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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-30-2011 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by ShipItYo
is it confirmed that the french investor hasn't walked away yet? i thought one major stipulation was that the AGCC didnt revoke the license
I was just speaking with a friend in The USA and he assures me they are still talking. Unfortunately he was just going to bed so I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out how likely any deal my or may not be to go through.

As for the AGCC licence being a major shouldnt trust any statements that come from persons that have their own agendas.
09-30-2011 , 05:13 AM
The numbers used by me were from NoahSD, DOJ and WSJ.
09-30-2011 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by Eldorian
I think i read in an old bwin annual report that they spend about 150 EUR per acquired new customer... so if we knew how big the database was that could be a starting point... as a maximum amount at least...
I wager that between bwin and Pokerstars, both already have 95% of the FTP database anyway.

It's not like ROW players had just one poker account pre BF.

And for the miniscule amount of players that only had an FTP account; it's highly unlikely those guys have not registered with Pokerstars / Party since BF.
09-30-2011 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
I was just speaking with a friend in The USA and he assures me they are still talking. Unfortunately he was just going to bed so I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out how likely any deal my or may not be to go through.

As for the AGCC licence being a major shouldnt trust any statements that come from persons that have their own agendas.
plz keep us up to date if you dont mind. much appreciated.
09-30-2011 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by vamooose
I wager that between bwin and Pokerstars, both already have 95% of the FTP database anyway.

It's not like ROW players had just one poker account pre BF.

And for the miniscule amount of players that only had an FTP account; it's highly unlikely those guys have not registered with Pokerstars / Party since BF.
True, i was merely suggesting a max price tag... there is no way a name on the database is worth more than that, maybe I did not get my point accross too well.
09-30-2011 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by bhp2301
My mind still baffles thinking "who releases these press releases and leaked info for ftp ?".
Who is the coordinator?

Bitar. Alone in his office. Eating lobster and sobbing gently.

Originally Posted by Bubbleblower
What numbers??????

Originally Posted by Bubbleblower
You tried that trick before.
He is not confusing these numbers and you know that !#%$^^& well. FTP raked in more than 500M a year and is for that reason a very attractive company, even today.
How much NET profit do you think they made after that $500m? After rakeback, rent, licences, payroll (staff) taxes, advertising, lobster, craps addictions, main event buy ins etc etc.

Also, from what i've heard, $500m is an optimistic figure, a more conservative estimate would be much lower.

You are making assertions from an uninformed position and shouting them very loudly. Take a step back, try and learn a few of the boring details of how businesses work, and re-evaluate the situation.

Ask more questions about the things you don't know about - as opposed to sounding very convincing and loud on a subject you know very little about.
09-30-2011 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD:

Rake is gross profit, not net profit. Deposit and withdrawal fees end up costing a solid third of rake or so all by themselves for US customers. Affiliates and rakeback cost 35% (lowered to 30% at some point) of rake for affiliated players. Running the ireland office cost like $175M/year. Plus FTP spent a boatload on advertising and pros etc

Originally Posted by Bubbleblower
Based on these numbers plus some from the DOJ and Forbes we can almost exactly work out how much net profit FTP made per year.
They make a margin of 35% on US players and 65% on ROW.
Both make up 50%, making the average margin 50%.
They rake about 500M a year.
Minus 175M is 325M times 50% makes 162.5M.
A lot of the spending on marketing and pros is already in the pay outs.
This is money being invested into the company, not taken out of it.
If they would spend another 25M on that it would still leave them a net profit of 137.5M a year. From april 2007 to april 2011 they didn't take 444M out of the company, but put in at least 206M! Under normal circumstances a pokercompany trades at 16 times its net profit, making them owners of a 2 billion dollar company. Our money was always very safe, but unfortunately not from the DOJ.
09-30-2011 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by NexusWR
From my estimates they haven't made $440m NET profit since they opened for business. I know this will blow your mind, but think about it for a minute.
Please share what numbers your expert estimates are based on.
09-30-2011 , 05:47 AM
Rake is not gross profit.
09-30-2011 , 05:58 AM
If players weren't already aware why they couldn't play on FTP, and TBH from what I've heard anecdotally from others -most just fired up Google as people do these days. They certainly do know now once the amended civil complaint & 'Ponz scheme' press release and to a lesser extent AGCC revocation hit all major news outlets e.t.c

In the UK the Telegraph, FT newspapers have continued the story today.

FWIW I seem to recall reading in the FT (or London Financial Times as you foreigners call it ) suggest that Orinic Limited was intended for the Swiss region.

re: players returning to a new site

You must remember how immediately post BF, although there was some caution and a dip at first players continued to play despite having option to play elsewhere and numbers recovered (see Pokerscout).

Although the situation has changed since the amendments to the civil action I expect a similar thing to happen but with an initial loss of some more players.

If a few of the other sites are waiting to offer good deals when a new FTP opens then it should be clear without the presence of a new FTP they wouldn't be offering these deals else they would have already made these promotions. Therefore multi-site ROW players would be wise to support a new FTP with some of their play or these fabulous promotions from other sites wouldn't be available without the new FTP presence

It should also be considered a new owner means it's kind of a new site especially once after stablilisation they start making their own mark and changes -so it's entirely possible there will be some migration from other sites to 'Le nouveau FTP'.

It remains to be seen what will actually happen, just risk and reward - if there was guaranteed no risk there'd be no reward for the investor LDO.
09-30-2011 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by Bubbleblower
Originally Posted by NoahSD:

Rake is gross profit, not net profit. Deposit and withdrawal fees end up costing a solid third of rake or so all by themselves for US customers. Affiliates and rakeback cost 35% (lowered to 30% at some point) of rake for affiliated players. Running the ireland office cost like $175M/year. Plus FTP spent a boatload on advertising and pros etc
I am trying to politely tell you that you are pulling numbers out of your arse, and you do not fully understand the concept of revenue vs profit.

