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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-19-2011 , 12:59 PM
I thought they said that 15th (19th) september was the total last date or can they postpone it even further?
09-19-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by jweez
I think the main reason why people don't want to continue with these postponements is because quite frankly whether we admit it or not we've all come to accept that the money on FTP is likely as good as gone. We are all sick and tired of this charade of refreshing 2p2 all day long waiting for an answer. At this point it would almost be more satisfying for AGCC to pull the rug out from beneath FTP and send them into bankruptcy. I think the majority of us need closure more than anything else.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather have equity in my FTP money than closure (some chance that they find an investment > no chance that they find an investment).
09-19-2011 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by jweez
I think the main reason why people don't want to continue with these postponements is because quite frankly whether we admit it or not we've all come to accept that the money on FTP is likely as good as gone. We are all sick and tired of this charade of refreshing 2p2 all day long waiting for an answer. At this point it would almost be more satisfying for AGCC to pull the rug out from beneath FTP and send them into bankruptcy. I think the majority of us need closure more than anything else.
Lol it's been like 5 months I think demanding closure is premature, and seeking closure over monies is absurd.
09-19-2011 , 01:03 PM
Yea def agree about needing closure, im just hoping they can start serving row players, even if it is threw KGC. Kinda moved along and if i see my ftp $ back I'll take it as a bink bonus.
09-19-2011 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleDealing
FTP is dead, except it, move on. No one with $300M+ is going to invest in this, and if they do its going to go south unless they are willing to put in another $200M and willing to hire lots of pros, who they will have to lend money to play on TV and on the site. No one, except maybe PS, who doesn't need to do it like they used it, is going to do this again. The wild west days of online Poker are gone.
This is true, however, someone might invest that money into tiltware. It's not FTP that is important, it's the software.
09-19-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by eX3cution
Why wouldn't you want FTP to drag it as much as possible, increasing their time to find an investor...?

I don't understand why people think that the AGCC will help the players somehow. They won't. They can't.

The hearings are just so that they kind of look "official" and to try to save face because ultimately, we wouldn't have money tied up on this site if they did their job in the first place.
We don't want FTP to drag it out as long as possible unless they can find an investor, which seems unlikely at this point. The more they delay the more money FTP pisses away and there's less money to be paid to players. Its far better if FTP goes BK and can back a small % of player monies then if they wast time time looking for investors that aren't there and spend every least dime.

Lets face it there are no investors and there never will be FTP just wants to wast time till they spend every last dollar. FTP will continue to delay, paying themselves and spending money and players will not get a penny. Time to force them into BK somehow.
09-19-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by eX3cution
I don't know about you, but rather have equity in my FTP money than closure (some chance that they find an investment > no chance that they find an investment).
Yeah but IMO the overwhelming majority of this forum believes that bankruptcy is all but a certainty and prolonging this process actually diminishes our equity. So if you believe the % probability of bankruptcy is very near 100% then the 0.1% chance (or whatever) of FTP repaying becomes basically irrelevant when we're looking at total equity of the situation.

Especially if you believe that the majority of your total equity will come from a bankruptcy/liquidation of FTP since this value diminishes with time. So if you have this opinion and are in fact most interested in your own personal dollar equity then waiting and postponing doesn't help. Based on that notion, a quicker fate only benefits us.
09-19-2011 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by frozendonk
re: Kevmode's rant. I have to say in his defense, that if you look at at the only thread that he has started he gave his screen name. If you look him up on sharkscope he is definitely a decent winner on FT.

Before calling someone a level and a loser do some basic research.

His baseless optimism and writing style makes my head hurt but to be fair he won some decent money and is certainly not a busto fish.

That is why I don't think he IS a mindless fool Or a loser. I think he is a decent FTP player running a brilliant level on the thread. Hell I have no proof, just my gut feeling. Hope he continues
09-19-2011 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by novahunterpa
We don't want FTP to drag it out as long as possible unless they can find an investor, which seems unlikely at this point. The more they delay the more money FTP pisses away and there's less money to be paid to players. Its far better if FTP goes BK and can back a small % of player monies then if they wast time time looking for investors that aren't there and spend every least dime.

Lets face it there are no investors and there never will be FTP just wants to wast time till they spend every last dollar. FTP will continue to delay, paying themselves and spending money and players will not get a penny. Time to force them into BK somehow.
On the money IMO. No way there are any investors now or they would have been in and sorted much much earlier.

To me it seems like the top guys are dragging it out as much as possible to try and cover tracks and hide monies. I can;t see any other logical reason. Obv thats pure speculation.
09-19-2011 , 01:25 PM
I stopped following much of the FT drama months ago, but I wish all of you with frozen money the very best. Not much else I can say but I hope some cataclysmic miracle occurs and all of you can get justice.

09-19-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by BurnleyMik
On the money IMO. No way there are any investors now or they would have been in and sorted much much earlier.

