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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

09-15-2011 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by YaBoyINthe604
so there will be no new news until FT decides to let us know where are $ is?
The layoffs are new news.
The lack of serious investors is new (if unsurprising) news.

As far as our money, it is apparently gone.
09-15-2011 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by YaBoyINthe604
so there will be no new news until FT decides to let us know where are $ is?
I don't think it's a mystery where the money is or where it went. The mystery is whether or not you're going to see any of it back.

I wonder if it's possible to put any pressure on the DOJ to release a statement as to their intentions with the confiscated money? I'm sure it's not their policy to comment on pending litigation but with so much public money locked up it seems like this might be a good time for an exception.

I would be interested in knowing if any of the attorneys for the plaintiffs have bothered asking for a list of account names and balances. I'm sure there's some sort of privacy issue involved but maybe players could be send an email to FTP allowing them to release the info? There has to be some way to make the info public.

Last edited by EYESCREW; 09-15-2011 at 06:43 AM.
09-15-2011 , 07:44 AM
Some little snippits of info on a forum from Ireland with some (apparent) current and ex-staff of Pocket Kings talking about being "sent home" and "doing nothing" for past 3 months.
09-15-2011 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by hepzebah
Some little snippits of info on a forum from Ireland with some (apparent) current and ex-staff of Pocket Kings talking about being "sent home" and "doing nothing" for past 3 months.
I work there, people were sent home yesterday to contemplate the news which they had been given. Back to "work" today however, although that in itself is bemusing, as we have not been doing anything work related for nearing 3 months now!
nice work if you can get it!
09-15-2011 , 08:25 AM
Ha,ha,I just came across TafferBoy's cliffs.If i have a vote for POTY,#4018 ITT takes it.
09-15-2011 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by vamooose
nice work if you can get it!
WOW paying the players back #1 priority while 700 employees could have made big money shipping tourneys and colluding on the push/fold tables or bonuswhoring instead of just burning our money.
Competent management would have created brand new poker software in 3 months and put it away for later.
09-15-2011 , 08:54 AM
Who from management is still there? Hearing on Monday
09-15-2011 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by card52100
Who from management is still there? Hearing on Monday
What Hearing?

I thought it was a private discussion group.......

(probably with lobster being served for lunch)
09-15-2011 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Hdemet
What Hearing?

I thought it was a private discussion group.......

(probably with lobster being served for lunch)
Anything new from your sources? Your posts lately have been a bit
09-15-2011 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by momo_the_kid
09-15-2011 , 11:37 AM
Can any lawyers enlighten us on how Full Tilt isn't trading whilst insolvent here?
09-15-2011 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
Can any lawyers enlighten us on how Full Tilt isn't trading whilst insolvent here?
IANAL but I'm sure they'd need to be formally declared insolvent before they can be guilty of that.
09-15-2011 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by OnWithTheShow

Also, FAKE SALE for the win... That crew Annie used to run around with perfected it, so why not?

This scam is unfolding as predicted if you ask me
...i wonder what annie's ethic committee has to say about that...
09-15-2011 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by theDEADLYscorpion
IANAL but I'm sure they'd need to be formally declared insolvent before they can be guilty of that.
IANAL either but I believe it's illegal to trade if they know they are insolvent.
09-15-2011 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
This really isn't a good comparison imo. Full Tilt could easily be discussing an arrangement to be bought out with an investor for all we know. We don't have facts on whether or not Full Tilt has an actual investor or not so pipe down with your negativity sir. There is a hearing on the 19th and maybe on that day there will be shed a lot more light on the situation.
Actually, we do. They have hired Seaport Securities to find them one. This means they don't have one.

I feel for you Kev, but you won't be able to play there again unless you move. They won't be serving the US again. If you did move country you're even more committed to them than I thought.

This isn't 'negative speculation' anymore. These are verifiable facts.
09-15-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by NexusWR
Actually, we do. They have hired Seaport Securities to find them one. This means they don't have one.

I feel for you Kev, but you won't be able to play there again unless you move. They won't be serving the US again. If you did move country you're even more committed to them than I thought.

This isn't 'negative speculation' anymore. These are verifiable facts.
I was actually thinking about moving so I could play on Stars but I am not sure if I am ready for that step yet. The 19th of this month should give everyone a better understanding as to where Full Tilt stands in this whole process.
09-15-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by NexusWR
Actually, we do. They have hired Seaport Securities to find them one. This means they don't have one.

I feel for you Kev, but you won't be able to play there again unless you move. They won't be serving the US again. If you did move country you're even more committed to them than I thought.

This isn't 'negative speculation' anymore. These are verifiable facts.
You aren't 100% correct in those 'facts'. They've hired the consulting firm, yes, but you're assuming they've just now hired them. This assumption is not what I'd consider a verifiable fact. The consulting firm may have been retained by FTP weeks ago, there is nothing verifiable indicating when in fact this firm was brought on board. So kevmode may be correct, you may be correct, we just don't know. You aren't in any more of a position to be making those statements than kevmode.
09-15-2011 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by pajala
in b4 ps is accused of righting the press release for full tilt
Good thing your not 'righting' the press release for full tilt.
09-15-2011 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by FTPMichelle
Good thing your not 'righting' the press release for full tilt.
09-15-2011 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by kevmode
I was actually thinking about moving so I could play on Stars but I am not sure if I am ready for that step yet. The 19th of this month should give everyone a better understanding as to where Full Tilt stands in this whole process.
The only silver lining in all of this is that when we finally do find out we lost all of our money at least I will know that you lost money. That is enough to make me smile anyway.
09-15-2011 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by TafferBoy
Ha Ha Ooops!
09-15-2011 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by TafferBoy
09-15-2011 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by dav-m
i dont care nothing, just give my money back.
we the people who have nothing left to lose should get together find each and every person remotely related to full tilt and show them what people who have nothing left to lose are able to do....

i found lothar rentschler on a "highlife" approximated 100.000 Dollar wedding in Göttweig Austria, I also know he has a girlfriend in my homecity and i have her name and can easily find out her home adress....

so i heard lothar is a really likeable guy and since friends of me are friends of his friends i am sure we might have been friends to. But i don't give a **** for anyone even if he has nothing to do directly with that fraud i am sure at least he had a clue what was going on and just didn't care because for his own profit like each other full tilt employee gaining exorbitant earnings.

earnings that turned out to be paid of players (my) funds.
09-15-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
I think it's more likely that no audit was done. We know they had huge holes in their books just from the inability to collect US deposits, I would not be shocked if they somehow stalled and received an extension on their yearly audit, hoping to find a way to collect on those missing funds and square the books up. Then Black Friday hits, suddenly there's a run on the bank, and it all comes crashing down. If there's a failure in regulation, I bet it's something like that rather than just straight up massive fraud and lying.
From earlier ITT:

Originally Posted by LedaSon

That's the most recent audit that was posted by Harry.
09-15-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by explayer
we the people who have nothing left to lose should
do the <30 second bit in the fight for poker rights thread daily. just saying, doesn't seem like enough people do it for how many people post in nvg. i started last week, and that stuff takes almost no effort and less than 30 seconds a day.
