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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

10-18-2011 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by mharder4
I'm sure it's been addressed already but how does noah know how much money Patrik or Ivey has/had or borrowed on their accounts?
If we say we know, we know
10-18-2011 , 03:57 PM
Does anyone really care what scott matusow has to say about anything?
10-18-2011 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by caseycjc
Does anyone really care what scott matusow has to say about anything?
Well, he has not been saying anything that got posted on 2 plus 2 so how can we answer your question
10-18-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Posemuckel
Not sure why ppl keep posting this as new. I published this 2 weeks ago with an interview with Mr Dayanim. He has been representing GBT with DOJ from the beginning, and will continue to do so. Yes, he is very experienced in this area.
As of earlier this week, the news is that negotiations continue and are still positive. There are many facets of these negotiations that need to be ironed out, so obviously it requires a lot of back and forth and it cant be accomplished in one or two meetings.
10-18-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
Yes, ball is not really in his court right now, so no news on that front. The important thing is that GBT and DOJ continue successful negotiations. This is ongoing.
Do you have sources that indicate these negotiations have been successful? Also do you have any idea when it's expected that the GBT/DOJ meetings will adjourn based on the notion that things have been going well thus far?
10-18-2011 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
Ifrah is going to say whatever is going to make the company look good. Isn't that his job? To make them look good and to keep all of us from tilting?
No. His job is to represent the interests of FTP and some of its owners to the best of his ability, to help them to stay out of jail and out of court, to the extent possible. Whether or not anyone not his client is on tilt or not is of no import whatsoever.
10-18-2011 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by cjm8301
I really hope that this isn't true about FT not accepting a plan that would get the players paid back! However it wouldn't suprise me one bit and I would be inclined to believe anyone outside of the FT camp more than anyone in it for obvious reasons at this point! These guys just keep looking worse everyday!
Afaik, there are rumors of some verbal offers made, one especially. If the numbers I heard are true, it would not have even made a dent in paying back players, when I say a dent, I mean less than 10%, and we would be in the same position we are in today.
10-18-2011 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
1. I stated before I was talking to Delweine1 who claimed to be Scott.
Translated as "I have no idea who I was talking to before. He SAID he was Scott Matusow, and I believed him and everything he said, hook, line, and sinker.

Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
2. I have recently found out that his old aim name was very similar to that and you can ask him that yourself and he will agree
Translated as "Well, guess it wasn't Scott after all. The name was close. But it wasn't him, but I believed and reported everything he said, as if it were something Scott actually said, anyway."

Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
3. The piece of info I just posted is very legit and I have someone confirming that right now
Translated as, "I'm really talking to Scott Matusow NOW and you should believe me, and if you don't, I can send you a pm where I tell you why you should believe me, even though everything I've ever reported as coming from Scott Matusow in the past has been shown to come from someone else entirely."

10-18-2011 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by _______
Tons of Europeans were withdrawing their FTP/Stars money after Black Friday, why is that suspicious? It's not like you needed any inside information to lose trust in these sites with DOJ demanding billions.
But PA didn't clear out his account after BF. He played and made money and then, just before FT got totally shut down, he stops and withdraws.

I want to know who else did this? Howard, Dwan, and Seed were on the USO trip. How much money does Huck have online?
10-18-2011 , 04:12 PM
10k plus ppl with $??000,and i want my125$
10-18-2011 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by DavidNB
Well, he has not been saying anything that got posted on 2 plus 2 so how can we answer your question
10-18-2011 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
<---- never made any guarantees
<------- not giving you or your 2nd personality Scott a 4th chance

do people really still listen/believe China or Scott Matusow? All they do is claim a ton of random things where a large majority turn out to be wrong and once in a while they are right....
10-18-2011 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
I think if Bitar was willing to warn others what was coming, he probably would have moved his own money around. AFAIK, the vast majority of all his personal assets and bank accounts were seized.
Wernt there a few private emails published sent by Bitar and Lederer that said the company was in a bad financial position and couldnt take a run on the bank.

These emails were sent before the end of June.

Are you suggesting Bitar didnt know how bad a shape the company was in financially?

He knew they were in terrible shape. yet didnt move his public/personal assets.

You are also assuming that ALL the assets seized belonging to Ray Bitar are all of his assets.

Considering the shady things FTP has done it wouldnt shock me if other assets have been hidden away via third parties.

My point was, if PA was tipped off to how bad a shape FTP was in that could have made him withdraw all his funds.

By all reports the shutdown at the end of June only sped up the situation.

They were getting deeper and deeper in debt.

It wasnt public knowledge how bad the situation was in April/May

Was PA using "insider info" to withdraw before the music stopped?

And HOW does he owe FTP money? Why didnt he square up his debt when he withdrew?
10-18-2011 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by ReflexAction
PA won 1.2 mil from BF to end of May when he stops playing. Why does he stop playing?
Pretty easy. WSOP

It wasnt public knowledge how bad the situation was in April/May
But it was arguably common sense to withdraw anyway
10-18-2011 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by StackJackin
I know he killed a lot of the pros ... come out of nowhere too... but this would be pretty dumb by dwan to..... get insider information and to chip dump ... then blast FTP on national TV... [especially after his silence was pretty much accepted]... would be hubris imo... if he is that dumb he deserves to get caught lol
Hey all these guys seem to think they'll never get caught or no one can find out anything. This makes me think about the USO, dont the performers have to go to a base and get on a military plane and get flown to the base in another country where they perform? Doesn't that mean no customs? How weird is it that Howard, Seed, Dwan were all out of the country just before and maybe during BF, who did Dwan lose to, do any of these tracking sites say?

