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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-11-2011 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by la6ki
I wasn't actually. I had been waiting for about 25 days for one of my withdrawals when AGCC pulled the plug. I still think I had better chances of seeing that money if they hadn't pulled the plug, compared to my chances now.
Oh I see. The AGCC should let FTP keep their license so you and other people withdrawing can take whatever was left in the FT bank, and everyone else can GTFO?

The AGCC had no other option. Once you see past your self-interest, you will realise this was the case.
09-11-2011 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by V-Delaney
Oh I see. The AGCC should let FTP keep their license so you and other people withdrawing can take whatever was left in the FT bank, and everyone else can GTFO?

The AGCC had no other option. Once you see past your self-interest, you will realise this was the case.
That's what I asked initially. Who benefited from what the AGCC did? **** my self interest, tell me whose interest trumped it.
09-11-2011 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by la6ki
That's what I asked initially. Who benefited from what the AGCC did? **** my self interest, tell me whose interest trumped it.
anyone who would have deposited into the black void
09-11-2011 , 08:41 AM
The ONLY thing that the AGCC got right as far as I am concerned is that when they closed down FTP on 29 June they made it a condition that nobody could make any deposits or withdrawals.

As for the closure itself it certainly didnt help FTP but it did stop them from robbing potential future depositors but somehow they should have also tried to segregate all remaining money in the company which no doubt has subsequently dwindled away through lawyers and everyday running expenses.

Whether they could have actually done that or not I am not sure as maybe The DoJ indictments prevented FTP from doing anything with assets or remaining cash in bank accounts but we will never know exactly what could or could not have been done until we get more information.

Regardless of any previous to BF and 29 June criminal acts that may or may not have been committed any money squandered/spent after those dates imo is a criminal act as all of it is/was player money from that point on as it was blatantly obvious to The AGCC and FTP that it was no longer their money to spend on anything at all and would only add to any player fund shortfall.
09-11-2011 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
I already posted this when it first came out, but here it is again:
09-11-2011 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by SuperJez
anyone who would have deposited into the black void
Is this more money saved than the player money that was sent to hell by shutting down the site?

This is such a bad policy. They did a horrible job initially, and NOW they want to correct for their past mistakes by making it almost impossible for players who rely on that money for their and their families' lives (millions of $) to get it back with the intention of saving a bunch of recreational players who don't give a damn about how much they lose anyway?

I mean, this is so bad that I can compare to things like a parent spoiling their child and then wanting to correct their mistake by severely punishing the child which ****s him/her up even more.
09-11-2011 , 08:45 AM
Has there been any discussion on what the situation with FT would be now, if BF did not happen? Presumably, the way the business appears to have been run, it would have eventually had to crash eventually. In that situation, players would be even less likely to receive their funds back as FT's financial situation would have been even worse. Sounds like a reasonable guess?
09-11-2011 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by FrenchNoob
Here is the complete motion filed to Superior Court of Quebec for approval :

The Part C) THE SITUATION is pretty interesting and could be posted as a good "cliffs" post regarding FTP and BF.

Apparently, the main plaintiff would own between 1$ and 5$ on FTP (no extra numbers missing here) !!!

One interesting point with this collective action is that, as stated in the motion : "given the costs and risks inherent in an action before the courts, many people will hesitate to institute an individual action against the Respondents."

If what the PR says on the CLG web site proves true, then this could prove appealing for canadian players regardless of how much of their $ are stuck on FTP :

PS : I have no connexion with this or any other info that which was posted on their site [/url]

Story's been reported by Montreal Gazette and other sources.

The motion PDF makes a good read for anyone looking to know things such as living adresses of defendants or the official adress of FTP Offices in L.A.

I am somewhat surprised they would publicly release things like Phil Ivey's home adress... or asserting things like he's owning "at least 5%" of FTP. I am noting that those info and assertions were absent of US lawsuits.
Thanks for posting the claim FrenchNoob.

First impressions are somewhat like Diamond_Flush -doesn't look like they fully understand the timeline or particulars of the case but seem experts in class actions . Quite a few 'allegations' of points which are yet to be established as Facts. This class is also closed to the set of Canadian or as a subset Québec residents.

