solid info would be bizarre?

Especially as he was crushing so its not like he can claim the games were poor.
10-18-2011 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by mharder4
I'm sure it's been addressed already but how does noah know how much money Patrik or Ivey has/had or borrowed on their accounts?
PA's rep has confirmed that PA has a small balance left.

So it looks like Noahs info/source is spot on.
10-18-2011 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by StackJackin
I think he means... even if you discount him NOT getting his income/salary from the past couple years into the equation... he is still losing a lot... his english isn't the best but that is how I took it... he has money stuck on there is what he was trying to emphasize
10-18-2011 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by StackJackin
I think he means... even if you discount him NOT getting his income/salary from the past couple years into the equation... he is still losing a lot... his english isn't the best but that is how I took it... he has money stuck on there is what he was trying to emphasize

I don't know if he "made sure to say anything" he was answering specific questioning iirc... I agree they may have had some inside information as to the state of FTP... and would like to see who made all that money... was it XWINKX???

I know he killed a lot of the pros ... come out of nowhere too... but this would be pretty dumb by dwan to..... get insider information and to chip dump ... then blast FTP on national TV... [especially after his silence was pretty much accepted]... would be hubris imo... if he is that dumb he deserves to get caught lol
I would think most of the $$$ lost by durrrr was to Jungleman. Now the plot thickens!
10-18-2011 , 01:38 PM
what a bull**** discussion how much which pro has in his account....

like any of them ever had any real money deposited - isn't it enough proven that all these scum only played on credit with our money......
10-18-2011 , 01:40 PM
Totally cleaning out his account without solid info would be bizarre?
yea what kind of a weird person would cashout from full tilt poker after black friday. i don't know about you, but a week after pokerstars paid out and full tilt had not, the alarm bells in my head were not at all going "AOOOOOOOOOOOUGA, AOOOOOOOOOUGA."

i was pretty sure that the reason full tilt hadn't paid out is that they were waiting for ray bitar's check to clear.

my friend heard from a guy that scott matusow said howard went in to his local branch of the bank of ireland and deposited ray's check.

he should have used the ATM because the bank teller noticed that howard was sweating profusely and he was pale as a ghost. that, combined with the unusually high number of zeros in the amount, compelled the teller to put a 30-day hold on the check to make sure it cleared.

now obviously this is a perfectly plausible scenario and there was no reason for anyone to FREAK OUT and cash out their money from full tilt poker!!!
10-18-2011 , 01:54 PM
According to a recently released report on Gaming Intelligence, Groupe Bernard Tapie has hired the same lawyer who negotiated the Party Poker/DoJ and Neteller/DoJ settlements.