And wait a minute, where's the rest of Dwan's money? He lost less than he won in 2010 but he didn't start from zero right? He said he lost his roll during the USO trip?

BS he didn't know what was coming.
10-18-2011 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
Afaik, there are rumors of some verbal offers made, one especially. If the numbers I heard are true, it would not have even made a dent in paying back players, when I say a dent, I mean less than 10%, and we would be in the same position we are in today.
perhaps its enough to pay ROW players while the rest wait which would make sense

i could see that happening and would be only fair, afterall the doj is american no?
10-18-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
oh man you guys are on the brink of a huge conspiracy! durrr cleverly lost millions just prior to black friday! what a sly dog.

1) warned in advance about black friday
2) dump all ur mobneys at the tables
3) ????
1) warned in advance about black friday
2) dump all ur mobneys at the tables
3) go to Europe and get the money back from the dummy account you lost it to, some high stakes buddy like PA who gives it back to you, open swiss account while there
10-18-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by DJRiccoLaw
Hey awray been a while mate,,,,, miss seeing u at all those plo final tables
when will we get our old stomping ground back
best of luck watever u are at man
Been way too long. I was just hitting my stride in March and April.

PM lets catch up outside this thread.
10-18-2011 , 04:21 PM
This is sometimes better than that new Showtime series "Homeland"
10-18-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
I know for a fact that FTP did turn down a deal early that would have gotten everyone paid but they were holding out for more $$$

And I believe that will continue to be a problem and will be the major factor in not getting the players paid sooner rather than later.

Bottom line from my point of view- the longer this drags on and they are not running the more the company deteriorates and the less likely we get paid in full. And it seems that the Board could give a **** when we get paid. Seems they feel the need to get the right deal financially for themselves while there are many players suffering which is why I hope every last one of them do some hard Federal time and get everything they have frozen.

Hopefully when the dust settles John Juanda is stuck getting staked for $200 Mtts on Merge and the rest of the posse- Ivey, Ferguson, Lederer and Furst get hard time and anything in their names is frozen by the feds. Hopefully they left a nice paper trail of where all of their hidden money is as well so that gets taken too.
Just in case anyone is new to this thread, let me point out that you know nothing for a fact, as you continually claim. You do realize that you are claiming that there was an investor, early, willing to lay out ~ $360mm?

Please feel free to post your "proof" here, or send me a PM or Email.

And while you're at it, I missed your response here:
I saw you view the post, so I know you didnt miss it
10-18-2011 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by kratos
Pretty easy. WSOP
Yeah I thought of that. But he only played two events and thats no reason to take off entire BR.
10-18-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
I saw you view the post, so I know you didnt miss it
That's pretty cool. How can you tell when someone 'views' your post?

I mean this there a way? Thanks
10-18-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
Just in case anyone is new to this thread, let me point out that you know nothing for a fact, as you continually claim. You do realize that you are claiming that there was an investor, early, willing to lay out ~ $360mm?

Please feel free to post your "proof" here, or send me a PM or Email.

And while you're at it, I missed your response here:
I saw you view the post, so I know you didnt miss it
Ok I will admit maybe using the term fact was a bit excessive . But the info I posted from that thread is basically the point I wanted to make.

I am going to take the word of someone closer to the situation (who has nothing to gain by lying) that has sources over some guy who is representing FTP and denies there was ever a deal in place to pay all of the players.

These guys are greedy criminals here and want more than just to get the average joe paid
10-18-2011 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
Just in case anyone is new to this thread, let me point out that you know nothing for a fact, as you continually claim. You do realize that you are claiming that there was an investor, early, willing to lay out ~ $360mm?

Please feel free to post your "proof" here, or send me a PM or Email.

And while you're at it, I missed your response here:
I saw you view the post, so I know you didnt miss it
pm sent
10-18-2011 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
Wernt there a few private emails published sent by Bitar and Lederer that said the company was in a bad financial position and couldnt take a run on the bank.

These emails were sent before the end of June.
If you are referring to the email named in the amended complaint,afaik that was addressed to specific individuals and certainly not to every red pro, team member or even every owner.

Are you suggesting Bitar didnt know how bad a shape the company was in financially?
On the contrary, I think he knew for a very long time how bad things were, I do not think he knew that BF was happening when it did. FTP's problems with finances did not happen quickly, it was a long process, getting progressively worse.

He knew they were in terrible shape. yet didnt move his public/personal assets.

You are also assuming that ALL the assets seized belonging to Ray Bitar are all of his assets.
I have reason to believe the seized assets are a very significant portion of his worth yes. No assumptions.

Considering the shady things FTP has done it wouldnt shock me if other assets have been hidden away via third parties.

My point was, if PA was tipped off to how bad a shape FTP was in that could have made him withdraw all his funds.
I think everyone realized or should have, how bad it was on BF or shortly thereafter, especially once US players could not be paid. Anyone in ROW should have withdrawn (or tried to) as soon as they were able imo. I obviously can't speak as to why PA did or did not

By all reports the shutdown at the end of June only sped up the situation.

They were getting deeper and deeper in debt.
Agree 100%

It wasnt public knowledge how bad the situation was in April/May

Was PA using "insider info" to withdraw before the music stopped?
I don't know that he did withdraw or what info he had.

And HOW does he owe FTP money? Why didnt he square up his debt when he withdrew?
Its been stated before that players had loans due to FTP.
As to your second question, thats a good question, but again, I do not know that he did withdraw.