DECLARE that all members of the class that have not requested their exclusion, be bound by any judgement to be rendered on the class action to be instituted in the manner provided for by the law;
Is this a 'standard' phrase, how is it to be interpreted given there already exists a Canadian class action lawsuit of similarly situated persons. How do the Courts (assuming all filed in the same jurisdiction) resolve multiple class action lawsuits where the classes are identical but the allegations of facts and requests for relief are different?

Do they just allow equivalent notice of action to all members and allow them to join whichever class they choose?

They refer to the "online player balances" and accounts online in several sections.

They also ask for an order be granted that their notice be posted on the FTP site.

Section 40 is particularly interesting:
The company Terricorp Inc., doing business as “TLC Global”, and which acted as a third party processor for Full Tilt, has the following accounts in Canada;
So they are targeting locally based assets. I'm fairly sure that these are the same accounts under restraint by the Canadian Courts on request by the DOJ. I don't have time to comment much further on this point but it's one that stands out as the most contentious point. Was Terricorp a sole processor to Canada or just based there?

All I'll say is IF the Canadian Courts rule in favour of the Plaintiff's on these assets (having control of them) whilst under DOJ foreign MLA restraint request then it would appear that it would set as a precedent in this case that a player's chance of getting funds back ends up being mostly a function of where the restrained accounts lie.
Originally Posted by DoTheMath
If the class action is successful and they get a court ordered payment, then they will be ahed of unsecured creditors. As it stands, this is bad news for ROTW players, because they are not included in TT's class definition.
Can someone confirm but I thought the first Canadian class action lawsuit by Whelan et al. refers to all similarly situated persons and since is filed in SDNY by these Canadian residents allows anyone from the ROW (incl. US residents) to be joined to this class?

So the foreign twin-track litigation begins. Probably only a matter of time before we see a European claim and maybe brought with the support of a State body. Maybe the new Roll's building in London will get used...
09-11-2011 , 08:46 AM
One thing I don`t think have been put focus on is why they are taking so long time.

Isn`t it obvious? The investors want`s to wait til the last second to get the best possible price, and not only that, they want to use most possible time to come up with a strategy to get back in the market.

I wouldn`t worry to much that it hasn`t been to much info so far. Let`s hope they have a done deal and will open again after the hearing next week.
09-11-2011 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by pokerpunchout
If I ever see Lederer, Bitar, or Ferguson in public I will kick them square in the nuts!
agree, if we can't get our money we should take the nuts of these redpros instead.
09-11-2011 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Sunsi
One thing I don`t think have been put focus on is why they are taking so long time.

Isn`t it obvious? The investors want`s to wait til the last second to get the best possible price, and not only that, they want to use most possible time to come up with a strategy to get back in the market.

I wouldn`t worry to much that it hasn`t been to much info so far. Let`s hope they have a done deal and will open again after the hearing next week.
Nothing is obvious. Hardly anyone except for the few "suits" knows very much for sure. Much opinion and speculation, but that is what a forum is for in the main. The whole story will come out eventully and you may be right after all or you may be a wishfull thinker. Guess we will see
09-11-2011 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by la6ki
I wasn't actually. I had been waiting for about 25 days for one of my withdrawals when AGCC pulled the plug. I still think I had better chances of seeing that money if they hadn't pulled the plug, compared to my chances now.
Maybe you personally did, but it would been at the harm of other players. I can't see how they had any choice. The questions are more why did it take so long.

Originally Posted by la6ki
Is this more money saved than the player money that was sent to hell by shutting down the site?

This is such a bad policy. They did a horrible job initially, and NOW they want to correct for their past mistakes by making it almost impossible for players who rely on that money for their and their families' lives (millions of $) to get it back with the intention of saving a bunch of recreational players who don't give a damn about how much they lose anyway?

I mean, this is so bad that I can compare to things like a parent spoiling their child and then wanting to correct their mistake by severely punishing the child which ****s him/her up even more.
Sure some people were professional but recreational and professional are in the same ship and should be treated the same. You weren't employees of the site, just players the same as anyone else.
09-11-2011 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by TheRaiderr
Maybe you personally did, but it would been at the harm of other players. I can't see how they had any choice. The questions are more why did it take so long.