The profit poker sites make is way, way lower than the rake they generate. This is because of the costs involved in generating that rake. I can't believe this needs to be explained to you.

I have no problem with you not understanding how business works - there is a problem however when you take that limited knowledge and apply it to this situation, and shout loudly from the rooftops to anyone who will listen.

I only single you out because I haven't figured out whether you're connected to FTP in some indirect way, or are just really naive know-it-all that doesn't really know anything.
09-30-2011 , 06:06 AM
So since fulltilt had 4 licenses each one held by a different company and only 3 was revoked there is still a chance to sell and get back online?
09-30-2011 , 06:12 AM
Read this, vladc, and anyone else who hasn't done so yet.
09-30-2011 , 06:14 AM
Nexus, did you study finance in London?

Stop treating me like a little kid and DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH!!!!!
You disagreed with my figures before you had seen them!
The 500M is a -conservative- estimate from Forbes in 2010, not plugged anywhere.

As you can see from my math I assume they make 27.5% net profit on rake income.
If you disagree with that please use numbers to explain why and not one liners without content.

The only room I feel connected to you might have heard of; the Gutshot. Lots of financial guys there, let's continue this "debate" on their forum.

Last edited by Bubbleblower; 09-30-2011 at 06:22 AM. Reason: Gutshot reference, I am not a puppet, I am a pokerplayer!
09-30-2011 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by Bubbleblower
Nexus, did you study finance in London?

Stop treating me like a little kid and DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH!!!!!
You disagreed with my figures before you had seen them!
The 500M is a -conservative- estimate from Forbes in 2010, not plugged anywhere.

As you can see from my math I assume they make 27.5% net profit on rake income.
If you disagree with that please use numbers to explain why and not one liners without content.
They did not make 27.5% NET profit on rake generated. This is where your entire calculation - and argument - falls down.

Everything that follows is just an erroneous tangent you're going on chasing the tail of incorrect information.
09-30-2011 , 06:18 AM
And I studied Finance in Cambridge, not London
09-30-2011 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by munkey

In the UK the Telegraph, FT newspapers have continued the story today.

There was a full page feature on it in the Sunday Times this weekend, it's definitely out there in the mainstream.
09-30-2011 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by BlkJakShelak
[ ] DOJ pays out phantom deposits
[ ] Existing FTP pays out phantom deposits
[ ] New investor(s) pay out phantom deposits

Does anyone think FTP threw the list out?
It's largely irrelevant. It's been reported that only $9m of the $128m (SP) of the phantom money is still in the accounts of the phantom depositors' accounts: They were losing players. You can't not honour the account balances of the people who won that money, not that it would be possible to pinpoint what dollar "belongs" to each deposit in any case.
09-30-2011 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by NexusWR
They did not make 27.5% NET profit on rake generated. This is where your entire calculation - and argument - falls down.
If that is true then I have to accept that.

Since the numbers aren't public I don't know how much their net profit is and have to work with whatever I can find despite that or use numbers from publicly traded companies that are not fully comparitive, most of all because of the difference in processing fees.
Before they left the US market PartyPoker made 60% net profit over the rake.
I am dying to know how you are so sure FTP made less than 27.5%.
09-30-2011 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by FDSaussure
It's largely irrelevant. It's been reported that only $9m of the $128m (SP) of the phantom money is still in the accounts of the phantom depositors' accounts: They were losing players. You can't not honour the account balances of the people who won that money, not that it would be possible to pinpoint what dollar "belongs" to each deposit in any case.
Losing players lol. Most / some of the US players just withdrew the phantom deposit immediately - 100% ROI!. Repeat process, porfit, repeat process, porfit....for up to six months, or $128m.

FTP have to honour the account balances. After all they loaned the money to the phantom depositors.
09-30-2011 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by Bubbleblower
If that is true then I have to accept that.

Since the numbers aren't public I don't know how much their net profit is and have to work with whatever I can find despite that or use numbers from publicly traded companies that are not fully comparitive, most of all because of the difference in processing fees.
Before they left the US market PartyPoker made 60% net profit over the rake.
I am dying to know how you are so sure FTP made less than 27.5%.
It's statements like this that led me to call you out in the first place. Where did this figure come from? 60% net profit? Dude you are so wrong I really wonder what your motivation is for claiming these massively inflated profit margins.

Maybe you don't understand how net profit is calculated (I don't hold that against you) but in that case you should be a bit more humble in your proclaimed knowledge. You post like you have a lot of facts, when in reality you have none.

You need more question marks in your posts, as your numbers are wild guesses that have been way off every time.

Like I said, ask questions instead of making assertions and you'll be corrected without the frustration
09-30-2011 , 07:15 AM
Like my old grand daddy used to say: the less a man makes declarative statements, the less apt he is to look foolish in retrospect.
09-30-2011 , 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by duh
Like my old grand daddy used to say: the less a man makes declarative statements, the less apt he is to look foolish in retrospect.
"If a man say him a ting, then him a ting" - New man, Phone Shop (Sutton branch), 2010.
09-30-2011 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Berlino
Has any accountant been charged in this case?
Not that I know of, but Grant Thorton probably isn't sleeping well these days.
09-30-2011 , 08:09 AM
Diamond/Noah, do you know if the 30th deadline for FTP to answer the Civil Compaint has been delayed?