To me it seems like the top guys are dragging it out as much as possible to try and cover tracks and hide monies. I can;t see any other logical reason. Obv thats pure speculation.
I think this is very likely the case but TBH my gut feeling is that these guys are deathly afraid of the pending class-action lawsuits and criminal cases. I think they're reeling and desperate and honestly do not know what their next move is going to be. They're just trying to prolong the inevitable in the hopes that some ridiculous miracle happens.
09-19-2011 , 01:31 PM
I would be surprised if the AGCC allowed Full Tilt to have a private hearing without proof of some sort of investor interest.

Otherwise that seems to alter their role from (I assume) incompetent regulation to colluding with Full Tilt against players.
09-19-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Hairy Chinese Kid
Otherwise that seems to alter their role from (I assume) incompetent regulation to colluding with Full Tilt against players.
It seems like most people are under the impression this is the case now. AGCC is going to do whatever possible to hide their negligence in this situation. That would be catastrophically bad for them if they can be partially blamed for allowing this situation to get to this point.
09-19-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by jweez
It seems like most people are under the impression this is the case now. AGCC is going to do whatever possible to hide their negligence in this situation. That would be catastrophically bad for them if they can be partially blamed for allowing this situation to get to this point.
I'm not sure about that tbh. I would be very surprised if they have done anything up to this point that could get them into trouble. I.e. regularly checking Full Tilt's books audited by whichever body was necessary etc etc.

I am not saying their regulation seems to be very good, but I can't see them doing something that would make them culpable at this point. I am not sure what they could have done differently post BF.

Having said that maybe the AGCC have no obligation to have this hearing in public, and just decided not to in order to minimise publicity, regardless of whether FT have an investor or not...
09-19-2011 , 01:40 PM
Also dont think this has been mentionned much but, mayb once the heat starts turning up on ftp hier ups they will start rating out on each other...
09-19-2011 , 01:52 PM
so we basically have to wait for ftp or the agcc to release a statement. fun.
09-19-2011 , 01:53 PM
Dunno about you guys but I'm really looking forward to closure so I don't have to come on 2p2 everyday anymore. I'll probably come check in on the PL forum when something is developing in the US legislation but other than that I'm making a clean break when this is done!
09-19-2011 , 01:54 PM
no news?
09-19-2011 , 01:59 PM
Does Full Tilt not have the money to operate? I don't read every (not even 10%) of the posts on here, but wouldn't Full Tilt want this hearing to be completed, potentially get their license back so that they can operate again? My thought is that there would be a better chance at an investor then, however maybe I am completely off base and have no idea what I am talking about?
09-19-2011 , 02:04 PM
I think everyone, including FTP, would love to see them go back online. Them going back online would only increase the money they have and give us a better chance to get paid. I thought if they were able to stay online long enough we would have our money by the end of the year no matter what when BF first hit, but with them being down longer and longer it only complicates getting funds together. Now they have to show the money to give to us before they can get back up and all sorts of problems. No going to be easy to be paid back in full, but I have always felt in my gut that it will happen.
09-19-2011 , 02:05 PM
So, when should we be expecting results about the hearing?
09-19-2011 , 02:09 PM
The hearing is over right? Its ~7 PM in London.
09-19-2011 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by ZFC
Nobody wants to be PK's CEO right now. The pros have not made a single statement since BF and are hiding behind lawyers. When FTP goes down Bittar will be made the scapegoat and that's easier for Howard and the rest than accepting any of the blame.
I've heard versions of this theory as well. It's definitely a possible explanation.
09-19-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by yesright
I think the poster means Ray Bitar might have some huge dirt on the other major shareholders.

We dont know exactly who knew what about the banking stuff.

They may have also done other transaction stuff which may considered illegal in some jurisdictions.

We just don't know.

We do know they are capable of doing some dodgy stuff.

Have to wonder who will be the first one to run to the DOJ and win the immunity challenge?
That's also possible.
09-19-2011 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by coolnout
so we basically have to wait for ftp or the agcc to release a statement. fun.
I think that this is what FTP may be trying to do with one last shot:

1- FTP will tell the AGCC that they need until Jan 15th 2012 to secure a new investor, but they can't name for privacy / competitive reasons (pending US poker regulation)

2- FTP will actively seek the remote chance of a wealthy investor purchasing the company to maximize their control / profit (very doubtful but nothing to lose)

3- FTP will wait until the new POKER Regulation is passed on Jan 1st in the US. It's very likely that FTP has already spoken with potential US casinos with the selling point of 1,000s of existing US players as new customers, a large advantage over any other US competitor.

A FTP / Casino merger can only happen if the Poker Regualtion is passed on Jan 1st. Those jaded FTP customers would definitely stay with FTP since the new merger would be regulated by a US agency.

A Casino would be intrigued by having a turnkey operation venturing into the online poker business. FTP offers a leading edge software platform and a existing base of US customers, that would be number one in the world.

A FTP / Casino Merger looks like the perfect marriage, very little love but all about the money.

This to me it's FTP's last shot with another 4 months of this being dragged out.

Last edited by Fiveafterfive; 09-19-2011 at 02:21 PM.