Sure some people were professional but recreational and professional are in the same ship and should be treated the same. You weren't employees of the site, just players the same as anyone else.
Yeah but the point it, you are sacrificing hundreds of millions to save thousands. DUCY this is a bad policy?
09-11-2011 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by la6ki
Yeah but the point it, you are sacrificing hundreds of millions to save thousands. DUCY this is a bad policy?
Bad policies everywhere, so many victims, a few "suits" skating away free, very few winners , worse than it had to be for sure!
09-11-2011 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by la6ki
Yeah but the point it, you are sacrificing hundreds of millions to save thousands. DUCY this is a bad policy?
This is the ****ing problem with non-segregated accounts. They can be closed down and use player funds for operating costs. The first thing that should have been done upon shutdown would have been for the ring-fencing to happen immediately, not a couple of ****ing months later when they realise a deal might not be done

Eff Eff Ess!!!

Last edited by SGT RJ; 09-11-2011 at 10:10 AM. Reason: circumventing the profanity filter
09-11-2011 , 10:04 AM
I have no grounds for saying this, but it is my uneducated opinion that Full Tilt is going to come back, and people will get paid. Let's all be blindly positive for a month or two - and if no progress has been made, snap into a blind rage and toilet paper Lederer's mansion.
09-11-2011 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by STJGreen
I have no grounds for saying this, but it is my uneducated opinion that Full Tilt is going to come back, and people will get paid. Let's all be blindly positive for a month or two - and if no progress has been made, snap into a blind rage and toilet paper Lederer's mansion.
Lots of posters ITT doing ^^ two months ago! Not so many these days

Time to toilet paper IMO. Obv not as good in Nevada as in the UK, where the roll almost 100% guaranteed to get wet and stick to roofing for days but any action (with pics) is good
09-11-2011 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by STJGreen
I have no grounds for saying this, but it is my uneducated opinion that Full Tilt is going to come back, and people will get paid. Let's all be blindly positive for a month or two - and if no progress has been made, snap into a blind rage and toilet paper Lederer's mansion.
We should get some answer the next Monday... Not wait for a month or two..
09-11-2011 , 10:15 AM
Call me pessimistic, but I doubt we'll be getting any significant answers on the 19th.
09-11-2011 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Diamond_Flush
Just because you were receiving cashouts post BF, does not mean everyone was sir. Congrats on being part of the "chosen/lucky" group, but Ive heard from scores of ppl that tried and got zero, including many with 6 figure balances.
In the end, just consider the fact, keeping FTP open would not have gotten everyone paid, I dont understand what part of that people do not understand.

Originally Posted by vamooose
Let an (effectively) Ponzi continue at the benefit only of existing US customers

No decent regulator would do this

I bet you Madoff's existing investors were crying the same line
Originally Posted by V-Delaney
Oh I see. The AGCC should let FTP keep their license so you and other people withdrawing can take whatever was left in the FT bank, and everyone else can GTFO?

The AGCC had no other option. Once you see past your self-interest, you will realise this was the case.
chances of EVERYONE getting paid without license suspension>>>chances of EVERYONE getting paid with license suspension.

very poor-stupid management, yes. ponzi scheme, not.

If you don't see that probably you are feeble-minded.
09-11-2011 , 10:24 AM
19th hearing will probably go similar to the last one, FTP ask for more time... will AGCC give it?? Personally, I hope they do. Frustrating as it is, time is needed for FTP to either get investors or go bankrupt .
09-11-2011 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Call me pessimistic, but I doubt we'll be getting any significant answers on the 19th.
How can we not? You think they will postpone it again?
If not.. Isn`t it either they get a investor and license back, or they don`t.
09-11-2011 , 10:36 AM
I think it's entirely possible that FTP will ask for and get another delay.

Maybe I'm just numb at this point. Every deadline for some sort of news (meeting or press release) has usually been a significant letdown. So I'm keeping my expectations very, very low.
09-11-2011 , 10:39 AM
I think they would want a final extension but won't get one. They probably know they won't get one though and will be prepared for that
09-11-2011 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Hash1982
19th hearing will probably go similar to the last one, FTP ask for more time... will AGCC give it?? Personally, I hope they do. Frustrating as it is, time is needed for FTP to either get investors or go bankrupt .
I am sure anymore if I want them to get another extension. I want this to end.
